BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

(The TQCC of BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Alterations of brain metrics in fetuses of women with polycystic ovary syndrome : a retrospective study based on fetal magnetic resonance imaging152
COVID-19 vaccine registry for pregnant women: policy to control complications of vaccination in pregnant women in 2021–2022126
The investigation of the association of pregnancy weight gain on maternal and neonatal gut microbiota composition and abundance using 16sRNA sequencing77
Group antenatal care for improving retention of adolescent and young pregnant women living with HIV in Kenya77
Prior pregnancy complications and maternal cardiovascular disease in young Korean women within 10 years after pregnancy76
A road map for the management of a pregnancy complicated by maternal bladder exstrophy75
Impact of early preeclampsia prediction on medication adherence and behavior change: a survey of pregnant and recently-delivered individuals68
Women’s experience of perinatal support in a high migrant Australian population during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study64
Predictive value of maternal serum placental growth factor levels for discordant fetal growth in twins: a retrospective cohort study54
Health of singleton neonates in Switzerland through time and crises: a cross-sectional study at the population level, 2007-202253
Hyperammonemia in a pregnant woman with citrullinemia type I: a case report and literature review53
The effect of midwifery-led counseling on expectant fathers’ fear of childbirth: a smartphone- based randomized controlled trial52
Prenatal phenotypes and pregnancy outcomes of fetuses with 16p11.2 microdeletion/microduplication51
Parenting stress in the early years – a survey of the impact of breastfeeding and social support for women in Finland and the UK51
The incidence, risk factors and maternal and foetal outcomes of uterine rupture during different birth policy periods: an observational study in China51
A survey and stakeholder consultation of Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) programmes in English maternity services50
Secundiparas following a failed vacuum delivery—factors associated with a successful vaginal delivery: a historical prospective cohort50
How does women’s empowerment relate to antenatal care attendance? A cross-sectional analysis among rural women in Bangladesh48
How do pregnant women’s perceptions of obstetric forceps change according to their demographic background: a cross sectional study47
Decision-making behavior of blood glucose management and its influencing factors in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus46
Preterm preeclampsia screening and prevention: a comprehensive approach to implementation in a real-world setting45
The role of intrapartum ultrasound combined with free position delivery in the management of abnormal fetal positions during labor45
Cesarean section in Suriname using robson classification: a two-year nationwide cross-sectional study on rates, risk factors and perinatal outcomes of cesarean section44
Prevalence, risk factors, and adverse outcomes of bacterial vaginosis among pregnant women: a systematic review44
Understanding factors influencing safety and team functionality at operative vaginal birth through multidisciplinary perspectives: a mixed methods study43
Women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to be referred to an obstetrician during pregnancy and birth: results from a cohort study40
Institutional guidelines on maternal care and investigations following antepartum stillbirth - a national survey40
Obstetric anal sphincter injury in adolescent mothers39
Comparison of clinical effects between early follicular prolonged GnRH agonist protocol and GnRH antagonist protocol in 3310 cycles: a retrospective study39
Factors associated with unintended pregnancy in Ethiopia; further analysis of the 2016 Ethiopian demographic health survey data38
Prevalence of early postpartum depression and associated risk factors among selected women in southern Malawi: a nested observational study38
Association of antimüllerian hormone with polycystic ovarian syndrome phenotypes and pregnancy outcomes of in vitro fertilization cycles with fresh embryo transfer37
Perinatal care and its association with perinatal death among women attending care in three district hospitals of western Uganda37
Commentary: Implications of SARS-Cov-2 infection for pregnancy with diabetes: achievements and open questions for feto-maternal medicine37
Escherichia coli induced matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity and type IV collagen degradation is regulated by progesterone in human maternal decidual36
Clinic transfers and engagement in HIV care during the perinatal period across a network of healthcare centers in Lilongwe, Malawi36
Closed-loop insulin delivery in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes (CRISTAL): a multicentre randomized controlled trial – study protocol35
Postpartum bonding and association with depressive symptoms and prenatal attachment in women with fear of birth35
The relationship between health literacy and empowerment in pregnant women: a cross-sectional study35
Pre-pregnancy obesity is not associated with poor outcomes in fresh transfer in vitro fertilization cycles: a retrospective study34
Distance matters: barriers to antenatal care and safe childbirth in a migrant population on the Thailand-Myanmar border from 2007 to 2015, a pregnancy cohort study34
