
(The TQCC of Ethnography is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Constructing responsibility: Infrastructural harm, citizen oversight and the politics of publics9
Ambiguous interventions: The social consequences of assistance in the field8
Resisting the future: Preparedness, degradation, and “inquietude” among survivalists in contemporary France8
Unearthing conscious intent in women’s everyday resistance to mining in Indonesia8
Matrilineal practices among muslims: An ethnographic study of the Minangkabau of West Sumatra6
Elites, bodies, and gender: Women’s appearance as class distinction6
Transnational giving between Shikoku, Japan and Burma/ Myanmar: From memorializing One’s dead to humanitarianism with peace and war reflections6
The communitarian stigma: Stigmatization as a mechanism of institutional racism in France5
The activism of young muslims in Italy: Citizens ‘crossing borders’ in search of recognition5
The passion of aging: The representation of localism in spiritual eldercare of Naxi in Lijiang5
Turning around the camera: Self-portraits of an anthropologist on Instagram5
The antifascist boxing body: Political somatics in boxe popolare5
Of devotion and disgust: Method, belief and power in anthropological research on religion5
Sacrificial heroes: Masculinity, class, and waste picking in Iran4
Contested knowledges: Negotiating the epistemic politics of engaged activist ethnography4
‘Bed-space’ housing in Dubai: African migrants, ambivalence towards authorities and gender differences4
Becoming ‘international’: Transgressing national identity as a ritual for class identification4
The observer observed: Ethnographic discomforts and (a)symmetrical relationships in a digital ethnography3
Kickboxing with Bourdieu: Heterodoxy, hysteresis and the disruption of “race thinking”3
Ethnographic experiences of participating in a correctional officer training program: An exploration of values, ethics, and role conflict3
Snap-along ethnography: Studying visual politicization in the social media age3
Emotion and othering in a contaminated community3
The embodiment of fear: Reproductive health and migrant women’s choices, in Verona, Italy3
Im/material and intimate relations: Considering ethnographic methodologies for already-surveilled communities3
‘Hand-to-hand sports and the struggle for belonging’3
Autonomous care? Muslim transnational giving networks and perceptions of welfare responsibilities in India3
Erratum to “More Bread Less Circus”3
Negotiating diasporic leisure among Zimbabwean migrants in Britain3
‘We were fucking bold! We were fucking audacious!’: An interview with Paul Willis and Peter Geschiere2
The sakan shababiyy, or the world improvised: Displacement and masculine domestic space in Lebanon2
Beyond Big Brother: How to Study Tech-Driven Authoritarianism With Restricted Access to State Institutions2
Long-term holistic ethnography for new digital worlds2
Being Breton through wrestling: Traditional gouren as a distinctive Breton activity2
Construction of normality in the gecekondu settlement: Experience of place, social pressure, and tactics2
‘Military timescapes’: The corporeal experience of time in an Israel defense forces reserve combat unit2
I said, they said: The ethnographic backstage and the politics of producing engaged anthropology2
America materialis: Things and meaning in a donation warehouse2
Geschierian magic: Belonging beyond autochthony. A special issue in honour of Peter Geschiere2
Lebensraum, geopolitics and race—Palestine as a feminist issue in German-speaking academia2
Bodily ethnography: Some epistemological challenges of participation2
Hybrid ethnography: Access, positioning, and data assembly2
Escaping the house of secrets: Auto-ethnographic reflections on the complexities of field exit2
When fieldwork is forbidden: Ontological dilemmas, subjectivity and moral imperatives as constraints in the field2