Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics

(The TQCC of Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Thermal non-equilibrium simulation of diffuse and constricted anode attachments of a high intensity transferred arc9
Calculation of the development length of spanwise rotating three-dimensional laminar channel flow8
Investigation of upper airway changes in orthognathic surgery with computational fluid dynamics analysis8
Computational study of combined effects of tip leakage jets and wetness on the performance of steam turbine exhaust system using actuator disc model5
A successful microblowing strategy for airfoils5
Comparative analysis on heat transfer, between a steady and oscillating jet in a cavity4
Effect of aspect ratio of semitransparent window on interaction of the collimated beam with natural convection: Part I4
A computational study of air film evolution during droplet impact on a flat solid surface3
Study of the separation characteristics of gas-liquid-solid multiphase flow in the impeller of a helical axial flow oil-gas pump3
Numerical investigation of the co-flow jet airfoil on aerodynamic performance3
Variational formulation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations3
Coupled natural convection and radiation in a cubic cavity filled with an <i>air</i> - <i>H</i><SUB align="right">2<i>O</i> mixture in the presence of a heate3
Modelling of multi-species thin film flows based on the transport of ions including conjugate heat transfer applied to corrosion testing3
Parametric study of nanofluid jet impingement cooling of protruding heaters with porous medium3
Unsteady aerodynamic performance of SD7062 airfoil at high Reynolds number3
Numerical simulation and optimisation of a reinforced steel plate against underwater explosions2
Effect of aspect ratio of semitransparent window on interaction of the collimated beam with natural convection: part 12
CFD modelling of the flow in zero-secondary flow ejectors: a sensitivity analysis to numerical parameters2
Optimisation of Francis turbine draft tube using response surface model2
Eliminating the residual velocity divergence of spectral methods in channel turbulence2
Study of gravitational sedimentation of multiple permeable particles using Immersed Boundary(IB) method2
Modelling and simulation of ash accumulation in SP boiler of decomposition kiln2
Eliminating the residual velocity divergence of spectral methods in channel turbulence1
Aerodynamic Performance of Dragonfly-Inspired Wings in Gliding Flight for Varying Angle of Attack and Reynolds Number: A Numerical Study1
Thermodynamic analysis of Riga plate effect on nanofluid flow in porous medium with nonlinearly varying permeability1
Efficiency of particle search methods in smoothed particle hydrodynamics: a comparative study (part I)1
Coupled natural convection and radiation in a cubic cavity filled with an air - H_2O mixture in the presence of a heated obstacle1
On the use of adaptive relaxation times in lattice Boltzmann methods1
Investigations on the use of URANS equations to characterise the wind turbine wake in a non-neutral boundary layer1
Improving the quantification of overshooting shock-capturing oscillations1
Experimental and numerical study of upstream slope stability in an earth dam reservoir under rapid drawdown conditions1
Numerical investigations on the performance of Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine with NACA0017 blade profile1
CFD-based prediction of hydrogen deflagration in semi-open ducts1
Numerical simulation of viscoelastic blood flow with hematocrit variation in an arterial segment with two aneurysms1
Three dimensional gas-solid riser flow simulation1
A computational and experimental study on aerodynamics of motor-driven propellers using thrust stand and rotating cup anemometer1
Study of the separation characteristics of gas-liquid-solid multiphase flow in the impeller of a helical axial flow oil-gas pump1
Numerical and experimental investigation of sloshing in a water tank with a fully coupled fluid-structure interaction method1
The Galerkin reliable scheme for the numerical analysis of the Burgers'-Fisher equation1
Numerical simulations of the transverse injection and mixing with a Mach 3 supersonic cross-flow1
Wake interaction studies of flow past tandem circular cylinders for different diameter and gap ratios1
Pre- and Post-Stall Characteristics of a Very Light Aircraft’s Wing for Different Design Parameters0
Supercritical carbon dioxide turbomachinery development using scaling methodology, computational fluid dynamics and experimental testing in aeroloop0
Numerical and Statistical Analysis of the Influence of a Stern Wedge on Running Attitudes of Non-Stepped and Stepped Hulls0
The Galerkin least squares MLPG method for convection-dominated problems0
Development and Application of Fourth-Order-Accurate Semi-Implicit Scheme for Navier-Stokes Equations0
Computational investigation and parametric design of high speed evacuated tube transportation0
