BMC Womens Health

(The TQCC of BMC Womens Health is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Awareness and perceptions of Filipino obstetrician-gynecologists on fertility preservation: a cross-sectional survey83
Increased use of analgesics in midlife women but no association with mental stress: observations from the Prospective Population Study of Women in Gothenburg54
Feasibility of promoting physical activity using mHEALTH technology in rural women: the step-2-it study54
The effect of date fruit consumption on early postpartum hemorrhage: a randomized clinical trial49
Knowledge and attitude towards preconception care and associated factors among women of reproductive age with chronic disease in Amhara region referral hospitals, Ethiopia, 202245
Interprofessional collaboration in the breast cancer unit: how do healthcare workers see it?44
Trichomonas vaginalis as a risk factor for human papillomavirus: a study with women undergoing cervical cancer screening in a northeast region of Brazil40
Providers’ perspectives on the reproductive decision-making of BRCA-positive women40
Effect of parental attitudes on the practice and medicalization of female genital mutilation: a secondary analysis of Egypt Health Issues Survey, 201536
Translation and validation of Persian version of sexual function: vaginal changes questionnaire (SVQ) for women with gynecologic cancers33
Fractional CO2 laser treatment effect on cervicovaginal lavage zinc and copper levels: a prospective cohort study33
Earning pocket money and girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis31
The association of intimate Partner violence and decision making power on nutritional status of married women in Ethiopia: a multilevel mixed-effect analysis30
Does access to no-cost contraception change method selection among individuals who report difficulty paying for health-related care?30
Urinary dysfunction in women following total mesorectal excision versus partial mesorectal excision for treatment of rectal cancer30
Breast self-examination practice and predictors among female secondary school teachers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: using the health belief model29
Group meta-cognitive therapy and depression in women with breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial28
Factors associated with uptake of contraceptives among HIV positive women on dolutegravir based anti-retroviral treatment-a cross sectional survey in urban Uganda28
Application of machine learning techniques in the diagnosis of endometriosis26
Extensive lesions and a positive cone margin are strong predictors of residual disease in subsequent hysterectomy following conization for squamous intraepithelial lesion grade 2 or 3 study design26
Determinants of induced abortion among women of reproductive age: evidence from the 2013 and 2019 Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey26
Prevalence and factors associated with menstruation-related school absenteeism among adolescent girls in rural northern Ghana26
Socioeconomic inequality in barriers for accessing health care among married reproductive aged women in sub-Saharan African countries: a decomposition analysis25
Time to first birth and its determinants among married female youths in Ethiopia, 2020: survival analysis based on EDHS 201625
Association between endometriosis and sexual satisfaction among a sample of lebanese women25
Administration of oxytocin antagonist at the same time as using a Foley catheter with cotton swab before embryo transfer for cervical stenosis24
The role of women's traditional gender beliefs in depression, intimate partner violence and stress: insights from a Spanish abbreviated multicultural measure24
Knowledge and compliance towards alendronate therapy among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in Palestine24
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the recovery time of obstetric fistula in Ethiopia, 202323
Menstrual regulation: examining the incidence, methods, and sources of care of this understudied health practice in three settings using cross-sectional population-based surveys23
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding cervical cancer screening among women in metropolitan Lima, Peru: a cross-sectional study22
Economic burden of moderate to severe burns and its association with health-related quality of life of Nigerian women22
The effects of self-care education based on the health literacy index on self-care and quality of life among menopausal women: a randomized clinical trial22
Association of physical activity with psychological distress and happiness in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic21
The emotional impact of urinary tract infections in women: a qualitative analysis21
Reassessing the level and implications of male involvement in family planning in Indonesia21
Eating disorders and their relationship with menopausal phases among a sample of middle-aged Lebanese women21
Minimum important difference of the ICIQ-UI SF score after self-management of urinary incontinence21
Consanguineous marriages and their association with women’s reproductive health and fertility behavior in Pakistan: secondary data analysis from Demographic and Health Surveys, 1990–201821
‘Every medicine is part poison’: a qualitative inquiry into the perceptions and experiences of choosing contraceptive methods of migrant Chinese women living in Australia21
