ICON-International Journal of Constitutional Law

(The TQCC of ICON-International Journal of Constitutional Law is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The rise of digital constitutionalism in the European Union37
The bound executive: Emergency powers during the pandemic25
Mind the gap: Analyzing the divergence between constitutional text and constitutional reality25
Poland and Hungary’s EU membership: On not confronting authoritarian governments13
Comparative court-packing12
The dual aversion of Chile’s constitution-making process9
Is it time to abandon the theory of constituent power?9
Judicial self-dealing and unconstitutional constitutional amendments in South Asia7
Comparative political process theory7
When and how to legally challenge economic globalization: A comment on the German Constitutional Court’s false promise6
What constitutes compliance? Legislative responses to Constitutional Court decisions in Indonesia6
On scholactivism in constitutional studies: Skeptical thoughts5
The corruption of popular sovereignty5
Small-c constitutional rights5
The (mis)appropriation of human rights by the new global right: An introduction to the Symposium4
Empirical research in comparative constitutional law: The cool kid on the block or all smoke and mirrors?4
Understanding Chile’s constitution-making procedure4
Constraining constituent conventions: Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès and the limits of pouvoir constituant4
Constitutional amendment and public will formation: Deliberative mini-publics as a tool for consensus democracy4
Calibrating the response to populism at the European Court of Human Rights4
The personal is political: The feminist critique of liberalism and the challenge of right-wing populism4
Micronations: A lacuna in the law3
Constructing a regional human rights legal order: The Inter-American Court, national courts, and judicial dialogue, 1988–20143
When the personal becomes political: Rethinking legal fatherhood3
Para-constitutional engineering and federalism: Informal constitutional change through intergovernmental agreements3
Ending the passport apartheid. The alternative to citizenship is no citizenship—A reply3
Speaking truth to power: Legal scholars as survivors and witnesses of the Covid-19 maternal mortality in Brazil3
Against settlement before the European Court of Human Rights3
Feminist constitutionalism: Mapping a discourse in contestation3
Judicial dialogue on data retention laws: A breakthrough for European constitutional courts?3
A broad read of Ely: Political process theory for fragile democracies2
Combatting malfunction or optimizing democracy? Lessons from Germany for a comparative political process theory2
A view from the top: An examination of postfeminist sensibilities in women leaders’ constructions of success and responses to gender inequality in English football2
Charting a way forward? Post-juristocracy, democratic decay, and the limits of Gardbaum’s valuable theory2
Constitutional rigidity: The Mexican experiment2
The interaction of human rights and religion in Africa’s sexuality politics2
Whither judicial dialogue after convergence? Finding transnational public law in nomos-building2
Constitutionalizing a perpetual transition: The “integration” of the Pashtun “tribal areas” in Pakistan2
“It’s the political economy . . .!” A moment of truth for the eurozone and the EU2
Entangled legalities in the postnational space2
Constitutional pluralism and loyal opposition2
A hole where Ely could be: Democracy and trust in South Africa2
From hierarchical to panoptic control: The Chinese solution in monitoring judges2
Elements for FIFA’s feminist transformation: The case for indicators on football and women’s rights2
Shifting meanings of fazhi and China’s journey toward socialist rule of law2
Ely in the world: The global legacy of Democracy and Distrust forty years on2
Citizenship’s double-edged sword: Locating liberalism and illiberalism in citizenship2
Constitutional rights, horizontality, and the Ugandan Constitution: An example of emerging norms and practices in Africa2
Standing in the shadows of balancing: Proportionality and the necessity test2
La idea de un derecho común en América Latina a la luz de sus críticasThe idea of a common law in Latin America in light of its critiques2
Parliamentary sovereignty and the locus of constituent power in the United Kingdom2
¿Límites de tratados internacionales al poder constituyente? Análisis del caso chilenoLimits of international treaties to the constituent power? Analysis of the Chilean case2
(Un)constitutional change rooted in peace agreements2
European integration: Quo vadis? A critical commentary on the PSPP judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court of May 5, 20201
Taking feminism beyond the state: FIFA as a transnational battleground for feminist legal critique1
Political process review: Beyond distrust1
The causes and consequences of a judicialized peace process in Colombia1
Proportionality and procedure of monetary policy-making1
Constitutional design for dynamic democracies: A framework for analysis1
“Un-disabled by Covid”: Reflections of a (usually disabled) socio-legal scholar1
Rousseau’s illiberal constitutionalism: Austerity, domination, and the circumstances of politics1
Executive policy development and constitutional norms: Practice and perceptions1
Republicanismo y ciudadanía armada en la Constitución Nacional argentina1
Comparative political process theory1
Securing cultural heritage? Understanding the law for our monuments, artworks, and archives today1
