Socio-Economic Review

(The median citation count of Socio-Economic Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The platform economy matures: measuring pervasiveness and exploring power65
Between mutuality, autonomy and domination: rethinking digital platforms as contested relational structures59
Antagonism beyond employment: how the ‘subordinated agency’ of labour platforms generates conflict in the remote gig economy56
Odds stacked against workers: datafied gamification on Chinese and American food delivery platforms38
The decline in the wage share: falling bargaining power of labour or technological progress? Industry-level evidence from the OECD28
Platform capitalism: a socio-economic analysis24
How housing affects the association between low income and living conditions-deprivation across Europe22
Pocketbook policing: How race shapes municipal reliance on punitive fines and fees in the Chicago suburbs22
The economic consequences of major tax cuts for the rich19
Credit policy and the ‘debt shift’ in advanced economies19
How Orbán won? Neoliberal disenchantment and the grand strategy of financial nationalism to reconstruct capitalism and regain autonomy18
Flexibility unbound: understanding the heterogeneity of preferences among food delivery platform workers18
Crowdfunding artists: beyond match-making on platforms17
Unfair inequality and the demand for redistribution: why not all inequality is equal16
Steering the transition from informal to formal service provision: labor platforms in emerging-market countries16
Social investment as a conceptual framework for analysing well-being returns and reforms in 21st century welfare states16
Preferred policy responses to technological change: Survey evidence from OECD countries16
Framing disruption: how a regulatory capture frame legitimized the deregulation of Boston’s ride-for-hire industry16
The emergence of systemic risk: The Federal Reserve, bailouts, and monetary government at the limits15
Variegated financialization and pension fund asset demand: the case of Colombia and Perú14
Value fluidity and value anchoring: race, intermediaries and valuation in two housing markets13
How socio-economic inequality affects individuals’ civic engagement: a systematic literature review of empirical findings and theoretical explanations12
Network embeddedness in illegal online markets: endogenous sources of prices and profit in anonymous criminal drug trade12
The hunt for red flags: cybervetting as morally performative practice12
Varieties of capitalism and growth regimes: the role of income distribution11
Exports vs. investment: How political discourse shapes popular support for external imbalances11
COVID-19 and socio-economics11
Unequal policy responsiveness in Spain11
The hyperopia of wealth: the cultural legitimation of economic inequalities by top earners10
The national-populist mutation of neoliberalism in dependent economies: the case of Viktor Orbán’s Hungary10
Multiple market moralities: identifying distinct patterns in how consumers evaluate the fairness of price changes9
The constrained politics of local public investment under cooperative federalism9
Financial oikonomization: the financial government and administration of the household9
AI meets narratives: the state and future of research on expectation formation in economics and sociology8
Banking structure, economic resilience and unemployment trajectories in US counties during the great recession8
The intergenerational transmission of gender norms—why and how adolescent males with working mothers matter for female labour market outcomes8
Control and consent in the connected age: the work of contractors on transnational online education platforms8
‘It’s the value that we bring’: performance pay and top income earners’ perceptions of inequality8
Labor market dualism and the heterogeneous wage gap for temporary employment: a multilevel study across 30 countries8
Gender identity and wives’ labor market outcomes in West and East Germany between 1983 and 20168
Varieties of neoliberalism: courts, competition paradigms and the Atlantic divide in anti-trust7
Spatial divisions of poverty and wealth: does segregation affect educational achievement?7
The politics of the ECB’s market-based approach to government debt7
Digital power resources (DPR): the political economy of structural and infrastructural business power in digital(ized) capitalism7
In your face: a comparative field experiment on racial discrimination in Europe7
Economy or culture? How the relative salience of policy dimensions shapes partisan effects on welfare state generosity7
Economic nostalgia: the salience of economic identity for the Brexit campaign7
The role of reputation systems in digital discrimination7
Global and institutional drivers of wage inequality between and within firms7
Social policy and labor supply: the impact of activating labor market institutions on reservation wages7
Finance as a friend, enemy and stranger in the US Economy, 1952–20196
Financialization and corporate downsizing as a shareholder value strategy6
Is the online gig economy beyond national reach? A European analysis6
Discursive multivocality: how the proliferation of economic language can undermine the political influence of economists6
The art of the shitty deal: media frames and public opinion on financial regulation in the United States6
