Southeast European and Black Sea Studies

(The median citation count of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Pathways of emplacement and belonging of the Türkiyeli population in northern Cyprus: insights from a settler village23
Poverty and income distribution incidence of the COVID-19 outbreak: investigating socially responsible policy alternatives for Turkey13
Defence spending, burden-sharing and strategy in NATO’s Black Sea littoral states: domestic, regional, and international systemic factors12
Unintended transformation? Organizational responses to regulative crackdown on civil society in Azerbaijan9
Measuring Turkey’s contemporary influence in Bosnia And Herzegovina: myth and reality7
From ‘revolution’ to war: deciphering Armenia’s populist foreign policy-making process7
Erosion of economic institutions in the age of democratic backsliding: an analysis of the Turkish case7
Inclusive Citizenship and Societal Reconciliation within Turkey’s Kurdish Issue7
Ideological linkages and party competition in the 2023 Turkish general elections7
Black garden aflame: the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the Soviet and Russian Press6
Regime Change in Turkey: Neoliberal Authoritarianism, Islamism and Hegemony6
Long after Dayton: a journey through visual representations of war and peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina6
Science, religion, and the nation: de-scienticizing Nobel Prize scientist Aziz Sancar6
Securitizing the Aegean: de-Europeanizing Greek–Turkish relations5
The ‘ascendance’ of deism in Turkey: Context, drivers and debate5
Turkish-American strategic partnership: isTurkeystill a faithful ally?5
1821–1831: Transition from pre-modernity to modern society in Greece5
Battle for the European Union in the periphery: contestation dynamics and domestic debates5
Policy diffusion in unlikely places: between emulation and coercion in northern Cyprus5
Emotions in a diaspora’s interpretation of political developments in their place of origin: the case of Australian Armenians from Turkey5
Memory makers: the politics of the past in Putin’s Russia5
‘Let the black sea unite Us’: the 1967 Soviet-Turkish industrial agreement and Ankara’s cold war rapprochement with Moscow4
‘The law comes first?’: the dynamics of victims’ redress in Bosnia and Herzegovina4
Turkey’s engagement in international education as an emerging donor country: action, rationale and potential future development4
‘No one is larger than the state.’ Consent, dissent, and vigilant violence during Turkey’s neoliberal urban transition4
Characterization of workers’ specific summer holiday practices in the Yugoslav socialist socio-economic context4
Wealth defence strategies of Bulgarian Oligarchs in the 1990s4
Variants of the ‘underdog culture’ in Greek public opinion: soft and hard-core Russophilia4
Economic voting in the 2023 Turkish general election4
Evaluating the relationship between marginalization and participation in undeclared work: lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina4
Chechen diaspora members as foreign fighters in Syria and Ukraine: a diachronic study4
Continuity and change in Turkish politics: economic and behavioural explanations of democratic backsliding3
Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the foreign and security policy of the Russian Federation3
The Transformation of the Media System in Turkey Citizenship, Communication, and Convergence3
The 2023 Turkish election: a tale of two campaigns and the duel of populisms3
Why resist?: opposition to mask-wearing during the Covid-19 pandemic in Greece3
An exodus from Turkey: tales of migration and exile An exodus from Turkey: tales of migration and exile , by Ahmet Erdi Öztürk and Bahar Baser, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Univ3
Captured states and/or captured societies in the Western Balkans3
‘Pockets of efficiency’ in a low capacity state: dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania3
A neighbour no more: evolution of Ukraine in the EU geopolitical discourse from the 1990s to the post-Russian invasion3
Infrastructure diplomacy and strategic signalling within the Three Seas Initiative3
Crisis and reform in Greece: a theoretical discussion on the domestic policy environment3
Hidden galleries. Material religion in the secret police archives in central and eastern Europe3
Beyond conflict and coexistence: cosmopolitanism and inter-communal relations in late Ottoman cities3
