European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

(The TQCC of European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Understanding needs and expectations of heart failure patients and their caregivers regarding digital health - the PASSION-HF project78
Demographic and clinical predictors of post-operative atrial fibrillation in cardio-surgical patients70
Research partnerships and collaboration in cardiovascular nursing65
Impact of clinical pharmacist led theory-based discharge counselling service on clinical outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome: preliminary results of a randomized controlled study62
The role of the icc coordinator within the NHS-SUD pilot project55
Full spectrum of symptoms associated with heart failure: a mixed-method systematic review and narrative synthesis52
A further update on symptom clusters among patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis38
Retrospective evaluation of the effect of nutritional status of patients with left ventricular assist device on clinical results in the postoperative period32
Feasibility and acceptability of using a patient reported outcome measure (OxFAB) to help patients with heart failure to recognise and communicate worsening symptoms to specialist nurses29
The experience of living with congenital heart disease from the perspective of the affected child or adolescent and its family: a systematic qualitative review28
Workplace violence against cardiovascular nurses during Covid-19 pandemic26
Self-care behaviors of patients with implanted left-ventricular assist device in Israel: a comparative study before and during COVID-19 pandemic24
Determination of Factors Affecting Hypertension Awareness, Compliance to Treatment and Blood Pressure Control21
Effects of remote patient management on self-care behaviour in heart failure patients: results from the TIM-HF2 trial21
A demographic study to profile non-attenders at a single centre heart failure outpatient clinic21
Gender-dependent compliance with therapeutic recommendations in patients with heart failure20
How deep is your involvement? Caregiver Contribution to self-care in heart failure: A content qualitative analysis with magnitude coding18
I don't have to be terribly mobile do I?: a qualitative study on attitudes and beliefs about CR in heart failure18
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for one or three montsh after surgical aortic valve replacement, a feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial17
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection; a systematic review of physical and psychosocial recovery following discharge from hospital17
Initial experience and validation of a novel tool to assess patient experience in the catheterization laboratory (PATCATH), in patients undergoing coronary angiography or angioplasty.15
A gradual taste adaption intervention reduced dietary sodium intake among adults with hypertension15
Illuminating the need for a specific clinical care pathway for patients living with heart failure and identified as clinically frail.15
How do Heart Failure Caregivers gain information and support for their role? The contribution of specialist nurses.14
Interests and preferences towards technology-based cardiac rehabilitation in men and women with coronary artery disease14
Seasonal differences in nutritional status of patients hospitalized with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.13
Evaluating the usability of a co-designed interactive web application for cardiac rehabilitation.13
Modelling presentation delay in stroke—what are we learning?12
Accelerating knowledge translation to improve cardiovascular outcomes and health services: opportunities for bridging science and clinical practice12
Progress with fear of progression post-cardiac valve replacement12
EuroHeartCare 2021: the importance of advanced practice and a multidisciplinary approach in cardiovascular care12
Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess knowledge in patients with Atrial Fibrillation11
Feasibility of alcohol interventions in cardiology: a qualitative study of clinician perspectives in Sweden11
Influence of frailty syndrome on anxiety and depression of patients with atrial fibrillation11
‘When age is not a barrier’: an explorative study of nonagenarian patients’ experiences of undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention11
Learning Health Care Network Heart Failure: towards a better Heart Failure care in Belgium11
What am I doing here? Enablers and barriers to community-based cardiac rehabilitation attendance: a qualitative study utilising a behavioural science approach11
Illness perception as a mediator of disease severity, psychological stress, and health-related quality of life in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a commentary11
Silent struggles to self-manage high blood pressure among deaf sign language users: a qualitative study11
A framework for risk stratification of burnout due to Covid-19 in nurses using personas" creation10
Bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with acute coronary pathology receiving dual antiplatelet therapy10
Learning from experiences: tips for PhD students10
Strengthening cardiovascular nursing education and workforce is a critical strategy for addressing the growing cardiovascular disease epidemic in Africa10
Patient & public involvement for inherited cardiac conditions10
Association between coordination of long-term care insurance service and adverse outcome after discharge in older patients with heart failure10
What the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions can bring you?10
Emergency Department chest pain patient experience time (PET): the impact of ANP cardiology autonomy from triage to diagnosis10
