
(The median citation count of Journalism is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Let’s dance the news! How the news media are adapting to the logic of TikTok83
The head and heart of news avoidance: How attitudes about the news media relate to levels of news consumption51
Life in a news desert: The perceived impact of a newspaper closure on community members49
Interpretations of the journalistic field: A systematic analysis of how journalism scholarship appropriates Bourdieusian thought38
‘X Journalism’.Exploring journalism’s diverse meanings through the names we give it30
Defining and conceptualizing news literacy28
Dissecting news diversity: An integrated conceptual framework25
Introduction: The emotional turn in journalism24
Interest matters: The effects of constructive news reporting on Millennials’ emotions and engagement24
Is citizen journalism dead? An examination of recent developments in the field24
What to expect when you’re expecting robots: Futures, expectations, and pseudo-artificial general intelligence in UK news23
Avoiding real news, believing in fake news? Investigating pathways from information overload to misbelief23
How the public understands news media trust: An open-ended approach23
Hating journalism: Anti-press discourse and negative emotions toward journalism in Korea21
A systematic review of constructive and solutions journalism research21
Layoffs, inequity and COVID-19: A longitudinal study of the journalism jobs crisis in Australia from 2012 to 202020
Hostile emotions: An exploratory study of far-right online commenters and their emotional connection to traditional and alternative news media19
Journalism Education in the 21st century: A thematic analysis of the research literature19
Journalistic innovation: How new formats of digital journalism are perceived in the academic literature17
Disrupting or reconfiguring racist narratives about Muslims? The representation of British Muslims during the Covid crisis17
Tackling the emotional toll together: How journalists address harassment with connective practices17
Regional news audiences’ value perception of local news16
Data-driven news work culture: Reconciling tensions in epistemic values and practices of news journalism16
Who is the censor? Self-censorship of Russian journalists in professional routines and social networking16
How much journalism is in brand journalism? How brand journalists perceive their roles and blur the boundaries between journalism and strategic communication15
Smartphones as personal digital archives? Recentring migrant authority as curating and storytelling subjects15
The effect of news labels on perceived credibility14
Transparency as metajournalistic performance: The New York Times’ Caliphate podcast and new ways to claim journalistic authority14
Mediatization and journalistic agency: Russian television coverage of the Skripal poisonings14
Audience expectations of journalism: What’s politics got to do with it?14
Before reception: Trust in the news as infrastructure14
‘Forced to report’: Affective proximity and the perils of local reporting on Syria13
Aspirational lifestyle journalism: The impact of social class on producers’ and audiences’ views in the context of socio-economic inequality13
Perceptions versus performance: How routines, norms and values influence journalists’ protest coverage decisions13
“Toxic atmosphere effect”: Uncivil online comments cue negative audience perceptions of news outlet credibility13
Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder among regional journalists in Pakistan13
Objects of journalism, revised: Rethinking materiality in journalism studies through emotion, culture and ‘unexpected objects’13
News media framing of social protests around racial tensions during the Donald Trump presidency13
A threat to journalism? How journalists and advertising sales managers in news organizations perceive and cope with native advertising12
Mitigating the consequences of negative news: How constructive journalism enhances self-efficacy and news credibility12
Where exactly between utopia and dystopia? A framing analysis of AI and automation in US newspapers12
Diffusion of innovations in digital journalism: Technology, roles, and gender in modern newsrooms12
Outbreak news production as a site of tension: Journalists’ news-making of global infectious disease12
Beyond verification: Flesh witnessing and the significance of embodiment in conflict news11
Origin stories of local journalism entrepreneurs11
Illusio and disillusionment: expectations met or disappointed among young journalists11
An unavoidable convenience: How post-millennials engage with the news that finds them on social and mobile media11
The media diversity and inclusion paradox: Experiences of black and brown journalists in mainstream British news institutions11
Satirical news from left to right: Discursive integration in written online satire11
Redefining journalism narratives, distribution strategies, and user involvement based on innovation in digital native media11
Covering sustainable finance: Role perceptions, journalistic practices and moral dilemmas11
