Information Visualization

(The median citation count of Information Visualization is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Interactive visualization literacy: The state-of-the-art28
StoryFacets: A design study on storytelling with visualizations for collaborative data analysis13
Predicting intent behind selections in scatterplot visualizations10
The missing path: Analysing incompleteness in knowledge graphs9
Which emphasis technique to use? Perception of emphasis techniques with varying distractors, backgrounds, and visualization types8
Visualisation of law and legal Process: An opportunity missed7
Exploring, browsing and interacting with multi-level and multi-scale dynamics of knowledge7
HyperStorylines: Interactively untangling dynamic hypergraphs7
VNLP: Visible natural language processing6
Virtual-Reality graph visualization based on Fruchterman-Reingold using Unity and SteamVR6
TopoBERT: Exploring the topology of fine-tuned word representations6
Effects of screen-responsive visualization on data comprehension5
Is embodied interaction beneficial? A study on navigating network visualizations5
ATOVis – A visualisation tool for the detection of financial fraud5
Visualizing the invisible: User-centered design of a system for the visualization of flows and concentrations of particles in the air5
Sanguine: Visual analysis for patient blood management5
Visual cluster separation using high-dimensional sharpened dimensionality reduction5
Not just a pretty picture: Scientific fact visualisation styles, preferences, confidence and recall5
Out-of-sample data visualization using bi-kernel t-SNE5
Visualization Resources: A Survey4
Design guidelines for narrative maps in sensemaking tasks4
VisRuler: Visual analytics for extracting decision rules from bagged and boosted decision trees4
MuzLink: Connected beeswarm timelines for visual analysis of musical adaptations and artist relationships4
Optimal layout of stacked graph for visualizing multidimensional financial time series data3
A survey of tag clouds as tools for information retrieval and content representation3
Large scale medical image online three-dimensional reconstruction based on WebGL using four tier client server architecture3
Interactive optimization of embedding-based text similarity calculations3
Improved interactive color visualization approach for hyperspectral images3
Providing visual analytics guidance through decision support2
Visual analytics for monitoring credit scoring models2
PrAVA: Preprocessing profiling approach for visual analytics2
Topology-aware space distortion for structured visualization spaces2
Compressing and interpreting word embeddings with latent space regularization and interactive semantics probing2
MING: An interpretative support method for visual exploration of multidimensional data2
Contextual in situ help for visual data interfaces2
An empirical study of counterfactual visualization to support visual causal inference2
ProtoExplorer: Interpretable forensic analysis of deepfake videos using prototype exploration and refinement2
Stable visualization of connected components in dynamic graphs2
PeaGlyph: Glyph design for investigation of balanced data structures2
An investigation into various visualization tools for complex biological networks2
Data and visual displays in the Journal of Ecology 1996–20162
CoSEP: A compound spring embedder layout algorithm with support for ports2
Interact: A visual what-if analysis tool for virtual product design2
Integrating annotations into multidimensional visual dashboards2
Linking unstructured evidence to structured observations2
Strategies for evaluating visual analytics systems: A systematic review and new perspectives2
Emotion visualization system based on physiological signals combined with the picture and scene2