Journal of Substance Use

(The TQCC of Journal of Substance Use is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Current tobacco use is associated with mental morbidity and health risk behaviours among school-going adolescents in Liberia and Mauritius15
Betel nut: the prevalence of a carcinogenic substance as a social food—a study based on Xiangtan, Hunan province, China13
Behavioral changes observed in substance users in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic10
Factors associated with smoking habits among undergraduate medical students: a cross-sectional study9
Personal reflection on restaurant workers’ substance use recovery: a narrative inquiry9
An exploratory study of clinical profile, stigma and pathways to care among primary cannabis use disorder patients in India9
The power of acceptance and rejection: a comparative study of parental acceptance-rejection and emotional intelligence among substance users and non-users of Pakistan9
The role of poor mental health in substance use across socioeconomic strata of Armenian adolescents: a counterfactual mediation analysis9
Potential participation of glycation and anabolic androgenic steroids in young man’s aneurysm development: case report8
The relationship between self-esteem and alexithymia in individuals with substance use disorders8
BMI as a moderator of the relationship between stigmatizing attitudes and smoking: An exploratory study7
Father involvement and adolescent substance use: adolescents depression symptom as a mediator and maternal self-esteem as a moderator7
Proximity analysis of hospitals and federally qualified health centers to syringe exchange programs in New York City7
Risk level-specific hazardous drinking factors of alcohol use disorders in Japanese university students7
Treating neurodivergent clients in addiction6
Correlates of substance use and dependence among internally displaced persons in Maiduguri, Nigeria6
Depression and anxiety levels in a population of Greek male prisoners with a history of dependence6
Development of the Alcohol and Cannabis Simultaneous Use Scale (ACSUS) in college students6
Investigation of the relationship between transactional analysis ego states and treatment compliance of individuals with substance use disorder6
Media literacy’s role in the mitigation of disinformation effects on substance misuse6
Environmental factors contributing to the growing trend of drug use among college students in Karachi6
Validity and reliability of the short version of the UPPS-P impulsive Behavior Scale in patients with substance use disorders5
Association of self-esteem and school connectedness with substance use among street children in southwestern Nigeria5
Songwriting versus recreational music therapy in adults with alcohol use disorder: A cluster-randomized study measuring readiness to change5
Hookah: a cultural risk factor for the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran5
Synthetic cathinone mixtures induced prolonged psychotic symptoms with rhabdomyolysis and neurocognitive dysfunction5
The within-individual lagged effects of time spent incarcerated on substance use: a nationally representative longitudinal study from the United States5
Substance use and associated factors among Iranian university students: a meta-analysis5
Risk factors associated with consumption of alcohol among Turkish older men and women5
Medical students and stimulants; they have enough knowledge but they still use non prescribed stimulants5
Psychometric properties of the traditional Chinese version of the 20-item Decisional Balance Scale4
Changing pattern of tobacco consumption and quitting behavior in Northeast India4
A latent class analysis of alcohol-related problems among adults who drank in the past year4
Determining the effect of the addiction awareness program on substance addiction awareness and tendency to use substances levels4
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients admitted to an addiction center4
Evaluation of substance use in Izmir during the COVID-19 pandemic4
Determinants of emergency department use and hospitalization among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis4
Connecting the dots: substance use disorders and infectious diseases4
Quality of life and its associated factors among patients with substance use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis4
Adherence to buprenorphine-XR through hybrid telehealth contingency management procedures: a case series4
Smoking-related complications among COVID-19 cases: a population-based survey in Qatar4
Serum irisin and caspase-9 levels in adolescents with substance use disorder: a case-control study4
Comorbidity of alcohol use disorders and non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries4
Attitudes toward harm reduction among substance use treatment professionals in Philadelphia3
Nicotine addiction in pre-hospital emergency care workers in Turkey: a cross-sectional study3
Association between drug use and ART use among people living with HIV who inject drugs in Vietnam, Ukraine and Indonesia: results from HPTN 0743
Early career psychiatrist’s attitude toward medicinal and recreational cannabis legalization in India; findings from an online survey3
Cigarette smoking and related factors among type 2 diabetic patients in Taiwan3
