International Journal of Aeroacoustics

(The median citation count of International Journal of Aeroacoustics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A physics merged deep neural network-based prediction method for jet turbulent mixing noise40
Leading edge serrations for the reduction of aerofoil self-noise at low angle of attack, pre-stall and post-stall conditions15
Fundamental investigation using active plasma control to reduce blade–vortex interaction noise12
Experimental noise reduction (aeroacoustical enhancement) of a large diameter axial flow cooling fan through a reduction in blade tip clearance11
Investigations of three over-the-rotor liner concepts at various technology readiness levels11
SwirlProp: A tool for sound propagation and attenuation in swirling flows11
Flow and acoustics in a model rocket flame deflector and deflector cover9
Guest editor biography8
Guest editor biography8
A comparison of tonal-broadband decomposition algorithms for propeller noise7
An improved algorithm for liner impedance eduction in low signal-to-noise ratio flow duct7
Experimental investigation of the laminar boundary layer vortex-shedding noise by an airfoil within a closed-vein wind tunnel7
Corrigendum to The effect of the convective momentum transfer on the acoustic boundary condition of perforated liners with grazing mean flow6
An introduction to NASA’s broadband acoustic absorbers that resemble natural reeds6
Numerical study on the noise propagation characteristics of rotor in non-uniform downwash flowfield Based on Linearized Euler Equations6
Effect of solidity on aeroacoustic performance of a vertical axis wind turbine using improved delayed detached eddy simulation5
Guest editor biography5
An acoustic liner design methodology based on a statistical source model5
Guest editor biography5
An alternative permeable topology design space for trailing-edge noise attenuation5
Systematic validation of the PAAShA shielding prediction method5
Practical considerations for ray casting shear layer corrections5
Influence of the liner-type treatment on the trailing-edge noise generated by a flat plate5
Modeling, design, and optimization of a dielectric elastomer acoustic liner4
Guest editor biographies4
Boundary element analysis on the fuselage scattering of drone noise4
Numerical and experimental investigation of aerodynamic noise from a cooling fan in a turbulent flow4
Reminiscing about Prof. John E. Ffowcs Williams4
Challenges and opportunities for low noise electric aircraft4
Supersonic jet noise and screech tone suppression using cross-wire4
Initial boundary layer state of typical model-scale jet nozzles and its impact on noise4
Guest editor biography4
The effect of doors and cavity on the aerodynamic noise of fuselage nose landing gear3
Data-driven neural networks for source localization and reconstruction using a planar array3
Investigation on aerodynamic noise generated from the simplified high-speed train leading cars3
Role of nozzle-exit boundary layer in producing jet noise3
Axisymmetric cavity noise control using passive protrusion3
Guest editor biography3
Investigations of thickness effects on the acoustic characteristics of symmetric and asymmetric airfoils3
Guest editor biography3
Christopher Tam: Brief history and accomplishments2
Influence of nozzle external geometry on the emission of screech tones2
Guest editor biography2
Adaptive RBF with hyperparameter optimisation for aeroacoustic applications2
On the balance between the tonal and broadband noise of isolated propellers2
Comparison and application of the far-field identification algorithms for multiple sound sources based on microphone array2
Aerodynamic noise characteristics of non-circular cylinders in subcritical flow regime2
Aeroacoustic source localization using the microphone array method with application to wind turbine noise2
Advanced analysis of fan noise measurements supported by theoretical source models1
A study of the phenomenon of “crackle” associated with the noise of high-performance aircraft at afterburner1
Phased array microphone measurement of a ducted low-speed axial flow fan at various operating points with the involvement of the acoustically transparent duct technique1
On the relationship between acoustic absorption and temperature gradient in a thermoacoustic liner1
Guest editor biography1
Acoustic optimization design of porous materials on sandwich panel under flow-induced vibration1
Guest Editor Biography1
Supersonic jet noise mitigation by angled tab perforation1
Noise shielding of a deflected flap for comparing numerical predictions with flyover experiments1