Postoperative urinary retention after pelvic organ prolapse surgery: influence of peri-operative factors and trial of void protocol21
Transvaginal strangulated bowel evisceration through uterine perforation due to unsafe abortion: a case report and literature review21
Characteristics of submucosal leiomyomas that could cause severe hemorrhage with relugolix: an observational study21
Disordered hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis in heterotopic extraovarian sex cord-stromal proliferation: a case report of fallopian tube serous adenofibroma21
Association between mass media exposure and endorsement of HIV-infected female teachers' teaching: insight from 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey20
Uptake of and adherence to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis among adolescent girls and young women at high risk of HIV-infection in Kampala, Uganda: A qualitative study of experiences, facilitators and b20
Sexuality and psychological well-being in different polycystic ovary syndrome phenotypes compared with healthy controls: a cross-sectional study20
Harmful alcohol use among mothers of under-five child: findings from the Panel Study on Korean Children20
Prenatal diagnosis of 18p deletion and 8p trisomy syndrome: literature review and report of a novel case19
An ecological momentary assessment study of physical activity behaviors among mothers of toddlers from low-income households19
Clinical and metabolic characteristics of endometrial lesions in polycystic ovary syndrome at reproductive age19
‘I don’t want to be a guinea pig’ - Swedish women’s experiences of breast abscess treatment19
Polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with a higher risk of premalignant and malignant endometrial polyps in premenopausal women: a retrospective study in a tertiary teaching hospital19
Development and validation of competitive risk model for older women with metaplastic breast cancer19
Obstetric vesico-uterine fistula in nine reference hospitals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic aspects18
The value of p16INK4a immunostaining for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in human papillomavirus-negative patients18
Prevalence and determinant factors of premenstrual syndrome among secondary and preparatory school students in Dessie city administration, Northeast Ethiopia18
Breast conserving surgery versus mastectomy: the effect of surgery on quality of life in breast cancer survivors in Malaysia18
Hysteroscopic management versus ultrasound-guided evacuation for women with first-trimester pregnancy loss, a randomised controlled trial18
Evaluation of zinc and copper levels in vaginal tissues and whole blood: correlation with age18
Late presentation of extrauterine adenomyomas after laparoscopic morcellation at hysterectomy: a case report18
The effect of video-based multimedia training on knowledge, attitude, and performance in breast self-examination18
Association between serum vitamin C and HPV infection in American women: a cross-sectional study18
Level of knowledge, attitude, and practice on modern contraceptive method and its associated factors among housemaids living in Debre Tabor town, northwest Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional 17
Hotspots and determinants of women’s discriminatory attitude towards people living with HIV; evidence from ethiopian demographic and health survey data17
Sexual assault and vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections among homeless Brazilian women: a cross sectional qualitative study17
Women of reproductive age in a tertiary intensive care unit: indications, outcome and the impact of pregnancy—a retrospective cohort study17
Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus infections and associated factors among women living with HIV in Shashemene town public health facilities, Southern Ethiopia17
HIV status and knowledge of cervical cancer among women in Ghana17
Family planning needs to limit childbearing are unmet, yet our parity is high: characterizing and unveiling the predictive factors17
Breast cancer and cervical cancer: a comparison of the period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic17
Examining the access to benefits and quality sterilization services among Muslim women in India17
Perception of menopause among women of Sarawak, Malaysia17
A scoping review on the nature and impact of gender based violence on women primary producers17
The role and attributes of social networks in the provision of support to women after stillbirth: experiences from Uganda17
Primary yolk sac tumor of the endometrium combined with situs inversus totalis: a case report and literature review17
Health-related quality of life of postpartum women and associated factors in Dendi district, West Shoa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study17
Infiltrative solid papillary carcinoma of the breast with axillary lymph node metastasis: a case report16
Reproductive and postsurgical outcomes of infertile women with deep infiltrating endometriosis16
Psycho-social experience of oocyte recipient women: a qualitative study16
Attitudes and barriers to pelvic floor muscle exercises of women with stress urinary incontinence16
HMOX1: A pivotal regulator of prognosis and immune dynamics in ovarian cancer16