Coronary artery disease patients experience of patient education, follow up and self care support in rural areas of Iceland10
Promoting and translating the Methods Corner for impact in learning, teaching, and researcher capacity development activities9
Identify the patients perceived learning needs after myocardial infarction9
Development of a comprehensive frailty test battery including physical, socio-psychological and cognitive domains for patients with cardiovascular disease9
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with heart failure admitted to the intensive care unit with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19): a multicenter cohort study9
Health related quality of life of Icelandic patients six months after coronary heart disease incidence9
ESC Nursing and Allied Professional Training grants: 10 top tips for enhancing funding success!9
Development and effectiveness of advance care planning protocol for heart failure outpatients9
Diet variety mediates the relationship between appetite and micronutrient intake in patients with heart failure9
Using item response theory to develop and refine patient-reported outcome measures9
Evaluation and Cardiac Rehabilitation on a patient with a congenital heart disease9
Aortic Coarctation of the newborn and infant: predictors of morbidity and mortality8
Participation of the nurse in the prevention of patients with CVD through health education and monitoring of health related quality of life8
Operationalization of heart failure patients engagement with mHealth8
Understanding the use of heart failure online health forums: a qualitative study8
The CADI-study: Compression after device implantation - To examine the effect of a compressive dressing after device implantation or replacement focusing on the patient"s bleeding, hematomas and pain8
Psychological distress and quality of life in asymptomatic adults following provision of imaging results for prevention of cardiovascular disease events: a scoping review8
Comparative effect of different physical exercise training on exercise capacity and cardiac function in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a network meta-analysis—ExIC-FEp Study8
Caring for patients with a congenital heart defect: a national survey of the educational needs of nurses8
Impact of mild cognitive impairment on unplanned readmission in patients with coronary artery disease8
Associations of multidimensional fatigue with the physical, psychological, and situational factors in outpatients with heart failure: a cross-sectional study8
Co-design of cardiac rehabilitation delivery in the aftermath of COVID-19, putting the patient view back in the picture8
Decrease in the prevalence of hypertension in Spanish schoolchildren from 2010 to 2017: Cuenca Study7
Response to the letter to the editor—‘Amiodarone-induced phlebitis: incidence and adherence to a clinical practice guideline’ by Jafari et al.7
The psychological, social, and quality of life outcomes of people with a cardiac implantable electronic device: an umbrella review7
Interventions on the social dimension of people with chronic heart failure: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials7
Association between Rapid Dementia Screening Test score and clinical events in elderly patients with cardiovascular disease: a retrospective cohort study7
The feasibility of motivational interviewing on adherence to care practices, emotional intelligence, and dispositional optimism among patients with permanent pacemakers7
Content of Heart failure education by Health-care professionals in Noorder-Kempen, Belgium and Maastricht, the Netherlands: the INTERACT-in-HF study7
The efficacy and safety of a nurse-led electrical cardioversion service for atrial fibrillation over a 2-year time period7
The key to managing HFpEF? Fun, exercise, diet, and sun7
How the dyads of heart failure patients and their informal caregivers cope with the disease process: a qualitative synthesis7
The effect of psychosocial interventions on anxiety and depression in congenital heart disease population: a systematic review and explorative meta-analysis6
Optimizing diuretic management in acute decompensated heart failure: the impact of diuretic algorithm in real-world setting6
Impact of reduced ejection fraction on affect, cognition and self-care behaviors in adults with heart failure6
Exploring reasons for (non)participation in a tele-yoga intervention6
Echocardiographic parameters and Galectin-3 in patients with atrial fibrillation as a marker of left atrial fibrosis6
Clinical scores associated with immunological biomarker in the assessment of severity in congenital heart surgery6
Sleep disorders in patients with heart diseases - present knowledge6
Smartwatch a new tool in the assesment of ischaemic heart disease6
A study of the effect of congenital heart disease on somatic growth by comparing identical twins anthropometric profiles6
Healthcare professionals' perceptions of digital care in clinical practice for patients with non-cardiac chest pain6
Contrast-induced nephropathy: nursing interventions - a scoping review6
Gender related incidence of frailty syndrome occurrence in patients with atrial fibrillation6
The influence of the health status and functional capacity assessment of older people with heart failure on the participation in a cardiac rehabilitation program after myocardial infarction6
Experiences of primary care nurses with using a handheld ultrasound device (Vscan) and a remote dielectric sensing (ReDS) device in the assessment of patients with heart failure6
Evaluation of an educational intervention into an emergency department to improve diagnosis and early treatment in STEMI5
Optimization of antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus after percutaneous coronary interventions5
