Innovations in Education and Teaching International

(The median citation count of Innovations in Education and Teaching International is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Chatting and cheating: Ensuring academic integrity in the era of ChatGPT437
A SWOT analysis of ChatGPT: Implications for educational practice and research248
Challenge based learning in higher education– A systematic literature review57
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Preparedness and experiences of South African students40
The effect of teacher presence in videos on intrinsic cognitive loads and academic achievements25
The role of students’ epistemic beliefs for their argumentation performance in higher education19
The impacts of constructivist learning design and learning analytics on students’ engagement and self-regulation19
The effectiveness of interactive training and microlearning approaches on motivation and independent learning of medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic17
Supporting argumentative essay writing through an online supported peer-review script16
Diversifying assessment methods: Barriers, benefits and enablers15
An inquiry into the linkages between university ecosystem and students’ entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy14
What factors determine the development of employability skills in Nigerian higher education?13
Teaching in times of disruption: Faculty digital literacy in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic13
Remote doctoral supervision experiences: Challenges and affordances12
Determinants of students’ adoption of virtual reality-based learning systems: An individual difference perspective12
Across time and space: Examiner and candidate experiences of online doctoral vivas12
Reconceptualising digital pedagogy during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative inquiry into distance teaching in China12
Decolonising the curriculum: A survey of current practice in a modern UK university11
Surviving a pandemic - Understanding the role of student stress, personality and coping on course satisfaction and anxiety during lockdown11
Podcasting in higher education as a component of Universal Design for Learning: A systematic review of the literature11
Online EMI learner engagement and perceptions of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Exploring business graduates employability skills and teaching/learning techniques10
South African students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom: A case study of higher education10
An online community of international scholars: Enabling spaces for reciprocal academic and psychological support10
The impact of generative AI tools on researchers and research: Implications for academia in higher education9
The innovation competence profile of teachers in higher education institutions9
Collaborative learning and student engagement in practical skills acquisition9
A pilot evaluation of technology –Enabled active learning through a Hybrid Augmented and Virtual Reality app9
Effect of video feedback on students’ feedback use in the online learning environment9
Knowledge-building and metacognition matter: Detecting differences between high- and low-performance groups in computer-supported collaborative learning8
Putting the employment status of faculty into the quality of education: A Canadian case study7
Learning paths design in personal learning environments: The impact on postgraduates’ cognitive achievements and satisfaction7
The ideal research degree supervisor ‘can play any role’: Rethinking institutional orientation and induction for commencing doctoral students7
The impact of immersive scheduling on student learning and success in an Australian pathways program7
Relationships, power and accountability: Reflections on transformative postgraduate supervision workshops at a South African University School of Public Health, 2014-20207
Investigating the depth of problem-solving prompts in collaborative argumentation7
The transition from in-person to online supervision: Does the interaction between doctoral advisors and candidates change?7
Rebuilding faculty capacities in higher education: An alternative for relational mentoring7
Scholarship and teaching-focused roles: An exploratory study of academics’ experiences and perceptions of support7
The interaction between exploratory behaviours and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition by agriculture students: The mediating role of strategic learning and mindfulness6
Transitioning to online clerkship during unprecedented times: An innovative online flipped in-patient clerkship6
Social context and transferable skill development in experiential learning6
Challenges in online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Higher education survey in Montenegro6
A new type of remedial course for improving university students’ learning satisfaction and achievement6
Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for higher-order cognition: Perspectives of university teachers6
The impact of online learning engagement on college students’ academic performance: The serial mediating effect of inquiry learning and reflective learning6
Using podcasts to cultivate learner–teacher rapport in higher education settings6
Teaching in times of crisis: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education6
Demystifying commentary guidelines of PhD by published work in the UK: Insights from genre analysis6
