Aging Cell

(The TQCC of Aging Cell is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4: A regulator of mitochondrial function in acute kidney injury242
Viral uptake and pathophysiology of the lung endothelial cells in age‐associated severe SARS‐CoV‐2 infection models152
Deletion of quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase gene accelerates frailty phenotypes and neuromuscular decline with aging in a sex‐specific pattern145
seRNA PAM controls skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation and aging through trans regulation of Timp2 expression synergistically with Ddx5110
Nucleoporin93 limits Yap activity to prevent endothelial cell senescence102
Increased levels of extracellular matrix proteins associated with extracellular vesicles from brains of aged mice98
Sexual dimorphism in the peripheral metabolic homeostasis and behavior in the TgF344‐AD rat model of Alzheimer's disease95
Reducing Nav1.6 expression attenuates the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease by suppressing BACE1 transcription91
Epigenetic clock and methylation studies in elephants91
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Telomere length and micronuclei trajectories in APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease: Correlating with cognitive impairment and brain amyloidosis in a sexually dimorphic ma82
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Sensitivity of the S1 neuronal calcium network to insulin and Bay‐K 8644 in vivo: Relationship to gait, motivation, and aging processes70
CCR4‐NOT subunit CCF‐1/CNOT7 promotes transcriptional activation to multiple stress responses in Caenorhabditis elegans66
microRNA‐425 loss mediates amyloid plaque microenvironment heterogeneity and promotes neurodegenerative pathologies64
Nitric oxide‐soluble guanylyl cyclase pathway as a contributor to age‐related memory impairment in Drosophila63
Circulating miR‐19a‐3p and miR‐19b‐3p characterize the human aging process and their isomiRs associate with healthy status at extreme ages63
Pain modulatory network is influenced by sex and age in a healthy state and during osteoarthritis progression in rats61
Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy mutations link the RNA‐binding protein HNRNPQ to autophagosome biogenesis60
Platelet response to influenza vaccination reflects effects of aging60
Chronic TNF exposure induces glucocorticoid‐like immunosuppression in the alveolar macrophages of aged mice that enhances their susceptibility to pneumonia58
Single‐worm quantitative proteomics reveals aging heterogeneity in isogenic Caenorhabditis elegans58
Plasma proteomic signature of human longevity57
Associations between skeletal muscle energetics and accelerometry‐based performance fatigability: Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging57
Biomarkers of cellular senescence and risk of death in humans55
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S‐adenosyl‐L‐homocysteine extends lifespan through methionine restriction effects51
Centenarian hippocampus displays high levels of astrocytic metallothioneins50
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Telomere length and metabolic syndrome traits: A Mendelian randomisation study49
2'‐Fucosyllactose attenuates aging‐related metabolic disorders through modulating gut microbiome‐T cell axis48
Methylation entropy landscape of Chinese long‐lived individuals reveals lower epigenetic noise related to human healthy aging46
Long‐term Tai Chi practice in older adults is associated with “younger” functional abilities45
Dysregulated glial genes in Alzheimer's disease are essential for homeostatic plasticity: Evidence from integrative epigenetic and single cell analyses45
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Progeria‐based vascular model identifies networks associated with cardiovascular aging and disease43
Chromosome‐level Asian elephant genome assembly and comparative genomics of long‐lived mammals reveal the common substitutions for cancer resistance43
Proteomic architecture of frailty across the spectrum of cardiovascular disease43
Circadian regulation in aging: Implications for spaceflight and life on earth42
Overexpression of mitochondrial fission or mitochondrial fusion genes enhances resilience and extends longevity41
Biomarker development for translational geroscience: Considerations for a strategic framework focusing on early clinical development41
SCARF2 is a target for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Evidence from multi‐omics research and cohort validation40
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A short peptide protects from age‐onset proteotoxicity38
Endosomal trafficking protein TBC‐2 modulates stress resistance and lifespan through DAF‐16‐dependent and independent mechanisms38
Lipid peroxidation products induce carbonyl stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cellular senescence in human and murine cells38