The association between overprotective parenting, parental perceptions of child vulnerability and growth and development of children with congenital heart disease5
Production of an introperative safety list in interventional cardiology. From pilot project to clinical practice guidelines hospital5
Exergaming in patients with heart failure. A pilot study of the HEART-EXERGAME (Heart-eXg) intervention5
A pilot RCT of an mHealth self-help intervention on readmission rate reduction after adult cardiac surgery: preliminary findings5
Informal caregivers must open the door to information during heart surgery patients hospitalization. A qualitative study5
Electrocardiography and Holter monitoring in patients with Cardiac AL Amyloidosis5
An internet-based cardiac rehabilitation intervention for patients with coronary artery disease: a pilot feasibility analysis5
Nurses experience and perceptions towards video consultations and how affects the relation to the patients5
Predictors of perceived caregiver strain in carers of patients living with heart failure: data from a collectivist society5
The relationship between gender, body mass index, and length of hospital stay in patients with hypertension5
QGenome: a smart app-based clinical decision aid for inherited cardiac conditions5
Differences between non-obese and obese patients after cardiac arrest5
Fasting before coronary angiography: a scoping review protocol5
Sex differences in atrial fibrillation and progression to dementia5
A nurse-led multicomponent behavioral activation intervention for patients with atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial5
Association of heart failure symptoms burden with physical well-being: exploring the roles of self-care and sleep quality using a moderated-mediation analysis5
Relationship of the occurrence of self-reported anxiety and depression symptoms and achievement of cardiovascular risk factors control5
Prevalence of hypertension in women under 50 in the PICTURE cohort study5
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of personalised medicine at the micro-, meso- and macro-regional levels5
Autonomic dysfunction is prevalent in PASC of Covid-19 [PASC]5
Recommendations for the holistic care of patients with hereditary ATTR amyloidosis: an international Delphi consensus of patient advocates and multidisciplinary healthcare professionals5
Predictors for arterial hypertension in middle aged adults5
Preoperative disabilty and its relationship with morbidity after cardiac surgery5
Sex-related differences in the impact of nutritional status on in-hospital mortality in heart failure: a retrospective cohort study4
Co-designing digital cardiac rehabilitation with patients living in rural and remote australia - the country heart attack prevention project4
Patterns and predictors of dyspnoea following left ventricular assist device implantation4
Factors influencing self-care among patients with primary hypertension: path analysis of mediating roles of self-efficacy and depressive symptoms4
Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing on contribution to self-care, self-efficacy, and preparedness in caregivers of patients with heart failure: a secondary outcome analysis of the MOTIVATE-HF r4
Gender differences in lifestyle management among coronary patients and the association with education and age: results from the ESC EORP EUROASPIRE V registry4
A multidisciplinary early mobility model for cardiac patients in coronary intensive care unit4
Prognostic value of soluble ST2 biomarker in heart failure patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome4
One patient’s perspective: the heart valve as the ticking sound of life4
Usefulness of physical function sub-item of SF-36 survey to predict exercise intolerance in patients with heart failure4
Association between Big Five personality traits and participation in cardiac rehabilitation in Japanese patients with cardiovascular disease: a longitudinal study4
Both sides of the fence: a cardiology journey4
Patient journey mapping: emerging methods for understanding and improving patient experiences of health systems and services4
What are the outcomes of dietary interventions in Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction? A systematic review and meta-analysis4
Increasing patient advocacy: The development of patient guidelines for cardio-oncology4
Caregiver contributions to general and specific self-care of patients affected by heart failure and other chronic conditions4
Perspectives on barriers and facilitators to lifestyle change after cardiac events among patients in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study4
Spatial methods for measuring access to health care4
Ageing and age-related issues in congenital heart disease: a new niche in treatment, care, and research4
Are patient-reported outcomes at discharge associated with employment status after cardiac hospitalization? Results from the national DenHeart study4
Caught between competing emotions and tensions - a focus group study exploring experiences of family caregivers of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors4
The effects of showering in 48–72 h after coronary artery bypass graft surgery through median sternotomy on wound infection, pain, comfort, and satisfaction: randomized controlled trial4
Nurse co-ordinated health and lifestyle modification for reducing multiple cardio-metabolic risk factors in regional adults: outcomes from the MODERN randomized controlled trial4
Creating a social media strategy for an international cardiothoracic research network: a scoping review4
Unreadiness for hospital discharge predicts readmission among cardiac patients: results from the national DenHeart survey4
Effect of radiographer-led intervention on reassurance, treatment satisfaction, and recurring chest pain in patients with a normal coronary computed tomography angiography—a randomized controlled tria4
