Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications

(The TQCC of Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Two models for sandpile growth in weighted graphs45
Spreading dynamics for an epidemic model of West-Nile virus with shifting environment36
On globally large smooth solutions of full compressible Navier–Stokes equations with moving boundary and temperature-dependent heat-conductivity33
Formation of singularities in solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic systems with general sources32
Global dynamics of two-strain epidemic model with single-strain vaccination in complex networks30
Ambrosetti–Prodi problems for the Robin (p,28
Blow-up solutions of a chemotaxis model with nonlocal effects28
Fractional regularity for conservation laws with discontinuous flux24
Coexistence of two species with intra- and interspecific competition in an unstirred chemostat23
Global existence of weak solutions to a signal-dependent Keller–Segel model for local sensing chemotaxis21
Global boundedness and stability of solutions for prey-taxis model with handling and searching predators21
Bifurcation analysis of a predator–prey model with memory-based diffusion21
On a Stokes hemivariational inequality for incompressible fluid flows with damping21
Scattering below the ground state for the intercritical non-radial inhomogeneous NLS20
Singular non-autonomous (p,q<19
Boundary optimal control problem of semi-linear Kirchhoff plate equation19
Existence and asymptotical behavior of solutions of a class of parabolic systems with homogeneous nonlinearity19
Stability analysis of traveling wave fronts in a model for tumor growth18
On mathematical analysis of synchronization of bidirectionally coupled Kuramoto oscillators under inertia effect18
Two point boundary value problems for ordinary differential systems with generalized variable exponents operators17
Coefficient identification of the regularized p-Stokes equations17
On a planar equation involving (2,17
Bifurcation analysis in a diffusive Logistic population model with two delayed density-dependent feedback terms16
A nonlinear model for marble sulphation including surface rugosity and mechanical damage16
Analysis of a chemotaxis-SIS epidemic model with unbounded infection force16
Existence and asymptotic properties of aerotaxis model with the Fokker–Planck type diffusion15
Some symmetry properties of gyre flows14
Global dynamics of a three-species spatial food chain model with alarm-taxis and logistic source13
Entropy and renormalized solutions to the general nonlinear elliptic equations in Musielak–Orlicz spaces13
Analysis on a diffusive two-stage epidemic model with logistic growth and saturated incidence rates13
Spreading speed and traveling wave solutions of a reaction–diffusion Zika model with constant recruitment13
Attractors for the inhomogeneous incompressible Navier–Stokes flows12
Global weak solutions to the Novikov equation by viscous approximation12
Exploring the dynamics of African swine fever transmission cycles at a wildlife-livestock interface12
Global boundedness and stability of a predator–prey model with alarm-taxis12
Existence of positive periodic solutions of several types of biological models with periodic coefficients12
The existence of minimal large positive solutions for a class of nonlinear cooperative systems11
A family of predictor–corrector schemes for a class of variational inequalities11
A regularity criterion for 3D shear thinning fluids in terms of the direction of vorticity11
The effect of protection zone on asymptotic dynamics of a reaction–diffusion model with a free boundary or unbounded boundary11
On a limiting system of the triangular SKT competition model with large cross-diffusion and random-diffusion11
Editorial Board11
On variational inequalities on exterior domains with multivalued convection terms11
Dynamics of a predator–prey system with inducible defense and disease in the prey10
Quasi-neutral limit for the full Euler–Poisson system in one-dimensional space10
Anisotropic Chan–Vese segmentation10
The Fokker–Planck–Boltzmann equation in low regularity space10
Weak solutions to the generalized Navier–Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions and implicit obstacle constraints10
A generalized Duffing equation with the Coulomb’s friction law and Signorini–type contact conditions10
Critical mass phenomenon in a chemotaxis fluid system10
Gap functions and global error bounds for differential variational–hemivariational inequalities10
Stability of viscous contact wave for the radiative and reactive gas with free boundary10
Gradient recovery type a posteriori error estimates of virtual element method for an elliptic variational inequality of the second kind10
Quadratic slow-fast systems on the plane9
Low Mach number limit of the compressible Navier–Stokes–Cattaneo equations with general initial data9
Boundedness in a two-dimensional attraction–repulsion Navier–Stokes system with consumption of chemoattractant and sub-quadratic degradation9
A model for lime consolidation of porous solids9
Hamiltonian regularisation of the unidimensional barotropic Euler equations9
A bifurcation phenomenon in a singularly perturbed two-phase free boundary problem of phase transition9
Singular properties of solutions for a parabolic equation with variable exponents and logarithmic source9
Global boundedness in a chemotaxis quasilinear parabolic predator–prey system with pursuit-evasion9