How incumbents create uneven patterns of competition during autocratization: the AKP case of Turkey3
Local legitimacy and international peacebuilding3
Use/misuse of Chinese BRI investment? BRI-related crony capitalism in Turkey3
The way out of a crisis? the role of cities in Europeanization: a study of Thessaloniki city diplomacy3
International courts and mass atrocity: narratives of war and justice in Croatia3
Rethinking the role of Track Two diplomacy in conflict resolution: the Democratic Progress Institute’s Turkey programme2
On the footsteps of parents? Migration experience and aspirations of university students in Moldova2
Constructing Romania’s foreign policy and security role in its eastern neighbourhood: the cases of Moldova and Ukraine2
Europeanisation of spatial planning. The Western Balkans between innovation and resistance2
Diaspora governance during the pandemic: the case of Turkey2
The Greek military dictatorship: Revisiting a troubled past 1967 – 19742
Denominational public opinion on international politics: Alevi, Shiite, and Mutashayyi perceptions of Iran in Turkey2
Between collective and particularistic interests. Ratification of the Prespa Agreement by national parliaments in Greece and North Macedonia2
Rojava: revolution, war and the future2
Turkey’s aid politics in Somalia: the moral economy of a benevolent expansion2
The historical roots of right-wing populism in Turkey: a spatial examination of the DP, ANAP, and AKP governments2
The irregular pendulum of democracy: Populism, clientelism and corruption in post-Yugoslav successor states2
Religion, patriarchy and female employment in Turkey: the case of faith-based organizations2
Turkish parliamentary debates about the international recognition of the Armenian genocide: development and variations in the official denialism2
Reconstruction of the ‘regional power’ role during the pandemic: Turkey’s COVID-19 diplomacy towards the balkans2
European Capital of Culture title as a driving force of urban transformation: the case of Novi Sad2
Executive decrees, omnibus bills, and the politics of abusive constitutionalism in Turkey2
Humanitarian diplomacy as Turkey’s national role conception and performance: evidence from Somalia and Afghanistan2
Ex-combatants as civic activists in post-conflict societies: KLA members in Kosovar civil society2
Tying loose ends: political parties and individual private funding in Romania2
Population censuses and identity politics in the Republic of Croatia1
Introducing the Turkey Protest, Repression, and Pro-Government Rally Dataset (TPRPGRD)1
Revisiting the modern infrastructure ideal: present as past in neo-Ottoman Istanbul1
‘Undivided’ city in a divided society: explaining the peaceful coexistence of Albanians and Serbs in Kamenicë/Kamenica, Kosovo1
Planning and truth: the Bulgarian 1963 reform and the problem of profitability1
Religion, subjectivity, and societal structure: politics and society according to religious leaders in Slovenia1
Securitization of gender as a modus operandi of populism: anti-gender discourses on the Istanbul Convention in the context of AKP’s illiberal transformation1
Citizenship by investment in Türkiye: Who buys citizenship and why?1
The long-term effects of war exposure on generalized trust and risk attitudes: evidence from post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina1
Threats and the conservative shift in public opinion: comparative causal mediation analyses from Turkey1
The reproduction of fear in populist discourse: an analysis of campaign speeches by the Justice and Development Party elites1
Politics of household indebtedness in Turkey1
A Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of the strategic plans of Istanbul under different political administrations1
Assessing centralization: on Turkey’s rising personalist regime1
Normalizing conflict – concealing genocide? Expert neutrality in the Armenian Azerbaijani conflict1
Opening the box of parties and party systems under autocratization: evidence from Turkey1
Turkey’s energy diplomacy and instrumentalization of hard power1
Politics and International Relations in Eurasia1
The Presidentialisation of Political Parties in the Western Balkans1
Turkey and the Balkans: bringing the Europeanisation/ De-Europeanisation nexus into question1
The pandemic in illiberal democracies: challenges and opportunities for social movements in Serbia1
Engaging minorities under emergency: Turkish modular emergency and the Kurdish case revisited1
