Climate Policy

(The median citation count of Climate Policy is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Passenger transport decarbonization in emerging economies: policy lessons from modelling long-term deep decarbonization pathways95
The Triple Challenge: synergies, trade-offs and integrated responses for climate, biodiversity, and human wellbeing goals95
A real options approach to assessing the cost savings potential of renewable energy adoption among SMEs in Ghana92
Pilot policies for low-carbon cities in China: a study of the impact on green finance development and energy carbon efficiency91
The ‘national turn’ in climate change loss and damage governance research: constructing the L&D policy landscape in Tuvalu86
Human rights and the Warsaw International Mechanism: an interdisciplinary approach to overcome a financial gridlock84
Climate justice and rights-based litigation in a post-Paris world83
Implications of the consumption-based accounting for future national emissions budgets83
Nature to the rescue: past drivers and future potential of the Australian land-based carbon offsets market80
The geography of avoided deforestation and sustainable forest management offsets: the enduring question of additionality70
Countries’ commitments to soil organic carbon in Nationally Determined Contributions61
Implementing nationally determined contributions under the Paris agreement: an assessment of climate finance in Caribbean small island developing states47
Carbon taxes and agriculture: the benefit of a multilateral agreement45
Definitions and accounting of climate finance: between divergence and constructive ambiguity44
Climate policy in an era of polycrisis and opportunities in systems transformations44
A 10-point plan to scale up renewable energy in the Global South43
A coordination failure between EU climate policies exemplified by the North Sea energy island43
Sea level rise, claims-making and managed retreat in Fairbourne, North Wales39
Anticipatory climate policy mix pathways: a framework for ex-ante construction and assessment applied to the road transport sector38
Impact of ideology on individuals’ attitudes to a climate-motivated tax on food38
Bilateral finance organizations and stranded asset risk in coal: the case of Japan37
A systematic review of Nepalese farmers’ climate change adaptation strategies37
Assessment of agricultural emissions, climate change mitigation and adaptation practices in Ethiopia35
Public debt and intergenerational ethics: how to fund a clean technology ‘Apollo program’?35
Leveraging the transport sector to mitigate long-term climate policy costs in China: a behavioural perspective34
Transformational adaptation and country ownership: competing priorities in international adaptation finance34
Capacity building as the cornerstone of the climate change regime: evolution of the agenda through a policy-practitioner view from Brazil33
Sharing the decarbonisation effort: getting Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East countries on the road to global carbon neutrality32
Banks’ climate commitments and credit to carbon-intensive industries: new evidence for France31
The pending commitment and ongoing political divide on carbon pricing in Japan31
A mission perspective on emissions reduction at the city level: the case of Glasgow, Scotland27
Do CO2 emissions trading schemes deliver co-benefits? Evidence from Shanghai26
Post-2025 climate finance target: how much more and how much better?26
Averaging or multi-year accounting? Environmental integrity implications for using international carbon markets in the context of single-year targets26
Challenges and opportunities for universities in building adaptive capacities for sustainability: lessons from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean26
The knowledge politics of capacity building for climate change at the UNFCCC25
Social justice in the context of climate policy: systematizing the variety of inequality dimensions, social impacts, and justice principles24
Overcoming misleading carbon footprints in the financial sector24
Impacts of the CBAM on EU trade partners: consequences for developing countries24
Global guidelines, local interpretations: ethnography of climate policy implementation in Mapuche territory, Southern Chile24
The EU ETS to 2030 and beyond: adjusting the cap in light of the 1.5°C target and current energy policies24
Multinationals, research and development, and carbon emissions: international evidence24
Ecosystem-based adaptation to address urbanization and climate change challenges: the case of China’s sponge city initiative23
Scenarios for different ‘Future Indias’: sharpening energy and climate modelling tools23
Can conditional cash transfers reduce vulnerability to climate change?22
Carbon farming in India: are the existing projects inclusive, additional, and permanent?22
Corporate opposition to climate change disclosure regulation in the United States22
Net zero by choice? Oil and gas industry motivations for the energy transition and public policy in Scotland21
Climate policy at the Bank of England: the possibilities and limits of green central banking21
Climate policy and financial system stability: evidence from Chinese fund markets21
Public evaluations of four approaches to ocean-based carbon dioxide removal21
Turning out the light: criteria for determining the sequencing of countries phasing out oil extraction and the just transition implications20
The green transition in emerging economies: green bond issuance in Brazil and China19
National ‘fair shares’ in reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the principled framework of international environmental law18
Policy support in promoting green bonds in Asia: empirical evidence18
The politics of phasing out fossil fuels: party positions and voter reactions in Norway17