Viral journalism. Strategy, tactics and limitations of the fast spread of content on social media: Case study of the United Kingdom quality publications10
Why people don’t pay for news: A qualitative study10
Deepfakes, misinformation and disinformation and authenticity infrastructure responses: Impacts on frontline witnessing, distant witnessing, and civic journalism10
Russia’s law ‘On news aggregators’: Control the news feed, control the news?10
National prisms of a global phenomenon: A comparative study of press coverage of climate change in the US, UK and China10
Moral solidarity as a news value: Rendering marginalized communities and enduring social injustice newsworthy10
From magazines to blogs: The shifting boundaries of fashion journalism10
The blurring line between freelance journalists and self-employed media workers9
Disconnecting from digital news: News avoidance and the ignored role of social class9
Expert voices in the news reporting of the coronavirus pandemic: A study of UK television news bulletins and their audiences9
A typology of alternative online political media in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal content analysis (2015–2018)9
Cross-bordering journalism: How intermediaries of change drive the adoption of new practices9
A cudgel of repression: Analysing state instrumentalisation of the ‘fake news’ label in Southeast Asia9
Do journalists differentiate between Muslims and Islamist terrorists? A content analysis of terrorism news coverage8
Applying news values theory to liking, commenting and sharing mainstream news articles on Facebook8
Emotive, evaluative, epistemic: A linguistic analysis of affectivity in news journalism8
Workplace well-being and support systems in journalism: Comparative analysis of Germany and the United Kingdom8
Reciprocal journalism’s double-edged sword: How journalists resolve cognitive dissonance after experiencing harassment from audiences on social media8
‘It’s OK to feel’: The emotionality norm and its evolution in U.S. print journalism8
“Why I quit journalism:” Former journalists’ advice giving as a way to regain control8
Challenging journalistic objectivity: How journalists of color call for a reckoning8
Data journalism uptake in South Africa’s mainstream quotidian business news reporting practices8
Defending democracy or amplifying populism? Journalistic coverage, Twitter, and users’ engagement in Bolsonaro’s Brazil8
Expanding peace journalism: A new model for analyzing media representations of immigration8
Communities of practice in the production and resourcing of fact-checking8
Independent or a political pawn? How recipients perceive influences on journalistic work compared to journalists and what explains their perceptions8
Whose stories are told and who is made responsible? Human-interest framing in health journalism in Norway, Spain, the U.K. and the U.S.8
What is terrorism (according to the news)? How the German press selectively labels political violence as “terrorism”8
Reporting familicide-suicide in broadcast media: An Irish case study to inform better practice7
Parasitic news: Adoption and adaption of journalistic conventions in hybrid political communication7
Agents of meta: Institutional actors in the journalism space and the innovation of local news7
Individual differences in affective agenda setting: A cross-sectional analysis of three U.S. presidential elections7
Shaping the ‘inexplicable’: A social constructionist analysis of news reporting of familicide-suicide7
How source-level and message-level factors influence journalists’ social media visibility during a public health crisis7
Using the Responsible Suicide Reporting Model to increase adherence to global media reporting guidelines7
Visual polarisation: Examining the interplay of visual cues and media trust on the evaluation of political candidates7
‘Do digital technologies matter? How hyperlocal media is re-configuring the media landscape of a Russian province’7
Public service media for better democracies: Testing the role of perceptual and structural variables in shaping citizens’ evaluations of public television7
Adopting a mojo mindset: Training newspaper reporters in mobile journalism7
The effects of constructive journalism techniques on mood, comprehension, and trust6
Reporting the unsayable: Scandalous talk by right-wing populist politicians and the challenge for journalism6
Social media, misinformation, and cultivation of informational mistrust: Cultivating Covid-19 mistrust6
Making soufflé with metal: Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on sports journalism practices6
The political economics of news making in Russian media: Ownership, clickbait and censorship6
Journalism ethics with Foucault: Casually employed journalists’ constructions of professional integrity6
Audience understandings of disinformation: navigating news media through a prism of pragmatic scepticism6
Ideological manipulation in political news translation: An actor-network perspective6
Advocacy journalism in the 21st century: Rethinking entertainment in digital Black press outlets6
News comment sections and online echo chambers: The ideological alignment between partisan news stories and their user comments6