Control of fan broadband noise through wavy leading and trailing edge serrations1
Guest editor biography1
Impedance models for single and two degree of freedom linings with an improved data base and local non-linearity1
Sound generated by axisymmetric non-plane entropy waves passing through flow contractions1
Aeroacoustic noise prediction of a vertical axis wind turbine using large eddy simulation1
Aeroacoustic assessment of porous blade treatment applied to centrifugal fans1
Liner development at low technology readiness level utilizing the advanced noise control fan1
Aerodynamic noise from long circular and non-circular cylinders using large eddy simulations1
Two-point radiation statistics from large-scale turbulent structures within supersonic jets1
The acoustic performance of a dual Helmholtz resonators system in the presence of a grazing flow1
Machine learning methods for multi-rotor UAV structural damage detection based on MEMS sensor1
Guest editor biography1
Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics of rocket sled under strong ground effect1
Guest editor biography1
Numerical study of acoustic source localization of rotor using a novel discrete noise analysis strategy1
Acoustic transmission loss and noise from Kevlar wind tunnel walls1
Design of a single degree of freedom acoustic liner for a fan noise test rig1
IFAR liner benchmark challenge #1 – DLR impedance eduction of uniform and axially segmented liners and comparison with NASA results1
Numerical study on edge tone with compressible direct numerical simulation: Sound intensity and jet motion0
Ffowcs Williams – Hawkings analogy for near-field acoustic sources analysis0
Design, assembly and testing of an upgraded aeroacoustics wind tunnel facility0
Acoustic measurements in single-rotor/wing interaction at low disk loading and Reynolds number0
Acoustic characteristics of jets impinging on permeable plates0
Computational study on aerodynamic noise reduction of high-speed train bogie region using leading edge jet of the bogie cavity0
A bionic noise reduction strategy on the trailing edge of NACA0018 based on the central composite design method0
Numerical investigation on aerodynamic noise of rigid coaxial rotor in forward flight with lift-offset0
Jet noise of a low bypass turbofan with internal mixing and external plug0
Numerical prediction of mean flow and acoustic field of a supersonic impinging jet0
The effect of the convective momentum transfer on the acoustic boundary condition of perforated liners with grazing mean flow0
Angle-of-attack and Mach number effects on the aeroacoustics of an SD7003 airfoil at Reynolds number 60,0000
Biographies of the editorial team0
Effect of geometrical parameters and additional mass on the acoustic and vibration control of the bilayer resonant metamaterials0
Precise acoustic drone localization and tracking via drone noise: Steered response power - phase transform around harmonics0
Self active cancellation of fan noise0
Application of LES combined with a wave equation for the simulation of noise induced by a flow past a generic side mirror0
Professor John Eirwyn Ffowcs Williams FREng: Engineer, educator, researcher and entrepreneur, Cambridge Professor and Master of Emmanuel College 25 May 1935–12 December 20200
A study on an integrated aero-vibro-acoustic analysis procedure for a small-scale supersonic jet and surrounding thin plates0
Multi-field coupling prediction for improving aeroacoustic performance of muffler based on LES and FW-H acoustic analogy methods0
Reduction of noise generated by cylinder-airfoil interaction using grooved structures on the upstream cylinder0
Reynolds number and jet noise scaling0
Guest editor biography0
Is an elliptic jet quieter than a round jet?0
Acoustic wave radiation from a coaxial pipe with partial lining and inner perforated screen0
A fast 3D-MUSIC method for near-field sound source localization based on the bat algorithm0
A scale model study of an engine test facility for alleviating low-frequency howl0
Optimal interstage liner design: A parametric study0
Examination of air flow characteristics over an open rectangular cavity between the plates0
Acoustic energy balances for sound radiated from duct exit with mean flow0
Impedance models for single and two degree of freedom linings and correlation with grazing flow duct testing0
Numerical and experimental analysis of the influence of solidity on rotor aeroacoustics at low Reynolds numbers0
Experimental and numerical study of high-intensity sound in the cavity between rotator and stator of high- pressure compressor0
Effect of sawtooth trailing edge serrations on the reductions of airfoil broadband noise0