Relationships between work, lifestyles, and obesity: cross-sectional study based on the 2017 Spanish National Health Survey3
Long-term effects of e-Health secondary prevention on cardiovascular health: a systematic review and meta-analysis3
Family dynamics and relationships while living with heart disease3
Hypertension self-management trajectory patterns and associated factors among Chinese patients with aortic dissection after surgical repair: A longitudinal study3
Why isn’t frailty being assessed on an ongoing basis within the cardiac setting?3
Who wants to stay in hospital?3
Understanding medication adherence in patients with heart failure: commentary3
The relationship between self-care, long-term mortality, and heart failure hospitalization: insights from a real-world cohort study3
Pharmacist-led education: a promising step towards optimal anticoagulation management in atrial fibrillation3
Exploring symptom clusters and core symptoms during the vulnerable phase in patients with chronic heart failure: a network-based analysis3
Psychometric properties of the Japanese version of the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index version 7.23
Brain fog and spontaneous coronary artery dissection: a commentary3
Beyond testing: understanding the patient perspective of medication adherence in hypertension3
Prognostic role of sarcopenia on major adverse cardiac events among patients who underwent successful percutaneous coronary intervention: a retrospective cohort study3
Anxious avoidance informs behavioural interventions for individuals with cardiovascular disease: a commentary3
What are the core and bridge symptoms during the vulnerable phase in patients with chronic heart failure?3
Grounded theory: what makes a grounded theory study?3
Health-promoting lifestyle and life satisfaction in full-time employed adults with congenital heart disease: grit as a mediator3
The Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals3
Factors influencing health-related quality of life of patients with a left ventricular assist device: a systematic review and thematic synthesis3
Predictors of 30-day readmission based on machine learning in patients with heart failure: an essential assessment for precision care3
Trainability for cardiopulmonary fitness is low in patients with peripheral artery disease3
New technologies call for new strategies for patient education3
Developing an implantable cardioverter defibrillator patient education program: preliminary findings of a knowledge translation project3
Describing the use of remote dielectric sensing and handheld ultrasound in assessing lung congestion in heart failure patients within a primary care setting3
Person-centredness in cardiovascular care: the need for a whole-systems perspective3
Kinesiophobia and associated variables in patients with heart failure3
Remote technical support of nurse-lead electro-anatomic mapping during complex catheter ablation procedures3
A call to arms: cardiac rehabilitation prescription programmes following congenital cardiac surgery3
Advancing health equity in cardiovascular care3
Psychological factors and blood pressure responses to acute stress in women with takotsubo syndrome: an exploratory study3
Effectiveness of the AF-EduCare and AF-EduApp approach to improve atrial fibrillation knowledge and risk factor awareness in patients with atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial3
Solutions to address low response rates in online surveys3
Effect of nurse-led hospital-to-home transitional care interventions on mortality and psychosocial outcomes in adults with heart failure: a meta-analysis3
Expectations and experiences of tele-yoga in persons with heart failure a longitudinal qualitative design3
Effects of exergaming and yoga on exercise capacity and physical and mental health in heart failure patients: a randomized sub-study3
Clinical and demographic correlates of accelerometer-measured physical activity in participants enrolled in the OPTIMISE HFpEF study3
‘Working me to life’: longitudinal perceptions from adults with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction enrolled in an exercise training clinical trial3
Stroke disease–specific quality of life trajectories and their associations with caregivers’ anxiety, depression, and burden in stroke population: a longitudinal, multicentre study3
Impact on nurse workload and patient satisfaction of atrioventricular junction ablation performed simultaneously with conduction system pacing using a superior approach from the pocket compared with t3
Cardiovascular nurses and organizational well-being: a systematic review3
Interviewing people on sensitive topics: challenges and strategies3
Digital healthcare consumption: lessons about online information3
Post-operative delirium following open heart surgery: a commentary3
Integrated care for atrial fibrillation: what’s the recipe for success?3
Measuring up: the significance of measurement invariance in cardiovascular research3
Kinematic parameters related to functional capacity, fatigue, and breathlessness during the 6-min walk test in older adults with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction3
Strategies to optimize the engagement of culturally and linguistically diverse populations in cardiac research: a systematic review3
Advancing cardiovascular health: photoplethysmography as a tool for electrocardiogram signal acquisition3
Cardiac symptom burden and arrhythmia recurrence drives digital health use: results from the iHEART randomized controlled trial2
Perceptions of physical activity levels after a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and in the context of cardiac rehabilitation2
A practical guide to living evidence: reducing the knowledge-to-practice gap2
