Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal

(The TQCC of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Experimental and numerical investigation on control strategies for heave and pitch motion reduction of a catamaran17
A comprehensive investigation into the performance of genetic algorithm for effective shipyard topological layout9
A circle grid-based approach for obstacle avoidance motion planning of unmanned surface vehicles9
Experimental study of wave force on breakwater head under oblique waves9
Comparative study of offshore spar-buoy oscillating water column dynamic models for captured power estimation9
Bayesian network-based security decision-making method for the full-ocean-depth “Wukong” AUV7
Assessment of offshore wind power including effects of sea surface roughness using observed wind statistics7
Optimal resilient fleet route policy in shipping industry: Two-stage model for minimizing disruption-related effect6
Effect of fillets on a blade/vane of wave energy harvesting impulse turbine6
Multi-objective optimization design of shaftless rim-driven thruster5
Numerical investigation of interaction between propulsion system behaviour and manoeuvrability of a large containership5
Research on dynamic modeling and control strategy of four anti-swing cable system for ship-mounted cranes5
Safety performance assessment of a marine dual fuel engine by integrating failure mode, effects and criticality analysis with simulation tools5
Review on path planning methods for autonomous underwater vehicle4
LAW-IFF Net: A semantic segmentation method for recognition of marine current turbine blade attachments under blurry edges4
Smart carrot chasing guidance law for path following of unmanned surface vehicles4
Shallow Water Equations on modeling resonant waves evolution in a rough varying-width basin4
Modeling and analysis of magnetorheological anti-swing device for marine crane4
Optimizing the bearing vertical offset of a marine propeller shaft system4
Life cycle environmental impact assessment of the “Sindhuja-I” wave energy converter3
Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from ships registered in South Korea based on activity data using the bottom-up approach3
A hull deformation measurement method based on fiber optic gyro angular rate matching in complex sea conditions3
A functional model-based approach for ship systems safety and reliability analysis: Application to a cruise ship lubricating oil system3
A mathematical study of water wave interaction with a thin perforated barrier in a two-layer fluid over a permeable bottom3
Modelling and simulation of ship collisions in port and coastal waters3
Numerical investigation into effect of the rubble mound inside perforated caisson breakwaters under random sea states3
Vibration transmission path analysis of underwater vehicle power plant based on TPA power flow3
Experimental analysis of polymer-composite coated steel components under quasi-static loading3
Digital twin enabled structural integrity management: Critical review and framework development3
A risk assessment of scrubber use for marine transport by rule-based fuzzy FMEA3
Numerical simulation of dropped container impacts with an offshore platform deck in the North Sea3
Minimization of total trim loss occurring in pipe cutting in shipbuilding with genetic algorithm3
A numerical study on the installation configuration design of steep wave riser (SWR) in deep water2
Bi-objective optimization for a plug-in PV/battery system of an unmanned patrol boat2
Comparative and parametric study of aluminium honeycomb sandwich composites and GRP2
Numerical and experimental investigation of the quasi-cavitation effect on a ducted Propeller for ROV2
Direct strength calculation of an aged single-bottom tanker during its towing in waves2
Weak thruster fault detection for AUV based on Bayesian network and Hidden Markov model2
Application of swarm intelligence for dynamic properties of moored floating structures using two-dimensional fluid dynamic program2
An improved NMPC-NDOB scheme for trajectory tracking of unmanned surface vessel2
A Bayesian network-based tool for crisis classification in piracy or armed robbery incidents on passenger ships2
A review of geographic information system (GIS) and techno economic (TE) software tools for renewable energy and methodology to develop a coupled GIS-TE software tool for marine renewable energy (MRE)2
Investigation of acoustic radiation from a sphere vibrating on the free surface of a finite depth water using a boundary element method2
Virginia tech advanced towing carriage2
Hindcast of oil spill pollution in the East China Sea in January 20182
Effect of pre-swirl stator angles on broadband noise considering hydrodynamic performance of pump-jet propeller2
Sealing reliability assessment of deep-water oil and nature gas pipeline connector considering thermo-mechanical coupling2
Ignition improvers for aqueous ammonia as marine fuel2
Numerical study on the combined bearing performance of tripod-bucket foundation for floating and fixed wind turbines2
Water entry dynamic analysis of lightweight sandwich plates with lattice core: A semi-analytical approach and comparative study2
The necessity of time-based calculations for dimensioning of hybrid power supply systems of ships within the early design stage2
A bibliometric review on maritime inspection analysis: Current and future insights2
A grouping module assessment method for ocean engineering systems: Subsea tree system as a case2
Investigation of CO2 emissions reduction for a 150 m electric catamaran by CFD analysis of various hull configurations1
Path following of underactuated surface vessels based active disturbance rejection control considering lateral drift1
A robust Kalman filter based on Gaussian-Exponential distribution for SINS/USBL integration navigation system1
Hydrodynamic analysis of U-shaped OWC with varying bottom profiles integrated with Π-breakwater1
Zero emissions wellboat powered by hydrogen fuel cells hybridised with batteries1
Analysis of noise attenuation for offshore platform silencer in duct with flow1
