Current Issues in Language Planning

(The TQCC of Current Issues in Language Planning is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Agency in language planning and policy49
English-medium education reform in Kazakhstan: comparative study of educational change across two contexts in one country21
English only or more?: Language ideologies of international students in an EMI university in multilingual Hong Kong21
Teacher agency and spaces in changes of English language education policy20
Family language policy and planning in China: the changing langscape15
A critique of Taiwan’s bilingual education policy through a ROAD-MAPPING of teacher experiences15
Linguistic imperialism, English, and development: implications for Colombia13
‘Home away from home’: understanding Chinese parents’ ideological beliefs and involvement in international school students’ language learning9
English as a medium of instruction in Kazakhstani higher education: a case study8
Bilingual daycares in the Netherlands: an analysis of the implementation of bilingual input and underlying ideologies8
Commodification of the Chinese language: investigating language ideology in the Chinese complementary schools’ online discourse7
Languages for learning: a framework for implementing India’s multilingual language-in-education policy7
Understanding China’s LOTE learners’ perceptions and choices of LOTE(s) and English learning: a linguistic market perspective7
Negotiating English-only gatekeepers: teachers’ agency through a public sphere lens7
Shifting ecologies of family language planning: Hungarian Australian families during COVID-197
Participation and deliberation in language policy: the case of gender-neutral language7
On the outside, looking in: learning community languages and Scotland’s 1 + 2 Language Strategy7
The gendered migrant experience: a study of family language policy (FLP) amongst mothers and daughters in the Somali community, Bristol7
Language solidarity, vitality and status: Sibe family language attitudes in North-western China6
‘Building a new public idea about language’?: Multilingualism and language learning in the post-Brexit UK6
Language learners as invisible planners: a case study of an Arabic language program in a Chinese university6
Multiscalar research on family language policy and planning in China: commentary6
Exploring family language policymaking of internal migrant families in contemporary China: negotiating habitus, capital and the social field6
The neoliberal structures of English in Japanese higher education: applying Bernstein’s pedagogic device6
Reproducing inequality while celebrating diversity: an ethnographic study of international students’ EMI learning experiences in China5
Characterising language policy and planning in international organisations: ASEAN insights5
How stakeholders see the implementation of language education policy: a Q-study5
Discourses shaping the language-in-education policy and foreign language education in Nepal: an intersectional perspective5
Supporting speakers of community languages: a case study of policy and practice in primary schools5
Negotiating hegemonies in language policy: ideological synergies in media recontextualizations of audit culture5