Determining antenatal medicine exposures in South African women: a comparison of three methods of ascertainment33
Effect of postpartum depression and role of infant feeding practices on relative weight of child at 1 and 3 years of age33
Association between serum progesterone levels on the day of frozen-thawed embryo transfer and pregnancy outcomes after artificial endometrial preparation33
An evaluation of strategies to achieve greater than 90% coverage of maternal influenza and pertussis vaccines including an economic evaluation33
Early essential newborn care in national tertiary hospitals in Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic: a cross-sectional study32
Challenges and barriers to optimal maternity care for recently migrated women - a mixed-method study in Norway31
The effect of a planned lactation education program on the mother’s breastfeeding practice and weight gain in low birth weight infants: a randomized clinical trial study31
A scoping review of non-pharmacological perinatal interventions impacting maternal sleep and maternal mental health31
Association between mistreatment of women during childbirth and symptoms suggestive of postpartum depression31
Physical activity and sedentary time during pregnancy and associations with maternal and fetal health outcomes: an epidemiological study31
Maternal health care utilization and the obstetric outcomes of undocumented women in Finland – a retrospective register-based study31
Are women with preterm labour at risk for negative birth experience? a comparative cross-sectional study from Iran30
Clinical predictive factors for vaginal delivery following induction of labour among pregnant women in Jordan30
Maternal periconceptional environmental exposure and offspring with congenital heart disease: a case–control study in Guangzhou, China30
A feasible method to evaluate fetal palate: sequential sector-scan through oral fissure30
Uptake of, barriers and enablers to the utilization of postnatal care services in Thyolo, Malawi30
Circulating angiogenic factors and HIV among pregnant women in Zambia: a nested case–control study30
Retrospective evaluation of referral by community health workers on the uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of Malaria in pregnancy in Ohaukwu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria29
Development and validation of the physical exercise program “Active Mums” for postpartum recovery: application of the CReDECI-2 guidelines29
Prenatal care and infant outcomes of teenage births: a Project WATCH study29
Obstetric outcomes following ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in IVF – a comparison with uncomplicated fresh and frozen transfer cycles29
Barriers inhibiting effective detection and management of postpartum hemorrhage during facility-based births in Madagascar: findings from a qualitative study using a behavioral science lens28
Patient perceptions of the benefits and barriers of virtual postnatal care: a qualitative study28
Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) associated with pregnancy and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report27
Quality of reporting and trends of emergency obstetric and neonatal care indicators: an analysis from Tanzania district health information system data between 2016 and 202027
An unconditional prenatal income supplement is associated with improved birth and early childhood outcomes among First Nations children in Manitoba, Canada: a population-based cohort study27
Teenage first-time mothers’ perceptions about their health care needs in the immediate and early postpartum period in Uganda27
Comparative safety of infliximab and adalimumab on pregnancy outcomes of women with inflammatory bowel diseases: a systematic review & meta-analysis27
Competent blastocyst and receptivity endometrium improved clinical pregnancy in fresh embryo transfer cycles: a retrospective cohort study26
The influence of antenatal imaging on prenatal bonding in uncomplicated pregnancies: a mixed methods analysis26
Caesarean delivery on maternal request: the perspective of the postpartum women25
Continued versus discontinued oxytocin stimulation in the active phase of labour (CONDISOX): individual management based on artificial intelligence - a secondary analysis25
Maternal weight and paediatric health use: mediating role of adverse birth outcomes: a retrospective cohort study24
Maternal vitamin D status in early pregnancy and its association with gestational diabetes mellitus in Shanghai: a retrospective cohort study24
Reply to: “The partner-an underutilized facilitator to support healthy gestational weight gain”24
Integrating approaches for quality guideline development in LactaMap, an online lactation care support system24
Facilitators and barriers influencing utilization of services provided by community midwives in district Thatta, Pakistan: a qualitative exploratory study24
Association between sleep quality with maternal and neonatal outcomes during the covid-19 pandemic24
Spousal support during pregnancy in the Nigerian rural context: a mixed methods study23
Clinical analysis of women with ovarian pregnancy: a retrospective case–control study23
An exploration of patient-provider dynamics and childbirth experiences in rural and urban Peru: a qualitative study23
Doula support among brazilian women who attended the senses of birth health education intervention – a cross sectional analysis23
Maternal disease factors associated with neonatal jaundice: a case–control study23