Block mode delivery for studio design teaching in higher education6
Online research group supervision: Structure, support and community6
Undergraduate Students’ perceptions of online assessment during COVID -19 pandemic at faculty of medicine for girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt6
The intersection of epistemic beliefs and gender in argumentation performance6
Why is the proposal alone not sufficient for grant success? Building research fundability through collaborative research networking5
Editing a higher education journal: Gatekeeping or development?5
Empowering education professionals with twenty-first century skills through Master’s of Education dissertation/thesis work5
Factors affecting students’ intention to use m-learning: Extending the technology acceptance model (TAM)5
Marketing micro-credentials: An analysis of actors, voices and messages in educational innovation discourse5
Assessing the effect of Massive Open Online Courses as remedial courses in higher education5
Students’ feedback literacy in workplace integrated learning: How prepared are they?5
Undergraduate international students’ challenges in a flipped classroom environment: An Australian perspective5
‘Not another group activity!’: Student attitudes to individual and collaborative learning activities, and some implications for distance learning course design and operation5
Making a case for Doctoral Intelligence: Conceptualisation and insights for researcher development5
Effects of innovative pedagogies on academic achievement and development of 21st-century skills of taxation students in colleges of education5
Online intercultural exchange: A case study in work and organisational psychology5
The teacher’s eye gaze in university classrooms: Evidence from a field study5
An EEG study on college students’ attention levels in a blended computer science class5
Relationship between doctoral supervisors’ competencies, engagement in supervisory development and experienced support from research community4
Perceiving the social unknown: How the hidden curriculum affects the learning of autistic students in higher education4
Beyond academic writing: The international doctoral student writing workshop4
The curriculum in higher education research: A review of the research literature4
‘Embodiment is the future’: What is embodiment and is it the future paradigm for learning and teaching in higher education?4
The changing landscape of doctoral education in the UK4
Online supervision in a professional doctorate in education: Cultivating relational trust within learning alliances4
It’s about time to involve all stakeholders in co-creating faculty development programmes - Exploring the perceptions of students and teachers4
Cooperative learning at university: Opinion of students and application of the instrument Cooperative Learning Questionnaire (CLQ)4
The 4C’s of PAL – An evidence-based model for implementing peer assisted learning for mature students4
Promoting agentive feedback engagement through dialogically minded approaches in doctoral writing supervision4
‘5 secrets they won’t tell you’: The content and rhetoric of YouTube advice videos about searching for a doctoral supervisor4
Desirable difficulties and student-faculty partnership4
Doctoral writing and remote supervision: What the literature tells us4
Kahoot! in the classroom: Examining the impact of a game-based student response system on pre-service teachers’ academic achievement and perceptions3
Study on factors influencing college students’ motivation to engage with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Title: Boredom as a basis for fostering creativity in higher education: A call for pedagogical bravery3
Integrating inquiry-based learning into engineering education: A case study3
Exploring Nursing Students’ Perceptions of their Learning Experience in a Gerontological Nursing Course with a Technology-Mediated Learning Environment3
Facilitating undergraduates’ plagiarism-free academic writing practices in a blended learning scenario3
Changing representations of student achievement: The need for innovation3
Positive effects of medical hypnosis on test anxiety in first year medical students3
The escape room experience: Exploring new ways to deliver interprofessional education3
Supervisory feedback: Supervisors’ reasons for not giving timely feedback3
Can preclinical students improve their clinical reasoning skills only by taking case-based online testlets? A randomized controlled study3
Developing a technology enabled learning framework supporting staff transitioning degree module content to a blended learning approach3
Pharmacy students’ perception of learning and engagement in a flipped-classroom of a physiology course3
To what extent does ChatGPT understand genetics?3
Continuing conversations: Moving support for doctoral supervisors’ professional development online3
The changing landscape of doctoral education: A framework for analysis and introduction to the special issue3
Student learning effect using flipped classroom with WPSA learning mode - An Example of Programming Design Course3
Cultural and linguistic dimensions of feedback: A model of intercultural feedback literacy3
Evaluation of modern educational software and basic digital competences among teachers in Italy3
Internationalisation of medical education in China: A 10-year overview of students’ outward mobility3
The affective effect: Exploring undergraduate students’ emotions in giving and receiving peer feedback3