Role of autophagy in aging: The good, the bad, and the ugly38
The “telomereless” erythrocytes and telomere‐length dependent erythropoiesis38
Arginine metabolism is a biomarker of red blood cell and human aging38
Ectopic cervical thymi and no thymic involution until midlife in naked mole rats38
LEF1 isoforms regulate cellular senescence and aging37
Region‐based epigenetic clock design improves RRBS‐based age prediction36
Myeloid cell‐specific mutation of Spi1 selectively reduces M2‐biased macrophage numbers in skeletal muscle, reduces age‐related muscle fibrosis and prevents sarcopenia36
Abalone peptide increases stress resilience and cost‐free longevity via SKN‐1‐governed transcriptional metabolic reprogramming in C. elegans36
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Can statin preventative treatment inform geroscience‐guided therapeutics?34
Impact of diffused versus vasculature targeted DNA damage on the heart of mice depleted of telomeric factor Ft134
Diet composition, adherence to calorie restriction, and cardiometabolic disease risk modification34
Age‐ and sex‐dependent alterations in primary somatosensory cortex neuronal calcium network dynamics during locomotion34
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Exercise enhancement by RGS14 disruption is mediated by brown adipose tissue33
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Correlates of life course physical activity in participants of the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging32
Heterochromatic silencing of immune‐related genes in glia is required for BBB integrity and normal lifespan in drosophila32
Importance of Bmal1 in Alzheimer's disease and associated aging‐related diseases: Mechanisms and interventions32
A comprehensive AI‐driven analysis of large‐scale omic datasets reveals novel dual‐purpose targets for the treatment of cancer and aging32
Cooperative effects of SIRT1 and SIRT2 on APP acetylation31
Microglial cathepsin E plays a role in neuroinflammation and amyloid β production in Alzheimer’s disease31
Non‐enzymatic function of WRN RECQL helicase regulates removal of topoisomerase‐I‐DNA covalent complexes and triggers NF‐κB signaling in cancer30
Growth differentiation factor 11 accelerates liver senescence through the inhibition of autophagy30
Integrative analysis of clinical and epigenetic biomarkers of mortality30
STAT3 promotes a youthful epigenetic state in articular chondrocytes30
Effects of Aging on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Mice29
Reduced endosomal microautophagy activity in aging associates with enhanced exocyst‐mediated protein secretion29
Loss of smelling is an early marker of aging and is associated with inflammation and DNA damage in C57BL/6J mice29
Oocyte aging is controlled by mitogen‐activated protein kinase signaling29
Whole‐body senescent cell clearance alleviates age‐related brain inflammation and cognitive impairment in mice29
Modelling the dynamics of senescence spread29
Type I IFN stimulates lymph node stromal cells from adult and old mice during a West Nile virus infection29
Müller Glia maintain their regenerative potential despite degeneration in the aged zebrafish retina28
DNA repair‐deficient premature aging models display accelerated epigenetic age28
Deficiency for scavenger receptors Stabilin‐1 and Stabilin‐2 leads to age‐dependent renal and hepatic depositions of fasciclin domain proteins TGFBI and Periostin in mice28
Genetic context drives age‐related disparities in synaptic maintenance and structure across cortical and hippocampal neuronal circuits28
Long term methionine restriction: Influence on gut microbiome and metabolic characteristics27
Glucagon‐like peptide‐1 receptor agonists to expand the healthy lifespan: Current and future potentials27
Inflammatory and immune markers in HIV‐infected older adults on long‐term antiretroviral therapy: Persistent elevation of sCD14 and of proinflammatory effector memory T cells27
Diurnal expression of Dgat2 induced by time‐restricted feeding maintains cardiac health in the Drosophila model of circadian disruption27
GM‐CSF and IL‐7 fusion cytokine engineered tumor vaccine generates long‐term Th‐17 memory cells and increases overall survival in aged syngeneic mouse models of glioblastoma27
A single short reprogramming early in life initiates and propagates an epigenetically related mechanism improving fitness and promoting an increased healthy lifespan27
Accelerated cerebromicrovascular senescence contributes to cognitive decline in a mouse model of paclitaxel (Taxol)‐induced chemobrain27
Cisd2 slows down liver aging and attenuates age‐related metabolic dysfunction in male mice26
Aging influences the cardiac macrophage phenotype and function during steady state and during inflammation26
Proteomes of primary skin fibroblasts from healthy individuals reveal altered cell responses across the life span26
