Visual Studies

(The median citation count of Visual Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The citizen drone: protest, sousveillance and droneviewing19
Thinking with the drone – visual lessons in aerial and volumetric thinking13
Aerial visibilities: towards a visual sociology of the sky11
Visual network research (VNR) – a theoretical and methodological appraisal of an evolving field9
Vertical vision and atmocultural navigation. Notes on emerging urban scopic regimes9
Interspecies intercorporeality and mediated haptic sociality: distributing perception with a guide dog9
Improving the inclusivity and credibility of visual research: interpretive engagement as a route to including the voices of people with learning disabilities in analysis8
Immersive encounters: video, swimming and wellbeing8
Memes in the time of corona: an autoethnographic visual essay on memes as relational resources during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Political storytelling of Ekrem İmamoğlu on Instagram during 2019 Istanbul mayoral elections in Turkey7
A pictured Africa: drawing as a visual qualitative research methodology for examining British African Diaspora imaginings of their ancestral ‘home’6
On reciprocity: expanding the dialogue between disciplines6
Face masks as floating signifiers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium6
‘I hate visual culture.’ The controversial rise of visual studies and the disciplinary politics of the visible6
Photo-eliciting technique as an integrated meaning-making practice: an introspective look at diversity, identities, and voice-giving5
Empowering children through photography and drawing5
Contemplating ‘visual studies’ as an emerging transdisciplinary endeavour5
Miao traditional patterns: the origins and design transformation5
Altered spaces: new ways of seeing and envisioning nature with Minecraft4
The presence and perceptibility of personal digital data: findings from a participant map drawing method4
Ugly on the internet: from #authenticity to #selflove4
‘Home Rule is Rome Rule’: exploring anti-Home Rule postcards in Edwardian Ireland4
Visual framing in the German movements for gay liberation and against nuclear energy4
Of cable-cars and helicopters: mobility regimes and the politics of visibility in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro4
Changing portrayal of women during the late modern period in regards to visual communication design3
“Local guys wanted”: homoerotic photography, censorship, and national belonging in apartheid South Africa – the case of Alternative Books (1981-1991)3
Analogic and symbolic dimensions in graphic representations associated with patient information leaflets for medicines3
Facilitating gender-affirming participatory visual research in embodied and online spaces3
Visual reciprocity and #vanlife in the visual commons: Vancouver Island is a VW bus3
Degenerate ecocinema: indexing entropy with drones3
The silent Tibetan women and their visual exclusions in Pema Tseden’s ‘Tibetan Trilogy’3
Rethinking verticality through top-down views in drone hobbyist photography3
The ‘anti-Instagram’: Using visual methods to study the college experiences of underrepresented students3
Visual propaganda at a crossroads: new techniques at Iran’s Vali Asr billboard3
RE/MAP 2.0 in Tokyo: drawing on local stories to draw out hidden realities3
Breaking the frame: evolving practices of first-generation photo-elicitation researchers3
Filmmaking as empirical research: working with people from refugee backgrounds to share stories about food3
Visual discourses in sport. A sociological analysis of the implementation of the video evidence in cycling and football3
‘Through my eyes’: feminist self-portraits of Osteogenesis Imperfecta as arts-based knowledge translation3
The political work of graffiti during the Covid-19 pandemic: a view from Tottenham, London2
Collaboratively videoing mobile activities2
Juxtaposition and visualising the middle ground in the unequal city2
Graphic medicine’s golden age?2
Earthquakes, communities and heritage: Telling stories of resilience through co-designed immersive media2
Who owns the sky? Aerial resistance and the state/corporate no-fly zone2
Picturing atrocity: visual representations of ISIS in Arabic political cartoons2
Other Lines: visualising shifting horizons and atmospheric pollution along the Wirral Peninsula2
Gentrification and changing visual landscapes: a Google Street View analysis of residential upgrading and class aesthetics in Hamilton’s Lower City2
Descendants of the modernist museum: tracing the musealisation of Swedish national parks2
A study of light pollution discourse in Hong Kong2
Visuality and socio-political communication in Nigeria’s banknote portraits2
Interfaith photovoice: an example of Muslim-Christian engagement in Canada2
‘Let us teach our children’: Online racism and everyday far-right ideologies on TikTok2
What can voice do? Combining narrative methods and participant-produced photography to explore contemporary cancer survivorship2
Multisensory approaches in migration research: reflections and pathways2