Using household survey data to explore the effects of the domiciliary environment on weight at birth: a multilevel mixed-effects analysis of the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey23
The potential causal effect of the pre-pregnancy dietary phytochemical index on gestational diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study23
Lower birth weight-for-age and length-for-age z-scores in infants with in-utero HIV and ART exposure: a prospective study in Cape Town, South Africa23
Changes in the shape and function of the fetal heart of pre- and gestational diabetes mothers23
Anaphylaxis-induced premature uterine contractions: a case report and literature review23
Body perception disturbances in women with pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain and their role in the persistence of pain postpartum22
Knowledge and practice of community pharmacists regarding the safety of drugs during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study from a developing country22
Optimum maternal healthcare service utilization and infant mortality in Ethiopia22
Breastfeeding difficulties in the first 6 weeks postpartum among mothers with chronic conditions: a latent class analysis22
Complication experience during pregnancy and place of delivery among pregnant women: a cross-sectional study22
Increased blastomere number is associated with higher live birth rate in day 3 embryo transfer21
Women’s use of non-conventional herbal uterotonic in pregnancy and labour: evidence from birth attendants21
Perception of pregnant women towards early antenatal visit in Fiji: a qualitative study21
Machine learning guided postnatal gestational age assessment using new-born screening metabolomic data in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa21
Association between interpregnancy interval and maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes in women with a cesarean delivery: a population-based study21
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome complicated with in utero limb ischemia of the donor twin – a case report21
Community based screening for sickle haemoglobin among pregnant women in Benue State, Nigeria: I-Care-to-Know, a Healthy Beginning Initiative21
Effect of a carbohydrate-rich beverage on rate of cesarean delivery in primigravidae with epidural labor analgesia: a multicenter randomized trial21
Changes, differences, and factors of parenthood in high-risk pregnant women and their partners in Japan21
Predicting the effect of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine uptake by pregnant women on birth weight using a generalized ordered partial proportional odds model21
Prenatal diagnosis of a severe form of frontonasal dysplasia with severe limb anomalies, hydrocephaly, a hypoplastic corpus callosum, and a ventricular septal defect using 3D ultrasound: a case report20
The severity of intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy increases risks of adverse outcomes beyond stillbirth: evidence from 15,826 patients20
Do antenatal preparation and obstetric complications and procedures interact to affect birth experience and postnatal mental health?20
Cardiac disease in pregnancy and the first year postpartum: a story of mental health, identity and connection20
‘It’s not me, it’s them’ – a report describing the weight-related attitudes towards obesity in pregnancy among maternal healthcare providers20
Neonatal healthcare professionals’ experiences of intact cord resuscitation in the mother´s bed- an interview study20
Sleep patterns and psychosocial health of parents of preterm and full-born infants: a prospective, comparative, longitudinal feasibility study20
Incidence and determinants of perinatal mortality in five urban hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a cohort study with an embedded case–control analysis20
sFlT-1/PlGF ratio as a predictor of preeclampsia in COVID-19 pregnant patients20
Patient perspectives on noninvasive prenatal testing among black women in the United States: a scoping review20
The association between dietary, physical activity and the DNA methylation of PPARGC1A, HLA-DQA1 and ADCY3 in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a nest case-control study20
Predictors of inadequate gestational weight gain according to iom recommendations and intergrowth-21st standards: the araraquara cohort study20
Intrapartum ultrasound measurement of the lower uterine segment thickness in parturients with previous scar in labor: a cross-sectional study20
Antenatal depressive symptoms in rwanda: rates, risk factors, and social support19
The role of informational support from women’s social networks on antenatal care initiation: qualitative evidence from pregnant women in Uganda19
Antenatal depressive symptoms and adverse perinatal outcomes19
Lack of concern about body image and health during pregnancy linked to excessive gestational weight gain and small-for-gestational-age deliveries: the Japan Environment and Children’s Study19
Incidence and risk factors for early pregnancy loss in women with first pregnancy undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer19
Exploring factors influencing the uptake of kangaroo mother care: key informant interviews with parents19
Is there a relation between stillbirth and low levels of vitamin D in the population? A bi-national follow-up study of vitamin D fortification19
Previous caesarean delivery and the presence of caesarean scar defects could affect pregnancy outcomes after in vitro fertilization frozen-thawed embryo transfer: a retrospective cohort study18
Hypertension subtypes and adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes - a retrospective population-based cohort study18