Multi‐omic rejuvenation of naturally aged tissues by a single cycle of transient reprogramming26
System‐level metabolic modeling facilitates unveiling metabolic signature in exceptional longevity26
Biological mechanisms of aging predict age‐related disease co‐occurrence in patients26
Alzheimer’s disease associated AKAP9 I2558M mutation alters posttranslational modification and interactome of tau and cellular functions in CRISPR‐edited human neuronal cells26
Organelle dysfunction upon asrij depletion causes aging‐like changes in mouse hematopoietic stem cells26
Induction of somatopause in adult mice compromises bone morphology and exacerbates bone loss during aging25
Alpha‐ketoglutarate ameliorates age‐related and surgery induced temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis via regulating IKK/NFκB signaling25
Exaggerated hypoxic vascular breakdown in aged brain due to reduced microglial vasculo‐protection25
Endothelial cell‐specific reduction in mTOR ameliorates age‐related arterial and metabolic dysfunction25
The association between chrononutrition behaviors and muscle health among older adults: The study of muscle, mobility and aging25
Longitudinal analysis of physical function in older adults: The effects of physical inactivity and exercise training25
Late‐life plasma proteins associated with prevalent and incident frailty: A proteomic analysis25
Metabolomic characterization of unintentional weight loss among community‐dwelling older Black and White men and women25
Acyl coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP): An aging‐ and disease‐relevant “autophagy checkpoint”25
Expression of mitochondrial oxidative stress response genes in muscle is associated with mitochondrial respiration, physical performance, and muscle mass in the Study of Muscle, Mobility, and Aging24
Long‐term demyelination and aging‐associated changes in mice corpus callosum; evidence for the role of accelerated aging in remyelination failure in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis24
Rejuvenation of neutrophils and their extracellular vesicles is associated with enhanced aged fracture healing24
Piwi mutant germ cells transmit a form of heritable stress that promotes longevity24
Associations of age and sex with characteristics of extracellular vesicles and protein‐enriched fractions of blood plasma24
TAF15 downregulation contributes to the benefits of physical training on dendritic spines and working memory in aged mice24
Disrupted macrophage metabolic reprogramming in aged soleus muscle during early recovery following disuse atrophy24
Compromised CD8+ T cell immunity in the aged brain increases severity of neurotropic coronavirus infection and postinfectious cognitive impairment24
Accumulation of senescent cells in the adrenal gland induces hypersecretion of corticosterone via IL1β secretion24
Nanocarriers for natural polyphenol senotherapeutics24
Metformin treatment results in distinctive skeletal muscle mitochondrial remodeling in rats with different intrinsic aerobic capacities24
TRIM33 protects osteoblasts from oxidative stress‐induced apoptosis in osteoporosis by inhibiting FOXO3a ubiquitylation and degradation23
Rapamycin/metformin co‐treatment normalizes insulin sensitivity and reduces complications of metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetic mice23
Platelet biomarkers for a descending cognitive function: A proteomic approach23
Platelet biomarkers identifying mild cognitive impairment in type 2 diabetes patients23
Age‐dependent changes in the gut microbiota and serum metabolome correlate with renal function and human aging23
Microbiota‐microglia connections in age‐related cognition decline23
Senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase reveals the abundance of senescent CD8+ T cells in aging humans22
Measuring biological age using a functionally interpretable multi‐tissue RNA clock22
Neuronal loss and microgliosis are restricted to the core of Aβ deposits in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease22
Advanced age and female sex protect cerebral arteries from mitochondrial depolarization and apoptosis during acute oxidative stress22
Canonical and extra‐telomeric functions of telomerase: Implications for healthy ageing conferred by endurance training22
Decreased Enterobacteriaceae translocation due to gut microbiota remodeling mediates the alleviation of premature aging by a high‐fat diet22
Transcriptomics age acceleration in prolonged treated HIV infection22
The intrinsic chaperone network of Arabidopsis stem cells confers protection against proteotoxic stress22
Mitochondrial stress and mitokines in aging22
Deuterated docosahexaenoic acid protects against oxidative stress and geographic atrophy‐like retinal degeneration in a mouse model with iron overload22