Documentary photography as vocation: reflecting on Frank Cancian’s contribution to visual studies2
Grotesque logic: Catalan carnival utopias and the politics of laughter2
Protecting the future ‘Us’: a rhetoric-performative multimodal analysis of the polarising far-right YouTube campaign videos in Finland2
Reframing the homescape: documenting domesticity during photography’s COVID turn2
Visual culture studies: twenty years later2
Marshland revival: a narrative rephotography essay on the False Creek Flats neighbourhood in Vancouver2
No selfies: the social world of autistic male adults as depicted in their everyday photographic practices2
Diagrammatic mental representation: a methodological bridge2
How to preserve the visible content of films in visual form throughout the analytical process?2
Open Space New Media Documentary: A Toolkit for Theory and Practices1
Empty homes: filming homeownership in rapidly urbanising China1
Back to basics? Portraits of the first Covid-19 lockdown in Portugal1
‘What do we see when we look at people on the move’? A visual intervention into civil sphere and symbolic boundary theory1
Familial ties and citizen claims: photography and early civil rights activism in African–Canadian newspapers1
Does she still recognise you?1
Epidemics, public health workers, and ‘heroism’ in cinematic perspective1
How does a clandestine image behave? Proposal for a theoretical tool based on a Spanish civil war gaze1
Questionnaire: visual studies now1
Home is where it happens: a visual essay on pandemic parenting for employed mothers1
Building Shanghai in the borderlands: a visual approach to the restructuring of the Uyghur City in Xinjiang1
Memory passages: Holocaust memorials in the United States and Germany1
Self-portrait in the photo booth: self-representation in the selfie era, a Photo-based Educational Research Project1
High-rise urban density in Macau1
Framing urbanities: invisible/visible urban assemblages1
COVID diaries: quotidian snapshots of life during the pandemic1
Affective atmospheres in Macau: from the sublime to the uncanny1
Engaging young people in architectural research: three visual methods for understanding the impact of the built environment on children’s wellbeing1
The graffiti within: the reactivation and politicisation of Sydney’s subterranean1
Rebel imaginings: street art in Yogyakarta, Indonesia1
Visualising gendered space and informality: a photo essay1
Facilitating Black identity and advocacy: creating cellphilms for reflecting on issues affecting Black students1
Majoritarianism and digital rights: understanding Kashmir and the ‘Othering of Other’ in the context of India1
Elements of a riot: forms of political violence in contemporary France1
Jewish identity in American art: A golden age since the 1970s1
Short videos as affective contagion: (Un)locked WeChat chatlogs on viral videos1
Building material languages of trauma: in conversation with Laura Magnusson1
Warao queen: challenging beauty in Venezuela – the Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology 20201
Response to ‘Visual studies now’1
Counter narrative of President Buhari’s narrative on Nigerian youths with visual images and texts on Facebook1
The visual opportunity spaces of oil: in promotion, protest, and warning1
Correspondências by Rita Azevedo Gomes. The complex hybrid image of contemporary epistolary cinema and contemporary essay film1
Let Dr Ai’s story flee: a minor practice against China’s internet censorship during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Visuality and Parrēsia : Ai Weiwei’s countervisual re-enactment of Alan Kurdi’s image1
A visual essay of everyday life at the Finnish-Russian border after (and before?) the Iron Curtain1
Portfolio implementation for self-reflection and professional growth of students in the arts1
Semantic macro-structures and macro-rules in visual discourse processing1
Building internal reputation in stigmatised neighbourhoods: the use of remote participatory photo mapping1
Images of older people in Chinese fashion magazines: a visual assemblage analysis1
Iconoclash and the climate movement1
Heir to the throne: photography and the rise to presidency by politicians in Zimbabwe and South Africa1
Smells: A cultural history of odours in early modern times1
The value of parenting: gendered time expectations among the Spanish middle class1
Across the islands: A multimodal discourse analysis of government homepages1
Gender violence through the eyes of the Bajan youth: using Photovoice methods in small island states1
What is an inclusive city? Reconfiguring participation in planning with geospatial photovoice to unpack experiences of urban belonging among marginalised communities1
Everett Hughes: a moment on film1
Hand-drawn concept-mapping as a participatory visual method1
Thinking with Sarah Kaufman’s Devil’s Pool1
New species in the Mediterranean: a visual essay on human impact on biodiversity1
An international football match experienced from within a 'working quarantine' – a photographic journey1