Digitizing the paper of record: Archiving digital newspapers at theNew York Times6
Reducing misperceptions through news stories with data visualization: The role of readers’ prior knowledge and prior beliefs6
How fact-checkers delimit their scope of practices and use sources: Comparing professional and partisan practitioners6
Writing for the audience or for public relations? How lifestyle editors perceive expectations about their professional role and manage potential for conflict6
The discourses of data journalism5
Dynamics of (dis)trust between the news media and their audience: The case of the April 2019 Israeli exit polls5
Back to the future of journalist work? Entrepreneurial subjectivity and freelance journalism in Sweden5
“We always report under pressure”: Professionalism and journalistic identity among regional journalists in a conflict zone5
Ethiopian-Israeli women working in mainstream journalism: Linking Ethiopian, black and Israeli identities through news-making5
The (r)evolution of transsexuality in the news media: The case of the Spanish digital press (2000-2020)5
Co-creation in North American and European digital native media: Web, social networks and offline spaces5
Who is a good journalist? Evaluations of journalistic worth in the era of social media5
Social campaigns to social change? Sexual violence framing in U.S. news before and after #metoo5
Social media news editors as journalists or marketeers: Who are they and how do they identify themselves?5
Conservative advocacy journalism: Explored with a model of journalists’ influence on democracy5
How to tackle the conceptual inconsistency of audience engagement? The introduction of the Dynamic Model of Audience Engagement5
Where are the missing girls? Gender inequality, job precarity, and journalism students’ career choices in China5
Resisting the resistance (journalism): Ben Smith, Ronan Farrow, and delineating boundaries of practice5
Interdisciplinary approaches to journalistic translation5
Distributing ethics: Filtering images of death at three news photo desks5
The power of primary definers: How journalists assess the pluralism of economic journalism5
Self-censorship: Foreign journalists’ reportage of Turkey5
Perpetrator witnessing: Testing the norms and forms of witnessing through livestreaming terror attacks5
Networked agenda flow between elite U.S. newspapers and Twitter: A case study of the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement5
The dark side of journalism: Understanding the phenomenology of conflicts in the newsroom and the mechanisms intended to solve them4
Reclaiming the narratives: Situated multidimensional representation of underserved Indigenous communities through citizen-driven reporting4
The structures that shape news consumption: Evidence from the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic4
Journalists as mobility agents: Labor mobilities, individualized identities, and emerging organizational forms4
Examining audience perspectives on local newspaper futures4
Blind spots and diversity in a local media landscape4
Motivated by political beliefs, not only by language: How Russian speakers in Germany compose their transnational news repertoires4
Telling stories from the New Silk Road: A news discourse analysis of BBC’s podcast episodes on the Belt and Road Initiative4
The epistemic injustice in conflict reporting: Reporters and ‘fixers’ covering Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine4
How to report on elections? The effects of game, issue and negative coverage on reader engagement and incivility4
Exploring “ideological correction” in digital news updates of Portland protests & police violence4
After the revolution: Tunisian journalism students and a news media in transition4
Risk perception in newspaper chains: Threats, uncertainties and corporate boundary work4
A public good: Can government really save the press?4
Marketing the construction of reality: Multiplatform production routines and the renegotiation of journalistic role identities in a legacy local television newsroom4
Metrics as the new normal – exploring the evolution of audience metrics as a decision-making tool in Swedish newsrooms 1995-20224
Divide and rule: Populist crackdowns and media elites in the Philippines4
“It’s a matter of age”: Four dimensions of youths’ news consumption4
Journalism as a profession of conditional permeability: A case study of boundaries in a participatory online news setting4
Justifying the news: The role of evidence in daily reporting4
Where news could not inspire change: TRT World as a party broadcaster4
Strategy framing in the international arena: A cross-national comparative content analysis on the China-US trade conflict coverage4
News automation, materialities, and the remix of an editorial process4
Discursive representation of the Article 370 abrogation: A comparative CDA of the headlines of two major Indian online news publications4
Epistemic modes in news production: How journalists manage ways of knowing in hybrid media events involving terrorist violence4
The more, the better? Effects of transparency tools and moderators on the perceived credibility of news articles4
Stereotypes and sexism? Effects of gender, topic, and user comments on journalists’ credibility4
Exploring the link between media concentration and news content diversity using automated text analysis3
Journalists’ creative process in newswork: A Grounded theory study from the Philippines3
Representations of the 2014 Hong Kong protests in journalistic translation: A corpus-based critical framing analysis of Chinese and English news coverage3
Black maternal mortality in the media: How journalists cover a deadly racial disparity3
Anger and the investigative journalist3
Media’s portrayal of CAM: Exploring 40 years of narratives and meanings in public discourse3
What is sex journalism or, rather, how does it become? Interviews with news workers on the risk and precarity of a gendered news niche3
Of essential workers and working from home: Journalistic discourses and the precarities of a pandemic economy3
Journalistic knowledge production during a social crisis: How journalists claimed professional authority during the Chilean social uprising3
Black bodies at risk: Exploring the corporeal iconography of the anti-police brutality movement3
How radio influences indigenous language podcasts in South Africa: A case study of Epokothweni and iLukuluku3
The news production process in the Brazilian journalistic coverage of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games3
Trends in the interest in COVID-19 news of the local media and their readers: The case of Spain3
How online harassment affects Korean journalists? The effects of online harassment on the journalists’ psychological problems and their intention to leave the profession3
The role of wire services in the new millennium: An examination of the foreign-reporting about Latin America in the German press3
Using computational tools to support journalists’ creativity3
Contagious accuracy norm violation in political journalism: A cross-national investigation of how news media publish inaccurate political information3
How organizational leadership and boundary spanners drive the transformation process of a local news media organization3
The effects of transparency cues on news source credibility online: An investigation of ‘opinion labels’3
Cross-cultural engagement through translated news: A reception analysis3
Performing journalism. Making sense of ethical practice within local interloper media3
Framing migration in the Greek press; An analysis of the ‘Evros events’ in left, liberal, and far-right newspapers3
Digital journalism in Spain: Technological, sociopolitical and economic factors as drivers of media evolution3
Gender byline bias in sports reporting: Examining the visibility and audience perception of male and female journalists in sports coverage3
Gendering in the electoral run: A media monitoring study of women politicians’ representation in Belgian news3
Taking to the streets: The effects of in-the-field harassment against journalists covering protests3
Kontrpropaganda today: The roots of RT’s defensive practices and countering ethic3
Managing and resisting workplace reorganization: Labor-management relations in a pre-digital media corporation3
The news expectation predicament: Comparing and explaining what audiences expect from the roles and reporting practices of reporters on right-wing extremism3
Making “Un-news”: News aggregation in Chinese press3
Racism and journalism: The dangers of returning to the ‘safe-space’ of objectivity3
A brief history of news making in Russia3
Are byline biases an issue of the past? The effect of author’s gender and emotion norm prescriptions on the evaluation of news articles on gender equality3
Media and public sphere in Ethiopia: Mediated deliberations in public and commercial television programs3
The discursive representation of male sex workers in Thai newspapers3
Open-source investigation as a genre of conflict reporting3
Encoding polysemy in the news3
Evaluating “exemplary data journalism” from Asia: An exploration into South China Morning Post’s data stories on China and the world3
Intertextuality and ideology: Social actor’s representation in handling of COVID-19 from China daily3
Social media algorithmic versus professional journalists’ news selection: Effects of gate keeping on traditional and social media news trust3
“You suck it up and you deal with it”: Blind spots in investigative reporting and how to overcome them3
Future conceptual challenges of cross-border journalism3
Lost in the stream? Professional efficacy perceptions of journalists in the context of dark participation3
Blast from the past: U.S. foreign policy and Indexing India in U.S. press during Cold War3
Producing anti-regime protest news in a polarized and clientelistic media system: A frame building approach3
Euphoric defiance: The role of positive emotions in the British Eurosceptic discourse3
Framing media populism: The political role of news media editorials in Duterte’s Philippines3
Media crisis and its effects on digital journalism careers in Canada2
Could cutting costs mean changing minds? Effects of local television news work routines on viewer attention, information-processing, and perceptions of story importance2