Typology of Canadian adult cannabis users following legalization3
Opioid use disorders related to tramadol among an Egyptian sample of male psychiatric patients: prevalence and sociodemographic and clinical correlates3
Evaluation of an infographic: prescription drug misuse among older adults in Saskatchewan3
The role of psychological symptoms in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and substance use3
Aggression and peer victimization experiences among adolescents who use alcohol with versus without parental permission3
Social factors contributing to e-cigarette use in the first year of high school3
Decreasing trends in alcohol use among African American youth: 2006–2019, USA3
Subjective and objective inebriation: a “Speed Dating” field study with placebo alcohol3
The effect of the educational intervention on empowerment of male high school students in prevention of smoking3
Illicit drug use in English adolescent students–result of cumulative mediation analyses3
Opioid substitution in pregnancy a narrative review: contemporary evidence for use of methadone and buprenorphine in pregnancy3
Self-esteem and drug use among students: moderating roles of dimensions of family dysfunction3
Substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece3
Diamorphine assisted treatment in Middlesbrough: a UK drug treatment case study3
Alcohol and tobacco: use and co-use in the North-Eastern Region of India, 2015-163
Self-reported reasons for opioid and analgesic misuse among participants without cancer in the United States3
Ex-smokers referred urgently to ENT: reasons for quitting and smoking cessation methods utilised3
Smoking status and self-rated health: a systematic review and meta-analysis3
Socioeconomic disparity in regular consumption of tobacco among adults: an empirical investigation from Northeast India3
Evaluating psychometric properties of the Thai-version Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST)3
Dietary supplement use and its associated factors among gym users in Southern Brazil3
COVID-19 pandemic-related impacts and addiction severity among service users in selected substance use treatment facilities in Nairobi, Kenya3
Perceived parent and peer substance use disapproval and perceptions of harm among youth before and after COVID-19 lockdowns3
Association between pysychiatric symptoms and disability among people with drug dependence in the Community-based Rehabilitation3
Quality of life and substance use in Lebanese medical students2
‘To smoke or not to smoke’: Indonesian women contesting and negotiating the taboo2
The impact of childhood maltreatment on telomere length in cocaine use disorder2
Type of drug use and risky determinants associated with fatal overdose among people who use drugs: a meta-analysis2
Moderated-mediation effects of emotional intelligence and coping strategy on the relationship between generalized anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorder among African asylum seekers in Korea2
Needle fixation before needle fixation (the history of a controversial phenomenon)2
Investigation of factors affecting tobacco and e-cigarette use in Turkey2
Employment and primary source of treatment payment: physical recovery capital as a predictor of cocaine use treatment completion2
Factors associated with changes in alcohol use among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic2
The occurrence and severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder in the opium and amphetamine users2
Psychological distress, alcohol and language misuse2
Alcohol use among school-going adolescents in Mozambique: prevalence and correlates2
The effect of COVID-19 anxiety and awareness on smoking urges: the moderator effect of demographic factors2
The effect of smoking on back pain and depression in young adults2
Pattern of illicit substance use and associated factors among male inmates of a highly populated Brazilian prison complex2
The intersection of methamphetamine and violence in the United States: a county-level assessment of methamphetamine overdose mortality and violent crime2
Get God or get out: barriers the nonreligious face in Alcoholics Anonymous2
Predictors of attitude toward substance users: a field study in Turkey2
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) an overlooked medicinal plant in Malaysia2
The roles and experiences of family members who care for a person with substance or opioid use disorder2
COVID-19 vaccine acceptability in patients with opioid dependence – a cross-sectional, community-based study2
Investigation of frequency and factors related to drug use in male students living in dormitories2
The role of working memory as a moderator of implicit associations in young adults’ alcohol use2
Association between medical marijuana legalization and sources of obtaining marijuana among adults in the United States2
Investigating the relationship between food and alcohol disturbance and coping styles among young adults2
Tobacco use profile among COVID-19 infected adults and clinical disease spectrum in Qatar during the early pandemic2
Psychological distress, obsessive-compulsive thoughts about drinking, and alcohol consumption in young adult drinkers2
