Sports Biomechanics

(The H4-Index of Sports Biomechanics is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The biomechanics of running and running styles: a synthesis59
Machine learning in sports science: challenges and opportunities37
Novel technology in sports biomechanics: some words of caution34
Concussion biomechanics, head acceleration exposure and brain injury criteria in sport: a review33
The influence of decision making and divided attention on lower limb biomechanics associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury: a narrative review28
The role of the biomechanics analyst in swimming training and competition analysis26
What have we learnt from quantitative case reports of acute lateral ankle sprains injuries and episodes of ‘giving-way’ of the ankle joint, and what shall we further investigate?24
Loading mechanisms of the anterior cruciate ligament23
Trunk motion and anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a narrative review of injury videos and controlled jump-landing and cutting tasks23
The future of in-field sports biomechanics: wearables plus modelling compute real-time in vivo tissue loading to prevent and repair musculoskeletal injuries22
Propulsive forces in human competitive swimming: a systematic review on direct assessment methods22
Differences in the locomotion biomechanics and dynamic postural control between individuals with chronic ankle instability and copers: a systematic review20
Understanding the effects of training on underwater undulatory swimming performance and kinematics20
Validity and reliability of an eight antennae ultra-wideband local positioning system to measure performance in an indoor environment19
An ecological dynamics approach to ACL injury risk research: a current opinion19
Intra- and inter-cycle velocity variations in sprint front crawl swimming18
Kiss goodbye to the ‘kissing knees’: no association between frontal plane inward knee motion and risk of future non-contact ACL injury in elite female athletes18
Estimation of maximum sprinting speed with timing gates: greater accuracy of 5-m split times compared to 10-m splits18