Journal of Intellectual Capital

(The H4-Index of Journal of Intellectual Capital is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Intellectual capital and supply chain resilience104
Does green intellectual capital spur corporate environmental performance through green workforce?83
Does green intellectual capital matter for green innovation adoption? Evidence from the manufacturing SMEs of Pakistan69
Translating green strategic intent into green process innovation performance: the role of green intellectual capital67
Intellectual capital in Society 5.0 by the lens of the knowledge creation theory60
Green talent management and turnover intention: the roles of leader STARA competence and digital task interdependence52
Nexus among intellectual capital, interorganizational learning, industrial Internet of things technology and innovation performance: a resource-based perspective49
Direct and configurational paths of knowledge-oriented leadership, entrepreneurial orientation, and knowledge management processes to project success44
Two decades of the Journal of Intellectual Capital: a bibliometric overview and an agenda for future research42
Linking green intellectual capital, ambidextrous green innovation and firms green performance: evidence from Pakistani manufacturing firms41
Intellectual capital and innovative performance: a mediation-moderation perspective41
The effects of business ethics and corporate social responsibility on intellectual capital voluntary disclosure41
Effect of intellectual capital and entrepreneurial orientation on innovation performance of manufacturing SMEs: mediating role of knowledge sharing38
Strengthening digital collaboration to enhance social innovation capital: an analysis of Italian small innovative enterprises38
Leadership, culture, intellectual capital and knowledge processes for organizational innovativeness across industries: the case of Poland37
Green intellectual capital and green supply chain integration: the mediating role of supply chain transformational leadership35
GEO and sustainable performance: the moderating role of GTD and environmental consciousness35
Impact of firm's intellectual capital on firm performance: a study of Indian firms and the moderating effects of age and gender34
Nexus between intellectual capital and profitability with interaction effects: panel data evidence from the Indian healthcare industry32
Green technological distance and environmental strategies: the moderating role of green structural capital30
Do banks accumulate a higher level of intellectual capital? Evidence from an emerging market28
Green intellectual capital and social innovation: the nexus28
The impact of knowledge management strategies on the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation: evidence from SMEs26
Human capital and organisational resilience in the context of manufacturing: a systematic literature review25
Effects of human capital on entrepreneurial ecosystems in the emerging economy: the mediating role of digital knowledge and innovative capability from India perspective24