Age patterns of intra‐pair DNA methylation discordance in twins: Sex difference in epigenomic instability and implication on survival21
Hematopoietic progenitor cell liabilities and alarmins S100A8/A9‐related inflammaging associate with frailty and predict poor cardiovascular outcomes in older adults21
Sex and age differences in AMPK phosphorylation, mitochondrial homeostasis, and inflammation in hearts from inflammatory cardiomyopathy patients21
Role of Adiponectin‐Notch pathway in cognitive dysfunction associated with depression and in the therapeutic effect of physical exercise21
Knockdown of RUVBL2 improves hnRNPA2/B1‐stress granules dynamics to inhibit perioperative neurocognitive disorders in aged mild cognitive impairment rats21
Asparagine prevents intestinal stem cell aging via the autophagy‐lysosomal pathway21
Chronic polypharmacy, monotherapy, and deprescribing: Understanding complex effects on the hepatic proteome of aging mice21
Mendelian randomization supports causality between overweight status and accelerated aging21
Cpt1a silencing in AgRP neurons improves cognitive and physical capacity and promotes healthy aging in male mice21
Large‐Scale metabolomics: Predicting biological age using 10,133 routine untargeted LC–MS measurements21
Corrigendum: Body weight and high‐fat diet are associated with epigenetic aging in female members of the BXD murine family21
The ultrastructural and proteomic analysis of mitochondria‐associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane in the midbrain of a Parkinson's disease mouse model21
Enhanced NRF2 expression mitigates the decline in neural stem cell function during aging21
Unveiling ceramide dynamics: Shedding light on healthy aging in growth hormone‐releasing hormone knockout mice21
Age‐related changes in metabolites in young donor livers and old recipient sera after liver transplantation from young to old rats21
A rationally designed fluorescence probe achieves highly specific and long‐term detection of senescence in vitro and in vivo21
Loss of heterochromatin and retrotransposon silencing as determinants in oocyte aging21
Calorie restriction reduces biomarkers of cellular senescence in humans21
Erratum to: Increased miR‐34c mediates synaptic deficits by targeting synaptotagmin 1 through ROS‐JNK‐p53 pathway in Alzheimer's disease21
The Ercc1−/Δ mouse model of XFE progeroid syndrome undergoes accelerated retinal degeneration21
NF‐κB/IKK activation by small extracellular vesicles within the SASP21
Chronic β3‐AR stimulation activates distinct thermogenic mechanisms in brown and white adipose tissue and improves systemic metabolism in aged mice20
IL‐21‐IgFc immunotherapy alters transcriptional landscape of lymph node cells leading to enhanced flu vaccine response in aging and SIV infection20
The E262K mutation in Lamin A links nuclear proteostasis imbalance to laminopathy‐associated premature aging20
Cockayne syndrome B protein is implicated in transcription and associated chromatin dynamics in homeostatic and genotoxic conditions20
The D3‐creatine dilution method non‐invasively measures muscle mass in mice20
A p21‐GFP zebrafish model of senescence for rapid testing of senolytics in vivo20
Ibrutinib modulates Aβ/tau pathology, neuroinflammation, and cognitive function in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease20
Effects of cerebral amyloid angiopathy on the brain vasculome20
Associations of combined accelerated biological aging and genetic susceptibility with incidence of heart failure in a population‐based cohort study20
RETRACTION: 1,25‐Dihydroxyvitamin D exerts an antiaging role by activation of Nrf2‐antioxidant signaling and inactivation of p16/p53‐senescence signaling20
Identification of SRY‐box 30 as an age‐related essential gatekeeper for male germ‐cell meiosis and differentiation20
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Blood–brain barrier dysfunction promotes astrocyte senescence through albumin‐induced TGFβ signaling activation20
The longevity factor spermidine is part of a highly heritable complex erythrocyte phenotype associated with longevity20
Glycogen phosphorylase inhibition improves cognitive function of aged mice20
Pathogenic tau induces an adaptive elevation in mRNA translation rate at early stages of disease19
Are immunosenescent T cells really senescent?19
DNA methylation and chromatin accessibility predict age in the domestic dog19
Issue Information19
Accumulation of DNA G‐quadruplex in mitochondrial genome hallmarks mesenchymal senescence19
Hippocampal rejuvenation by a single intracerebral injection of one‐carbon metabolites in C57BL6 old wild‐type mice19
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor ameliorates senescent changes of renal interstitial pericytes in aging kidney19
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Aging‐associated atrial fibrillation: A comprehensive review focusing on the potential mechanisms19