Turkey in-between the EU and China: from Europeanization to cooperation with China1
Revisiting the authoritarian pattern in Turkey: transition to presidential system1
Adaptation and transition: the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Cypriot-Russian relations1
The meaning of the Western Balkans concept for the EU: genuine inclusion or polite exclusion?1
A delicate balancing act: Turkish-Bulgarian relations within the context of foreign and domestic politics1
Discursive (re)production of social cleavages in the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary elections1
Measuring the disproportionality of Turkish elections1
Critical readings of Turkey’s foreign policy1
Questioning the ‘Humanitarian’ narrative? “Bombs for Peace” - NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia , George Szamuely, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, online publ1
The establishment of the Ukrainian diaspora in Turkey through migrant associations: ‘We feel as part of the diaspora from now on.’1
Mapping Balkan – Southeast European studies1
Natural resource governance in the Bulgarian Black Sea: Identifying context-sensitive institutional arrangements1
Nationalizing the multi-ethnic borderlands: state surveillance and security policies in interwar Turkey and Romania1
Repressed media and illiberal politics in Turkey: the persistence of fear1
Governance crises and resilience of authoritarian populism: 2023 Turkish elections from the perspective of Hirschman’s ‘exit, voice, and loyalty’1
The montreux convention: a key for understanding the geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea1
Paradox of optimism: opposition coordination against autocratic incumbents in Turkey’s 2019 and 2023 elections1
Turkish foreign policy in the Balkans amidst ‘soft power’ and ‘de-Europeanisation’0
Religion and regional voting behaviour differences in Turkey, 2007–2018: a study of the AKP electoral base0
Difficult choices: choosing the candidate of the nation alliance in the 2023 Turkish presidential election0
Diaspora politics and religious diplomacy in Turkey and Morocco0
Sovereignty, power, and authority: understanding the conversion of Hagia Sophia from a performative perspective0
Involvement of the Gulf Cooperation Council States in Kosovo: development assistance, soft power, and neofundamentalism0
Structural bias, polarized mediation and conflict resolution failure: a comparative examination of the disputes in Transnistria and Donbas0
Counter-terrorism in the age of hard power: reassessing Turkey’s policy against the PKK0
Long and arduous way to decentralization: past, present and future of the reforms of local self-government in Ukraine0
The invention of Byzantium in early modern Europe0
A discourse analysis approach to the concept of the blue economy in Montenegro0
Ambitions yet unrealized: Romania’s status and perceptions from the immediate eastern neighbourhood0
Social mobility and pro-government mobilization: the case of July 15th pro-government mobilization in Turkey0
Notice of duplicate publication: Revisiting the authoritarian pattern in Turkey: transition to presidential system0
Contestation but not Euroscepticism: economic and security concerns and the fear of losing national traditions in Georgia0
Social coexistence and violence during Turkey’s authoritarian transition0
The geopolitics of region building in the Black Sea: a critical examination0
The sheep that god lost: ‘legally’ circumventing the human rights of undocumented migrants0
The impact of education on improving labour market outcomes in developing countries – evidence from Kosovo0
The EU and global climate justice. Normative power caught in normative battles The EU and global climate justice. Normative power caught in normative battles , by Franzi0
Understanding the local dynamics of Syrian refugee integration through the eyes of refugees and local residents: the case of the Ȍnder Neighbourhood, Ankara0
The failure of Islamization policies in Turkey: a “Victory” of Secularization Theory?0
Turkey–Africa voting cohesion in the UN General Assembly0
Political Ecology of Austerity: Crisis, Social Movements, and the Environment Political Ecology of Austerity: Crisis, Social Movements, and the Environment , by Rita Cal0
Relations between Turkey and Kosovo: factors and dynamics0
‘Eminescu is everywhere:’ charting the memorial spatialization of a national icon0