A Liouville-type theorem for the stationary MHD equations9
Convergence to a terrace solution in multistable reaction–diffusion equation with discontinuities9
Editorial Board8
Non-uniform dependence on initial data for the Benjamin–Ono equation8
The Cauchy problem for fractional Camassa–Holm equation in Besov space8
Mathematical analysis of a tumor invasion model—global existence and stability8
Finite-time blowup in attraction–repulsion systems with nonlinear signal production8
On the stability of the improved Aw–Rascle–Zhang model with Chaplygin pressure8
The existence and linear stability of periodic solution for a free boundary problem modeling tumor growth with a periodic supply of external nutrients8
Diffusion–convection reaction equations with sign-changing diffusivity and bistable reaction term8
Construction of quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear forced perturbations of dissipative Boussinesq systems8
Nodal solutions for anisotropic (p,8
Large time behavior in a fractional chemotaxis–Navier–Stokes system with logistic source7
Global well-posedness and time decay for 2D Oldroyd-B-type fluids in periodic domains with dissipation in the velocity equation only7
Global well-posedness and inviscid limits of the generalized Oldroyd type models7
Global existence for a highly nonlinear temperature-dependent system modeling nonlocal adhesive contact7
Editorial Board7
Rigidity of three-dimensional steady internal waves with constant vorticity governed by the 7
Dynamics of an oncolytic virus model7
Boundary null controllability of degenerate heat equation as the limit of internal controllability7
Global existence of weak solutions to a diffuse interface model for magnetic fluids7
Dynamic behavior of reaction–diffusion equation with Holling II predation7
Linear stability for a periodic tumor angiogenesis model with free boundary7
Bifurcation of equilibrium forms of a gas column rotating with constant speed around its axis of symmetry7
Robin double-phase problems with singular and superlinear terms7
Propagation dynamics of a nonlocal periodic organism model with non-monotone birth rates7
Shape sensitivity analysis of an elastic contact problem: Convergence of the Nitsche based finite element approximation7
Long-time dynamics of classical Keller–Segel equation7
Some new regularity criteria for the Navier–Stokes equations in terms of one directional derivative of the velocity field6
Nontrivial solutions to affine p-Laplace equations via a perturbation 6
A reaction–diffusion vector-borne disease model with incubation period in almost periodic environments6
Editorial Board6
A migration-selection model in genetic engineering6
On the five Lagrange points in a generalized surface quasi-geostrophic flow6
On the Cauchy problem for semilinear regularity-loss-type σ-evolution 6
Boundedness of weak solutions to a 3D chemotaxis-Stokes system with slow p6
Dynamics of a predator–prey model with nonlinear growth rate and B–D functional response6
Decay mild solutions of Hilfer fractional differential variational–hemivariational inequalities6
The vanishing relaxation time behavior of multi-term nonlocal Jordan–Moore–Gibson–Thompson equations6
Optimal decay rates and space–time analyticity of solutions to the Patlak-Keller–Segel equations6
Boundedness and large time behavior of solutions to a prey-taxis system accounting in liquid surrounding6
Global bounded weak solution for a 3D chemotaxis-Stokes system with slow 6
The logistic problem with nonlinear directed advection6
Stability of the Couette flow for the two dimensional Chemotaxis-Navier–Stokes system6
Enriched spatiotemporal dynamics of a model of Ebola transmission with a composite incidence function and density-independent treatment6
Stability of Hartmann shear flows in an open inclined channel6
Dissipative martingale solutions of the stochastically forced Navier–Stokes–Poisson system on domains without boundary6
Convergence rate toward shock wave under periodic perturbation for generalized Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation6
Multi-component Gerdjikov–Ivanov system and its Riemann–Hilbert problem under zero boundary conditions6
On the long-time behaviour of solutions to unforced evolution Navier–Stokes equations under Navier boundary conditions6
Weakly nonlinear analysis of a two-species non-local advection–diffusion system6
Editorial Board6
Energy equality for the 3D inhomogeneous Navier–Stokes equations in Lorentz–Besov spaces6
Global well-posedness for a family of regularized Benjamin-type equations6
Global well-posedness and vanishing parameters limits for the systems of ferrohydrodynamics6
Avian–human influenza epidemic model with diffusion, nonlocal delay and spatial homogeneous environment6
Strong solutions of impulsive pseudoparabolic equations5
General decay results for a viscoelastic wave equation with the logarithmic nonlinear source and dynamic Wentzell boundary condition5
The Riemann problem for the nonisentropic Baer–Nunziato model of two-phase flows5
Blow-up for the Timoshenko-type equation with variable exponents5
Chemotactic cell aggregation viewed as instability and phase separation5
Global existence and asymptotic behavior of a two-species competitive Keller–Segel system on 5
Existence of the backward bifurcation of a non-markovian SIS-network model with saturation treatment function5
Forced waves and gap formations for a Lotka–Volterra competition model with nonlocal dispersal and shifting habitats5
