Journal of Turbulence

(The TQCC of Journal of Turbulence is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A simplified model for drag evaluation of a streamlined body with leading-edge damage42
Honeycomb-generated Reynolds-number-dependent wake turbulence13
Cluster-based probabilistic structure dynamical model of wind turbine wake13
Special Issue on the “Numerical Simulation of Rough-Wall Flows”12
Effects of form-induced velocity in rough-wall turbulent channel flows11
Experimental study of two side-by-side decaying grid turbulent fields at different mean velocities9
Transition from axisymmetric to three-dimensional turbulence9
Numerical investigation of the effect of rotation on non-premixed hydrogen combustion in developing turbulent mixing layers9
Mesh and model requirements for capturing deep-stall aerodynamics in low-Mach-number flows9
Toward the use of LES for industrial complex geometries. Part II: Reduce the time-to-solution by using a linearised implicit time advancement8
Evaluation of flow and flame characteristics of turbulent bluff-body CH 4 -H 2 flame using LES-FPV approach8
Effects of axial distance on flow behaviours of continuous jet impinging on a flat surface using a finite confined nozzle8
Toward the use of LES for industrial complex geometries. Part I: automatic mesh definition8
A study of the influence of coflow on flame dynamics in impinging jet diffusion flames7
Steady secondary flow in a turbulent boundary layer past a slender axisymmetric body5
DNS predictions of NOx production in developing turbulent mixing layers with non-premixed hydrogen–air combustion5
Turbulence anisotropy around bridge piers in seepage affected sand bed channel5
A multispecies turbulence model for the mixing and de-mixing of miscible fluids5
Quantifying instantaneous flow reversal of tracer particles in subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows past a circular cylinder4
Dimension reduced turbulent flow data from deep vector quantisers4
Wall heat flux in supersonic turbulent expansion flow with shock impingement4
A prediction method for spatially decaying freestream turbulence4
Influence of streamwise and spanwise wall magnet arrays on near-wall MHD turbulence4
A surrogate non-intrusive reduced order model of quasi-geostrophic turbulence dynamics based on a combination of LSTM and different approaches of DMD4
Characteristics of wall-shear stress fluctuations in shock wave and turbulent boundary layer interaction4
Modeling rough walls from surface topography to double averaged Navier-Stokes computation3
Turbulent drag reduction over liquid-infused textured surfaces: effect of the interface dynamics3
An improved method for coherent structure identification based on mutual K-nearest neighbors3
Effect of slip length on flow dynamics and heat transport in two-dimensional Rayleigh–Bénard convection3
The effect of Prandtl number on decaying stratified turbulence3
Theory and simulations of confined periodic turbulence3