Mathematical formulation for the analysis of the periodic convergence during co-processing routines in long-run, scale-resolving simulations of turbomachinery0
The dynamics of supersonic flow past a new cusped leading edge airfoil0
An adaptive approach for modelling ice accretion on aircraft0
Numerical prediction of solid-liquid slurry flows and derivation of simulation-based correlations for local solid concentration0
Numerical investigation on shear flow and boiling heat transfer on shell-side of LNG spiral wound heat exchanger0
Investigation on the 1-kW Francis turbine elbow type draft tube performance by numerical and optimisation approach0
The Galerkin reliable scheme for the numerical analysis of the Burgers'-Fisher equation0
Finite element simulations of thin films flowing down planes or cylinders0
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of the return pipeline in the high-pressure and large-flow-rate hydraulic power system0
Supercritical carbon dioxide turbomachinery development using scaling methodology, computational fluid dynamics and experimental testing in aeroloop0
CFD modelling of the flow in zero-secondary flow ejectors: a sensitivity analysis to numerical parameters0
Two dimensional numerical simulations of a free-falling liquid gallium droplet in quiescent water0
Hydrothermal performance of Al<SUB align="right">2O<SUB align="right">3/water nanofluid in a vented cavity including hot cylinder covered by a porous layer utilising LTNE approach0
Wake patterns and mode switching at low Reynolds numbers0
Numerical simulation of the unsteady aerodynamic loads on the tail fin in the vortex breakdown flow0
Value of blade number in centrifugal flow pumps in both turbine and pump mode through experimental and numerical means0
Efficiency of particle search methods in smoothed particle hydrodynamics: a comparative study (part I)0
Aerodynamic design and computational fluid dynamic analysis of radial outflow turbines for steam Rankine cycle and supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle0
Analysis of three-dimensional cavitating flow over different cavitators using boundary element method0
CFD-based optimisation of base pressure behaviour on suddenly expanded flows at supersonic Mach numbers0
Study of gravitational sedimentation of multiple permeable particles using immersed boundary method0
Numerical analysis of superoleophilic-superhydrophobic filtration system for emulsions separation using lattice Boltzmann method0
Thermodynamic analysis of Riga plate effect on nanofluid flow in porous medium with nonlinearly varying permeability0
Numerical analysis on the development of vortex structure in 90° pipe bend0
Flow separation control in a two-airfoil system by trailing edge modification and active flow control0
Numerical analysis on the development of vortex structure in 90° pipe bend0
Fin effectivity investigation at solid-liquid phase change in axisymmetric heat exchangers using lattice Boltzmann method0
Integrated Approach for Geometric and Kinematic Design of Centrifugal Compressor Impellers0
Solid rocket motor interior ballistics fluid-solid interaction simulation using level set method for 2D grains0
Unsteady aerodynamic performance of SD7062 airfoil at high Reynolds number0
Numerical simulation of transient flow with column separation using the lattice Boltzmann method0
Integrated approach for geometric and kinematic design of centrifugal compressor impellers0
Numerical simulation and optimisation of CFB boiler furnace with air staged low NOx combustion0
DNS of wake from perforated plates: aspect ratio effects0
An improved alternative weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for conservation laws0
Wake patterns and mode switching at low Reynolds numbers0
Effect of ground on the shape optimisation of a symmetric aerofoil at low angles of attack0
Investigations on the use of URANS equations to characterise the wind turbine wake in a non-neutral boundary layer0
Numerical study of combustion and nitrogen oxide generation for recycled flue gas distribution in supercritical carbon dioxide coal-fired boiler with double furnace0
Three-dimensional Flow Evaluation of Monarch Butterfly Wing0
Analysis of interface instabilities of separated gas-liquid two-phase flows with conservative two-fluid model0
Optimisation of crescent-shaped block upstream of the cylindrical hole to enhance film cooling effectiveness using CFD method and genetic algorithm0
Numerical simulations of the transverse injection and mixing with a Mach 3 supersonic cross-flow0
Numerical study of combustion and nitrogen oxide generation for recycled flue gas distribution in supercritical carbon dioxide coal-fired boiler with double furnace0
Flow Sensitivity to Trailing Edge Design for a Two-Element Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers0
Numerical analysis of geometry and operating conditions in combined honeycomb and inclined labyrinth sealing elements0
Improving the quantification of overshooting shock-capturing oscillations0