Global well-posedness for the three dimensional compressible micropolar equations5
A class of history-dependent systems of evolution inclusions with applications5
Phase separation and morphology formation in interacting ternary mixtures under evaporation: Well-posedness and numerical simulation of a non-local evolution system5
Existence of periodic and solitary waves of a Boussinesq equation under perturbations5
Local stability and topological structure of completely integrable differential systems5
Global weak solutions in a singular taxis-type system with signal consumption5
Boundedness of solutions in a predator–prey system with density-dependent motilities and indirect pursuit–evasion interaction5
Analysis of a free boundary problem for vascularized tumor growth with a necrotic core and time delays5
Qualitative behavior of solutions of Liénard-type systems with state-dependent impulses5
Zero-Hopf bifurcation in a 3D jerk system5
Periodic solutions of discontinuous second order differential equations. The porpoising effect5
Homogenization of high-contrast media in finite-strain elastoplasticity5
Analysis of a class of Kolmogorov systems5
Competitive exclusion in a nonlocal reaction–diffusion–advection model of phytoplankton populations5
Oscillatory and transient dynamics of a slow–fast predator–prey system with fear and its carry-over effect5
A deep neural network-based method for solving obstacle problems5
A Riemann–Hilbert approach to the existence results for the Benjamin–Ono equation on a half-line5
Analysis of a mathematical model arising from stage-structured predator–prey in a chemostat5
The local well-posedness of the coupled Ostrovsky system with low regularity5
Global boundedness and stabilization in a forager–exploiter model with logistic growth and nonlinear resource consumption5
The time periodic problem of the Navier–Stokes equations in a bounded domain with moving boundary5
Bifurcation of limit cycles from a periodic annulus formed by a center and two saddles in piecewise linear differential system with three zones5
Proof of two conjectures for perturbed piecewise linear Hamiltonian systems5
Nonexistence of global solutions for generalized Tricomi equations with combined nonlinearity5
A hybrid Krasnosel’skiĭ-Schauder fixed point theorem for systems5
On decay properties for solutions of the Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation5
Controllability for semilinear heat equation with globally Lipschitz nonlinearities and memory term4
Global boundedness and the Allee effect in a nonlocal bistable reaction–diffusion equation in population dynamics4
Existence results for a nonlinear coupled radiative–conductive heat transfer system4
Evolution dynamics of a time-delayed reaction–diffusion HIV latent infection model with two strains and periodic therapies4
Non-uniform dependence for higher dimensional Camassa–Holm equations in Besov spaces4
Regularity results for solutions to a class of non-autonomous obstacle problems with sub-quadratic growth conditions4
Boundedness and large time behavior for a chemotaxis system with signal-dependent motility and indirect signal consumption4
Elliptic differential inclusions on non-compact Riemannian manifolds4
On heterogeneous radially symmetric semilinear elliptic equations with critical nonlinearities in 4
Non-uniform continuous dependence on initial data for a two-component Novikov system in Besov space4
Editorial Board4
A note on “Existence and uniqueness of coexistence states for an elliptic system coupled in the linear part”, by Hei Li-jun, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 5, 20044
Uniqueness and energy balance for isentropic Euler equation with stochastic forcing4
Stable and unstable flow regimes for active fluids in the periodic setting4
Existence and non-existence of solutions for Timoshenko-type equations with variable exponents4
Regularity estimates for the parabolic p(4
Monotone iterative method of upper and lower solutions applied to a multilayer combustion model in porous media4
Global existence of bounded solutions to the relativistic BGK model4
Optimal control problems for the reaction–diffusion–convection equation with variable coefficients4
The 2D inviscid Boussinesq equations with fractional diffusion in bounded domain4
An inverse problem for supersonic flow past a curved wedge4
A class of nonlinear parabolic systems having standard growth and L4
Global and exponential attractors for mixtures of solids with Fourier’s law4
Dynamical behaviors of a classical Lotka–Volterra competition–diffusion–advection system4
Stability of solutions constructed by the wave front tracking method for conservation laws4
Extremal functions for a supercritical k-Hessian inequality of Sobolev4
On the control issues for higher-order nonlinear dispersive equations on the circle4
Existence of solution for a singular elliptic system with convection terms4
Asymptotic stability of a stationary solution for the bipolar full Euler–Poisson equation in a bounded domain4
Asymptotic stability of the stationary solution to an out-flow problem for the Navier–Stokes–Korteweg equations of compressible fluids4
The Boltzmann equation for plane Couette flow in a finite channel4
Editorial Board4
SIS reaction–diffusion model with risk-induced dispersal under free boundary4
Iso-bispectral potentials for Sturm–Liouville-type operators with small delay4
Global solutions to the ideal MHD system with a strong magnetic background4
