International Development Planning Review

(The median citation count of International Development Planning Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Breaking false boundaries in comparative urban studies: an engagement with Martin J. Murray’s Many Urbanisms32
Viewpoint Theorisations of African cities need to be careful of jumping onto the ‘urban band wagon’13
The geography of women’s informal entrepreneurial activities in urban Zambia: place, mobility and locational decision-making11
Co-producing urban transport informality: evidence from owner-operator relations in the motor tricycle taxi industry in a Ghanaian town9
The politics of infrastructural aesthetics: a case of Delhi’s Bus Rapid Transit corridor9
On the governing of ‘gray’ trading spaces in Accra: multiple powers and ambiguous ‘worlding’ practices9
Hallyu and FDI: the growth of South Korea’s investment in Indonesia’s cultural content industry8
The making and unmaking of Tarlabasi, Istanbul: an account of territorial stigmatisation8
The inventiveness of informality: an introduction7
Development beyond 2030: more collaboration, less competition?7
De-industrialisation in the world’s factory: a microscopic analysis of the restructuring of Wuhan Iron and Steel Company (WISCO), Wuhan, China7
Editorial note6
Responding to the growing issue of ‘journal hijacking’6
‘They say these are places for criminals, but this is our home’: internalising and countering discourses of territorial stigmatisation in Harare’s informal settlements5
The self-regulation of informal land uses and tenure through customary land management systems4
International Development Planning Review: Volume ahead-of-print4
How can street routines inform state regulation? Learning from informal traders in Baclaran, Metro Manila4
Climate change, mobility and violent conflict: a typology of interlinked pathways4
Are climate and environment- and peace and security-related policy outputs coherent? A policy coherence and awareness analysis for climate security3
Informality and the branding of creative places: the case of Suci screen-printing kampong in Bandung, Indonesia3
Community development in Chinese commodity housing estates through civic action3
(Re)constructing (re)settlement: risk reduction and urban development negotiations in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic3
The generational status quo explained: longitudinal case studies of small Dutch NGOs3
‘You never get a livelihood out of going to school’: the crisis of urban modernity and the education-employment nexus in Harare, Zimbabwe3
Informal rental housing in Colombia: an essential option for low-income households3
Electrifying urban Africa: energy access, city-making and globalisation in Nigeria and Benin2
Pathways to assisted self-help housing: the evolution of Mexico’s housing governability system2
The social regulation of livelihoods in unplanned settlements in Freetown: implications for strategies of formalisation2
International Development Planning Review: Volume 44, Issue 22
Non-metropolitan cities in Latin American urban studies: between ‘trickle-down urban theory’ and ‘singularisation theory’2
On the ethics of researching informal urbanism2
The politics of Africa’s urban–industrialisation: authoritarian centralisation and policy integration2
Seeing into the entropic state: smart cities and COVID-19 management in Kerala2
Global extractive imperative: from local resistance to unburnable fuels2
Theorising the messiness of global urbanism2
Land value uplift for infrastructure in land readjustment: a case study of Yeongdong (Gangnam) in Seoul, South Korea2
Understanding the structure and complexity of regional greenway governance in China2
International Development Planning Review: Volume 43, Issue 12
Index to Volume 441
Between the village and the city: the in-betweenness of rural young people in East Indonesia1
The limits of insulation: the long-term political dynamics of public–private service delivery1
Towards a comparative research agenda on in situ urbanisation and rural governance transformation1
Urban governance in the pandemic and beyond: framing the debate from cities of the South1
Conceptualising gentrification: relevance of gentrification research in the Indian context1
Index to Volume 461
Informal irrigated vegetable value chains in urban Ghana: potential to improve food safety through changing stakeholder practices1
Rethinking the link between climate and violent conflict over water1
Current water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions in selected schools in Port Harcourt, Nigeria1
Climate change and security nexus1
International Development Planning Review: Volume 43, Issue 41
The diverse colours of money: the country-of-origin effects of foreign direct investment within East Asia1
Managing COVID-19 and health vulnerabilities: mHealth user experience, information quality and policy recommendations1
Scholarship and policy on urban densification: perspectives from city experiences1
Policy analysis of Korea’s development cooperation with sub-Saharan Africa: a focus on fragile states1