Novel welfare state responses in times of crises: the COVID-19 crisis versus the Great Recession6
Being a NEET before and after the Great Recession: persistence by gender in Southern Europe5
Politics of delegated governance: reforming vocational education and training5
Routinization of work processes, de-routinization of job structures5
Regulated earnings security: the relationship between employment protection and unemployment scarring over the Great Recession5
Cooperative enterprise at scale: comparative capitalisms and the political economy of ownership5
Valuations of diversity: the role of marquee quotas in creative industries5
Intellectual rivalry in American economics: intergenerational social cohesion and the rise of the Chicago school5
The family web: Multigenerational class persistence in elite populations5
Enabling disruptive innovations: a comparative case study of Uber in New York City, Chicago and San Francisco5
The paternalist politics of punitive and enabling workfare: evidence from a new dataset on workfare reforms in 16 countries, 1980–20155
Finding a job after unemployment—education as a moderator of unemployment scarring in Norway and German-speaking Switzerland5
Income inequality and household debt as a factor of financial fragility in the Spanish economy5
Towards a unified theory of market prices: turning to pricing in practice4
Financialization and income generation in the 21st century: rise of the petit rentier class?4
Coordinating transnational futurework in fashion design4
Strangers in the sheets: how Airbnb hosts overcome uncertainty4
No sign of increased ethnic discrimination during a crisis: evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic4
How platform businesses mobilize their users and allies: Corporate grassroots lobbying and the Airbnb ‘movement’ for deregulation4
Regulating low wages: cross-national policy variation and outcomes4
Exit, voice and loyalty in the family: findings from a basic income experiment4
Three worlds of austerity: voter congruence over fiscal trade-offs in Germany, Spain and the UK4
A field of alternative food organizations: a study of discourses, actions and goals toward food system change in Geneva, Switzerland3
Classifying the corporation: the role of naturalizing analogies in American corporate development, 1870–19303
Ageing unequally in Europe3
The moral embeddedness of cryptomarkets: text mining feedback on economic exchanges on the dark web3
Does high unemployment mobilize the unemployed? Evidence using Swedish register data3
Short-term income mobility in Latin America in the 2000s: intensity and characteristics3
Neoliberal governance, evaluations, and the rise of win–win ideology in corporate responsibility discourse, 1960–20103
Workplace volatility and gender inequality: a comparison of the Netherlands and South Korea3
Varieties of functional income inequality in Latin America: Chile and Mexico compared3
The rise and fall of ordoliberalism3
Earmarking space: relationality, economic judgments and housing wealth3
Employment status and the on-demand economy: a natural experiment on reclassification3
Conceptual limits of performativity: assessing the feasibility of market design blueprints3
Regulatory capture’s third face of power3
Does collective bargaining reduce health inequalities between labour market insiders and outsiders?3
Status hierarchies and norm diffusion: the increase of top incomes in high finance3
Unconstrained Capital? Multinational companies, structural power, and collective goods provision in dual VET3
Talk the talk and walk the walk? European insurance capital regulation and the financial vocabulary of motive3
Managing expectations in financial markets: voluntary accountability practices of capital market regulators in Spain and Turkey3
Unequal but just? Experimental evidence on (gendered) distributive justice principles in parental financial gifts3
Do households live the family model they prefer? Household’s work patterns across European policy regimes3
On Mariana Mazzucato’s Mission Economy: a Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism, London, Allen Lane, 20213
Like worker, like union? Labor market risk exposure, white-collar predominance and trade unions’ policy advocacy3
Fixed-term work contracts and anti-immigration attitudes. A novel test of ethnic competition theory3
The yellow vests roundabout revolt, seen through the lens of household budgets3
The launch of EMU and German export interests2
Rival views of economic competition2
Stock market reactions to downsizing announcements: an analysis through an institutional lens2
The costs of occupational gender segregation in high-tech growth and productivity across US local labor markets2
Riding the Tiger: Managing Risk in U.S. Housing Finance and Health Insurance Welfare Markets2
Varieties of wealth: toward a comparative sociology of wealth inequality2
Reducing poverty and social exclusion in Europe: estimating the marginal effect of income on material deprivation2
Lobbying to the rhythm of Wall Street? Explaining the political advocacy of non-financial corporations over financial regulatory policy2
Unionization, licensure and workplace variation in pay inequality between immigrants and natives2
Labour market digitalization and social class: evidence of mobility and reproduction from a European survey of online platform workers2