Rotation number and eigenvalues of two-component modified Camassa–Holm equations3
Global stability of SAIRS epidemic models3
A model for assisted periodic breathing with degenerate permeability3
Behavior in time of solutions to a degenerate chemotaxis system with flux limitation3
Periodic solutions to history-dependent differential hemivariational inequalities with applications3
Well-posedness and simulation results of a coupled denoising PDE3
On viscous incompressible flows of nonsymmetric fluids with mixed boundary conditions3
Wave-breaking phenomena for the generalized Camassa–Holm equation with dual-power nonlinearities3
Time geodesics on a slippery cross slope under gravitational wind3
Global conservative solution for the periodic dispersive Hunter–Saxton equation3
Global boundedness in a two-species attraction–repulsion chemotaxis system with two chemicals and nonlinear productions3
Global existence, uniqueness and exponential stability of solutions for the one-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with capillarity3
Measure differential equation with a nonlinear growth/decay term3
On a thermo-viscoelastic system with variable exponent sources3
Weak solutions for contact models involving a class of generalized materials3
A topological approach to the problem of chaotic tides3
Long time behavior for the critical modified surface quasi-geostrophic equation3
A geometric analysis of the SIR, SIRS and SIRWS epidemiological models3
Special issue on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Professor Siegfried Carl3
Global existence, blow-up and dynamical behavior in a nonlocal parabolic problem with variational structure3
Editorial Board3
Ekman layer of rotating stratified viscous Boussinesq equations in rotation-dominant limit3
Global existence and stabilization in a diffusive predator–prey model with population flux by attractive transition3
Optimal sparse boundary control of cardiac defibrillation3
Threshold dynamics of a bat-borne rabies model with periodic incubation periods3
Boundedness and asymptotic behavior in a quasilinear chemotaxis system for alopecia areata3
Spectral analysis of the Neumann–Poincaré operator on the crescent-shaped domain and touching disks and analysis of plasmon resonance3
On the two and one-half dimensional Vlasov–Poisson system with an external magnetic field: Global well-posedness and stability of confined steady states3
Analysis of a degenerate reaction–diffusion anthrax model with spatial heterogeneity3
Analysis of a new multispecies tumor growth model coupling 3D phase-fields with a 1D vascular network3
Rigorous derivation and well-posedness of a quasi-homogeneous ideal MHD system3
On Lewy Stampacchia inequalities for a pseudomonotone parabolic obstacle problem with 3
Notes on symmetry in convective flows3
Ill-posedness for the Euler equations in Besov spaces3
Stability of rarefaction waves for the non-cutoff Vlasov–Poisson–Boltzmann system with physical boundary3
Global existence and time behaviour of strong solution to a compressible non-Newtonian fluid3
Existence and uniqueness of strong solutions for the system of interaction between a compressible Navier–Stokes–Fourier fluid and a damped plate equation3
The effects of degeneracy on nonlocal dispersal logistic equations3
Dynamics of an HIV infection model with virus diffusion and latently infected cell activation3
Topological properties of solution sets for nonlinear evolution hemivariational inequalities and applications3
Global well-posedness and large time behavior for the inviscid Oldroyd-B model3
Dynamics of a competing two-strain SIS epidemic model with general infection force on complex networks3
Self-similar solutions for the heat equation with a positive non-Lipschitz continuous, semilinear source term3
Suppression of blowup by slightly superlinear degradation in a parabolic–elliptic Keller–Segel system with signal-dependent motility3
Sharp critical thresholds for a class of nonlocal traffic flow models3
Uniform in time solutions for a chemotaxis with potential consumption model3
Existence and uniqueness of maximal strong solution of a 1D blood flow in a network of vessels3
The global classical solution to compressible system with fractional viscous term3
Analysis of a nonlinear free-boundary tumor model with angiogenesis and a connection between the nonnecrotic and necrotic phases3
Effect models for the stationary Navier–Stokes fluid in a porous medium with different scales3
On an anisotropic double phase problem with singular and sign changing nonlinearity3
Stability for systems of 1-D coupled nonlinear oscillators3
On the incompressible and non-resistive limit of 3D compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations in bounded domains3
On partial regularity for weak solutions to the 3D co-rotational Beris–Edwards system3
Editorial Board3
Optimal decay rate of the incompressible Navier–Stokes–Maxwell system with Ohm’s law3
Numerical analysis of a family of simultaneous distributed-boundary mixed elliptic optimal control problems and their asymptotic behaviour through a commutative diagram and error estimates3
On positive periodic solutions to second-order differential equations with a sub-linear non-linearity3
A nonlinear viscoelastic plate equation with 3
Chemotaxis systems with singular sensitivity and logistic source: Boundedness, persistence, absorbing set, and entire solutions3
Criteria of uniqueness of limit cycle in a resonant-tunneling dynamic system3