Community as Rebellion: A Syllabus for Surviving Academia as a Woman of Color1
Visual studies now1
Sharing and redefining power with Vice President Harris: the visual framing by the Biden White House1
Understanding how a learning phenomenon in which children were visually documenting their learning processes matters and intra-acts with the spaces of the school1
Three stories of one truth? Visual framing of AP, CNN & FOX news Instagram coverage of the 2020 US presidential candidates1
Monitoring North Korea: a visual autoethnography of humanitarian-aid practices1
Visibilising gentrification-induced displacement: a visual essay on the role of a socially and politically engaged photographic practice in housing activism1
Being vertical: staging the vertical subject on the Manchester Salford border1
Neither spectacular nor ordinary: a visual essay on imaginations and homes in Beijing from 2007 to 20191
Urban research in film using walking tours and psychogeographic approaches1
Coffee + COVID: people, place, and pandemic1
Merging landscapes: socio-spatial intersections and formations of belonging among African migrant youth in the US1
Methodology and Indigenous memory: using photographs to anchor critical reflections on Indian residential school experiences1
The future of visual studies live roundtable. International Visual Sociology Association 40th annual conference, 7 July 20210
Likeness in the age of new media: on the endless mutability of images0
Breathing aesthetics Breathing aesthetics by Jean-Thomas TremblayDurham: Duke University Press, 2022,248 pagesISBN 978-1-4780-1886-5 (0
From making visible to hiding. Visual representations of financial markets as tools of manipulation and active and living agents0
Signs of change: community, collective action, and gentrification in Brooklyn, New York0
Embodying parkour’s visual subculture: ethos, style and the emergence of a visual habitus0
Sporting blackness: Race, embodiment, and critical muscle memory on screen0
CODA: visual studies now0
Future City, 20210
Intimate relationships with Shirley Baker’s photos of Manchester and Salford: the mnemonic potential of documentary photos0
The beauty and the terror: an alternative history of the Italian renaissance0
Building culture: constructing visual continuity in Hangzhou before G200
Under every yard of sky0
Stencil in the centre of Athens0
A phenomenological ground for relational perception0
Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil edited by Maria Emilia F0
Tearless (2021)0
Familia, 20180
Documentary film festivals vol. 1: Methods, history politics; Documentary film festivals vol. 2: Changes, challenges, professional perspectives0
Review of Visual and Multimodal Urban Sociology Visual and multimodal urban sociology, part A: Imagining the sensory city Edited by Lu0
Visual Studies X The Open Eye Gallery: interview with Open Eye Director Sarah Fisher and Curator Mariama Attah0
House full: Indian cinema and the active audience0
The dual vehicle of politics and art: an exploration of Chinese animation in the ‘Seventeen Years’ period (1949–1966)0
Unfolding the entangled geosemiotics of technologically-mediated gated communities: Mountain View ’s (2021) advertisement as a case study0
The image is a cure0
The Routledge international handbook of ethnographic film and video0
Remembering and forgetting: using photographs as social artefacts in an aged care setting0
Wake up, this is Joburg Wake up, this is Joburg by Tanya Zack and Mark LewisDurham, NC: Duke University Press, 2023, 344 pagesISBN: 970
Non-literary fiction: Art of the Americas under neoliberalism Non-literary fiction: Art of the Americas under neoliberalism by Esther 0
Re-staging American triumph as American carnage0
Shaping Roman Landscape: Ecocritical Approaches to Architecture and Wall Painting in Early Imperial Italy Shaping Roman Landscape: Ecocritical Approaches to Architectu0
Images among images: a map scholar response0
Response to the ‘visual studies now’ questionnaire for Visual Studies0
The semiotic remediation of hardtack biscuits during World War One0
Stereotypical representations of the accountant in The New Yorker cartoons through time0
Tactics of interfacing: Encoding affect in art and technology0
Media and conflict, co-constitutive reflecting practices0
Lewis Carroll: photography on the move; Singular images, failed copies: William Henry Fox Talbot and the early photograph0
Action camera: First person perspective or hybrid in motion?0
Looking into Visual Studies0
Understanding social critique in graffiti art from a (non-)Western perspective: Chinese students comparing Banksy and Zato through photo-elicitation0
The eyes of scallops and the creativity of submarine animals: convergence and conflict in science, philosophy and art0
The business of postcolonial immigration: marketing of immigration services in Punjab, India0
Response to questionnaire: visual studies now0
The people are not an image: Vernacular video after the Arab spring0
‘They live on in the photos’: the ontologies of difference when recognition is given to descendant family and kin concern for, and responsibility toward, Aboriginal ancestors in photographs0