Acoustic versus aerodynamic installation effects on a generic propeller-driven flying architecture0
Corrigendum to “Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics of rocket sled under strong ground effect”0
Large-eddy simulations of noise reduction via fundamental-harmonic interactions in a supersonic rectangular jet0
Subsonic jet noise source location as a function of nozzle exit boundary layer0
A space marching method for sonic boom near field predictions0
Guest editor biography0
Blade retrofit design to reduce the noise of an axial flow fan by mitigating the tip leakage vortex0
Leveraging large eddy simulations to assess noise source imaging of a controlled supersonic jet0
Effect of 2D ice accretion on turbulent boundary layer and trailing-edge noise0
A comparison of in situ and impedance eduction experimental techniques for acoustic liners with grazing flow and high sound pressure level0
Computational aeroacoustics of aerofoil leading edge noise using the volume penalization-based immersed boundary methods0
Acoustic tones generated by impinging jets: Differences between laminar and highly-disturbed nozzle-exit boundary layers0
Playing flute without lips? Tones of music lost in time: An investigation of the indigenous Bastar flutes of India0
Editorial for special issue on acoustic liners0
Trailing edge serrations for noise control in axial-flow automotive cooling fans0
Jet noise sources for chevron nozzles in under-expanded condition0
The space-time structure of sound produced by stacked rotors in hover using Vold-Kalman filters and proper orthogonal decomposition0
Guest editor biography0
High fidelity modeling tools for engine liner design and screening of advanced concepts0
Effect of a pylon on the broadband noise sources of counter-rotating turbomachinery0
Flow-noise characteristics of turbocharger compressors with rotational balance cuttings0
Acoustic sources identified using a microphone phased array during a rocket engine test0
Guest editor biography0
Krishan Kumar Ahuja: A brief history and testimonial to the half century of achievements in acoustics0
Guest editor biography0
Noise and flow characteristics of variable backwards- and forward-facing steps and gaps in laminar boundary layer0
Prediction of the aerodynamic noise of an airfoil via the hybrid methods of aeroacoustics0
Guest editor biography0
Computationally efficient, frequency-domain quadrupole corrections for the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation0
Experimental investigation of the fluctuating static pressure in a subsonic axisymmetric jet0
Airframe noise predictions using the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation0
Book Review: Aeroacoustics of Low Mach Number Flows: Fundamentals, Analysis and Measurement0
Multi-degree-of-freedom liner development: Concept to flight test0
Beamforming with modified steering vectors for jet noise source location0
Investigation of the effects of volume change on flow structure and acoustic in a silencer0
Guest editor biography0
Aeroacoustic characteristics of supersonic offset jets0
On swirl mach number effects on acoustic-vortical waves0
Characteristics of jet noise: A synthesis0
Analysis of vortex structures evolution and aeroacoustic characteristics in the ultra-high-speed elevator ring-gap flow field0
Optimized compact finite volume formulation with dispersion relation preserving characteristics in structured space discretizations0
Numerical simulation on the acoustic wave scattering and fluid perturbations inside confined orifice flow0
Hydrodynamic sources of the vortex sound in a two-dimensional shear layer0
Impedance eduction for uniform and multizone acoustic liners0
Guest editor biography0
Further assessment of a time domain impedance boundary condition for the numerical simulation of noise-absorbing materials0
Guest editor biography0
On a stabilization of the Ingard-Myers impedance boundary condition and its time domain implementation0
Swirling mean flow effects on locally reacting interstage liner0
Shooting method for linear inviscid bi-global stability analysis of non-axisymmetric jets0
Slanted septum and multiple folded cavity liners for broadband sound absorption0
Extension of the concept of Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings type wave extrapolation to non-trivial flow effects and exterior surfaces0
A multivariate and wavelet-based analysis on the wall pressure fluctuations for propellers in ground effect0
Simulations of multi-rotor interaction noise at hovering & forward flight conditions0
Research on the influence of check valve on noise performance of variable frequency scroll refrigeration compressor0