Analysis of propulsion performance of wave-propelled mechanism based on fluid-rigid body coupled model1
A novel method for in-cylinder pressure prediction using the engine instantaneous crankshaft torque1
Investigation of planing craft maneuverability using full-scale tests1
Preface by Prof. Shenoi1
Modeling of an underwater drilling platform for very near shore applications1
Evacuation simulation of an Ro-Ro passenger ship considering the effects of inclination and crew’s guidance1
Numerical analysis of the effect of the blade number on the hydrodynamic performance of shaftless rim-driven thruster1
Data-driven prediction of ship fuel oil consumption based on machine learning models considering meteorological factors1
Probabilistic operability and greenhouse gas assessment during dynamic positioning operations1
Efficient and precise docking trajectory optimization for the ship block assembly1
Research on a novel maritime emergency search system1
Investigation on mechanical behaviour of underwater launching process of bidirectional pigging robot in the subsea oil pipeline using Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method1
A stiffness-based method for damage detection in 3-D offshore jacket platforms using inverse vibration problem (IVP) technique1
The hydrodynamic analysis of multiple hydrofoils translating in tandem in presence of a free surface1
Stability and drag reduction in turbulent flow of skin with quasi-periodic elastic supports1
Performance improvement of a full-scale oscillating water column device by employing a novel double oscillating water column1
Experimental and numerical study on the shock characteristics of an electric switchboard with wire rope isolators in naval ships1
Evaluation of critical problems of heavy fuel oil separators on ships by best-worst method1
Determining the optimal method to upgrade shipyard infrastructures for overhaul of offshore drilling rigs using genetic algorithm: A case study for ISOICO1
A knowledge based hierarchical reliability allocation (HIRAL) approach for shipboard systems1
Evaluation of various fuel alternatives in terms of sustainability for the ship investment decision using single valued neutrosophic numbers with TOPSIS methods1
A semi analytic method for the analysis of the symmetric hydroelastic response of a container ship under slamming and green water loads1
Feasibility analysis of deep steep riser based on co-rotational coordinate method1
Kra canal project and its influence on world maritime trade1
Numerical investigation to increase ship efficiency in regular head waves using an alternative engine control strategy1
Marine diesel engine turbocharger fouling phenomenon risk assessment application by using fuzzy FMEA method1
Mechanics of drag reduction of an axisymmetric body of revolution with shallow dimples1
Numerical study on the effect of SLWR buoyancy configuration on pipe-soil interaction based on co-rotational method1
Influence of operating conditions in nonlinear vibration of a drill-string1
Performance analysis of a horizontal axis current turbine blade section with inserted tube1
Procedure for evaluation of LNG CCS with reference vessel using nonlinear dynamic analysis1
An analytical vibration model of a one-dimensional two-stage periodic isolation system for the broadband vibration suppression of an underwater glider1
Dynamic modeling and control of hydraulic driven payload anti-swing system for shipborne cranes1
Low emission stepped piston engine for marine outboard motor application1
3D reconstruction of non-structural surface of a stiffened hull plate based on RGB-D images1
Least squares identification of linear sway-yaw manoeuvring coefficients and drag-area parameters of ships1
A study of the frequency response of fluid-structure interactions in a three-dimensional fluid-filled pipe system using an impedance synthesis method1
Target strength analysis using reflection coefficient of a submarine with low-frequency anechoic coatings1
Guest editorial for the special issue on “marine hydrodynamics for innovative design”1
Hydrodynamic optimization of a high-speed vessel by means of simulation-based design methodology1
Active axial vibration control of a shaft-bearing system excited by the dynamic thrust force1
Temperature dependence of polymer-composites used as coatings on megayacht structures1
Thermo-economic optimization of an ORC system for a dual-fuel marine engine1
An optimized metamodel for predicting damage and oil outflow in tanker collision accidents1
Wave-induced seepage force on a buried pipe in the presence of a floating structure1
How emissions from cruise ships in the port of Naples changed in the COVID-19 lock down period1
Distributed observer-based position-based fuzzy formation control for unmanned surface vessels with input saturation1
AxV: An autonomous vehicle concept capable of operating throughout the ocean space: air, surface and subsea1
Research on bearing capacity and sealing contact characteristics of the subsea wellhead connector1
Online maximization of extracted energy in sea wave energy converters using temporal-difference learning1
Analysis and structure optimization of jetting pigging robot for black powder removal process in subsea nature gas pipeline1
Modeling and assessment of accidental subsea gas leakage using a coupled computational fluid dynamics and machine learning approaches1
The hydrodynamic characteristics of autonomous underwater vehicles in rotating flow fields1
Study on vibration energy harvesting of offshore platform by energy harvester based on nonlinear energy sink1
A hybrid prediction model of vessel trajectory based on attention mechanism and CNN-GRU1
Productivity regression analysis of cutter suction dredger considering operating characteristics and equipment status1
Study on predictability of ocean wave fields based on marine radar measurement data1
Some relationships between build strategy and shipbuilding time in European shipbuilding1
Analytical calculation method for predicting contact loads and structural strength of metallic gasket of subsea connectors under thermal loads1