Asian Business & Management

(The median citation count of Asian Business & Management is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Female entrepreneurship in Asia: a critical review and future directions60
CSR reporting in China’s private and state-owned enterprises: A mixed methods comparative analysis27
Long-term business implications of Russia’s war in Ukraine19
Unethical leadership and employee knowledge-hiding behavior in the Chinese context: a moderated dual-pathway model19
Linking leader humility with service performance: the role of service climate and customer mistreatment16
The CSR–CFP relationship in the presence of institutional voids and the moderating role of family ownership15
New venture entrepreneurship and context in East Asia: a systematic literature review15
Interactive influence of work–life balance benefits, employee recommendation, and job attributes on employer attractiveness and job pursuit intentions: two experiments13
Institutional pressure and MNC compliance to prevent bribery: empirical examinations in South Korea and China13
Multilevel relational influences on HRM practices: a cross-country comparative reflective review of HRM practices in Asia13
Asian business and management: review and future directions13
Russia–Ukraine crisis: China’s Belt Road Initiative at the crossroads11
Is abusive supervision harmful to organizational environmental performance? Evidence from China10
Entrepreneurship in Asia: Entrepreneurship knowledge when East meets West10
Sustainable training practices: predicting job satisfaction and employee behavior using machine learning techniques10
How does the absorbed slack impact corporate social responsibility? Exploring the nonlinear effect and condition in China10
Emerging market state-owned multinationals: a review and implications for the state capitalism debate8
Working from home during COVID-19 and its impact on Indian employees’ stress and creativity7
Entrepreneurial bricolage and marketing capability: contingent roles of market turbulence and strategic flexibility7
The bright side of environmental uncertainty for organizational learning: the moderating role of political skill7
East-Meets-West: Mergers and Acquisitions challenges and opportunities in and out of Asia7
Matching disruptive innovation paths with entrepreneurial networks: a new perspective on startups’ growth with Chinese evidence7
Overseas imprints reflected at home: returnee CEOs and corporate green innovation7
Migrant women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems during an external shock: a case study from the healthcare sector in Kazakhstan6
From efficiency to legitimacy: the changing logic of internal CSR in emerging multinationals during internationalization6
Effects of open innovation on eco-innovation in meta-organizations: evidence from Korean SMEs6
Female CEOs’ risk management and earnings performance during the financial crisis6
Thrown off track? Adjustments of Asian business to shock events6
The interplay of organisational culture, transformational leadership and organisation innovativeness: Evidence from India5
Foreign multinational enterprises and eco-innovation in local firms: the effect of imitation5
How leader-member exchange influences person-organization fit: a social exchange perspective5
Impact of social media capability on firm performance: new evidence from China5
Managers’ knowledge and customer-focused knowledge management as dynamic capabilities: implications for innovation performance5
Flexible but stable: the mediated influence of an organization’s culture on performance5
Advancing Chinese leadership research: review and future directions5
The effects of political ties on innovation performance in China: Differences between central and local governments4
What do we know about the internationalization of Asian business groups? A systematic review and future research agenda4
Two-way in-/congruence in three components of paternalistic leadership and subordinate justice: the mediating role of perceptions of renqing4
That’s so Gucci: a comparison of cultural values and the influence of perceived values on luxury goods attitudes and purchase intention among Korean and Dutch millennials4
Reviving the aspiration, fostering impactful research, and contributing to the sustainable development and societal impact at Asian Business and Management4
Justice climate and employee creativity in the work uncertainty context: a cross-level investigation4
How high-involvement work practices, public service motivation, and employees’ commitment influence employees' proactive work behavior: evidence from China4
The emergence of TMT learning goal orientation: contextual effects of TMT demographic diversity on TMT cognitive processes4
Performance implications of combining innovation and internationalization for Korean small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms: an exploration–exploitation perspective4
Frugal innovation embedded in business and political ties: transformational versus sustainable leadership4
Active and passive bribery’s impact on firm relational embeddedness: evidence from Thailand3
Adoption of the 4th Industrial Revolution: evidence from Korean exporters in international markets3
Going beyond the firm perspective: what do employees think of high-performance work systems (HPWS)?3
Such a high cost: the positive effect of leader humor on employee incivility via psychological safety3
Do narcissistic employees remain silent? Examining the moderating roles of supervisor narcissism and traditionality in China3
Performance feedback, succession process and innovative activities of family firms: evidence from China3
Aligning employee and organizational values to build organizational reputation3
The effects of perceived organizational support on employees’ sense of job insecurity in times of external threats: an empirical investigation under lockdown conditions in China3
Effects of environmental orientation on agricultural enterprises’ performance: mediation and moderation analyses3
Survival of Japanese subsidiaries: impacts of sequential investment, institutional distances, and location factors3
Problemistic search and hybrid organizations: multiple sources of performance feedback in diversifications by corporate foundations in Korea2
Special Issue: Managing People, Markets, and Businesses in the New India2
The Interplay of digitalization, organizational support, workforce agility and task performance in a blended working environment: evidence from Indian public sector organizations2
Information distortion in word-of-mouth retransmission: the effects of retransmitter intention and source expertise2
Exploring the individual and joint effects of founders' and managers' experiential knowledge on international opportunity identification2
The impact of investor reaction to crisis events on corporate philanthropy: evidence from Chinese firms2
Social networking sites and employer branding: a qualitative study of Indian organizations2
Achieving ambidextrous learning in construction engineering project partnerships: the roles of formal control and Chinese guanxi2
How can managers, acting as brokers, be ambidextrous? The effect of trust brokerage on managers’ ambidexterity2
Environmental uncertainty and the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship among East Asian new technology-based firms: an institutional perspective2
Internal CSR and blue-collar workers’ attitudes and behaviors in China: a combination of a cross-sectional study and a field experiment2
The role of transformational leadership and institutional entrepreneurship in organizational change in Indian public organizations2
Knowledge distance and innovation performance: the moderating role of internationalization breadth and depth2