Textile-Cloth and Culture

(The TQCC of Textile-Cloth and Culture is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stitching Alive by Marjorie Coleman7
CONTEXTILE2020, PLACES OF MEMORY: Inter-Discourses of a Textile Territory.6
Fashionable Bauhaus: Translating the Bauhaus Esthetics into Textile and Fashion Design4
Weaving as a Livelihood Option: A Study of the Bhulia Weaver Community in Odisha, India4
The “Authenticity Discourse” in Contemporary Application of West African Textiles4
Embroidery as Activist Translation in Latin America4
Bisa Butler: Portraits4
Weaving Webs of Protection: Gringsing Textiles4
Jewish Beauty Pageants in Interwar Poland: Entertainment, Beauty Ideal, and National Emotions3
What is to Hand: The Fold as Landscape Within Textile Imagination2
Translating Tigers: The Visual Rhetoric of Fashion Communication in Kenzo’s Logo2
A Return Through the Origins of Modernity … Pishi-pishimanta, awaspa, ñawpa kawsayniyta, saphiykunata, tarishani …2
Shakespeare in Rajasthan: Character, Emotion, and Gesture in Clothing2
Clothing, Emotion and Consumption in Colonial New South Wales2
Unspooling Die Gramgewinde: Writing with Gunta Stölzl on Grief-Threads and Grief-Portals2
Stitching a Divided City2
A Designer’s Perspective on a Creative Era in Knitwear Design: British Fashion Knitwear 1970–19902
Introduction: Textiles and Trauma1
The New Normal: Textile Crafts in Kutch Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Identification of Blended Hemp Textiles from the Middle Ages to the 20thCentury1
Deco Dandy: Designing Masculinity in 1920s Paris Deco Dandy: Designing Masculinity in 1920s Paris , John Potvin, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. 300 pp.1
Natural Practices: The Creative Autonomy Encoded within First Nations Dye and Weaving Processes of the Chilkat Blanket1
The Reflection of Ancient Ages Ganos Mountain Byzantine Amphoras on Fabric and Clothing Design1
STEAM at Work: “Translating” Science into Dress1
A Hybrid Alternative for Mobile Generations: Fashion Interior as a Portable Architecture for Indonesian Millennials1
Bark/Birch/Birkenau (A Conversation with Giuseppe Penone, Georges Didi-Huberman and Gerhard Richter)1
“Authentic and What Real Muslims Wore”: Medieval Textiles as a Source of Religious Authenticity in Contemporary Knitting Patterns1
The Fabric of Our Lives: Reflections From Maria Balshaw1
Authenticity and Place-Based Knitwear: Fair Isle and Aran Knitting in Shetland and the West of Ireland1
From Shirts to Arpilleras – Derry’s Textile Heritage Continues1
Story of Pharad: In the Words of the Artisan1
Ties That Bind or Exclude? Knitting and Craft Groups as Contested Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion1
Maker to Wearer: A Transfer of Intention1
Bandolier Bags and Indigenous Modernism1
Modern Confections: Jews, New Women, and the Business of Fashion in Imperial Berlin1
Terroir in a Dress. Understanding Antwerp-Style Fashion1
The Big Rainbow Knit: Revisiting Craftivist Practices through Place-Based Making1
“To Buy Him a Pair of Gloves”: Glove Etiquette, Fashion Consumption and the Building of Respectable Images in The Newcomes1
A Comparative Study on the Techniques, Tools and Materials for Indigenous Weaving in Ghana1
The Lesbian Quilt Manifesto1
Embroidering the Traumatized “Cloth-Skin-Body”: Suffragette Embroidered Cloths Worked in Holloway Prison, 1911–19121
Styling the “Ivy” Man: Jewish Men as Creators and Consumers of an American Style, 1940–19651
Designing Dua Negeri (Two Countries) Batik Influenced by Indonesia and Thailand Shared Culture to Enrich the Batik Repertoire in Both Countries1
Economic Effects of Covid-19 on the Indian Carpet Industry1
Introduction: Cloth and Textile in Translation1
The 4th Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art The 4th Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art , Zhejiang Art Museum, October 18 – December 5, 2022 1
Beyond Phu-Tai Matmii Handwoven Silk Fabric: Weaving Pattern Design, Ancestral Wisdom, and Originality1
Weaving Beyond the Binary1
The Predicament of Suzhou Embroidery: Implications of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China1
“Y Sin Embargo Te Quiero” (And Yet, I Love You): An Ethnographic Study of Economic Policy and Colonial Hegemonies Encoded in the Recommodification of Used Garments1
Threads of Empowerment. Conflict Textiles’ International Journey , Ulster Museum, Belfast, June 21, 2024–April 27, 20251
Creativity and Design in a Contemporary Knitwear Business: An Interview with Di Gilpin and Sheila Greenwell1
Thread Bearing Witness at the Somerset Rural Life Museum, Glastonbury1