Commonwealth of Independent States at 30: why does Russia still support this organization?0
Transition from parliamentarism to presidentialism and the restructuring of the Turkish party system0
The discourse ofüst akıl: a search for hegemony in the Turkish media0
When Fake News and Personal Experience Contradict: Limits to Post-Truth in Turkey0
State and faith: the supply-side theory of religion and the case of Turkey0
Narrative interventions in the framework of Manifesta 14 reviving and questioning the murky collective memory in Prishtina0
Far-Right vigilantes and crime: law and order providers or common criminals? The lessons from Greece, Russia, and Ukraine0
Brexit, Covid and Bulgarian migrants in the UK: stay or return?0
Economic development of Montenegro from 1918 to 1990: the impact of political status and economic development model0
A rival or an awkward partner? Turkey’s relationship with the West in the Balkans0
Turkey and the EU: waning foreign policy alignment in a changing international context0
Foreign aid during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Turkey0
A new geopolitical stalemate: revisiting the EU’s neighbourhood policy in Georgia0
Hedging strategy of Turkey in great power competition0
Wahhabis and Salafis,daijeandalimi: Bosnian neo-Salafis between contestation and integration0
The rhetorical face of enmity: the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the dehumanization of Armenians in the speeches of Ilham Aliyev0
Challenging the boundaries of citizenship: Alevi citizens’ pursuit of equal citizenship in Turkey0
Elections and partisanship: analyzing the results of the 2023 general elections in Turkey0
Underground spirituality and materiality: religious culture under surveillance and persecution in communist Albania, 1967-19900
Two waves of Kurdish politicians in exile: a comparative analysis0
Leader’s reaction to exogenous political shocks breaks the path: changes in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s leadership traits after the e-memorandum and AKP closure cases0
Nationalistic education and its colourful role in intergroup prejudice reduction: lessons from Albania0
Everyday boundaries, borders and post-conflict societies0
Pro-state paramilitary violence in Turkey since the 1990s0
The path to Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine: Moscow’s framing of conflict and cooperation with the West under Putin’s rule0
Complementarity between the EU and NATO in light of the war in Ukraine: an analysis from the perspective of collective securitization theory0
Drivers of crisis in the Greek-Turkish protracted conflict: a Neoclassical Realist reading0
S400s, sanctions and defiance: explaining Turkey’s quest for strategic autonomy and the US response0
Challenging repatriation as a durable solution: a critical discourse analysis of Kosova’s repatriation strategy0
Territorial changes in Greece and postage stamps. A case of applied international law since 18300
Mother Teresa: the saint and her nation0
Being small in a large club: unpacking Armenia’s actorness in the Eurasian Economic Union0
Right-wing populism in Turkey and the 2023 elections0
Party change and cleavage shifting in the global South: the case of Ecevit’s CHP in Turkey0
NGOization, politicization and polarization of Roma civil society in Turkey0
The role of operational code and the Cyprus negotiations: the case of Derviş Eroğlu as the Turkish Cypriot leader0
New democracy and centre-right dominance in Greece: a new normal?0
Correction Notice0
Peace and security in the Western Balkans: a local perspective0
How to capture the judiciary under the guise of EU-led reforms: domestic strategies of resistance and erosion of rule of law in Turkey0
The Politics of a Disillusioned Europe: East Central Europe After the Fall of Communism0
The effects of EU conditionality on patterns of policy engagement of civil society organizations in candidate countries0
Taking the matter into your own hands: ethnographic insights into societal violence and the reconfigurations of the state in contemporary Turkey0
Changing perceptions of Turkish armed forces: taking stock of partisanship0
How citizens attribute blame for electoral violence: regional differences and party identification in Turkey0
Trust us, we know what we are doing: institutional trust in Croatia during the COVID-19 crisis0
Foreign direct investment (FDI) as indicator of regime type: contemporary Serbian – Turkish relations0
