New Genetics and Society

(The TQCC of New Genetics and Society is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
I am a Viking! DNA, popular culture and the construction of geneticized identity17
Problematizing consent: searching genetic genealogy databases for law enforcement purposes15
Thinking the unthinkable: how did human germline genome editing become ethically acceptable?12
Decision-making about non-invasive prenatal testing: women’s moral reasoning in the absence of a risk of miscarriage in Germany10
The omics of our lives: practices and policies of direct-to-consumer epigenetic and microbiomic testing companies10
Beyond nosology? Molecular tumor boards, singularization, and the conflation of diagnosis and therapy10
The consumer representation of DNA ancestry testing on YouTube9
Long-range familial searches in recreational DNA databases: expansion of affected populations, the participatory turn, and the co-production of biovalue9
Past-futures in experimental care: breast cancer and HIV medicine8
Data curation-research: practices of data standardization and exploration in a precision medicine database7
Organizing precision oncology: introduction to the special issue7
The rise of the biocyborg: synthetic biology, artificial chimerism and human enhancement6
The platforming of human embryo editing: prospecting “disease free” futures6
Genetic ancestry testing, whiteness and the limits of anti-racism6
The social shaping of a diagnosis in Next Generation Sequencing5
Organizing the precision clinic: arranging expertise, knowledge and technologies in cancer precision medicine clinical trials5
“Donating with eyes shut”: attitudes regarding DNA donation to a large-scale biobank in Israel5
The new stage of public engagement with science in the digital media environment: citizen science communicators in the discussion of GMOs on Zhihu5
Beyond full jurisdiction: pathology and inter-professional relations in precision medicine5
Accessing targeted therapies for cancer: self and collective advocacy alongside and beyond mainstream cancer charities5
Expanding the notion of “benefit”: comparing public, parent, and professional attitudes towards whole genome sequencing in newborns5