Crip genealogies0
A photographic essay on socio-economic organisation – temporary shelters in Kelowna, British Columbia (Canada)0
Response to questionnaire: visual studies now0
Affinities: photographs by Timothy Hearsum0
From commitment to expressionism: a survey on the changing concept of photography in Iran0
The spectacle of demonstration: visual representation of political imagination during the coronavirus crisis0
We Know It When We See It0
The Routledge companion to art and disability0
(W)ARCHIVES: Archival imaginaries, war, and contemporary art0
The photo-monologue: critical device and activist practice0
When the cannons roar, comics panels fall silent: on silent representations of traumatic events in Israeli comics and graphic novels0
‘I went there to live’: A case-study of Šarūnas Bartas’s Tofalaria and Few of Us0
The patchwork method: on David Redmon and Ashley Sabin0
Untitled (Maestra) 20220
The street photography of Garry Winogrand0
The crisis of ugliness: From cubism to pop-art The crisis of ugliness: From cubism to pop-art by Mikhail LifshitzChicago, IL: Haymarke0
The techno-politics of programming vision0
Ethnograglimpses: Notes on the 10th edition of the Ethnografilm festival in Paris0
The influence of iconography and tempera painting techniques on the Chinese school of art0
The poetics of poetry film: film poetry, videopoetry, lyric voice, reflection The poetics of poetry film: film poetry, videopoetry, lyric voice, reflection 0
A room of your own: photographs of situations of well-being taken by patients suffering from a stress-related illness0
Human Flow: Stories from the Global Refugee Crisis and How Media and Conflicts Make Migrants0
Sonic signatures: Music, migration and the city at night Sonic signatures: Music, migration and the city at night edited by Derek Pard0
With images in mind, 20220
Response to questionnaire: visual studies now0
Methodology for a comparative quantitative analysis of film colour: a comparison between Cannes and box-office results0
Cold War Camera0
The experience of visuality and socially engaged practice0
Reconfiguring spaces in FARC’s demobilisation camps: the cases of Tierra Grata and Pondores, Colombia0
Syrian refugees’ vision for quality education in a Lebanese public school: a participatory visual research0
Visualizing Empire. Africa, Europe, and the politics of representation0
Moving pictures, still lives0
Poetic Operations: Trans of Color Art in Digital Media Poetic Operations: Trans of Color Art in Digital Media by micha cárdenasDurham:0
Photography: The Unfettered Image0
Flyposter graffiti and the change in a Sydney streetscape during the time of COVID-190
The Astronomer's Chair: A Visual and Cultural History0
Creative industries and entrepreneurship: paradigms in transition from a global perspective0
The architecture of disability: buildings, cities, and landscapes beyond access The architecture of disability: buildings, cities, and landscapes beyond access by David 0
Hollywood, McDonald’s and Black Lives Matter: the decrepit face of the American dream0
Creative practice ethnographies0
‘Undressing the Icon/Visualizing the habitus.’ Series 1: Jean-François Clervoy (ESA/NASA)0
Emoji and social media paralanguage Emoji and social media paralanguage by Michele Zappavigna and Lorenzo LogiCambridge: Cambridge Uni0
Cosmopolitics of the camera: Albert Kahn’s archives of the planet0
The ‘Spinster’ and her Jellyfish: Dorothy’s Cross Medusae (2003) and historiographical storytelling0
The Aesthetics of Global Protest; Global Activism and Art and Conflict in the 21st Century The Aesthetics of Global Protest edited by 0
Pictures of Longing: Photography and the Norwegian-American Migration0
Nervous systems: Art, systems, and politics since the 1960s0
What is an image in the digital age?0
Walker Evans: No politics0
Digital Tarkovsky0
Bauman: A biography0
Dolors project: art-based polyethnography evoking contemporary rural mothering through photography, dance and chapbooks0
What is an Image? Roundtable transcription, International Visual Sociology Association annual conference, 16 September 20220
Panoptical forms in thriller films0
Embracing new paths in visual research facilitation: opportunities, tensions & ethical considerations0
The spectacle of the Chinese city: urban atmospheres, the built environment and everyday practices0
Oak tree, gum tree: screen collaborations across time zones, 20220
‘DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING’: tactility, COVID-19, and graphic medicine0
Tidepools: using film-based ethnography to explore Black and Latino students' experience of community college0
A theory of assembly: From museums to memes0
The Myths of Myrskylä– Light painting local stories and enhancing empathy for the place0
Social semiotic analysis of photographic portrayals of Iranian elders on websites0
Quiet Spaces: Public Places – visual representation of vulnerable identities0
Fabricating Lureland: A history of the imagination and memory of Peacehaven, a speculative interwar garden city development by the sea0