Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

(The TQCC of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
An ASP-based Solution to the Chemotherapy Treatment Scheduling problem23
Analysis and Transformation of Constrained Horn Clauses for Program Verification20
Verifying Tight Logic Programs with anthem and vampire18
How to Build Your Own ASP-based System?!15
Fifty Years of Prolog and Beyond11
Probabilistic QoS-aware Placement of VNF Chains at the Edge10
Human Robot Collaborative Assembly Planning: An Answer Set Programming Approach10
On the Semantics of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks: A Logic Programming Approach9
White-box Induction From SVM Models: Explainable AI with Logic Programming9
An ASP approach for reasoning in a concept-aware multipreferential lightweight DL9
Linear-Time Temporal Answer Set Programming8
Modeling and Reasoning in Event Calculus using Goal-Directed Constraint Answer Set Programming8
Extended High-Utility Pattern Mining: An Answer Set Programming-Based Framework and Applications8
eclingo : A Solver for Epistemic Logic Programs8
Problem Decomposition and Multi-shot ASP Solving for Job-shop Scheduling8
Incremental and Modular Context-sensitive Analysis7
Towards Metric Temporal Answer Set Programming7
Declarative Approaches to Counterfactual Explanations for Classification7
Managing caching strategies for stream reasoning with reinforcement learning7
Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques – Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More7
Modular Answer Set Programming as a Formal Specification Language7
MAP Inference for Probabilistic Logic Programming6
Flexible coinductive logic programming6
I-DLV-sr: A Stream Reasoning System based on I-DLV6
Modelling Multi-Agent Epistemic Planning in ASP6
An ASP Approach for Reasoning on Neural Networks under a Finitely Many-Valued Semantics for Weighted Conditional Knowledge Bases6
An Asymptotic Analysis of Probabilistic Logic Programming, with Implications for Expressing Projective Families of Distributions5
Online Learning Probabilistic Event Calculus Theories in Answer Set Programming5
Planning with Incomplete Information in Quantified Answer Set Programming5
Manipulation of Articulated Objects Using Dual-arm Robots via Answer Set Programming5
Verifying Catamorphism-Based Contracts using Constrained Horn Clauses5
Strong Equivalence of Logic Programs with Counting5
FOLD-RM: A Scalable, Efficient, and Explainable Inductive Learning Algorithm for Multi-Category Classification of Mixed Data5
Incremental maintenance of overgrounded logic programs with tailored simplifications5
Operating Room (Re)Scheduling with Bed Management via ASP5
Answer Set Planning: A Survey4
A Generalised Approach for Encoding and Reasoning with Qualitative Theories in Answer Set Programming4
A Logical Characterization of the Preferred Models of Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunction4
Aggregate Semantics for Propositional Answer Set Programs4
Explanation Generation for Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Path Finding with Optimal Resource Utilization using Answer Set Programming4
Constraint Answer Set Programming: Integrational and Translational (or SMT-based) Approaches4
Exploiting Database Management Systems and Treewidth for Counting4
Nonground Abductive Logic Programming with Probabilistic Integrity Constraints4
Conflict-Driven Inductive Logic Programming4
A Neuro-Symbolic ASP Pipeline for Visual Question Answering4
Forgetting in Answer Set Programming – A Survey4
Specifying and Reasoning about CPS through the Lens of the NIST CPS Framework4
Analyzing Semantics of Aggregate Answer Set Programming Using Approximation Fixpoint Theory4
Implementing WordNet Measures of Lexical Semantic Similarity in a Fuzzy Logic Programming System4
Reasoning on Multirelational Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures4