
(The TQCC of Biostatistics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stochastic EM algorithm for partially observed stochastic epidemics with individual heterogeneity27
Estimation for the bivariate quantile varying coefficient model with application to diffusion tensor imaging data analysis19
Prognosis of cancer survivors: estimation based on differential equations18
Fast approximate inference for multivariate longitudinal data16
Correction to: A transformation perspective on marginal and conditional models13
CoCoA: conditional correlation models with association size13
Adaptive clinical trial designs with blinded selection of binary composite endpoints and sample size reassessment12
Multiscale analysis of count data through topic alignment11
Exponential family measurement error models for single-cell CRISPR screens8
A greedy approach for mutual exclusivity analysis in cancer study8
Separating and reintegrating latent variables to improve classification of genomic data8
Neuroimaging meta regression for coordinate based meta analysis data with a spatial model7
Estimation of optimal treatment regimes with electronic medical record data using the residual life value estimator6
Joint frailty modeling of time-to-event data to elicit the evolution pathway of events: a generalized linear mixed model approach6
Tree-informed Bayesian multi-source domain adaptation: cross-population probabilistic cause-of-death assignment using verbal autopsy6
Assessing the causal effects of a stochastic intervention in time series data: are heat alerts effective in preventing deaths and hospitalizations?6
Dynamic and concordance-assisted learning for risk stratification with application to Alzheimer’s disease6
Bayesian sample size determination in basket trials borrowing information between subsets5
Designing three-level cluster randomized trials to assess treatment effect heterogeneity5
A scalable and unbiased discordance metric with H+5
A Bayesian nonparametric approach to correct for underreporting in count data5
Quantifying uncertainty in spikes estimated from calcium imaging data4
Marginal modeling of cluster-period means and intraclass correlations in stepped wedge designs with binary outcomes4
Simultaneous differential network analysis and classification for matrix-variate data with application to brain connectivity4
Developing a predictive signature for two trial endpoints using the cross-validated risk scores method4
A transformation perspective on marginal and conditional models4
Regression and alignment for functional data and network topology3
Multiple exposure distributed lag models with variable selection3
Fast standard error estimation for joint models of longitudinal and time-to-event data based on stochastic EM algorithms3
A Bayesian semiparametric approach for inference on the population partly conditional mean from longitudinal data with dropout3
A flexible approach for predictive biomarker discovery3
Improved fMRI-based pain prediction using Bayesian group-wise functional registration3
Adaptive randomization in a two-stage sequential multiple assignment randomized trial3
Testing for similarity of binary efficacy–toxicity responses3
A semiparametric Gaussian mixture model for chest CT-based 3D blood vessel reconstruction3
Inference after latent variable estimation for single-cell RNA sequencing data3
Penalized model-based clustering of fMRI data3
Corrigendum to: Fast Lasso method for large-scale and ultrahigh-dimensional Cox model with applications to UK Biobank3
Doubly robust nonparametric instrumental variable estimators for survival outcomes2
Functional quantile principal component analysis2
Similarity-based multimodal regression2
A modeling framework for detecting and leveraging node-level information in Bayesian network inference2
Accounting for technical noise in Bayesian graphical models of single-cell RNA-sequencing data2
Bayesian design of clinical trials using joint models for recurrent and terminating events2
Reassessing pharmacogenomic cell sensitivity with multilevel statistical models2
Incorporating prior information in gene expression network-based cancer heterogeneity analysis2
Longitudinal regression of covariance matrix outcomes2
Adaptive Gaussian Markov random fields for child mortality estimation2
Signal detection statistics of adverse drug events in hierarchical structure for matched case–control data2
A joint Bayesian hierarchical model for estimating SARS-CoV-2 genomic and subgenomic RNA viral dynamics and seroconversion2
Structure-preserving integrated analysis for risk stratification with application to cancer staging2
Mendelian randomization analysis using multiple biomarkers of an underlying common exposure2
A Bayesian pharmacokinetics integrated phase I–II design to optimize dose-schedule regimes2
Exposure proximal immune correlates analysis2
Integrated causal-predictive machine learning models for tropical cyclone epidemiology2
Projection-based two-sample inference for sparsely observed multivariate functional data2
Differential transcript usage analysis incorporating quantification uncertainty via compositional measurement error regression modeling2
Joint modeling of longitudinal and competing-risk data using cumulative incidence functions for the failure submodels accounting for potential failure cause misclassification through double sampling2
Tree-based subgroup discovery using electronic health record data: heterogeneity of treatment effects for DTG-containing therapies2
Selection processes, transportability, and failure time analysis in life history studies2
Improved efficiency for cross-arm comparisons via platform designs2