Social Movement Studies

(The TQCC of Social Movement Studies is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Fields of contention as a prism: toward a nuanced role of parties and civil society actors in protest interactions47
Transforming urban democracy through social movements: the experience of Ahora Madrid29
Surplus citizens: struggle and nationalism in the Greek crisis Surplus citizens: struggle and nationalism in the Greek crisis , by Dimitra Kotouza, London, published by 26
Researching the far right-theory, method and practice20
Institutional actors’ participation in social movement: examining the roles of perceived damage to work reputation, collective efficacy, and communication patterns19
From social mobilisation to institutional politics: Reflecting on the impact of municipalism in Madrid and Barcelona18
Caring Democracy Now: Neighborhood Support Networks in the Wake of the 15-M16
Doubt to be certain: epistemological ambiguity of data in the case of grassroots mapping of traffic accidents in Russia15
Debating Anarchism: A History of Action, Ideas, and Movements Debating Anarchism: A History of Action, Ideas, and Movements , by Mike Finn, London, Bloomsbury, 2021, x+214
Achieving Organizationality Through Authorship Affordances — A Communicative Episode of Telegram Polling from 2019 Hong Kong11
Emotions and climate strike participation among young and old demonstrators11
Data as narrative: contesting the right to the word10
Data in movement: the social movement society in the age of datafication10
The future is now. An introduction to prefigurative politics The future is now. An introduction to prefigurative politics , edited by Lara Monticelli and published by Br10
15-M Mobilizations and the penalization of counter-hegemonic protest in contemporary Spain9
Towards effective women’s movements against violence: the role of organizational conditions in promoting leadership capital9
The connective is communal: hybrid activism in online & offline spaces9
Defending democracy against the ‘Corona dictatorship’? Far-right PEGIDA during the COVID-19 pandemic8
Mutual aid and solidarity politics in times of emergency: direct social action and temporality in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic8
Beyond straw men: plastic pollution and networked cultures of care8
Sacralising the secular: constructing ‘religion’ in social movement scholarship7
Attention, shocks, and relevance judgements: the case of white nationalism in the U.S. South, 1980–20086
Offside politics during the democratic erosion: social movements and May 2023 presidential election cycle in Turkey6
‘A proper environmentalist wouldn’t do that’: discourses of alienation from the environmental periphery6
Negotiating politics on campus: dynamic (de-)politicization among student activists in post-2011 Egypt6
Networked sustainable lifestyle activism: growth and limits of zero waste movement in urban China6
#MahsaAmini: Iranian Twitter Activism in Times of Computational Propaganda6
Learning democracy through activism: the global climate strike movement and Belgian youth’s democratic experience in times of environmental emergency6
Far-right leadership in comparison: shifts and continuities in German-speaking movements6
Justifying violent protest: law and morality in democratic states6
Social movements and political-emotional communities: an approach from the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico5
Protesting the lockdown: geo-indexing a movement publicly opposing Covid-19 policies on Facebook5
Memory and social movements in modern and contemporary history: remembering past struggles and resourcing protest5
Social movement discourse: An introduction5
‘We hugged each other during the cold nights’: the role of affect in an anti-deportation protest network in Finland5
Protesting the police: an analysis of the correlates of support for police reform following the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests5
The political economy of the Spanish Indignados: political opportunities, social conflicts, and democratizing impacts5
Instagram and social capital: youth activism in a networked movement5
Intimate Communities of hate: why social media fuels far-right extremism5
Proximity to anti-fracking protests: public attitudes about disruption and hydraulic-fracturing risks4
The impacts of COVID-19 on youth activisms in Spain (2020–2022)4
The recovery of protest in Japan: from the ‘ice age’ to the post-2011 movements4
Amplification, evasion, hijacking: algorithms as repertoire for social movements and the struggle for visibility4
The Copenhagen Experiment: testing the effectiveness of creative vs. conventional forms of activism4
Politics of anticipation: Turkey’s 2017 Constitutional Referendum and the Local ‘No’ Assemblies in Istanbul4
Social movements and digital activism in Africa4
How social movements can save democracy: democratic innovations from below4
Resisting state-sanctioned precarity: social reproduction and anti-austerity organizing in Berlin4
Profile: Blending old and new repertoires of contention in Myanmar’s anti-coup protests (2021)4
The mobilising memory of the 15-M movement: recollections and sediments in Spanish protest culture4
Framing health and care: legacies and innovation during the pandemic4
Repression and bystander mobilization in Africa4
Official framing—portraying the implementation of an unpopular policy as responsive governance4
Transgressing taboos: the relational dynamics of claim radicalization in Hong Kong and Thailand4
Populism in the civil sphere Populism in the civil sphere , edited by Jeffrey C. Alexander, Peter Kivisto, and Giuseppe Sciortino, Cambridge, Polity, 2021, xii + 316 pp.4
“I’m sick of doing nothing:” how boredom shapes rape crisis center volunteers’ social movement participation4
Targeted appeals: online social movement frame packaging and tactics customized for youth4
PROFILE: Extinction rebellion in the Gambia4
Hybrid protest logics and relational dynamics against institutional decay: networked movements in Asia4
The power of slogans: using protest writings in social movement research4
‘Courage without the certainty of a happy ending’: the emotion regulation of environmental activists4
What has become of the Indignados? The biographical consequences of participation in the 15M movement in Madrid (2011–19)4
(Re)mobilizing labour. A lesson from recent labour struggles in Italy4
Avoiding the hope of avoiding collapse: collapsology and non-hope as an emotional practice of conviction4
Retweet solidarity: transatlantic Twitter connectivity between militant antifascists in the USA and UK4
‘Vaccine passports equal Apartheid’: Covid-19 and parliamentary occupation in Aotearoa New Zealand4