The policy coordinator role of national development banks in scaling climate finance: Evidence from the renewable energy sector17
Stakeholder-based modelling in climate change planning for the agriculture sector in Argentina17
Tracking climate change adaptation in Eastern Africa: integrating governmental and livestock keeper perspectives17
A global assessment of policy tools to support climate adaptation17
How are climate policies assessed in emerging economies? A study of ex-ante policy appraisal in Brazil, China, and India16
Performing accountability: face-to-face account-giving in multilateral climate transparency processes16
Climate resilience action to policy: embodied community-based climate risk resilience (CBCRR) in drought prone community in Thailand’s economic corridor16
Reconsidering National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) as a Policy Framework under the UNFCCC16
CCUS As a second-best choice for China's carbon neutrality: an institutional analysis16
Public support for flood adaptation policy in Tokyo lowland areas16
Evaluating policy coherence and integration for adaptation: the case of EU policies and Arctic cross-border climate change impacts16
Mainstreaming climate adaptation into urban development projects in the Netherlands: private sector drivers and municipal policy instruments15
Unlocking the flow of finance for climate adaptation: estimates of ‘Fiscal Space’ in climate-vulnerable developing countries15
Farmer extension facilitators as a pathway for climate smart agriculture: evidence from southern Malawi15
Do climate risks influence foreign direct investment inflows to emerging and developing economies?15
Adaptation for whom? Understanding the impacts of dyke policies on small-scale farmers in Ca Mau Province of Vietnam 115
The Swedish climate policy framework as a means for climate policy integration: an assessment15
Reevaluating fair carbon emissions for households in Japan: basic energy needs and subsistence CO 2 emissions14
Climate action or delay: the dynamics of competing narratives in the UK political sphere and the influence of climate protest14
Unlocking climate finance for social protection: an analysis of the Green Climate Fund14
Gigaton gear – policy insights for scaling up the global deployment of direct air carbon capture and sequestration technology (DACCS)14
The impact of collateral-based monetary policy on green financing cost: an analysis of the People's Bank of China’s approach14
Evaluating progress on loss and damage: an assessment of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism under the UNFCCC13
The relationship between a ‘polluter pays’ approach to carbon capture, regional policy and ‘just transition’ employment agendas13
Paradoxes of Norway’s energy transition: controversies and justice13
Investor-state dispute settlement: obstructing a just energy transition13
Equity assessment of global mitigation pathways in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report13
Will the regime ever break? Assessing socio-political and economic pressures to climate action and European oil majors’ response (2005-2019)13
Methodology to analyse the impact of an emissions trading system in Chile12
Exploring the influence of financial development on climate physical risk: insights from China12
Evaluating the enhancement of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of developing countries: an international support programme perspective12
Governing offshore wind: is an ‘Asia-Pacific Model’ emerging?12
Revising the EU ETS and CORSIA in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges for reducing global aviation emissions12
Conflict sensitive climate finance: lessons from the Green Climate Fund12
A Green Fiscal Pact for the EU: increasing climate investments while consolidating budgets12
Addressing Biases that impact homeowners’ adoption of solar panels11
Farmers’ adaptations strategies towards soil salinity effects in agriculture: the interior coast of Bangladesh11
Developing regional voluntary carbon markets for peatlands: innovation processes and influencing factors11
Central bank collateral as a green monetary policy instrument11
The social acceptability of a personal carbon allowance: a discrete choice experiment in Belgium11
Public support for phasing out carbon-intensive technologies: the end of the road for conventional cars in Germany?11
Oil and gas just transitions: an introduction to the special issue11
Snapshot of the Carbon Dioxide Removal certification and standards ecosystem (2021–2022)11
Climate policy costs of spatially unbalanced growth in electricity demand: the case of datacentres in Ireland10
Understanding vulnerability and building resilience in small-scale fisheries: the case of Davao Gulf, Philippines10
A right to pollute versus a duty to mitigate: on the basis of emissions trading and carbon markets10
Carbon border adjustment mechanism: a systematic literature review of the latest developments10
Going green, growing strong: how climate policy boosts US companies performance10
Are the rights and knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities being attended to by climate framework laws?10
Loss and damage in the global stocktake10
Quality of life and carbon emissions reduction: does digital economy play an influential role?10
Quantifying international public finance for climate change adaptation in Africa10
Supportive governance for city-scale low carbon building retrofits: a case study from Shanghai9
Agricultural emission reduction targets at country and global levels: a bottom-up analysis9
The land sector in the low carbon emission strategies in the European Union: role and future expectations9
Concept of climate-charged airspaces: a potential policy instrument for internalizing aviation's climate impact of non-CO2 effects9
