China Quarterly

(The H4-Index of China Quarterly is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Total Mobilization from Below: Hong Kong's Freedom Summer42
Who Not What: The Logic of China's Information Control Strategy19
Party Building as Institutional Bricolage: Asserting Authority at the Business Frontier18
The Paradigm Shift in the Disciplining of Village Cadres in China: From Mao to Xi18
Global China at 20: Why, How and So What?18
Deepening Not Departure: Xi Jinping's Governance of China's State-owned Economy15
Corporate Governance with Chinese Characteristics: Party Organization in State-owned Enterprises15
Village Leaders, Dual Brokerage and Political Order in Rural China14
“The Party Must Strengthen Its Leadership in Finance!”: Digital Technologies and Financial Governance in China's Fintech Development14
Can Grid Governance Fix the Party-state's Broken Windows? A Study of Stability Maintenance in Grassroots China14
Policy Experimentation under Pressure in Contemporary China13
The Chinese Communist Party's Nervous System: Affective Governance from Mao to Xi12
Decoding Political Trust in China: A Machine Learning Analysis12
Local Policy Discretion in Social Welfare: Explaining Subnational Variations in China's De Facto Urban Poverty Line12
Depoliticizing China's Grassroots NGOs: State and Civil Society as an Institutional Field of Power12