Longitudinal study on steroid hormone variations during the second trimester of gestation: a useful tool to confirm adequate foetal development18
Impacts of different culture times on pregnancy outcomes after thawing of cleavage stage embryos18
A scoping review of the reasons for and approaches to non-uptake of pertussis and influenza vaccinations in pregnant women in the United Kingdom and Ireland18
A feasibility study using motivational interviewing and a smartphone application to promote physical activity (+Stay-Active) for women with gestational diabetes18
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to the COVID-19 pandemic among pregnant women in Bangkok, Thailand18
High mortality rate of obstetric critically ill women in Rwanda and its predictability18
Quality newborn care in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea: measuring early newborn care practices and identifying opportunities for improvement18
Determinants of pregnant women’s satisfaction with interactions with health providers at antenatal consultation in primary health care in Southern Mozambique in 2021: a cross-sectional study18
Maternal body mass index and country of birth in relation to the adverse outcomes of large for gestational age and gestational diabetes mellitus in a retrospective cohort of Australian pregnant women18
Navigating weight, risk and lifestyle conversations in maternity care: a qualitative study among pregnant women with obesity18
Omphalocele: clinical and epidemiological profile of patients born in a tertiary care center in Rio de Janeiro18
Cytokine quantification and association with cervical length in a prospective cohort of pregnant women18
Incremental predictive value of platelet parameters for preeclampsia: results from a large prospective cohort study18
Predictive value of inflammatory markers (NLR, PLR, MLR, SII, SIRI, PIV, IG, and MII) for latency period in Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) pregnancies18
Fetal growth restriction as the initial finding of preeclampsia is a clinical predictor of maternal and neonatal prognoses: a single-center retrospective study18
Maternal and neonatal complications after IVF/ICSI-fresh embryo transfer in low-prognosis women under the POSEIDON criteria: a retrospective cohort study18
Non-invasive fetal electrocardiography, electrohysterography and speckle-tracking echocardiography in the second trimester: study protocol of a longitudinal prospective cohort study (BEATS-study)18
Intervention fidelity and its determinants of focused antenatal care package implementation, in south Wollo zone, Northeast Ethiopia17
Factors associated with home delivery in rural Sindh, Pakistan: results from the global network birth registry17
Cervical ectopic pregnancy – the first case of live birth and uterus-conserving management17
Unlocking the mystery of the role of Vitamin D in iron deficiency anemia in antenatal women: a case control study in a tertiary care hospital in New Delhi17
Measurement of maternal morbidity during postpartum with the WHO-WOICE tools in Morocco17
IVF/ICSI outcomes of euthyroid infertile women with thyroid autoimmunity: does treatment with aspirin plus prednisone matter?17
Childbirth fear, birth-related mindset and knowledge in non-pregnant women without birth experience17
Factors associated with non-compliance with breastfeeding recommendation: a retrospective survey in hepatitis B virus-infected mothers who had taken Nucleos(t)ide analogs during pregnancy17
Determinants of place birth: a multinomial logistic regression and spatial analysis of the Ethiopian mini demographic and health survey data, 201917
Towards the elimination of mother to child transmission of syphilis 2015–2020: practice and progress in Zhejiang province, eastern China17
Validation of the Grobman model for successful vaginal birth after cesarean section in Jordanian women17
Analysis of hemi-uterus pregnancy outcomes in uterine malformations: a retrospective observational study17
Associations of COVID-19 lockdown with gestational length and preterm birth in China17
Prepregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain, and maternal prepartum inflammation in normal pregnancies: findings from a Chinese cohort17
Predictive value of aberrant right subclavian artery for fetal chromosome aneuploidy in women of advanced maternal age17
A repeated cross-sectional study of the association of community health worker intervention with the maternal continuum of care in rural Liberian communities17
Multi-organ dysfunction and outcomes in pregnancy associated COVID-19 infection – descriptive review of pathological findings17
Histological endometrial dating: a reliable tool for personalized frozen-thawed embryo transfer in patients with repeated implantation failure in natural cycles17
The effects of pregnancy discrimination on postpartum depressive symptoms: a follow-up study17
Do disempowered childbearing women give birth at home in Sierra Leone? A secondary analysis of the 2019 Sierra Leone demographic health survey17
Specific changes and clinical significance of plasma D-dimer during pregnancy and puerperium: a prospective study17
The relationship between body mass index and perceived control over labor17
Serum hsCRP in early pregnancy and preterm delivery in twin gestations: a prospective cohort study16
Community-based perinatal mental health peer support: a realist review16
Effect of antenatal use of high energy nutritional supplements on cardio metabolic risk markers in underweight primi gravidas; a randomized controlled trial16
SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and the risk of adverse maternal outcomes in the Republic of Georgia: a national birth registry-based cohort study16
Acute pancreatitis and refractory hypercalcemia in the third trimester caused by parathyroid carcinoma16
Essential components of an educational program for implementing skin-to-skin contact for preterm infants in intensive care units: an integrative literature review16
Late ANC initiation and factors associated with sub-optimal uptake of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in pregnancy: a preliminary study in Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana16
Comment: pregnancy after bariatric surgery – achievements and open questions16
The cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Mothers on Respect Index for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders16
Comparison of response options and actual symptom frequency in the Japanese version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in women in early pregnancy and non-pregnant women16
Breast milk concentrations of acetaminophen and diclofenac - unexpectedly high mammary transfer of the general-purpose drug acetaminophen16
Promoter methylation changes in the placenta involved in the relationship between prenatal depression and small for gestational age16
Using the COM-B framework to elucidate facilitators and barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake in pregnant women: a qualitative study16
Outcomes of prophylactic lauromacrogol injection versus non-injection in patients with endogenous cesarean scar pregnancy treated by hysteroscopic surgery: a retrospective cohort study16
Comparative study between the roles of intrauterine misoprostol versus the sublingual route for prevention of postpartum blood loss in elective cesarean sections: a randomized controlled trial16
Antepartum risk factors and outcomes of massive transfusion for elective cesarean section: a nationwide retrospective cohort study16
Revisiting fertility regulation and family ties in Tunisia16
Self-management, care needs and clinical management of primiparous mothers during early labour – a qualitative content analysis16
Maternal health service utilization in the Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: results from a baseline study for mobile phone messaging interventions16
Body image perception and social support as predictors of psychological distress among third trimester pregnant women in Nigeria16
Prevalence of maternal mortality causes based on ICD-MM: a systematic review and meta-analysis15
Maternal and obstetric outcomes following the transfer of embryos warmed with fatty acid-supplemented solutions15
Spatial heterogeneity in unintended pregnancy and its determinants in India15
Incidence, risk factors and management of post cesarean section surgical site infection (SSI) in a tertiary hospital in Egypt: a five year retrospective study15
Loss of p16 does not protect against premature ovarian insufficiency caused by alkylating agents15
Maternal and neonatal outcomes in transverse and vertical skin incision for placenta previa15
Knowledge and practices of preconception care among rural Japanese women: findings from a mixed methods investigation15
An endometrium of type C along with an endometrial thickness of < 8 mm are risk factors for ectopic pregnancy after stimulated cycles with fresh embryo transfer15
Laparotomy versus laparoscopy for the treatment of adnexal torsion during pregnancy15
Parents’ perspectives on preparing for parenthood: a qualitative study on Greenland’s universal parenting programme MANU 0–1 year15
Cervical neuroendocrine carcinoma in the third trimester: a rare case report and literature review15
Psychosocial predictors of early postpartum depressive and anxious symptoms in primiparous women and their partners15
Differences in pregnancy and perinatal outcomes among symptomatic versus asymptomatic COVID-19-infected pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis15
Causal effects of endometriosis on SLE, RA and SS risk: evidence from meta-analysis and Mendelian randomization15
The associations of gestational weight gain and midpregnancy lipid levels with placental size and placental-to-birth weight ratio: findings from a chinese birth cohort study15
Utilization of antenatal care among adolescent and young mothers in Ghana; analysis of the 2017/2018 multiple indicator cluster survey15
Preferences of support and barriers and facilitators to help-seeking in pregnant women with severe fear of childbirth in Sweden: a mixed-method study15
COVID-19 incidence in women of reproductive age: a population-based study in Reggio Emilia, northern Italy15
Optimization of programmed intermittent epidural bolus volume for different concentrations of ropivacaine in labor analgesia: a biased coin up-and-down sequential allocation trial15
The effect of breastfeeding education given through the teach-back method on mothers’ breastfeeding self-efficacy and breastfeeding success: a randomized controlled study15
Incidence and predictors of paternal anxiety and depression following fetal abnormalities requiring pregnancy termination: a cross-sectional study in China15
Clinical value of fetal facial profile markers during the first trimester15
Acute intestinal pseudo-obstruction secondary to Sjogren’s syndrome in pregnancy: a case report and literature review15
Non-adherence to WHO’s recommended 8-contact model: geospatial analysis of the 2017 Maternal Health Survey15