Extension of an immersed boundary method for large eddy simulation of turbulent flows0
Comparative Analysis on Heat Transfer, between a Steady and Oscillating Jet in a Cavity0
Investigation of upper airway changes in orthognathic surgery with computational fluid dynamics analysis0
Extension of an immersed boundary method for large eddy simulation of turbulent flows0
Effect of cross-confinement on unsteady wake characteristics of circular cylinder immersed in shear flow0
An improved alternative weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for conservation laws0
Numerical simulation of viscoelastic blood flow with hematocrit variation in an arterial segment with two aneurysms0
The Optimum Nozzle Exit Position and the Behaviour of a Turbulent Flow in an Ejector Designed for Natural Draft Burner0
Investigation of heat transfer performance using an oscillating vertical flat plate0
Numerical investigation of the effect of swirl number on performance, combustion, and emissions characteristics in a converted heavy-duty natural gas engine0
Numerical investigation on the aerodynamics of high-lift and bird-like low Reynolds number airfoils0
Computational study of combined effects of tip leakage jets and wetness on the performance of steam turbine exhaust system using actuator disc model0
Numerical simulation of the unsteady aerodynamic loads on the tail fin in the vortex breakdown flow0
Multi-Objective Optimisation Approach to Design Passive Micromixers: Taguchi-Based Grey Relational Analysis0
Flow Control around a Square Cylinder Using the Flexible Plate0
CFD-based prediction of hydrogen deflagration in semi-open ducts0
Comparison between variable forcing techniques of the lattice Boltzmann method for turbulent flow simulations0
Effect of cross-confinement on unsteady wake characteristics of circular cylinder immersed in shear flow0
Numerical comparison of laminar flow and turbulence models of hemodynamics based on pulmonary artery stenosis0
Computational analysis of mixing characteristics of port-injected bioCNG with air for different designs of intake manifold0
A Brief Review on Partitioned Semi-Implicit Coupling Methods in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction0
Numerical simulation of the influence of furnace geometry on its performance in a tangentially fired pulverised-coal supercritical boiler0
Numerical investigation on the effect of sister holes on film cooling performance with Barchan-dune shaped shells0
Solid rocket motor interior ballistics fluid-solid interaction simulation using level set method for 2D grains0
Characteristics and soot formation in laminar liquefied petroleum gas flames in air crossflow0
Implementation of a New Actuator Disk Model based on BEM Theory in SU2 CFD SOFTWARE0
Numerical investigation of atomisation using a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian solver0
Numerical Investigation of Parietal Pressure Distribution on NACA0012 Wing Controlled by Micro-cylindrical Rod Arranged in Tandem0
Effect of the numerical dissipation and resolution on large-eddy simulation of turbulent square duct flow0
A computational investigation of olive oil residues combustion in a vertical furnace0
Numerical study on the sloshing flows in a prismatic tank using natural frequency of the prismatic shapes0
On the use of adaptive relaxation times in lattice Boltzmann methods0
Numerical simulation and optimisation of CFB boiler furnace with air staged low NOx combustion0
Numerical Analysis of Superoleophilic-Superhydrophobic Filtration System for Emulsions Separation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method0
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Co-Axial Rotor Interaction to Thrust0
Study the Multi-Size Effect of Bubbles in Multiphase Pump based on a Coupled TFM-PBM Model0
Computational study of sloshing in spherical tanks and the effect of using annular baffle over slosh force frequency and damping0
Fin effectivity investigation at solid-liquid phase change in axisymmetric heat exchangers using lattice Boltzmann method0
Implementation of a new actuator disc model based on BEM theory in SU2 CFD software0
Numerical and experimental investigation of sloshing in a water tank with a fully coupled fluid-structure interaction method0
Investigation of the flow topology evolution between two tandem cylinders using a discontinuous Galerkin method0
Two-phase modelling of the nanofluid mixed convection in a porous open cavity0
Numerical Investigation on the Aerodynamics of High-Lift and Bird-like Low Reynolds Number Airfoils0
Performance of different wall functions in turbulent flow inside a pipe, a diffuser and behind a backward-facing step0
Flow separation control in a three-element airfoil system at moderate Reynolds number0
Unsteady three-dimensional multiphase modelling of anode flow distributor in PEM electrolysis cell0
Numerical Investigation of SD7062 Airfoil with SingleSlotted Flap for Different Flight Conditions0
Computational Analysis of Mixing Characteristics of Port-Injected BioCNG with Air for Different Designs of Intake Manifold0