Before and after 2014: Russo-Ukrainian conflict and its impact on European identity discourses in Ukraine0
The inefficiency of EU leverage in Serbia during the Russia-Ukraine war0
‘Now we are whole:’ humiliation, shame and pride in Aliyev’s discourse on the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War0
“If you can’t beat them – join them”: explaining Milli Görüş movement’s views towards the West0
Turkey’s public–private partnership experience: a political economy perspective0
Islamic diplomacy of Azerbaijan in the context of the Nagorno-Karabakh 2020 war: the role of the organization of Islamic Cooperation0
The Alevi issue and democratic rights in Turkey as seen by young AKP activists: social conflict, identity boundaries and some perspectives on recognition0
Emerging partnership in a post-Western world? The political economy of China-Turkey relations0
The United States and Greek-Turkish relations: the guardian’s dilemma0
Assessing a decade of Romania-Turkey strategic partnership in an era of ambivalence and ‘De-Europeanisation’0
Tracing the development of Kosovar and Albanian identities using urban toponyms0
Revisiting the authoritarian pattern in Turkey: transition to presidential system0
Local Commemorations, False Heroes, and Hijacked Memories: Post-Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing Politics of Memory in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Republika Srpska (RS)0
The ties that don’t bind: trading state debates and role of state capacity in Turkish foreign policy0
The end of endless reign in Montenegro: identifying factors in DPS’s loss of power after thirty years of rule0
Marine trade and analysis of the ports in the Black Sea economic cooperation region0
Modern and European, with an Ottoman-Muslim face: imagery on the Turkish Lira as a tool for AKP nation-building0
From affect to strategy: Serbia’s diplomatic balance during the Russia-Ukraine War0
The populist framing of the Russia-Ukraine war by the Hungarian government: convergence or contestation in the EU0
The origins of the youth’s political trust in Southeastern Europe0
Revisiting dark pasts: the portrayal of Jewish minority and audience responses to the Netflix series The Club0
Subnational regime variation in Turkey: how the Kurdish-majority region complicates Turkey’s regime type0
Counterterrorism as a boundary-producing practice: Turkey’s war on the PKK in the 1980s0
Turkish foreign aid to Northern Cyprus: a mother’s blessing or curse?0
Economic recession, parental unemployment and adolescents’ health-related quality of life and mental health outcomes in Greece0
Decoding the impact of covid-19 on everyday life practices of Syrian refugees: an investigation at the neighbourhood level0
Strategic planning for local government co-creation: Evidence from Croatia and Slovenia0
What’s your source? Estimating the effects of media on youth political engagement in Southeast Europe0
Securitization and authoritarianism: the AKP’s oppression of dissident groups in Turkey0
From ‘diplomacy’ to hard power? Restructuring, weakening, and sidelining of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2009–2023)0
Venizelos: the making of a Greek statesman, 1864-19140
Rewriting history: directorate of communications and neo-Ottoman ideological recasting of Turkey’s history0
The ‘Russian factor’: implications for the EU’s policy in the Black Sea/Caucasus region0
The unintended consequences of the EU’s engagement in contested states: the case of Cyprus0
Understanding Cypriot youth views on peace: bottom-up experiences of everyday peace0
Sovereignty suspended: building the so-called state0
Can China promote stability in the Black Sea Region?0
Suitcase Europeanization: the urban transformation of Northern Greece through the Gastarbeiter migration and return (1960-1981)0
Who is behind the Plandemic? Analysing the different ideological conspiracy theory endorsements on Turkish Twitter0
Outbreak of war memories? Historical analogies of the 1990s wars in discourses about the coronavirus pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia0
Roma in the history of Montenegro – displacement, marginalization and discrimination0
Turkey’s proactive contestation of EU sanctions against Russia: European normative order vs. geopolitical realities0
Crisis, reform and the way forward in Greece: a turbulent decade0
Displaying the Ottoman past in an ‘old’ museum of a ‘new’ Turkey: The Topkapi Palace Museum0