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection in cardiac rehab: an exploration of lived experiences of patients and the knowledge, understanding, and perceptions of healthcare professionals2
Symptomatic arterial hypertension in extrasystolic arrythmia2
What happened? Perceptions of patients with hypertension on conflicting results between self-reported adherence of medication and chemical adherence testing2
Haematology department nurses training makes a positive shift in reduction of in-hospital cardiac mortality2
Which multimorbidity clusters in hypertensive patients are associated with longer hospital stays?2
Why should a national cardiology society affiliate with the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions?2
The af virtual ward, right care, right time and right team2
Nurse-led multi-component behavioural activation programme to improve health outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: a mixed-methods study and feasibility analysis2
Exploring how enrolment in the TARGET-CTCA clinical trial may modify patient perception of heart health2
The significance of an outpatient multidisciplinary educational consultation to atrial fibrillation patients before electrical cardioversion2
Feasibility of the TARGET-EFT trial in frail and pre-frail cardiovascular inpatients2
See-saws: the delicate balance of burden of treatment in chronic heart failure2
Psychological stress and its correlates in Chinese patients with acute coronary syndrome2
Sensitivity to clinical change in patients with syncope measured by the specific scale impact of syncope on quality of life2
Comment on rapid reviews2
Fatigue, shortness of breath and well-being in patients with heart failure: A daily trend analysis over 12 weeks2
Bed rest duration and complications after transfemoral cardiac catheterization: a network meta-analysis2
Assessing physical activity in heart failure with the CHAMPS physical activity questionnaire2
Sex-related differences in self-efficacy in patients with heart failure: a pooled cross-sectional study of the German Competence Network Heart Failure2
Health literacy of patients with heart failure in a dutch population2
Structural-electrical remodeling of myocardium in neurological deficits in patients with ischemic stroke: is there a connection?2
The effectiveness of preoperative education interventions on improving perioperative outcomes of adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis2
Survival analysis 101: an easy start guide to analysing time-to-event data2
Patophysiologic and gender differences regarding exercise responses in decompensated heart failure patients2
The moderating effect of self-care self-efficacy and self-care behaviors on the relationship between symptom burden and frailty among heart failure inpatients2
Hitting the (bio)mark part 1: selecting and measuring biomarkers in cardiovascular research2
Knowledge on heart disease of the person with ischemic heart disease2
Assessment of internet-based information on statin therapy2
The biomedical, socioeconomic and demographic predictors of heart failure readmissions2
The importance of screening for depression and anxiety in ambulatory patients with chronic heart failure and the role of health care professionals2
Resilience among caregivers of patients with heart failure: a convergent mixed methods study2
Can AI-led remote ECG monitoring result in service improvement for cardiac investigations2
The role of NT-proBNP in patients discharged after COVID-19 pneumonia2
The "UNAV-experience of living with chronic heart failure scale": a psychometric validation study2
Changes in symptoms, sleep, oxidative stress, and inflammatory markers among community-dwelling stroke survivors after a tai chi exercise intervention2
Dietary Interventions in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF): a systematic scoping review and meta-analysis2
The power of human–digital collaborations in chronic illness care2
Long-term medical treatment and adherence in patients with left ventricular assist devices: a Danish nationwide cohort study2
The patient experience of in-hospital telemetry monitoring: a qualitative analysis2
Challenges and strategies for effective recruitment and retention of participants in clinical research studies2
Are anxiety and depression risk factors for poor medication adherence in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator?2
From single advanced nursing interventions to a comprehensive advanced clinical role: the way to go?2
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator deactivation discussions: insights from healthcare professionals to enhance clinical practice and future research2
Anxiety, age, education and activities of daily living as predictors of the occurrence of frailty syndrome in patient with heart rhythm disorders2
Frequency of venous thromboembolism risk factors in hospitalized patients with pulmonary embolism in routine Russian practice2
Using co-design to develop INTERCEPT, a mobile health (mHealth) App, for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease2
Self-reported engagement in exercise is associated with longer event-free survival in heart failure patients with poor functional capacity2
Beyond validation: getting wearable activity trackers into cardiovascular care—a discussion paper2
An inevitable or modifiable trajectory towards heart failure in high-risk individuals: insights from the nurse-led intervention for less chronic heart failure (NIL-CHF) study2
Relationship of myocardial fibrosis markers with glomerular filtration rate in patients with arterial hypertension2
Musculoskeletal disorders in men and women with heart transplantation. A cross- sectional study2
Cardiac involvement in patients with coronavirus pneumonia2
Cardiac rehabilitation patient data management and quality improvement in Australia: A national survey2