Numerical study for separation of particles in helical microchannel0
Hydrothermal Performance of Al2O3/water nanofluid in a vented cavity including hot cylinder covered by a porous layer utilizing LTNE approach0
Optimisation of crescent-shaped block upstream of the cylindrical hole to enhance film cooling effectiveness using CFD method and genetic algorithm0
Analysis of interface instabilities of separated gas-liquid two-phase flows with conservative two-fluid model0
Streamlining Fluid Flow: Injection Slot Optimisation for Coflow Jet Airfoil0
Chebyshev spectral collocation method for MHD duct flow under slip condition0
Effect of the injector flow field on the performance of a model scramjet combustor0
Finite element simulations of thin films flowing down planes or cylinders0
Numerical comparison of laminar flow and turbulence models of hemodynamics based on pulmonary artery stenosis0
Characteristics and soot formation in laminar liquefied petroleum gas flames in air crossflow0
Numerical investigation of lucid spherical cross-axis flow turbine concerning changeover on its geometrical parameters in a pipeline compared to a channel0
Numerical investigation of lucid spherical cross-axis flow turbine concerning changeover on its geometrical parameters in a pipeline compared to a channel0
A 3D computational study of flow instability development due to driven cavity with a cylindrical shape at different locations0
Investigation of kinetics of thin layer drying of fruits using computational fluid dynamics0
Dynamics of Taylor Bubbles in non-Newtonian Shear Thinning Continuous Phase0
Comparison between variable forcing techniques of the lattice Boltzmann method for turbulent flow simulations0
Numerical investigation of the effect of swirl number on performance, combustion, and emissions characteristics in a converted heavy-duty natural gas engine0
Numerical simulation and optimisation of a reinforced steel plate against underwater explosions0
Computational investigation and parametric design of high speed evacuated tube transportation0
Numerical Study for Separation of Particles in Helical Microchannel0
Numerical study of liquid imbibition and contact line pinning in a sealing gap for corrosion protection of metal housings0
A computational investigation of olive oil residues combustion in a vertical furnace0
Numerical study on the sloshing flows in a prismatic tank using natural frequency of the prismatic shapes0
Experimental and numerical investigation of co-axial rotor interaction to thrust0
Effect of the numerical dissipation and resolution on large-eddy simulation of turbulent square duct flow0
DNS of wake from perforated plates: aspect ratio effects0
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of the return pipeline in the high-pressure and large-flow-rate hydraulic power system0
Numerical analysis on prediction and attenuation of low-speed cavity noise0
Numerical simulation on heat transfer of nanofluid in conical spiral heat exchanger0
Investigation on the 1 kW Francis Turbine Elbow Type Draft Tube Performance by Numerical and Optimization Approach0
Simplified level set method coupled to stabilised finite element flow solver for moving boundaries0
Effect of ground on the shape optimisation of a symmetric aerofoil at low angles of attack0
RANS simulation of wind pressure development on mono-slope canopy roofs0
Comparison of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a UAV using DATCOM and CFD Analysis0
Pre- and post-stall characteristics of a very light aircraft's wing for different design parameters0
Analysis of Flow and Thermal Characteristics of a Hybrid Nanofluids within a Microchannel under Magnetic Field0
Investigation of kinetics of thin layer drying of fruits using computational fluid dynamics0
Investigation of heat transfer performance using an oscillating vertical flat plate0
Dynamic Simulation of Centrifugal Compressor System Based on the Semi-Mechanism Modelling0
Three dimensional gas-solid riser flow simulation0
Three-dimensional flow evaluation of monarch butterfly wing0
Unsteady three-dimensional multiphase modeling of anode flow distributor in PEM electrolysis cell0
Wake interaction studies of flow past tandem circular cylinders for different diameter and gap ratios0
Numerical investigation of atomisation using a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian solver0
The Galerkin least squares MLPG method for convection-dominated problems0
Numerical analysis of geometry and operating conditions in combined honeycomb and inclined labyrinth sealing elements0
Numerical investigation of SD7062 airfoil with single-slotted flap for different flight conditions0
The behaviour of time-independent non-Newtonian fluids in an impact problem of a wedge using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method0
Airflow characteristics in differently elevated Schneiderian membranes: a computational fluid dynamics analysis0
Thermal non-equilibrium simulation of diffuse and constricted anode attachments of a high intensity transferred arc0