The effect of educational program based on beliefs, subjective norms and perceived behavior control on doing pap-smear test in sample of Iranian women16
Quality of life and its associated factors among women with pelvic organ prolapse who attend gynecology clinics Southern Ethiopia 202216
Do women empowerment indicators predict receipt of quality antenatal care in Cameroon? Evidence from a nationwide survey16
High burden of invasive and non-invasive cancer among women aged 20–49 years: the situation in Geneva, Switzerland16
Pipelle endometrial biopsy for abnormal uterine bleeding: do patient’s pain and anxiety really impact on sampling success rate?16
The crucial value of serum ferritin in assessing high-risk factors and prognosis for patients with endometrial carcinoma16
Implications of serum uric acid for female infertility: results from the national health and nutrition examination survey, 2013–202016
The effectiveness of group problem-solving therapy on women's sexual function and satisfaction after mastectomy surgery16
The association between violence against women and chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis16
Correlation study on serum miR-222-3p and glucose and lipid metabolism in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome16
Female high school students' knowledge and attitude toward breast cancer16
Clinical significance of endometrial abnormalities: an observational study on 1020 women undergoing hysteroscopic surgery16
"They see me as mentally ill": the stigmatization experiences of Chinese menopausal women in the family16
Development and external validation of clinical predictive model for stress urinary incontinence in Chinese women : a multicenter retrospective study15
The mediating and moderating effects of resilience on the relationship between sleep quality and psychological distress in Chinese women with infertility15
Are physicians creating a barrier to pre-conception care access? A qualitative study exploring patients’ experiences and perspectives around pre-conception care15
Prevalence and factors associated with early childbearing in sub-saharan Africa: evidence from demographic and health surveys of 31 countries15
Breast cancer and the steadily increasing maternal age: are they colliding?15
Does transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery affect female sexual function?: a prospective cohort study15
Health literacy and health promoting behaviors among inpatient women during COVID-19 pandemic15
‘Making of a Strong Woman’: a constructivist grounded theory of the experiences of young women around menarche in Papua New Guinea15
Associations between dietary patterns and an array of inflammation biomarkers and plasma lipid profile in postmenopausal women14
Endometriosis in an ectopic kidney: a rare case report and literature review14
Number of vaginal lactobacilli in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy before and after treatment with erbium–YAG laser: a randomized sham-controlled trial14
Sense of coherence and health in women: a 25-year follow-up study14
Primary ovarian carcinoid arising in associated mature cystic teratoma14
Sexual dysfunction worsens both the general and specific quality of life of women with irritable bowel syndrome. A cross-sectional study14
The severity of menopause and associated factors among middle-aged women residing in Arba Minch, DHSS, Ethiopia, 202214
Psychometric assessment of the US person-centered prenatal and maternity care scales in a low-income predominantly Latinx population in California14
Effect of mentorship and a mHealth application in updating provider skills and knowledge in maternal and newborn care in two informal settlements of Nairobi14
Incidence, clinical characteristics, and survival outcomes of ovarian strumal diseases: a retrospective cohort study14
Changes to physical activity behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associated factors: a cross sectional survey of Mexican women14
What are important areas where better technology would support women’s health? Findings from a priority setting partnership14
Mothers with depressed mood: help-seeking from husbands and child-rearing behaviors14
Global achievement of maternal health-related sustainable development goals targets among women exposed to intimate partner violence14
Is robotic-assisted vaginectomy a better choice in vaginal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions than conventional laparoscopic surgery?14
Trends and factors associated with HIV testing among women aged 15–49 years in Belize: an analysis using the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006, 2011, and 2015–201614
Pelvic floor disorder and relevant factors in Iranian women of reproductive age: a cross-sectional study14
The state of cervical cancer screening in imprisoned women in Malawi: a case of Maula Prison13
A preoperative nomogram predicting risk of lymph node metastasis for early-stage cervical cancer13
Postmenopausal hyperandrogenism due to an ovarian sex cord-stromal tumour causing elevated dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate: a case report13
Frequency of human papilomavirus and associated factors in gypsy and quilombola women13
Lifestyle modifications after the diagnosis of gynecological cancer13
Analysis of influencing factors of HPV vaccination willingness of female sex workers in urban entertainment venues based on the IMB model in Guangxi, China13