Measuring alcohol consumption while watching sport events: a feasibility and validity study comparing ecological momentary assessments and transdermal alcohol monitors2
Positive and negative elements of short and long-term interventions during the Covid-19 pandemic period2
Experiences of patient-initiated discharge from an inpatient withdrawal management service: a qualitative descriptive study2
ACEs and social risk factors in patients with opioid use disorder2
Peers helping peers: development and evaluation of a peer support worker training series2
The prevalence of substance use disorders in chiropractic patients in the United States: a descriptive study of two national datasets2
Relationship between substance use-associated stigma and executive dysfunction2
Access to drug treatment services in Nigeria: the challenge of the addiction workforce2
Motives for non-medical prescription opioid (NMPO) use among young people in a semi-rural Canadian Province2
Second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D), impulsivity and aggression levels in patients with opiate use disorder and alcohol use disorder2
The effect of Pregabalin on sleep quality of patients treated with methadone maintenance therapy: A double-blind randomized clinical trial2
Major depression, substance use, and resilience among female adolescents in institutional care2
Bibliometric and visual analysis of smart drug rehabilitation research: a systematic review1
Coping with COVID: COVID-19 experiences and drinking to cope1
Substance use and participation in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: the role of unobserved heterogeneity1
Proactive and reactive aggression and substance use among detained youth1
Abuse liability of transdermal nicotine patch: a case of “nicotine buzz”1
The sensory processing patterns of individuals with schizophrenia with comorbid substance use disorder1
Cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a longitudinal study of Cannabis users1
Willingness to intervene to protect the group from consequences of substance use1
The effect of mindfulness-based psychoeducation on internalized stigma and substance abuse proclivity in individuals with substance use disorder1
The prevalence of dual diagnoses in children and adolescents with substance use disorders, systematic review1
Determinants of quality of life in Pakistani substance user men vary among married and unmarried men1
Prenatal opioid exposure and the early life epigenome: results from ECHO1
The experiences of nurse managers working with substance-using nurses1
Exploratory analysis of the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST): correlations and rankings among U.S. college students1
Impact of alcohol withdrawal training program on knowledge, attitude, and perception among healthcare providers in a hospital setting1
Prevalence and risk factors associated with recreational stimulant use among Berlin college students1
Profile of substance individual with substance use disorders: community-based project results1
Dimensionality and homogeneity of the Colombian version of the Cocaine Craving Questionnaire (CCQ-N-10)1
Differences and interactions between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that drive smokers to quit and to continue smoking: a qualitative analysis1
Development and validation of a tramadol misuse quitting self-efficacy scale: a Nigerian version1
Prevalence and predictors of tobacco use in older adults: a case in Turkey1
The perceptions of harmfulness. Addictiveness and social acceptance of hookah smoking among adolescents in Turkey1
Prevalence of substance use among inpatients in two tertiary care hospitals in Tehran1
Psychoactive substance uses among people living with HIV/AIDS in Western Ethiopia: a multi-centered facility-based cross-sectional study1
Alcohol consumption among adults in Vietnam: prevalence, patterns, and its determinants1
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-Lite): translation and reliability of the Malay version1
Prevalence of smoking among medical students and associated factors in Turkey1
The correlation between the addiction profile and general self-efficacy of patients receiving treatment for substance use disorder1
Comparison of cognitive functions in individuals with primary psychosis and substance-induced psychotic disorders1
Severe toxic encephalopathy in a housewife mother by volatile solvents abuse1
Alcohol use among adolescents in Macao during COVID-19: a latent class analysis1
Occupational stress and addiction potential among psychiatric hospital staff: an analytical study1
Users’ Knowledge and Self Medications in Relation to Gastric Problems among Adults in a Middle Income Country; Jordan1
Association between substance use and number of sexual partners: evidence from Chile1
Family determinants of substance use among Rwandan youths: a case study of Gitagata Rehabilitation Centre1
Tracking the pattern of alcohol consumption among homeless people1
Impaired biological rhythm in men with methamphetamine use disorder: the relationship with sleep quality and depression1
Recovery capital: stakeholder’s experiences and expectations for enabling sustainable recovery from substance use in the South East Region of Ireland1
