Journal of Agrarian Change

(The median citation count of Journal of Agrarian Change is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Distilling agro‐extractivism: Agave and tequila production in Mexico32
Twenty‐five years ofLiving Under Contract: Contract farming and agrarian change in the developing world20
Community‐based tourism, peasant agriculture and resilience in the face of COVID‐19 in Peru19
Politically directed accumulation in rural China: The making of the agrarian capitalist class and the new agrarian question of capital19
Land and livelihood in the age of COVID‐19: Implications for indigenous food producers in Ecuador17
Surveillance agriculture and peasant autonomy16
Private and state‐led contract farming in Zimbabwe: Accumulation, social differentiation and rural politics16
Who owns the mud? Valuable leftovers, sociotechnical innovation and changing relations of production in artisanal gold mining (Burkina Faso)16
What kind of labour regime is contract farming? Contracting and sharecropping in Java compared14
Autonomy and repeasantization: Conceptual, analytical, and methodological problems14
Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens14
Capitalist agriculture, COVID‐19 and agrarian labour relations in Punjab, India14
Cashing in or driving development? Cross‐border traders and maize contract farming in northeast Laos13
Rural China under the COVID‐19 pandemic: Differentiated impacts, rural–urban inequality and agro‐industrialization12
Contract farming and everyday acts of resistance: Oil palm contract farmers in the Philippines11
Living under value chains: The new distributive contract and arguments about unequal bargaining power11
The end of the rural/urban divide? Migration, proletarianization, differentiation and peasant production in an ejido, Central Mexico11
Behind the ‘creative destruction’ of human diets: An analysis of the structure and market dynamics of the ultra‐processed food manufacturing industry and implications for public health11
Resettled but not redressed: Land restitution and post‐settlement dynamics in South Africa10
Introduction: Covid‐19 and the conditions and struggles of agrarian classes of labour10
Class formation and capital accumulation in the countryside: Artisanal and small‐scale gold mining in South Kivu, DR Congo10
Autonomy as a politico‐economic concept: Peasant practices and nested markets10
Global agri‐food chains in times of COVID‐19: The state, agribusiness, and agroecology in Argentina9
Agrarian movements and rural populism in Indonesia9
Soybean production in Paraguay: Agribusiness, economic change and agrarian transformations8
Resisting the coastal squeeze through village associations? Comparing environmental, organizational, and political challenges in Philippine seaweed‐growing communities8
Peasant and indigenous autonomy before and after the pink tide in Latin America8
Labour, mechanization, market integration, and government policy: Agrarian change and lowland rice cultivation in northeastern Thailand and southern Laos8
“Ploughing the land five times”: Opium and agrarian change in the ceasefire landscapes of south‐western Shan State, Myanmar8
Crisis of capitalism and cycles of right‐wing populism in contemporary Turkey: The making and unmaking of Erdoğanist hegemony7
When seed becomes capital: Commercialization of Bt cotton in Pakistan7
Ocean frontier assemblages: Critical insights from Canada's industrial salmon sector7
Progressive politics and populism: Classes of labour and rural–urban political sociology—An introduction to the special issue7
Masters of the countryside and their enemies: Class dynamics of agrarian change in rural Java7
Who owns the land owns the wind? Land and citizenship in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico7
Control, exploitation and exclusion: Experiences of small farmer e‐tailers in agricultural e‐commerce in China7
Tilling another's land: Migrant farming under rural industrialization and urbanization in China6
Double devaluations: Class, value and the rise of the right in the Global North6
Going green in Thailand: Upgrading in global organic value chains6
Rethinking dispossession: The livelihood consequences of land expropriation in contemporary rural China6
Intermediary trading and the transformation of marketplaces in Papua New Guinea6
Agrarian change, populism, and a new farmers' movement in 21st century Pakistani Punjab6
The fragmented politics of sugarcane contract farming in Uganda6
Three populisms and two dead ends: Variants of agrarian populism in Thailand6
Rethinking rural‐urban linkages: Villages and agribusiness in the Ecuadorian Highlands6
Autonomy in agrarian studies, politics, and movements: An inter‐paradigm debate6
Essential agriculture, sacrificial labor, and the COVID‐19 pandemic in the US South6
Indebted by dispossession: The long‐term impacts of a Special Economic Zone on caste inequality in rural Telangana5
Rural differentiation and rural change: Microlevel evidence from Kenya5
Producing industrial pigs in southwestern China: The rise of contract farming as a coevolutionary process5
Land and small farmer resistance in authoritarian Egypt5
Russian to modern world history: Teodor Shanin and peasant studies5
Resisting agrarian neoliberalism and authoritarianism: Struggles towards a progressive rural future in Mozambique5
Differentiated agrarian vulnerabilities and generalized national responses to COVID‐19 in the Upper West Region of Ghana5
Between autonomy and heteronomy: Navigating peasant and indigenous organizations in contemporary Bolivia5
Formal and informal contract farming in Mozambique: Socially embedded relations of agricultural intensification5
The subversive practice of counting bodies: Documenting violence and conflict in rural Brazil4
Bovine meat, authoritarian populism, and state contradictions in Modi's India4
Dispossession through land titling: Legal loopholes and shadow procedures to urbanized forestlands in the Yucatán Peninsula4
Temporariness made interminable: Pacific Islander farmworkers in Australia and the enduring crises of global agricultural production4