Women escaping domestic violence to achieve safe housing: an integrative review13
Contributing factors for urban-rural inequalities in unmet need for family planning among reproductive-aged women in Ethiopia: a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis13
Methods women use for induced abortion and sources of services: insights from poor urban settlements of Accra, Ghana13
Effect of vitamin E with and without saffron on the sexual function in women of reproductive age with sexual dysfunction: a randomized controlled trial12
Achieving NPVR ≥ 80% as technical success of high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation for uterine fibroids: a cohort study12
Investigating influencing factors on premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among female college students12
An examination of the implementation of a patient navigation program to improve breast and cervical cancer screening rates of Chinese immigrant women: a qualitative study12
Transvaginal small bowel evisceration after cervical loop electrosurgical excision procedure: a case report12
Causality of immune cells and endometriosis: a bidirectional mendelian randomization study12
Cardiometabolic health profile of young girls with aesthetic professions12
Incidence and risk factors of pain following breast cancer surgery: a retrospective national inpatient sample database study12
Knowledge, perceptions, beliefs, and opinions of the employees about GBV: a national online study in South Africa12
Changes in relationships, HIV risk, and feelings towards PrEP: findings from a qualitative explanatory study among participants in the CHARISMA intervention trial12
Vulvar Crohn’s disease in an adolescent diagnosed after unsuccessful surgical treatment12
The effect of counseling based on health promotion awareness on self-care needs and reproductive and sexual health literacy of newly married women: a randomized controlled clinical trial study12
Molecular phenotypes and clinical characterization of familial hereditary breast cancer among half and full sisters12
Provider perspectives on the provision of safe, equitable, trauma-informed care for intimate partner violence survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study12
Prognostic significance of malignant pleural effusions in patients with advanced luminal B breast cancer12
Molecular diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis in liquid-based Papanicolaou samples in Shiraz, southern Iran12
Knowledge of the ovulatory cycle and its determinants among women of childbearing age in Haiti: a population-based study using the 2016/2017 Haitian Demographic Health Survey12
Cardiac arrest caused by the application of pituitrin during laparoscopic myomectomy12
A qualitative quantitative mixed methods study of domestic violence against women12
Recurrent urethral obstruction secondary to large vulval inclusion cyst: a remote complication of female genital mutilation: a case report12
Exploring the perception and socio-cultural barriers to safer sex negotiation among married women in Northwest Nigeria12
The association of parity/live birth number with incident type 2 diabetes among women: over 15 years of follow-up in The Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study12
Discharge within 24 h, transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery- more suitable for ambulatory surgery in gynecology procedures: a retrospective study12
Determinants of cervical cancer screening service utilization among women attending healthcare services in Amhara region referral hospitals: a case–control study12
Investigating the structural validity and reliability of the sexual health literacy for adults (SHELA) questionnaire among a sample of women in Qazvin, Iran12
Does diet and activity lead to difference in resting energy expenditure in obese women?12
Prevalence, pattern and predictors of intimate partner violence amongst female undergraduates in Abia State, Nigeria; public health implications12
Relugolix for oral treatment of uterine leiomyomas: a dose-finding, randomized, controlled trial11
Temporal trends and projections of gynecological cancers in China, 2007–203011
Minimally invasive treatment of uterine necrosis with favorable outcomes: an uncommon case presentation and literature review11
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with carotid artery dissection and cerebral infarction: a case report11
Frequency and determinants of vitamin D deficiency among premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Karachi Pakistan11
Knowledge, attitude, practices and associated factors of family planning among women living with hiv at the university of Gondar specialized hospital: a cross sectional study11
Partner support and women's contraceptive use: insight from urban poor communities in Accra, Ghana11
Lymphadenectomy and optimal excise lymph nodes count for early-stage primary fallopian tube cancer: a SEER-based study11
Is the use of contraceptives associated with periodontal diseases? A systematic review and meta-analyses11
Developing a culturally tailored short message service (SMS) intervention for improving the uptake of cervical cancer screening among Ghanaian women in urban communities11
Unilateral ovarian recurrence 5 years after hysterectomy for microinvasive squamous cervical cancer stage IA1: a rare case report11
Risk of uterine leiomyoma based on BET1L rs2280543 single nucleotide polymorphism and vegetarian diet11
