Public Management Review

(The H4-Index of Public Management Review is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Implementing collaborative governance: models, experiences, and challenges93
Exploring artificial intelligence adoption in public organizations: a comparative case study77
Design for experience – a public service design approach in the age of digitalization61
Network governance and collaborative governance: a thematic analysis on their similarities, differences, and entanglements57
A systematic literature review of open innovation in the public sector: comparing barriers and governance strategies of digital and non-digital open innovation55
From recovery resilience to transformative resilience: How digital platforms reshape public service provision during and post COVID-1944
Radical and disruptive answers to downstream problems in collaborative governance?43
Relational leadership in collaborative governance ecosystems39
Automation and discretion: explaining the effect of automation on how street-level bureaucrats enforce39
Resilience through digitalisation: How individual and organisational resources affect public employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic38
Responding to information asymmetry in crisis situations: innovation in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic38
Self-determination theory goes public: experimental evidence on the causal relationship between psychological needs and job satisfaction37
Under what conditions do governments collaborate? A qualitative comparative analysis of air pollution control in China32
Neighbourhood governance during the COVID-19 lockdown in Hangzhou: coproduction based on digital technologies31
How does organizational sustainability foster public service motivation and job satisfaction? The mediating role of organizational support and societal impact potential28
Features and drivers of citizen participation: Insights from participatory budgeting in three European cities28
Facilitating collaboration in publicly mandated governance networks27
Institutional intermediaries as legitimizing agents for social enterprise in China and India27
Combined effects of procurement and collaboration on innovation in public-private-partnerships: a qualitative comparative analysis of 24 infrastructure projects26
Public values assessment as a practice: integration of evidence and research agenda25
Accountability and inter-organizational collaboration within the state25
Giving sense about paradoxes: paradoxical leadership in the public sector25
Leadership and innovation: what’s the story? The relationship between leadership support level and innovation target24
Public sector innovation in context: A comparative study of innovation types23
AI-driven public services and the privacy paradox: do citizens really care about their privacy?23
Advancing Public Service Logic: moving towards an ecosystemic framework for value creation in the public service context23