Student perceptions of transferable skills learned during a simulated placement3
Understanding high dropout rates in MOOCs – a qualitative case study from Pakistan3
Pre-class teacher feedback in the flipped classroom: Cognitive or praise feedback is better than mitigating feedback3
Mindful writing for faculty and graduate students: A pilot mixed-methods study of effects of a six-week workshop3
Developing transformative pedagogies for transdisciplinary education – Resources and competencies students need3
Digital shifting in doctoral supervision: Different routes to the same destination3
‘PGR Connections’: Using an online peer- learning pedagogy to support doctoral researchers3
Using metacognition to promote active learning in large business management classes3
Explore the moderating impact of learners’ anticipated emotions on mobile learning outcome: A moderated mediation model3
The challenges and trade-offs of supporting doctoral student writing: A case study of faculty experiences3
Scaffolding argumentation in mathematics with CSCL scripts: Which is the optimal scripting level for university freshmen?2
Diversity and inclusion in global higher education: Lessons from across Asia2
Team teaching as a strategy for enhancing teaching about theory-into-practice2
Combining simulation and cinemeducation to teach patient safety: A pilot study2
Do student engagement patterns differ across national higher education systems? The comparison of US, Chinese, and Russian high-level research-intensive universities2
Students’ appraisals post-ChatGPT use: Students’ narrative after using ChatGPT for writing2
Doctoral supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions on supervisory support and frequency of supervision – Do they match?2
Enabling spatial thinking through an augmented reality for teaching crystal structure2
Evaluating podcasts as a science communication assessment for postgraduate students2
Transformative learning: Investigating perspective changes towards developing global human resources in a virtual exchange project2
Reviewing the literature: Collaborative professional learning for academics in higher education2
Developing leadership behaviours in higher education: A quasi-experimental study on the effect of experiential learning2
Effect of partial compulsory attendance on academic performance of technical education students2
Identifying student profiles based on their attitudes and beliefs towards online education and exploring relations with their experiences and background2
Learning from peers’ diverse knowledge and experience. Findings from internationalising a course for medical students2
How sequencing content and fading instructional support reduce extraneous processing2
Motivating innovative education methods with hackathon attendance2
Undergraduates’ motivations to engage in extracurricular research: Evidence from Hong Kong2
Doctoral trends development in Spain: From academic to professional paths2
Enabling writing behaviours of successful professors: Insights into optimising research writing practices2
Understanding university professors’ best mentoring practices in undergraduate research2
Interactive piano teaching in distance learning2
The moderating effect of the university perceived support environment on entrepreneurial behavior2
The transformation of post pandemic hybrid teaching and learning through experiences of remote digital learning in French business schools2
The dynamics of social performance and cognitive depth between students and teacher in online discussion forums with the SNA and LDA approach2
Wellbeing and doctoral candidature: The background and development of the importance to doctoral wellbeing questionnaire2
The impact of culinary virtual reality curriculum on students’ learning outcomes and acceptance2
Professional master’s degree: Another ‘Jabuticaba’ or a bridge between theory and practice?2
Developing a rubric for assessing students’ competencies in entrepreneurial-STEM learning context2
Lack of interest? Self and peer assessment as a means to improve students’ engagement2
Collaborative transnational doctoral education: Insights from a Philippines-Australia partnership2
Untangling the role of optimism, pessimism and coping influences on student mood, motivation and satisfaction2
The relationship between undergraduate students’ digital literacy and self-regulation in online interaction2
Evaluation of the temporal impact of a leadership development program in higher education2
Making sense of cultural bumps: Supporting international graduate teaching assistants with their teaching2
Doctorate education in Chile: The race to increase the production of doctorate holders and the obsession of quantifying quality2
The BodyMind Approach® to support students in higher education: Relationships between student stress, medically unexplained physical symptoms and mental health2
Using assessment centres to develop student competence: Nine steps to success and better partnerships1
Understanding partnerships in teacher and student feedback literacy: Shared responsibility1
Enhancing research collaboration within a large university department1
The World Café method and spaces dedicated to active teaching & learning: A dynamic combo that motivates students for biosciences learning1
Rather to receive praise than criticism? Understanding students’ perceptions of feedback valences in academic writing1
Finding a stable core in supervision from a distance: A Kurdish-Australian case study1