Muslim women’s views and experiences of family planning in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study11
A case report of laparoscopic surgery for Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome with preservation of functional primordial uterus11
Health-related quality of life and associated factors in Chinese menstrual migraine patients: a cross-sectional study11
Evaluating interventions with victims of intimate partner violence: a community psychology approach11
Association of Lifelines Diet Score (LLDS) and metabolically unhealthy overweight/obesity phenotypes in women: a cross-sectional study11
The relationship between dietary phytochemical index and resting metabolic rate mediated by inflammatory factors in overweight and obese women: a cross-sectional study11
First case of endometrial cancer after yolk sac tumor in a patient with Li-Fraumeni syndrome11
Cardiometabolic risk factors, physical activity, and postmenopausal breast cancer mortality: results from the Women’s Health Initiative11
Women’s experiences of living with involuntary childlessness in Uganda: a qualitative phenomenological study11
Female genital mutilation and skilled birth attendance among women in sub-Saharan Africa11
Emotional intelligence and stress and their relationship with breastfeeding self-efficacy in mothers of premature infants11
Community-based non-pharmacological interventions for pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review11
Developing a framework to describe stigma related to cervical cancer and HPV in western Kenya11
Proportion of stillbirth and associated factors among women who deliver at public hospitals in Bahir Dar city, north-West Ethiopia11
Magnitude and associated factors of early Implanon discontinuation among rural women in public health facilities of central Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study11
Precancerous lesion determinants in women attending cervical cancer screening at public health facilities in North Shoa Zone, Amhara, Ethiopia: an unmatched case-control study11
The relationship between diet quality indices and odds of breast cancer in women: a case–control study11
Prognostic factors of patients with recurrent uterine malignancies undergoing secondary cytoreductive surgery11
Endometriosis in para-aortic lymph node resembling a malignancy: a case report and literature review11
Diagnostic and pre-treatment intervals among patients with cervical cancer attending care at the Uganda Cancer Institute: a cross-sectional study11
Does neoadjuvant chemotherapy reduce surgical complexity in patients with advanced-stage epithelial ovarian cancer?11
Long-acting family planning switching and associated factors among revisit women in Toke Kutaye district of West Shoa Zone, Oromia Region public health facilities, Ethiopia: a mixed methods study11
Association of decreased grip strength with lower urinary tract symptoms in women: a cross‐sectional study from Korea10
Changes in women’s physical function in mid-life by reproductive age and hormones: a longitudinal study10
Association between serum vitamin E and bacterial vaginitis in women: a cross-sectional study10
Evaluation of the food effect on a drospirenone only contraceptive containing 4 mg administered with and without high-fat breakfast in a randomised trial10
Spatial patterns and the associated factors for breast cancer hospitalization in the rural population of Fujian Province, China10
The impact of effective communication skills training on the status of marital burnout among married women10
Prenatal opioid use as a predictor of postpartum suicide attempts among reproductive-age women enrolled in Oregon Medicaid10
Intimate partner violence and associated factors among reproductive age women in Liberia: a cross-sectional study using a recent Liberian demographic and health survey10
The long non-coding RNA BBOX1 antisense RNA 1 is upregulated in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and suppresses the role of microRNA-19b in the proliferation of ovarian granulose cells10
Spatiotemporal distribution and determinants of overweight or obesity among urban women in Ethiopia: a multivariate decomposition analysis10
Metaplastic breast cancer with a unique presentation and complete response to chemotherapy: a case report10
Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) of the uterus10
Socioeconomic inequalities in contraceptive use among female adolescents in south Asian countries: a decomposition analysis10
The levels of women’s awareness, experience, acceptability and preference for Vaginal Human Papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling in three provinces of China: a cross-sectional study10
Deregulation of MicroRNA-146a and 155 expression levels might underlie complicated pregnancy in Toxoplasma Gondii seronegative women10
Continuous chains: childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence victimization among displaced women in a war context10
Imaging characteristics of ovarian sclerosing stromal tumor10
A paradigm shift in cancer research based on integrative multi-omics approaches: glutaminase serves as a pioneering cuproptosis-related gene in pan-cancer10
The components of workplace violence against nurses from the perspective of women working in a hospital in Tehran: a qualitative study10
A cross-sectional study of symptoms and health-related quality of life in menopausal-aged women in China10