Perceived devaluation, alienation, discrimination, and consequences of methamphetamine (Mkpurummiri) misuse among young people in South-eastern Nigeria: an exploratory study1
Planning for injecting drug use as a means to prevent risky injection behavior1
Differences between smokers and non-smokers in personality traits: the role of sensation seeking and core self-evaluations1
Inpatient treatment for substance use disorders: reductions in substance cravings, anxiety, and depressive symptoms1
A systematic review of prevalence of comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorders and substance use disorders in clinical settings, 1990-20211
Prognosis of COVID-19 infection among opium users in Iran,2020: a hospital-based study1
Would I have your support? Family network features and past support exchanges associated with anticipated support for a substance problem1
The early onset of nicotine dependence, severity of substance use disorder, and relapse: an inpatient study1
Scaling opioid overdose prevention and naloxone dispensation among rural and small metro area pharmacists: findings from a qualitative study1
Sexual HIV transmission risk behaviors associated with stimulant drug injection among people who non-medically use gabapentin and opioids1
“Emotional drinking” during quarantine by COVID-19 in Chile: the role of depressive symptoms on problematic alcohol consumption1
Prevalence and correlates of addictive behaviours among adolescents in Chandigarh, North India1
Sociodemographic factors associated with alcohol use in Turkish women1
Early maladaptive schemas as discriminators of differential attitudes toward substance use among individuals with cluster A, B, and C personality1
Direct cost and socio-demographic factors associated with alcohol consumption among Tema adult residents in Ghana: a quantitative study1
Adolescent nonmedical use of prescription pain relievers: an examination of primary socialization theory1
The state of the art on needle fixation research1
Cannabis use and first onset Schizophrenia-like psychosis after traumatic brain injury in a patient with intracranial bullet1
A population-based descriptive study of neonatal abstinence syndrome using hospital discharge and birth certificate data1
Harms and benefits of non-medical methylphenidate use among young adults: a scoping review of the literature1
Smoking and smoking addiction in future physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic; an example of a medical school in Turkey1
The effect of structured group reminiscence on depression and anxiety of the elderly female hookah users1
Psychoactive substances use in Jordan: Descriptive study of data from Anti-narcotic Department (AND), 2014-20181
The relationship between personality traits and coping strategies with permanence in the treatment process in patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment1
Evaluation of attachment styles and life satisfaction of adolescents (12-18 years) with and without smoking, alcohol, and substance use1
Exploring the psychopathic tendencies and personal experiences of individuals with methamphetamine substance users: a mix method study1
Psychometric properties of the revised illness perception questionnaire for people with alcohol use disorder in Portugal1
A comparison of patients with opioid use disorder receiving buprenorphine treatment with and without peer recovery support services1
Objective and self-reported sleep outcomes in people with comorbid alcohol and opioid use disorder: examining the role of gabapentin1
Open-label pilot of lorcaserin (a serotonin 2C-receptor agonist) for cannabis use disorder1
Preventing adolescent substance use disorder: a systematic review of community-based practices and social work implications1
Drinking patterns of college students with comorbid depression and anxiety symptoms: the moderating role of gender1
Law enforcement experiences with gabapentin: non-medical use, diversion, and state controlled substances laws1
Injury, alcohol, and drug use in an emergency department in Mexico City1
Association between forced displacement and cigarette smoking among Colombian adolescents1
Illicit substance use among methadone maintenance therapy patients in a tertiary hospital in Malaysia: a cross-sectional study1
Risk prediction model for cannabis use with artificial intelligence approach1
Drug use pattern among non-heterosexual and transgender people detained in a female prison complex1
The effects of protective behavioral strategies on heavy drinking following a pure motivational interviewing intervention1
Substance use characteristics, treatment completion rates and related factors of patients in Gaziantep AMATEM in 2019; a retrospective study1
Developing and implementing a community-based substance use prevention program in Iranian adolescents (SUPPIA): A study protocol1
Prevalence, pattern, and cessation of tobacco consumption among older adults in India1
Evaluation of the effect of mindfulness on stress and self-efficacy in patients with substance use disorder: a cross-sectional survey1
Pattern recognition from cyclist under influence (CUI) crash events: application of block cluster analysis1
Suicide risk and ideation among patients with substance use disorders in Egypt1
FoMO predicts alcohol use and harms over and above the big five personality traits among university students1