Contemporary agrarian, rural and rural–urban movements and alliances4
Disparate but not antagonistic: Classes of labour in cotton production in Burkina Faso4
Food system and social reproduction realities for women in agriculture across the Caribbean: Evidence from Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines4
Land and contract farming: Changes in the distribution and meanings of land in Kilombero, Tanzania4
From survival to self‐governance: A comparison of two peasant autonomy struggles in Colombia's coffee and frontier regions4
(Landlord) Theory from the South: Empire and estates on a Punjabi Frontier3
Amplifying invisibility: COVID‐19 and Zimbabwean migrant farm workers in South Africa3
Urban form and scale shaped the agroecology of early ‘cities’ in northern Mesopotamia, the Aegean and Central Europe3
Autonomy as a third mode of ordering: Agriculture and the Kurdish movement in Rojava and North and East Syria3
Climate precarity in rural livelihoods: Agrarian transformations and smallholder vulnerability in Vietnam3
China's financialized soybeans: The fault lines of neomercantilism narratives in international food regime analyses3
Restructuring palm oil value chain governance in Colombia through long‐term labour control3
Ocean and land grabbing in Ghana's offshore petroleum industry: From the agrarian question to the question of industrialization3
Pastoralism, multifunctionality, and environmental agency: Insights from mountain sheep pastoralists in Northern Portugal3
Predators in the web of life: World ecology of historical human–wolf relations in Finland3
‘Blind laws’ and the bureaucracy of rights migrant industrial workers in post‐lockdown India3
Tracking farmland investment in Australia: Institutional finance and the politics of data mapping3
‘Milk actually comes from a cow’: Ontario dairy farmers' reactions and interventions with consumers' milk rifts as third‐party alienation2
A methodology for class analysis: Agricultural investments and agrarian change in South Africa2
Historical grounding, political contexts, material hurdles: Towards more in‐depth understandings of ‘finance going farming’2
“Keep a sinking boat afloat”: Class contradictions in a nascent shrimp farmers' cooperative in South China2
Capital concentration in and through class differentiation: A case study from Pampean agribusiness2
We, campesinos: The potentials and pitfalls of agrarian populism in Colombia's agrarian strike2
Illegibly legible: Outcomes of a land records modernisation programme in South India2
Agrifood field analysis and sociocultural brokerage. Mexico and the United States: 1950–20162
COVID‐19 and the power of indigenous, Mexican‐origin farmworker families in the US Pacific Northwest2
Reproductive binds: The gendered economy of debt in a Syrian refugee farmworker camp1
‘For them farming may be the last resort, but for us it is a new hope’: Ageing, youth and farming in India1
Labour control regimes in the rural and urban workplaces of global production networks: The coffee case of Colombia1
Paying for ecological services in Ecuador: The political economy of structural inequality1
Genetically Modified Democracy: Transgenic Crops in Contemporary India By AniketAga. Yale University Press. 2021. pp. 328. $65.00 (hb). ISBN: 97803002459051
From creating to confronting racial hierarchies: The evolving role of the US state in land policy1
Blaming the victim or structural conditioning? COVID‐19, obesity and the neoliberal diet1
‘A great many of them die’: Sugar, race and cheapness in colonial Queensland1
The afterlife of living under contract, an epilogue1
Discipline and resistance in southwestern Ontario: Securitization of migrant workers and their acts of defiance1
Stealing the common from the goose: The emergence of Farmers' Rights and their implementation in India and Brazil1
The political economy of agrarian extractivism: Lessons from Bolivia, by BenMcKay. Black Point: Fernwood Publications. 2020 172 pp. $20.00 (paperback). ISBN: 97817736325371
Coolie labour and colonial capitalism in Asia1
Political economy of input–output markets of groundnut: A case from the groundnut value chain of Turkey1
Revisiting “empowered rural women” in postwar Japan1
Agricultural intensification increases farmers' income but reduces food self‐sufficiency and bee diversity: Evidence from southeast Mexico1
The social reproduction of natural resource extraction and gendered labour regimes in rural Turkey1
Land for dignity and struggle for identity: Landlordism and caste in a village of south India1
Manufactured regional crises: The Middle East and North Africa under global food regimes1
Contesting total extractivism: Between idealism and materialism1
Indigenous collective land titling and the creation of leftovers: Insights from Paraguay and Cambodia1
Colonialism, “efficiency” and development: Re‐examining Puerto Rico's land reform, 1935–19451
Work and social reproduction in rural India: Lessons from time‐use data1
Rural–urban connectivity strengthens agrarian peace: Evidence from a study of gender and motorcycle taxis in Sierra Leone1
Handbook of critical agrarian studies, By HaroonAkram‐Lodhi, KristinaDietz, BettinaEngels, Ben M.McKay, Edward Elgar (Eds.), 2021, Pp. xxvi + 713. £244.80 (hbk). ISBN: 978‐1‐78897‐245‐11
Land reform and peacebuilding in Côte d'Ivoire: Navigating the minefield1
Family farmers' strategies to develop autonomy through agroecological and solidarity economy practices: The case of BioVida in the Ecuadorian Andes1
‘There will be no law, or people to protect us’: Irregular Southeast Asian seasonal workers in Taiwan before and during the pandemic1
A framework for understanding land control transfer in agricultural commodity frontiers1
Handbook on urban food security in the Global South, JonathanCrush, BruceFrayneGarethHaysom. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 2020. 415 + x. £150 (hb).£48.00 (ebook). ISBN: 978‐1‐78643‐150‐91
Twists and turns of land reform in Latin America: From predatory to intermediate states?1
Between construction yard and village: Changing relations of caste and hierarchy among Madhya Pradesh's labouring classes1