Psychology of Sport and Exercise

(The H4-Index of Psychology of Sport and Exercise is 25. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Physical activity is positively associated with college students' positive affect regardless of stressful life events during the COVID-19 pandemic81
The impact of identity leadership on team functioning and well-being in team sport: Is psychological safety the missing link?76
Home advantage during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of European football leagues59
Psychological and physiological stress in non-competitive and competitive esports settings: A systematic review56
A systematic review and meta-synthesis of mental health position statements in sport: Scope, quality and future directions55
A dual-process model of affective and instrumental attitudes in predicting physical activity48
Physical activity and motor skills in children: A differentiated approach47
Cumulative lifetime stress exposure, depression, anxiety, and well-being in elite athletes: A mixed-method study45
Executive functions in elite athletes – Comparing open-skill and closed-skill sports and considering the role of athletes' past involvement in both sport categories44
All for us and us for all: Introducing the 5R Shared Leadership Program41
To Flourish or Languish, that is the question: Exploring the mental health profiles of Danish elite athletes37
Representative co-design: Utilising a source of experiential knowledge for athlete development and performance preparation37
Effects of school-based interventions on motivation towards physical activity in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis34
Parents about parenting dual career athletes: A systematic literature review.33
Effects of psychological interventions on competitive anxiety in sport: A meta-analysis32
Higher inhibitory control is required to escape the innate attraction to effort minimization30
The effectiveness of psychological skills training and behavioral interventions in sport using single-case designs: A meta regression analysis of the peer-reviewed studies28
Drop-out from team sport among adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies28
Athlete perspectives on the enablers and barriers to nutritional adherence in high-performance sport27
Focusing on the coach’s eye; towards a working model of coach decision-making in talent selection26
When the final whistle blows: Social identity pathways support mental health and life satisfaction after retirement from competitive sport25
Stress mindset in athletes: Investigating the relationships between beliefs, challenge and threat with psychological wellbeing25
Community sport and physical activity programs as sites of integration: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research conducted with forced migrants25
Ten essential features of European dual career development environments: A multiple case study25
To act or not to act? Student-athlete perceptions of social justice activism25