Discovery of genomic and transcriptomic pleiotropy between kidney function and soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products using correlated meta‐analyses: The Long Life Family Study19
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Young transgenic hMTH1 mice are protected against dietary fat‐induced metabolic stress—implications for enhanced longevity18
Cellular senescence in skin‐related research: Targeted signaling pathways and naturally occurring therapeutic agents18
Transcriptomic and intervention evidence reveals domestic dogs as a promising model for anti‐inflammatory investigation18
miR‐24 and its target gene Prdx6 regulate viability and senescence of myogenic progenitors during aging18
Molecular and physiological mechanisms of aging are distinct in the cardiac right and left ventricles18
Strategies for senolytic drug discovery18
Can accelerated ageing models inform us on age‐related tauopathies?18
Alterations of lipid‐mediated mitophagy result in aging‐dependent sensorimotor defects18
Polr3b heterozygosity in mice induces both beneficial and deleterious effects on health during ageing with no effect on lifespan18
Lipoteichoic acid restrains macrophage senescence via β‐catenin/FOXO1/REDD1 pathway in age‐related osteoporosis17
DNA damage contributes to age‐associated differences in SARS‐CoV‐2 infection17
Issue Information17
Loss of glucocorticoid rhythm induces an osteoporotic phenotype in female mice17
Signatures of cysteine oxidation on muscle structural and contractile proteins are associated with physical performance and muscle function in older adults: Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging (SOMMA)17
Age‐related DNA methylation on Y chromosome and their associations with total mortality among Chinese males17
Cross‐species comparison illuminates the importance of iron homeostasis for splenic anti‐immunosenescence17
Senolytic treatment reduces oxidative protein stress in an aging male murine model of post‐traumatic osteoarthritis17
Young donor hematopoietic stem cells revitalize aged or damaged bone marrow niche by transdifferentiating into functional niche cells16
SIRT6 deficiency causes ovarian hypoplasia by affecting Plod1‐related collagen formation16
Bloom syndrome patients and mice display accelerated epigenetic aging16
Gut microbiota metabolism of branched‐chain amino acids and their metabolites can improve the physiological function of aging mice16
Adiponectin alleviated Alzheimer‐like pathologies via autophagy‐lysosomal activation16
Anatomical Society Research Studentships 2023/2416
Age‐mediated gut microbiota dysbiosis promotes the loss of dendritic cells tolerance16
Correction to: 5‐HT6R null mutation induces synaptic and cognitive defects16
Endothelial‐specific telomerase inactivation causes telomere‐independent cell senescence and multi‐organ dysfunction characteristic of aging16
Mitochondrial mistranslation modulated by metabolic stress causes cardiovascular disease and reduced lifespan16
Reduced bone morphogenic protein signaling along the gut–neuron axis by heat shock factor promotes longevity16
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Impaired mitophagosome–lysosome fusion mediates olanzapine‐induced aging16
NELF‐A controls Drosophila healthspan by regulating heat‐shock protein‐mediated cellular protection and heterochromatin maintenance16
Neuroprotective effects of Canagliflozin: Lessons from aged genetically diverse UM‐HET3 mice15
Spatially resolved transcriptome of the aging mouse brain15
Aging alters the metabolic flux signature of the ER‐unfolded protein response in vivo in mice15
Anatomical Society Research Studentships 2023/2415
Epigenome‐wide analysis of frailty: Results from two European twin cohorts15
Smurfness‐based two‐phase model of ageing helps deconvolve the ageing transcriptional signature15
Issue Information15
Inhibition of abnormal C/EBPβ/α‐Syn signaling pathway through activation of Nrf2 ameliorates Parkinson's disease‐like pathology15
Fibroblast growth factor 10 ameliorates neurodegeneration in mouse and cellular models of Alzheimer's disease via reducing tau hyperphosphorylation and neuronal apoptosis15
Vitamin D supplementation worsens Alzheimer's progression: Animal model and human cohort studies15
Acetyltransferase p300 regulates atrial fibroblast senescence and age‐related atrial fibrosis through p53/Smad3 axis15
Mechanisms of angiogenic incompetence in Hutchinson–Gilford progeria via downregulation of endothelial NOS15
Insulin resistance induces earlier initiation of cognitive dysfunction mediated by cholinergic deregulation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease15
Nanopore sequencing identifies a higher frequency and expanded spectrum of mitochondrial DNA deletion mutations in human aging15
Proteome‐wide profiling reveals dysregulated molecular features and accelerated aging in osteoporosis: A 9.8‐year prospective study14