Managing task and relationship conflicts in international online team learning1
Health professional education post-COVID: Tips and scholarly learnings1
Harnessing innovation approaches to support community and belonging in Higher Education1
Malaysian nursing students’ satisfaction with structured online learning1
International developments in doctoral education. Case study: Germany1
The effect of constructive alignment on academic writing using a virtual flipped classroom: Student learning and higher thinking1
Faculty perceptions of research ethics committees: The case of schools in Manila without an accredited ethics review body1
Using worked examples to support problem solving of legal cases in an inductive instructional sequence1
Design principles for dual mode readiness in an uncertain future1
Doctoral induction: Sociocultural context and the transition to the research degree1
Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy – an argument for AI literacy in education1
Addressing creativity in higher education from a rhizomatic perspective1
Direct instruction, worked examples and problem solving: The impact of instructional strategies on cognitive load1
Challenge-based learning and design thinking in higher education: institutional strategies for linking experiential learning, innovation, and academic performance1
Towards a better understanding of exemplar-based teaching: Exploring helpful contextual factors in exemplar-based feedback in an online writing class1
Perspectives on doctoral education in the United States: Challenges and paths forward1
A blessing in disguise: Beyond cross-cultural online supervision1
Teaching by concordance: Individual versus team-based performance1
‘It’s not plagiarism, it’s a bad use of power phrasing’: Assessment of home and international student (mis)understandings of citation practice1
Towards a framework for embedding doctorateness in research proposals1
The moderating role of aesthetics and information quality for acceptance of augmented reality1
Achieving success in post-graduate studies: A qualitative exploration of staff experiences transitioning from traditional to block mode delivery in an Australian university1
Editorial – IETI 58/61
Writing across contexts: Relationships between doctoral writing and workplace writing beyond the academy1
Didactics of smart pedagogy: Smart pedagogy for technology enhanced learning1
Examining the impact of self-selected feedback mode on university learners’ experiences and perceptions of feedback value1
An exploratory study of 21st century skills of undergraduate education students: A comparison between freshman, second, and graduation years1
Same programme, different experience: Does the perception of departmental climate in doctoral programmes vary among different students?1
How game-based learning supports the creativity of university students? The context of China1
Self-awareness and personal responsibility among seminary students1
Complex legacies and future prospects: Conceptualising changes in South African doctoral education1
LEPPA: A teaching modality of biotechnology course for postgraduate students in biomedical majors1
Does student-instructor interaction in universities influence academic attainment? The context of Saudi Arabia1
Instructional design and race: What black digital humanities can teach instructional design and technology1
Linking ambidextrous forms of leadership, knowledge, organisational cultures and learning by higher education institutions: Insights from a survey of administrators1
Teacher transition into innovative learning environments - A global perspective1
Teaching scientific research integrity: A case study1
Developing dialogic stance through professional development workshops1
Students’ perception of professional decision-making in the context of an animal science course: Case study1
The more the merrier? PhD supervisors’ perspectives in engaging in co-supervision1
Online teaching dexterity-implications for post-pandemic higher education online teaching competencies1
Internationalisation without international students? Internationalising the curriculum and student experience during the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia1
Changing mindsets and becoming gritty: Mature students’ learning experiences in a UK university and beyond1
Workplace learning: A context of college students’ career exploration through sport internship1
Virtual mobility to enhance intercultural competencies for a more sustainable future1
Biases in student evaluations of teaching: An exploratory analysis to a Chinese case study1
The impact of a feedback intervention on university students’ second language writing feedback literacy1
Comparisons of analogical learning and team discussion as interactive in-class activities in flipped classroom of a pharmacy compounding course1
Interactive oral assessment case studies: An innovative, academically rigorous, authentic assessment approach1
China: Quality assurance, internationalisation, doctoral employment, and COVID-191
Effect of commuting on the academic performance of students in higher technical education and their physical and emotional state1
COVID-19 and doctoral education in Australia1
Embracing educational transformation: exploring personalised, collaborative and contextualised education through dilemma theory1
Experiences of academics and undergraduate students on research-based learning: A tale of two institutions1