Middle Eastern Literatures

(The median citation count of Middle Eastern Literatures is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Beyond the land of Palestine: deserts, shores, seas1
War remains: ruination and resistance in Lebanon1
What do Keloğlan stories say about masculine anxieties and reclaiming masculinity?1
A Distinct Flânerie: Roleplaying and Affective Responses to the City in Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s Miskinler Tekkesi1
Orphanhood and allegoresis in Raḍwā ʿĀshūr’s Granada Trilogy1
The modern arabic bible: translation, dissemination, and literary impact1
English poetry and modern Arabic verse: translation and modernity1
Dream interpretation and parodies of translation in Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq’sal-Sāqʿalā al-sāq0
An iridescent device: premodern Ottoman poetry0
Kamāl al-Dīn Banāʾī’sBahrām va Bihrūz: A Persian romancequamirror for princes in light of Aq Qoyunlu history0
A Revolution in Rhyme: Poetic Co-option under the Islamic Republic0
Specters of Sufism in Ḥammūr Ziyāda’s Shawq al-darwīsh0
Co-editors’ introduction0
In search of the “voice of the people”: Mahmoud Darwish’s third-worldist genres0
Ways of being Palestinian: autobiography as critical emplotment in the work of Fawaz Turki0
Iridescent Kuwait: Petro-modernity and urban visual culture in the mid-twentieth century Iridescent Kuwait: Petro-modernity and urban visual culture in the mid-twentieth century 0
Reorienting modernism in Arabic and Persian poetry Reorienting modernism in Arabic and Persian poetry , by Levi Thompson, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, 230
Threading the racial capitalocene: on the poetics of affective porosity in Ibrahim al-Koni'sBleeding of the Stone(Nazīf al-ḥajar) and Yoel Hoffmann'sBook of Joseph(Sefer Yosef<0
Making room in the premodern Persian poetic canon for Mahsatī and Rābʿiah0
Subjectivity, agency, and the question of gender in Fadwa Tuqan’s post- naksa poetry0
The problem with hybridity: a critique of Armeno-Turkish studies0
Once upon a time in the anthropocene: myths, legends, and futurity in Turkish climate fiction0
Experimentation and the absurd in two plays by Syrian playwright Walīd Ikhlāṣī0
Muḥammad al-Māghūṭ’s rhetoric of sincerity: a major voice in modern Arabic poetry0
Mapping exile: post-Arab Spring revolutionaries’ diasporic voices in Serag Mounir’s Diaspora Spring0
Eyes on the prize: the global readability of an IPAF-winning modern Arabic novel0
The translator of desires0
Climate change and the future of the city: Arabic science fiction as climate fiction in Egypt and Iraq0
Modern nihilism and Naguib Mahfouz’s faith in liberalism0
“Was he Ramzi?” A short story by Samira Azzam0
The concept of a house/home in the poetry of the Nineties Poets – Ḥattā atakhallā ʿan fikrat al-buyūt by Īmān Mirsāl as a model0
Syrian poetry in exile: the case of Wafai Laila0
Reading Iraqi Women’s Novels in English Translation / Return to Ruin: Iraqi Narratives of Exile and Nostalgia0
“In the dead of night, a cry” by Ata Nahai0
Al-Qaṣīdah al-baṣariyyah fī-l-shiʿir al-ʿarabī al-ḥadīth (The Visual Poem in Modern Arabic Poetry)0
Hackneyed phrases: lingual migrations in Tayeb Salih’sSeason of Migration to the North0
Culture outside of the state: aesthetics and education in the works of Salama Musa, Taha Husayn, and Ramsis Yunan0
The classical discovery of modern (book) history0
On the animating affect of ṭarab and its (un)translatability0
Garbage, corruption, and political protest in Lebanese literature and film0
Forms of Hesitation: Tadhabdhub and Metrical Hybridity in Syrian tafʿīla poetry, 1962–19750
Persian Narrative Poetry in the Classical Era, 800–1500. Romantic and Didactic Genres0
Poetry, satire, and self in the post-constitutional Iranian-Jewish periodical Ha-Hayyim0
“Literature in a time of contagion” by Elias Khoury0
Fragile ecologies0
On the margins of Beirut’s cultural modernism: aesthetics and politics in the inter-artistic works of Laure Ghorayeb0
“Pantomime”: A short story by Sami Paşazade Sezai0
Hafiz and his contemporaries: poetry, performance and patronage in fourteenth-century Iran0
Palestine’s YA fiction and identity in Ahlam Bsharat’s Code Name: Butterfly0
Hydrofictions: water, power and politics in Israeli and Palestinian literature0
Translation and adaptation studies on common ground: the Murat Davman crime fiction series0
Neoliberal contradictions, necrocapitalist nightmares: questions of human agency and free will in Aḥmad Saʿdāwī’s Frankenstein in Baghdad0
The Tent Generation: Palestinian Poems0
Revolutions aesthetic: a cultural history of Ba'thist Syria0
A Poem by an-Nābighah adh-Dhubyānī Translated by Robin Moger0
From social and national struggle in Mandate Palestine to combatting fascism in Spain: Yassin’s ʿAlī, Qissat Rajul Mustaqīm (2017)0
Arabic posthuman: bee, beehive and beekeeper in a reconceptualizing of the human0
Counter creaturely communities in Emily Nasrallah’s Yawmīyyāt Hirr and Hoda Barakat’s Barīd al-Layl0
A Dove in Free Flight A Dove in Free Flight , edited by Ammiel Alcalay and Shareah Taleghani, Translated by the New York Translation Collective, New York, Upset Press, 20
The master’s slap: bodies, books, and variations on an image by Ṣā’ib Tabrīzī0
Milli etmek” [Making national]: masculinity, queerness and disability in Murat Uyurkulak’s Merhume0
Sadeq Hedayat’s vegetarianism: a few notes on the representation of vegetarianism, animals and animal rights in Sadeq Hedayat’s Favāʾid-i giyāhkhārī (The benefits of veg0
Lebanon in the Devil’s Waters: the literary supernatural in Ghada al-Samman’s civil war trilogy0
Beholding beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the aesthetics of desire in medieval Persian poetry0
The stakes of “Imitation”: debating modern poetics and national identity in late ottoman literature0
Narratives of Older Age: A Review of Samira Aghacy’s Ageing in the Modern Arabic Novel (2020)0
Is the Arabnahḍahreally Arabic? Literary translingualisms in thenahḍah'scontact zones0
“To dance like Solomon: imitation and martyrdom in a Qajarghazal0
In memory of Franklin Lewis, the Translator0
In memoriam0
Richard van Leeuwen. The Thousand and One Nights and Twentieth-Century Fiction: Intertextual Readings; and Muhsin J. al-Musawi. The Arabian Nights in Contemporary World Cultures0
Arabic exile literature in Europe. Defamiliarising forced migration0
Exhausting aesthetic critiques of the authoritarian present in Egyptian literature from Ṣunʿallāh Ibrāhīm to Muḥammad Rabīʿ0
Between literature and history: receptions of poetry in ancient Egypt0
In memoriam: Franklin Lewis (1961-2022)0