Nurse Education in Practice

(The H4-Index of Nurse Education in Practice is 29. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Investigation of nursing students’ emotional states toward challenging situations in clinical practice and metaphorical perceptions of the concept of a nurse272
The effect of a brief mindfulness-based stress reduction program on strengthening awareness of medical errors and risks among nursing students118
Asian American nursing students’ experiences of racial microaggressions amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Focus group discussions82
Nursing students’ risk perceptions related to medication administration error: A qualitative study68
Continuing education with a holistic approach to the Brazilian LGBT+ population through use of the m-health App57
Editorial Board55
Interdisciplinary simulation-based teaching and learning for healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials50
Development and validity of an intermediate conceptual measurement (ICM) -based measurement tool for the nursing professional values of undergraduate students47
Three-month follow-up effects of a medication management program on nurses’ knowledge45
Editorial Board42
Examining the impact of cooperative learner simulation order on performance outcomes of nursing students using a haptic intravenous simulator42
Fluctuating cohesion: A grounded theory study of nursing students engaged in a combined debriefing format42
Exploring nurses’ experiences of performing basic life support in hospital wards: An inductive thematic analysis41
Training situational awareness for scrub nurses: Error recognition in a virtual operating room39
Comparing the effect of assessment-simulation-animation-based against traditional education on nursing students’ anxiety and self-efficacy in maternity clinical practicum39
Factors associated with nurses' willingness to handle abuse of older people38
An international exploration of blended learning use in pre-registration nursing and midwifery education37
Anxiety provoking behaviors of nursing clinical instructors and effects on undergraduate nursing students' wellbeing: A mixed methods design36
Development and psychometric testing of the attitude and confidence with oral healthcare among nursing students (ACORN) scale35
Construction on teaching quality evaluation indicator system of multi-disciplinary team (MDT) clinical nursing practice in China: A Delphi study35
Evaluation of the combination of virtual simulation and in-person simulation among undergraduate nursing students: A mixed methods study34
Students’ evaluation of professional experience placement quality in a pre-registration nursing programme: A cross-sectional survey34
Knowledge of deep vein thrombosis among nursing interns: A cross-sectional study33
Postgraduate nursing students’ experiences with simulation-based learning in palliative care education: A qualitative study32
Measuring care-related regret intensity: Reliability and validation of a 10-item scale among Chinese nursing interns32
Factors affecting the adoption of the Community of Inquiry Framework in Australian online nursing education: A transition theory perspective31
Editorial Board30
Exploring factors having an impact on attitudes and motivations towards volunteering in the undergraduate nursing student population − A comparative study of the UK and Ghana30
Understanding faculty perspectives of supports and barriers to interprofessional collaboration within a clinical scholars program: A qualitative study29