What drives adaptive behaviours during heatwaves? A systematic review with a meta-analysis9
Nationally determined contributions to the 2015 Paris Agreement goals: transparency in communications from developing country Parties9
A missing link? The role of international organizations in climate-related planned relocation9
Policy attention to climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: a global assessment of National Communications (1994–2019)9
Evaluating long-term low emission development strategies and implications for the remaining global carbon budget9
Public acceptability of policy instruments for reducing fossil fuel consumption in East Africa9
Network structures, environmental technology and contagion9
How do donors integrate climate policy and development cooperation? An analysis of the development aid policies of 42 donor countries9
Climate justice and a fair allocation of national greenhouse gas emissions8
Developing an Ad Hominem typology for classifying climate misinformation8
Upward-scaling tipping cascades to meet climate goals: plausible grounds for hope8
Evolution of blue carbon management policies in China: review, performance and prospects8
A pathway design framework for national freight transport decarbonization strategies8
Carbon stocks and sequestration from small tree patches in grassland landscapes in Aotearoa-New Zealand8
Factors affecting the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in municipal policy and practice: a systematic review8
Carbon accounting for negative emissions technologies8
Contribution of carbon pricing to meeting a mid-century net zero target8
Communicating climate change as a generational issue: experimental effects on youth worry, motivation and belief in collective action8
National GHG inventory capacity in developing countries – a global assessment of progress8
Peer effects affect the adaptation behaviour of rural residents to geohazards in China: a new policy pathway8
Green finance in Asia: challenges, policies and avenues for research8
Do impoverished regions benefit from climate change mitigation measures? Evidence from the Forest Carbon Sink Project in China8
Deconstructing corporate net-zero and climate neutrality targets in the German chemical industry7
Investment planning to minimize climate risk in agricultural production: an optimization model for a semi-arid region in India7
Towards a post-pandemic policy framework to manage climate-related financial risks and resilience7
Digital technologies – the missing link between climate action transparency and accountability?7
A response framework for addressing the risks of climate change for homeless populations7
Peru at the UNFCCC: explaining the country’s foreign climate policy7
Demand-pull and technology-push environmental innovation: a policy mix analysis on EU ETS and EU Cohesion Policy7
Linking science and action to improve public health capacity for climate preparedness in lower- and middle-income countries7
Meaning-making in a context of climate change: supporting agency and political engagement7
EU emissions trading in the buildings sector – an ex-ante assessment7
Farmers’ preferences and willingness to pay for climate-smart agricultural technologies on rice production in Nigeria7
Climate Change Acts: Origins, Dynamics, and Consequences7
Climate justice for small island developing states: identifying appropriate international financing mechanisms for loss and damage7
Transparency is what states make of it: whose climate priorities are reflected in the Paris Agreement’s enhanced transparency framework?7
Assessing state compliance with multilateral climate transparency requirements: ‘Transparency Adherence Indices’ and their research and policy implications7
Pricing carbon effectively: a pathway for higher climate change ambition7
Synergies between the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement: the role of policy milestones, monitoring frameworks and safeguards7
Economic and environmental impacts of a proposed ‘Carbon adder' on New York’s energy market7
Sweden’s Climate Act – its origin and emergence7
The potential impacts of an EU-wide agricultural mitigation target on the Irish agriculture sector7
Assessing the rapidly-emerging landscape of net zero targets6
Understanding mobility and immobility choices in vulnerable coastal settlements: insights from southwest India6
A green COVID-19 recovery of the EU basic materials sector: identifying potentials, barriers and policy solutions6
Greenhouse gas emission budgets and policies for zero-Carbon road transport in Europe6
Costs and effectiveness of climate change adaptation in agriculture: a systematic review from the NENA region6
Measuring comprehensive carbon prices of national climate policies6
Fossil Free Zones: a proposal6
Use of subsidized insurance policy in climate adaptation strategies: the case of pastoral regions in China6
Routes to credible climate commitment: the UK and Denmark compared6
Fossil fuels, climate change, and the COVID-19 crisis: pathways for a just and green post-pandemic recovery6
Retrofitting homes in Ontario entails significant embodied emissions: new policies needed6
Scaling up climate ambition post-2030: a long-term GHG mitigation analysis for Thailand6
The green climate fund and its shortcomings in local delivery of adaptation finance5
Implementing sustainability taxonomies to redirect capital flows: the case of South Africa5
Taking stock of carbon dioxide removal policy in emerging economies: developments in Brazil, China, and India5
Ecosystem-based adaptation practices to stem climate change impacts: smallholder farmers’ perspectives5
Strengthening climate adaptation in the northern region of Ghana: insights from a stakeholder analysis5
Negotiating the future of the Adaptation Fund: on the politics of defining and defending justice in the post-Paris Agreement period5
A systematic scoping review and content analysis of policy recommendations for climate-resilient agriculture5
Climate Change Acts in Scotland, Austria, Denmark and Sweden: the role of discourse and deliberation5
Are the IMO’s new targets for international shipping compatible with the Paris Climate Agreement?5
Understanding the climate change adaptation policy landscape in South Africa5
Climate adaptation in Coastal Virginia: an analysis of existing policies and main stakeholders5
Capacity for climate change needs knowledge and politics with a difference5
REDD+ and leakage: debunking myths and promoting integrated solutions5
Climate-related prudential regulation tools in the context of sustainable and responsible investment: a systematic review5
Climate and trade policies: from silos to integration5
Climate finance policy in practice: a review of the evidence5
Public responses to hard climate policies in OECD member countries: prevalence of contention at the post-adoption stage5
Comparison of carbon management and emissions of universities that did and did not adopt voluntary carbon offsets5
Economic incentives for coastal homeowner adaptation to climate change5
The use of scenarios in climate policy planning: an assessment of actors’ experiences and lessons learned in Finland5
How aligned are industry strategy and government policy for the decarbonization of energy-intensive process industries?4
Carbon pricing under electricity market constraints: analyzing rent management dynamics in the Republic of Korea4
Do climate change policies affect labour market distortions? Empirical evidence from China's low-carbon city pilots4
Does climate advocacy matter? The importance of competing interest groups for national climate policies4
The history of net zero: can we move from concepts to practice?4
Global economic governance and environmental crisis: the widening repertoire of IMF economic ideas and limits of its climate policy advocacy4
Caught in between: credibility and feasibility of the voluntary carbon market post-20204
How does climate change adaptation policy in India consider gender? An analysis of 28 state action plans4
Getting models and modellers to inform deep decarbonization strategies4
Design by Transitional Committee: learning from the Green Climate Fund4
Navigating climate-resilience: co-benefits and costs of a net zero development pathway in Ethiopia4
Russia’s expanding adaptation agenda and its limitations4
EU Citizen support for climate-friendly agriculture (Farm) and dietary options (Fork) across the left-right political spectrum4
Country ownership in climate finance coordination: a comparative assessment of Kenya and Zambia4
Just Transition: A whole-systems approach to decarbonisation4
Biodiversity loss and climate change interactions: financial stability implications for central banks and financial supervisors4
Sensitizing just transition in Taiwan4
Glass half full or glass half empty?: the 2021 Glasgow Climate Conference4
Toward Indigenous visions of nature-based solutions: an exploration into Canadian federal climate policy4
Clean at home, polluting abroad: the role of the Chinese financial system’s differential treatment of state-owned and private enterprises4
How can a carbon tax benefit developing economies with informality? A CGE analysis for Côte d’Ivoire4
Low-carbon urban experiments from vision to reality: a systematic review of the literature from 2005 to 20204
Azerbaijan: pathways for decarbonization in a global context3
Investor compensation for oil and gas phase out decisions: aligning valuation methods to decarbonization3
Economic crises as critical junctures for policy and structural changes towards decarbonization – the cases of Spain and Germany3
Ethics of carbon pricing – a review of the literature3
The influence of climate change advisory bodies on political debates: evidence from the UK Committee on Climate Change3
Economic and social effectiveness of carbon pricing schemes to meet Brazilian NDC targets3
The Green Climate Fund and private sector climate finance in the Global South3
What’s on the agenda? UN climate change negotiation agendas since 19953
State policy and local resilience: evaluating state policies for flood resilience in the Great Lakes region of the United States3
China’s climate governance from 2009 to 2019: motivations, instruments, actors, and geopolitics3
Whose jobs face transition risk in Alberta? Understanding sectoral employment precarity in an oil-rich Canadian province3
Participatory modelling for climate change adaptation: the poultry sector in Nigeria3
Reducing Carbon emissions through pipelines? Evidence from the West-East Gas Pipeline Project3
Spatial threshold effect of tax competition on carbon dioxide emissions intensity in China3
The effect of the EU ETS free allowance allocation on energy mix diversification: the case of Poland’s power sector3
Retraction: Pushing low-carbon mobility: a survey experiment on the public acceptance of disruptive policy packages3
Accelerating the speed and scale of climate finance in the post-pandemic context3
Designing effective digital-based delivery of climate information for smallholder farmers: a mini meta-analysis on drivers and barriers3
Unequal age-based household carbon footprint in China3
Strategic transparency under authoritarian environmentalism: information disclosure and the role of environmental NGOs in China’s national emission trading scheme3
Introducing auctioning in China’s national carbon market: lessons from international and domestic practices3
Towards net zero: making baselines for international carbon markets dynamic by applying ‘ambition coefficients’3
Economic and GHG impacts of a US state-level carbon tax: the case of Hawai‘i3
Setting the sun on off-grid solar?: policy lessons from the Bangladesh solar home systems (SHS) programme3