Navigating uncertainty in networks of social exchange: a relational event study of a community currency system2
The strings of the ‘golden straitjacket’: sovereign ratings and the welfare state in developed countries2
The large firm dilemma: anchor embeddedness and high-technology competition2
The Silicon Valley imaginary: US corporate tax reform in the 1980s2
Reflections on the field of socio-economics2
Gendered publication patterns in Socio-Economic Review2
Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality2
Inequality as entitlements over labor2
The illusion of transparency: the political double standard in city credit ratings2
Explaining the training disadvantage of less-educated workers: the role of labor market allocation in international comparison2
Reason-giving for resistance: obfuscation, justification and earmarking in resisting informal financial assistance2
Asymmetric incentives and the new politics of monetary policy2
Institutionalized insecurity: post-war employment restructuring and the symbolic power of the local business climate2
Boosting work through welfare? Individual-level employment outcomes of social investment across European welfare states through the Great Recession2
The quiet side of debt: public debt management in advanced economies2
The virus and the vessel, or: how we learned to stop worrying and love surveillance2
Inequality as entitlements over labor2
A phoenix rising? The regeneration of the Ghana garment and textile industry2
Socio-economics beyond the Global North2
‘Trust and safety’: exchange, protection and the digital market–fortress in platform capitalism2
Liberalization, democratization and the remaking of the South African corporate network 1993–20202
Gender gaps in power and control within jobs2
Depletion work: climate change and the mediation of stranded assets2
Tax principles, policy feedback and self-interest: cross-national experimental evidence on wealth tax preferences2
Et Tu, Brute? Unraveling the puzzle of deception and broken trust in close relations2
Sectors versus borders: interest group cleavages and struggles over corporate governance in the age of asset management2
Getting action for global economic justice: the micro-foundations of transnational activism1
Losing ground: business power, standardized assets and the regulation of land acquisition taxes in Germany and Sweden1
Robots and protest: does increased protest among Chinese workers result in more automation?1
Achieving regulatory legitimacy in volatile institutional contexts: the case of Russian non-profits1
How do countries shift their export specialization? The role of technological capabilities and industrial policy in Ireland, Spain and Sweden (1995–2018)1
The managerial contradictions of extroverted financialization: the rise and fall of Deutsche Bank1
The financialization of corporate venture capital investment? The corporation as a venture capitalist1
The gender gap in attitudes toward workplace technological change1
Making the ‘business case’: vocabularies of motive and clean tech innovation in the hidden developmental state1
Structural adjustment and the political economy of capital flight1
Persistent or temporary? Effects of social assistance benefit sanctions on employment quality1
In search of the suitable candidate: the role of status, upstream and downstream diversity in recruitment partnerships1
The gender (tax) gap in parental transfers. Evidence from administrative inheritance and gift tax data1
Labor market risks and welfare preferences: a bounded rationality approach1
Harnessing venture capital in China1
Small money, large profits: how the cashless revolution aggravates social inequality1
Bling-Bling politics: exposure to status-goods consumption shapes the social policy preferences of the less affuent1
Business, as usual? The impact of organized economic interests on the stringency of Covid-19 containment policies: insights from the Italian case1
An economic sociology perspective on informal domestic work relations: a study of domestic workers and their employers in Pakistan1
Making sense of the financialization of households: state of the art and beyond1
Bringing the market in: an expanded framework for understanding popular responses to economic inequality1
Correction to: Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality1
The moral economy of land: from land reform to ownership society, 1880–20181
The boundary within: Are applicants of Southern European descent discriminated against in Northern European job markets?1
The Politics of Alignment and the ‘Quiet Transgender Revolution’ in Fortune 500 Corporations, 2008 to 20171
Seeing like an economist: using the case of Dutch healthcare reform to bring professions and their epistemologies back in the field of new economic sociology1
Financial officers, the municipal swap industry and the rise of risky innovations among states1
What limits intra-household insurance or the ‘Added Worker Effect’?1
Exploring the gender gap in welfare attitudes: relational skills and perceptions of pay equity1
The gender of inheritance in an upper-class family network: Dallas, 1895–19451
Forging monetary unification through novation: the TARGET system and the politics of central banking in Europe1
Crowdfunding a life: how relationships shape requests for financial assistance1