A successful microblowing strategy for airfoils0
An adaptive approach for modeling ice accretion on aircraft0
Numerical study of liquid imbibition and contact line pinning in a sealing gap for corrosion protection of metal housings0
Aerodynamic design and computational fluid dynamic analysis of radial outflow turbines for steam Rankine cycle and supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle0
Numerical study of characteristics of confined diffusion flames of synthetic gases in coflow and inverse coflow configurations0
Numerical investigations on the performance of Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine with NACA0017 blade profile0
Investigation of the flow topology evolution between two tandem cylinders using a discontinuous Galerkin method0
Numerical investigation of the effect of radiator placement on temperature distribution in a room0
Mathematical formulation for the analysis of the periodic convergence during co-processing routines in long-run, scale-resolving simulations of turbomachinery0
Chebyshev spectral collocation method for MHD duct flow under slip condition0
A simple and efficient two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for unsteady flow simulation in undulating bathymetry0
Simplified level set method coupled to stabilised finite element flow solver for moving boundaries0
Two-phase modelling of the nanofluid mixed convection in a porous open cavity0
The behaviour of time-independent non-Newtonian fluids in an impact problem of a wedge using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method0
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Radiator Placement on Temperature Distribution in a Room0
Value of blade number in centrifugal flow pumps in both turbine and pump mode through experimental and numerical means0
Flow Instability of Two-Parallel Moving Walls in Cubical Cavity Induced by an Inner Cylindrical Shape at Different Radii Sizes0
Numerical investigation on shear flow and boiling heat transfer on shell-side of LNG spiral wound heat exchanger0
The effect of building layout patterns on the formation of heat islands: a computational study0
Performance of different wall functions in turbulent flow inside a pipe, a diffuser, and behind a backward-facing step0
Numerical study of characteristics of confined diffusion flames of synthetic gases in coflow and inverse coflow configurations0
A computational study of air film evolution during droplet impact on a flat solid surface0
Flow separation control in a two-airfoil system by trailing edge modification and active flow control0
Analysis of three-dimensional cavitating flow over different cavitators using boundary element method0
Flow separation control in a three-element airfoil system at moderate Reynolds number0
Variational formulation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations0
The Dynamics of Supersonic Flow Past a New Cusped Leading Edge Airfoil0
Modelling of multi-species thin film flows based on the transport of ions including conjugate heat transfer applied to corrosion testing0
Arterial Mechanical Effects of Fluid-Structure Interaction on a Stenosed Carotid Blood Pulsatile Flow under Pressure Conditions of Normal and Hypertension0
Numerical simulation of transient flow with column separation using the Lattice Boltzmann method0
Effect of the injector flow field on the performance of a model scramjet combustor0
Dynamics of Taylor bubbles in non-Newtonian shear thinning continuous phase0
RANS simulation of wind pressure development on mono-slope canopy roofs0
Modelling and simulation of ash accumulation in SP boiler of decomposition kiln0
Experimental and numerical study of upstream slope stability in an earth dam reservoir under rapid drawdown conditions0
Computational Analysis of High Speed Super-Cavitating Projectiles for Reduction of Hydrodynamic Drag Using Cavitator Optimisation0
Numerical analysis on prediction and attenuation of low-speed cavity noise0
Computational study of sloshing in spherical tanks and the effect of using annular baffle over slosh force frequency and damping0
Numerical investigation of parietal pressure distribution on NACA0012 wing controlled by micro-cylindrical rod arranged in tandem0
A computational and experimental study on aerodynamics of motor-driven propellers using thrust stand and rotating cup anemometer0
Multi-Objective Optimisation of Automotive Drag Coefficient and Lift Coefficient via Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm0
Numerical prediction of solid-liquid slurry flows and derivation of simulation-based correlations for local solid concentration0
Optimisation of Francis turbine draft tube using response surface model0
CFD-based optimisation of base pressure behaviour on suddenly expanded flows at supersonic Mach numbers0
The effect of building layout patterns on the formation of heat islands: a computational study0
Numerical simulation on heat transfer of nanofluid in conical spiral heat exchanger0