International Journal of Management Education

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Management Education is 30. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Generative AI and the future of education: Ragnarök or reformation? A paradoxical perspective from management educators266
Entrepreneurship education: Time for a change in research direction?136
Covid-19 and entrepreneurship education: Implications for advancing research and practice112
Entrepreneurial ecosystem, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention in higher education: Evidence from Saudi Arabia105
The impact of entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial mindset of college students in China: The mediating role of inspiration and the role of educational attributes98
Modelling the acceptance of e-learning during the pandemic of COVID-19-A study of South Korea80
Entrepreneurship education versus management students’ entrepreneurial intentions. A PLS-SEM approach76
How do students perceive face-to-face/blended learning as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic?68
Entrepreneurship education, curriculum and lecturer-competency as antecedents of student entrepreneurial intention68
Enhancing entrepreneurial education: Developing competencies for success65
A new way of teaching business ethics: The evaluation of virtual reality-based learning media55
Investigating the relationship between educational support and entrepreneurial intention in Vietnam: The mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in the theory of planned behavior50
Entrepreneurship and management education: Exploring trends and gaps49
Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in educational institutions47
Effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship intention and related outcomes in educational contexts: a meta-analysis44
The post COVID-19 pandemic era: Changes in teaching and learning methods for management educators44
Behavioural entrepreneurial mindset: How entrepreneurial education activity impacts entrepreneurial intention and behaviour44
The false positives and false negatives of generative AI detection tools in education and academic research: The case of ChatGPT41
Sustainable entrepreneurial intentions: Exploration of a model based on the theory of planned behaviour among university students in north-east Colombia41
Serious games in management education: An acceptance analysis38
Generative artificial intelligence (ChatGPT): Implications for management educators37
Improving students’ satisfaction and learning performance using flipped classroom36
Locus of control, need for achievement, and entrepreneurial intention: A moderated mediation model35
Entrepreneurship education enhances entrepreneurial creativity: The mediating role of entrepreneurial inspiration35
Using Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy as an Indirect Measure of Entrepreneurial Education34
Artificial intelligence in business curriculum: The pedagogy and learning outcomes34
Developing entrepreneurial intentions among business graduates of higher educational institutions through entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial passion: A moderated mediation model33
Teaching and learning delivery modes in higher education: Looking back to move forward post-COVID-19 era33
Factors affecting business school students’ performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: A moderated and mediated model32
Stimulating innovation with an innovative curriculum: A curriculum design for a course on new product development31
Sustainable management education and an empirical five-pillar model of sustainability30
A systematic review looking at the effect of entrepreneurship education on higher education student30