Online Information Review

(The TQCC of Online Information Review is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Toward a meaningful experience: an explanation of the drivers of the continued usage of gamified mobile app services57
Customer experience with the branded content: a social media perspective57
Mobilization, self-expression or argument? A computational method for identifying language styles in political discussion on Twitter45
Understanding Shadow IT usage intention: a view of the dual-factor model37
Will reviewer recommendation source and cured status bias review helpfulness in online health community?29
Media events in an age of “cross-media”: a smartphone diary app study25
Citizen involvement in digital transformation: a systematic review and a framework25
The application of emotions, sharing motivations, and psychological distance in examining the intention to share COVID-19-related fake news25
Editorial: Five challenges in detection and mitigation of disinformation on social media24
Evaluating the effect of Chinese universities’ public opinion governance strategies through online user comments on the Weibo platform24
The scientific periphery and new flows of knowledge: the case of regional preprint servers23
The development and validation of the Indian social media addiction scale22
Viewing advertisements in social networks: the attitude-intention inconsistency revisited22
The meta-commerce paradox: exploring consumer non-adoption intentions22
Who corrects misinformation online? Self-perceived media literacy and the moderating role of reflective judgment21
Online communication self-disclosure and intimacy development on Facebook: the perspective of uses and gratifications theory21
The development of the data science capability maturity model: a survey-based research21
Can social network sites facilitate civic engagement? Assessing dynamic relationship between social media and civic activities among young people21
Twitter as a clique: journalists' patterns of Twitter use in Israel21
Nexus of E-government, cybersecurity and corruption on public service (PSS) sustainability in Asian economies using fixed-effect and random forest algorithm20
Meta-analysis of the DeLone and McLean models in e-learning success: the moderating role of user type20
Investigation on reading behaviors and cognitive outcomes of Facebook health information19
Access and impact barriers to academic publications: a global study of thesis and dissertation embargo policies18
Citation pattern of open access and toll-based research articles in the field of biological and physical sciences: a comparative study17
Brand post popularity on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn: the case of start-ups16
Relationships between method-section citation rates and citation contexts: evidence from highly cited references in psychology16
Engagement in a social media: an analysis in higher education institutions16
The perfect storm in the midst of a pandemic: the use of information within an institution's concurrent crises15
Are data repositories fettered? A survey of current practices, challenges and future technologies15
The complex information needs of Chinese parents of children with autism spectrum disorder15
Abuse in the time of COVID-19: the effects of Brexit, gender and partisanship14
Tweet so good that they can't ignore you! Suggesting posting strategies to micro-celebrities for online engagement14
Information sources, practices and barriers: a situated and context-bound model of Pakistani electronic media reporters13
Social TV and audience engagement: investigating the relationship between Facebook engagement and TV performance of The Voice (USA)13
Polarization and reliability of news sources in Wikipedia13
Factors influencing correction upon exposure to health misinformation on social media: the moderating role of active social media use13
Internet memes and social media marketing: a review of theories12
It's the platform, stupid (-; the elitist nature of sport podcast listeners12
Quality assessment of web-based information on type 2 diabetes12
Prevalence of anger, engaged in sadness: engagement in misinformation, correction, and emotional tweets during mass shootings11
Social media exposure assessment: influence on attitudes toward generic vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Artificial intelligence research in agriculture: a review11
What motivates people to counter misinformation on social media? Unpacking the roles of perceived consequences, third-person perception and social media use10
How intentions to use of OGD and respective portals changed over time: evidence from a three-year study among Czech students10
Social network fatigue: revisiting the antecedents and consequences10
Exploring how online responses change in response to debunking messages about COVID-19 on WhatsApp10
Why people spread rumors on social media: developing and validating a multi-attribute model of online rumor dissemination10
Mainstream, on-demand and social media consumption and trust in government handling of the COVID crisis10
COVID-19 fake news among the general population: motives, sociodemographic, attitude/behavior and impacts – a systematic review10
Influence of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation beliefs on the third-person effect: implications for social media content moderation and corrective action10
Health information communication during a pandemic crisis: analysis of CDC Facebook Page during COVID-1910
Use behaviour of academic social networking sites in research communication: a structural equation model9
Mapping the metaverse-sustainability nexus in hospitality and tourism: a bibliometric approach9
Virtual reality-based online learning system adoption: a research framework and empirical study9
Evaluating the elevation of authoritative health content online during the COVID-19 pandemic9
Open science policies as regarded by the communities of researchers from the basic sciences in the scientific periphery9
Investigating patterns of knowledge production in research on three UN sustainable development goals9
An improved approach based on dynamic mixed sampling and transfer learning for topic recognition: a case study on online patient reviews8
Modeling the co-citation dependence on semantic layers of co-cited documents8
The “gender affinity effect” behind female politicians' social media support: facebook civil talk during Israel's 2021 elections8
User profiling and role evaluation of government microbloggers in the context of public emergencies8
National memory institutions' social media policies and risk management: a content analysis8
Cognition and gender differences in cyberbullying in China: an investigation of textual cues and sentimental clues8
Let's talk about risks: a pillar framework for social media risk management in memory institutions8
Does publication history influence the integrity of the journals: studying publication timelines and their impact on journal metrics?8
Egyptian physicians' information-seeking behavior while serving in public isolation hospitals for coronavirus patients8
Tweet for peace: Twitter as a medium for developing a peace discourse in the hands of the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot leaders8
The role of libraries in the fake news era: a survey of information scientists and library science students in Greece8
From #iononriapro to #ioapro: analysing hashtag activism in the Italian restaurant Twittersphere during the 2020 lockdown7
Causes and consequences of unauthorized use of books: readers, authors, and publishers' perspective7
An experimental study of the effectiveness of fact checks: interplay of evidence type, veracity and news agreement7
The digitalization tendency of young adults: differences by living environment, gender and education7
The “so-called” UGC: an updated definition of user-generated content in the age of social media7
Does gamification affect knowledge-sharing behavior? The mediating role of intrinsic satisfaction needs7
The unknown knowns: a graph-based approach for temporal COVID-19 literature mining7
Tackling COVID-19 from below: civic participation among online neighbourhood network users during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Responsive stewardship and library advocacy in dystopian times: using information from the Civil Rights Movement and 1984 to strengthen libraries7
Surveying research data-sharing practices in US social sciences: a knowledge infrastructure-inspired conceptual framework7