Beliefs about smoking cigarettes among adolescents in Yunnan Province, China1
Perception of the problem of tobacco smoking and drug use among Kafr El-Sheikh University students, Egypt1
Expectancies about the effects of cannabidiol products on anxiety symptoms1
Socio-contextual factors and adverse childhood experiences as determinants of substance use disorder among individuals between ages 18-40 years in Kano, Nigeria1
Ethyl alcohol levels in Turkish traffic accident cases1
Prevalence, pattern, and associated factors of alcohol use disorder among male treatment-seeking people with illicit drug use disorder in Tehran, Iran1
How to create social media contents based on Motivational Interviewing approach to support tobacco use cessation? A content analysis1
Recovery housing predictors of closure risk during COVID-191
Investigating differences of medications in hospitalized schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder patients: impact of substance use1
Family conflict and negative emotions as risk factors predicting alcohol use among Vietnamese teenagers1
Substance use associated with eating attitudes and behaviors, neglected health issues among Palestinian refugees1
Are my peers impulsive? Normative perceptions of impulsivity and associations with personal impulsivity and alcohol use outcomes1
Factors associated with risky alcohol consumption in Hungarian university students1
The relationship between smoking cessation success and health literacy in patients given cognitive behavioral therapy and medical treatment1
Comparing the effectiveness of depot buprenorphine (buvidal injection) and buprenorphine/naloxone (suboxone) treatment following custody release - a retrospective cohort study1
Substance use among methadone patients in Vietnam: a systematic review1
Oral contraceptive use, coffee consumption, and other risk factors of type 2 diabetes in women: a case–control study1
Recanting substance use over time1
Factors associated with abstinence in addiction inpatient treatment cohort: a five-year follow-up1
Assessment of sociodemographic indicators of Tobacco expenditure: an application of the censored regression model1
From relapse prevention to recovery protection: a positive perspective on recovery from substance use disorder1
Illicit drug use in English adolescent students–Results of a subgroup mediation analyses1
Bayesian spatial mapping of rates of substance use among high-school students in Florida1
Injection initiation at 30 years of age or older among a sample of syringe services program participants in Seattle, WA1
Substance abuse prevention strategies in higher education institutions: a review1
Quality of life profile of methadone maintenance treatment patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam1
The comparison between opiate use disorder patients in the remission state with healthy volunteers regarding behavioral addictions1
Examination of hookah usage and gambling status of university students*1
Prevalence of alcohol consumption in most at-risk groups in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis1
Preoperative opioid use and its association with postoperative complications1
Attitude and health issue awareness of anabolic androgenic steroids use among male gym users in some gym centers in Sulaymaniyah city, Iraq1
Methamphetamine addiction in Sudan: examining the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of 24 Al-qurashi residents – a novel cross-sectional approach1
Opinion of the law of protection against exposure to tobacco smoke in adults1
Self-reported health problems due to prescription drug use and non-medical use of prescription drugs – a population-based study1
Influence of polysubstance use on the health-related quality of life among people who inject drugs undergoing opioid agonist treatment following treatment for hepatitis C virus1
One for you, one for me : cannabis self-cultivation in Italy1
The effect of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on women’s alcohol consumption in Victoria, Australia – an event-level study1
Association of mass media exposure and alcohol consumption apropos alcohol-advertisement ban in India: multilevel analysis of panel data1
Relationship between driving while impaired and riding with an impaired driver among adolescents in the United States1
Factors associated with smoking refusal self-efficacy among Finnish and Portuguese early adolescents1
Implementing Safer Supply programs: A comparative case study1
Characteristics of mobile-based brief interventions targeting substance use among youth: a rapid review1
Life after sober house living for drug use recovery in Zanzibar: does normal life or re-addiction?1
Links between alcohol use with and/or without parental permission and other substance use1
Effects of a community-based substance use prevention program in Iranian adolescents (SUPPIA)-using social cognitive theory1
Substance consumption styles during the COVID-19 lockdown for socially integrated people who use drugs1
Comparison of biochemical and safety parameters of regular kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) users at two different time periods1
Recreational nitrous oxide use in Nigeria: an emerging public health problem?1