Improving the approach to assess impact of anaemia control programs during pregnancy in India: a critical analysis15
Acceptance of vaccination against pertussis, COVID-19 and influenza during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study15
Public policy on breastfeeding among working mothers in Taiwan: comparison between two national surveys15
Socioeconomic inequalities in access and use of skilled birth attendants during childbirth in Ghana: a decomposition analysis15
Digital health technologies for peripartum depression management among low-socioeconomic populations: perspectives from patients, providers, and social media channels15
Effects of reduced follicle-stimulating hormone dosage before human chorionic gonadotropin trigger on in vitro fertilization outcomes15
Achievement of appropriate cesarean rates using Robson’s 10-Group classification system in Brazilian private practice15
Perinatal posttraumatic stress disorder as a predictor of mother-child bonding quality 8 months after childbirth: a longitudinal study15
Incidence of multiple births in relation to current regulations in Turkey regarding embryo transfer15
Optic nerve sheath diameter in severe preeclampsia with neurologic features versus controls15
“I had given up on being a mother”: a survey of 183 women’s experience of transabdominal cerclage (TAC)15
Prediction of stillbirth low resource setting in Northern Uganda15
Short birth interval and its predictors among reproductive age women in high fertility countries in sub-Saharan Africa: a multilevel analysis of recent Demographic and Health Surveys15
Clinical characteristics and treatment patterns of pregnant women with hypertension in primary care in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria: cross-sectional results from the hypertension treatment15
Where, why and who delivers our babies? Examining the perspectives of women on utilization of antenatal and delivery services in a developing country15
Short stature and vaginal dinoprostone as independent predictors of composite maternal-newborn adverse outcomes in induction of labor after one previous cesarean: a retrospective cohort study15
The hidden burden of adolescent pregnancies in rural Sri Lanka; findings of the Rajarata Pregnancy Cohort15
Interventions to enhance newborn care in north-West Ethiopia: the experiences of health care professionals15
A global study of the association of cesarean rate and the role of socioeconomic status in neonatal mortality rate in the current century15
The moderating role of partners’ education on early antenatal care in northern Ghana14
Induced abortions of women living with HIV in Finland 1987–2019: a national register study14
Trimester-specific reference intervals for hemoglobin A1c in non-diabetic pregnancy in a Chinese population14
The effect of midwife-oriented breastfeeding counseling on self-efficacy and performance of adolescent mothers: a clinical trial study14
Using the teach-back method to improve postpartum maternal-infant health among women with limited maternal health literacy: a randomized controlled study14
Factors associated with neonatal jaundice among neonates admitted at referral hospitals in northeast Ethiopia: a facility-based unmatched case-control study14
Association of epidural analgesia during labor and early postpartum urinary incontinence among women delivered vaginally: a propensity score matched retrospective cohort study14
Explaining the concept of maternal health information verification and assessment during pregnancy: a qualitative study14
The effect of inter-pregnancy interval on stillbirth in urban South Ethiopia: a community-based prospective cohort study14
Women’s expectations about birth, requests for pain relief in labor and the subsequent development of birth dissonance and trauma14
Preconception reproductive tract infections status and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a population-based retrospective cohort study14
High-risk factors for massive haemorrhage in medical abortion patients with missed miscarriage14
Working mothers’ breastfeeding experience: a phenomenology qualitative approach14
Predictive effects of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio on neonatal thrombocytopenia in primary immune thrombocytopenic mothers: a retrospective cohort study14
Self efficacy associated with regression from pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain and low back pain following pregnancy14
Trial of labour versus elective caesarean delivery for estimated large for gestational age foetuses after prior caesarean delivery: a multicenter retrospective study14
Predicting intraoperative hemorrhage during curettage treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy using free-breathing GRASP DCE-MRI14
Clustering of smoking, alcohol consumption and weight gain in pregnancy: prevalence, care preferences and associated factors14
Determinants of childbirth care quality along the care continuum in limited resource settings: A structural equation modeling analysis of cross-sectional data from Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire14
Association between late pregnancy prehypertension and adverse outcomes among newborns of women delivered at a tertiary hospital in Eastern Uganda: a prospective cohort study14
Four antenatal care visits by four months of pregnancy and four vital tests for pregnant mothers: impact of a community-facility health systems strengthening intervention in Migori County, Kenya14
Uptake of antepartum care services in a matrilineal-matrilocal society: a study of Garo indigenous women in Bangladesh14