An Asian version of data journalism?: Uncovering “Asian values” in data stories produced across Asia2
The translation of multimedia news stories: Rewriting the digital narrative2
Look me in the eyes: How direct address affects viewers’ experience of parasocial interaction and credibility?2
Their floods and Our floods: News values of flood photo galleries of Associated Press and Xinhua News Agency2
Coverage of Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in the international press: A perspective on indexing theory2
How have quality newspapers covered the microbiome? A content analysis of The New York Times, The Times, and El País2
Journalistic translation: A gate at which journalism studies and translation studies meet2
On digital slow journalism in Spanish: An overview of ten media cases from Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Spain2
‘Radio as usual’? Digital technologies and radio in conflict-Affected Burkina Faso2
The dependence of election coverage on political institutions: Political competition and policy framing in Germany and the United Kingdom2
A field theory approach to international journalism: The case of Indian journalists in the middle east2
Same threats, different platforms? Female journalists’ experiences of online gender-based violence in selected newsrooms in Namibia2
Small world sampling: Qualitative sample reliability and validity for efficient and effective recruitment of journalists as research participants2
Do media systems matter? A comparative study of editorials on the migration crisis in the UK, German and Greek traditional press2
The transformative public of Jane Addams2
The societal context of professional practice: Examining the impact of politics and economics on journalistic role performance across 37 countries2
How journalists internalize news practices and why it matters2
Personalisation in Journalism: Ethical insights and blindspots in Finnish legacy media2
Assessing the growth of data journalism start-ups as alternative media and their roles in “flawed democracies”2
Silencing journalists in matters of public interest: Journalists and editors assessments of the impact of SLAPPs on journalism2
Speaking the language of market segmentation: How newsworkers describe their organization’s target audience2
Re-imagining the quantitative-qualitative relationship throughcolouringandanchoring2
The imponderabilia of a stringer’s everyday life in Darjeeling Hills – excerpts from an ethnographer’s field diary2
Journalism ‘fixers’, hyper-precarity and the violence of the entrepreneurial self2
Euphoria, disillusionment and fear: Twenty-five years of digital journalism (research)2
In feminism we trust! On how feminist standpoint epistemologies shape journalism practices in two argentine digital newsrooms2
“I love learning new things”: An institutional logics perspective on learning in professional journalism2
How does the political enter the newsroom? The representation of the Kurdish ‘Other’ in Turkish journalism2
Digital transformation of journalism and media in Serbia: What has gone wrong?2
(Re)connecting with audiences. An overview of audience-inclusion initiatives in European French-speaking local news media2
Functional interlopers: Lifestyle journalists' discursive construction of boundaries against digital lifestyle influencers2
Analyzing media–government relations on policy issues in the semi-democratic milieu of Pakistan2
Branding a city through journalism in China: The example of Shenzhen2
‘Nobody feels safe’: Vulnerability, fear and the micro-politics of ordinary voice in crime news television2
Situational effects of journalistic resources on gender imbalances in the coverage of Swiss news media: A longitudinal analysis from 2011 to 20192
Who is who in fact-checked conspiracy theories? Disseminators, sources, and the struggle for authority in polarized environments2
Does the audience welcome an audience-oriented journalism?2
Labouring the news: Management control strategies and work intensification in the digital newsroom2
Unethical but not illegal: Revisiting brown envelope journalism practice in Kuwait2
Covering religion: Field insurgency in United States religion reporting2
Interrogating empathy in two long form texts: a comparative textual analysis of trauma affect2
Facing the music: Stereotyping of and by women in US music journalism2
Hate as a ‘hook’: The political and affective economy of ‘hate journalism’2
Willing but wary: Australian women experts’ attitudes to engaging with the news media2
An informed audience: The effects of constructive television news on emotions and knowledge2
Etic and emic data production methods in the study of journalistic work practices: A systematic literature review2
Vernacular journalism: Local news and everyday life2
Exploring audience perceptions of, and preferences for, data-driven ‘quantitative’ journalism2
Story character, news source or vox pop? Representations and roles of citizen perspectives in crime news narratives2
Why the media gets it wrong when it comes to North Korea: Cases of ‘dead’ North Koreans in the Kim Jong-un era1