Neonatal mortality and associated factors in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional population-based study10
Women’s experience and perspectives toward genital cosmetic surgery in Erbil city/Iraq: a qualitative study10
Significant increased isolation of Escherichia coli in Iranian women with endometriosis: a case control – study10
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) of the Bartholin's gland misdiagnosed for three times: a case report10
Unmet need for family planning among married women in Zambia: lessons from the 2018 Demographic and Health Survey10
Metabolic and biochemical profile in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome attending tertiary care centre of central NEPAL10
Anastrozole and levonorgrestrel-releasing intrauterine device in the treatment of endometriosis: a randomized clinical trial10
Comparison of cervical cancer screening by self-sampling papillomavirus test versus pap-smear in underprivileged women in France10
Fertility specialists’ views, behavior, and attitudes towards the use of endometrial scratching in Italy10
Prevalence and associated factors of depression among women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse in Northwest Ethiopia: cross-sectional study10
Mapping the health systems response to violence against women: key learnings from five LMIC settings (2015–2020)10
Menstrual characteristics and associations with sociodemographic factors and self-rated health in Spain: a cross-sectional study10
Prevalence and risk of developing sexual dysfunction in women with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis10
Inflammatory vaginitis in women on long-term rituximab treatment for autoimmune disorders10
Circulating inflammatory markers may mediate the relationship between low carbohydrate diet and circadian rhythm in overweight and obese women10
Effect of public health expenditure on maternal mortality ratio in the West African Economic and Monetary Union10
Internal growth of women with recurrent miscarriage: a qualitative descriptive study based on the post-traumatic growth theory10
Low self-esteem is related to depression and anxiety during recovery from an ectopic pregnancy10
Marital rights: Lived experiences of Iranian women with retired spouses in a qualitative study9
Hyaluronic acid gel application versus ovarian suspension for prevention of ovarian adhesions during laparoscopic surgery on endometrioma: a double-blind randomized clinical trial9
Direct and indirect estimation of adolescent sexual intercourse and contraceptive use in Rajasthan India: an application of the best friend methodology9
Determinants of the use of contraceptive methods by adolescents in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: results of a cross-sectional survey9
Corpus luteum hemorrhage with acquired hemophilia A: a case report and literature review9
Development of a predictive model for identifying women vulnerable to HIV in Chicago9
Women’s worries about prenatal screening tests suspected of fetal anomalies: a qualitative study9
Eating behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that contribute to overweight and obesity among women in Lilongwe City, Malawi: a qualitative study9
Willingness and hesitancy towards the governmental free human papillomavirus vaccination among parents of eligible adolescent girls in Shenzhen, Southern China9
Impact of surgery on quality of life of Ugandan women with symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse: a prospective cohort study9
Effect of different treatment modalities on the prognosis of stage IV epithelial ovarian cancer: analysis of the SEER database9
Chronic endometritis incidence in infertile women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome: a propensity score matched study9
Correlates of intention to screen for cervical cancer among adult women in Kyotera District, Central Uganda: a community based cross-sectional study9
A cross-sectional study of knowledge, attitudes, barriers and practices of cervical cancer screening among nurses in selected hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa9
Assessing colposcopic accuracy for high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion detection: a retrospective, cohort study9
Mediating role of anxiety between body image distress and quality of life among women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a multicentre cross-sectional study9
The effect of educational intervention based on theory of planned behavior on behavioral responses of premenopausal women in prevention of osteoporosis9
Uncertainty affects cancer-related fatigue among breast cancer women undergoing peripherally inserted central catheter chemotherapy: the chain mediating role of psychological resilience and self-care9
Examining the risk factors of chronic pelvic pain and its effect on the quality of life in refugee and non-refugee women9
Is there any association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Dietary Total Antioxidant Capacity with Bacterial Vaginosis? Results from a Case–Control study9
Evaluation of blood supply and metabolism in tumor, axillary lymph node and normal breast tissue with F-18 FDG PET/CT in breast cancer: comparison with pathological prognostic factors9
Commercial sex work among university students: a case study of four public universities in Ghana9