From “democracy and distrust” to a contextually situated dialogic theory1
The gatekeepers: Executive lawyers and the executive power in comparative constitutional law1
Fuentes normativas y desarrollo jurisprudencial del derecho humano al agua en América LatinaNormative sources and jurisprudential development of the human right to water in Latin America1
Limited democracy and great distrust: John Hart Ely in Bolivia and Chile1
Necessity or balancing: The protection of rights under different proportionality tests—Experimental evidence1
The switch: The Israel High Court of Justice’s transition from occupation law to human rights law1
A new comparative political process theory?1
Antiabortion legal mobilization in Brazil: Human rights as a field of contention1
Assessing the impact of Covid-19 on teaching and research: A Ghanaian perspective1
Populismo constituyente, democracia y promesas incumplidas: el caso de la Convención Constitucional Chilena (2021-2022)Constituent populism, democracy, and failed promises: The case of the Chilean Con1
Constitutional touchstones: Peace processes, federalism, and constitution-making in Myanmar1
A double-edged sword: Constitutional dialogue confined1
La evolución de la relación normativa entre el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos y los sistemas jurídicos nacionalesThe evolution of the normative relationship between the Interamerican Syste1
Can the people exercise constituent power?1
Translating the concept of “cultural identity” in public policies: Between the international and the national, and the tangible and intangible dimension1
Football feminism: Global governance perspectives1
The limited usefulness of the proportionality principle1
How can constitutional review experiments fail? Lessons from the 1925 Chilean Constitution1
Why Weiss? The I•CON symposium: Preface1
Secession from and secession within the European Union: Toward a holistic theory of secession1
The myth of populist constitutionalism in Hungary and Poland: Populist or authoritarian constitutionalism?1
“Rule of law” with Chinese characteristics: Evolution and manipulation1
Judicial amendment of the constitution1
Ely in New Zealand1
Rawls and right-wing populism— A qualified defense of the former: A reply to Gila Stopler1
The abortion jurisprudence in Brazil: An analysis of ADPF 54 from feminist equality-based perspectives1
Dialogue and distrust: John Hart Ely and the Canadian Charter1
El proceso constituyente de Bachelet en Chile (2015-2018): razones de un fracaso (previsible)Bachelet’s constitution-making process in Chile (2015-2018): reasons for a (foreseeable) failure1
What would a pluralist institutional approach to constitutional interpretation look like? Some methodological implications1
Gender recognition at the crossroads: Four models and the compass of comparative law1
Paridad de género y representación. El caso mexicanoGender parity and representation. The Mexican case1
Conventions and practical interpretation in Westminster-type constitutional systems1
Gender identity in the era of mass incarceration: The cruel and unusual segregation of trans people in the United States1
Conceptual realism and imperial nostalgia in Chinese legal historiography1
Domestic courts as guarantors of international climate cooperation: Insights from the German Constitutional Court’s climate decision1
Sobre fracaso constitucional, constitucionalismo transformador y utopismoOn constitutional failure, Transformative Constitutionalism, and Utopianism1
A plea for proportionality: A reply to Yun-chien Chang and Xin Dai1
Continuity and change in human rights appropriation: The case of Turkey1
Rights-based constitutionalism and gender justice in Colombian women’s soccer1
The sovereignty deficit: Afterword to the Foreword by Neil Walker1
A core case for supermajority rules in constitutional adjudication1
The mysterious meeting between Carl Schmitt and Josef Redlich1
“Knowledge comes with responsibility”: Why academic ivory towerism can’t be the answer to legal scholactivism1
A margin for the margin of appreciation: Deference in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights1
Route 66: Mutations of the internal market explored through the prism of citation networks1
Federalism’s radical potential1
The gender pay gap: How FIFA dropped the ball1
Filing the world: Archives as cultural heritage and the power of remembering1
Citizenship at a crossroad1
Political process theory and institutional realism1
Revolutions, real contradictions, and the method of resolving them: The relationship between the Court of Justice of the European Union and the German Federal Constitutional Court1
The CJEU and EU (de-)constitutionalization: Unpacking jurisprudential responses1
The case for supermajority requirements in referendums1
Institutions that define the policymaking role of courts: A comparative analysis of the supreme courts of Scandinavia1
Malleable monuments and comparative cultural property law: The Balbo monument between the United States and Italy1
Conceptualizing the role of courts in peace processes1
The constitutional quandary of social rights: Questions in times of the Polish illiberal turn1
What establishment expresses1
Las agencias reguladoras independientes y sus desafíos de legitimidad democrática: revisión de literatura y agenda para el derecho constitucional en Latinoamérica1
Introducción: Los entes autónomos en el derecho constitucional latinoamericano1
Huehue constitutionalism1
Comparative political process theory: A rejoinder1
Constricting rights, imagining identities: The impact on real lives—A rejoinder to Maja Sahadžić1