Environmental Science & Policy

(The median citation count of Environmental Science & Policy is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Surging seas, rising sea levels, and sinking communities: The urgent need for climate adaptation in small island states219
Assessment and spatialization of vulnerability of Benin coast to sea level rise using composite/blended approach181
International donors as agents of policy transfer in influencing water legislation: The adoption of the river basin principle by transition economies in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia146
Early European experience with tradable green certificates neglected by EU ETS architects116
An urban PES model for diffused green areas requalification and maintenance in Milan108
Understanding barriers to collaborative governance for the food-energy-water nexus: The case of Phoenix, Arizona104
U.S. states initiation of energy efficiency policies in the era of climate change: Throwing a searchlight on the influence of political partisanship102
Applying Theory of Change in research program planning: Lessons from CGIAR98
Global intercomparison of polyurethane foam passive air samplers evaluating sources of variability in SVOC measurements82
Who should measure air quality in modern cities? The example of decentralization of urban air quality monitoring in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia, Russia)73
How do Brazilian National Park managers evaluate the relationship between conservation and public use?68
Dispossession and governance: The invisible role of indigenous peoples in protected natural areas in Chile66
Networks at the science-policy-interface: Challenges, opportunities and the viability of the ‘network-of-networks’ approach66
The agency of community groups in health and climate change adaptation governance and policy in SIDS: The case of in Toco, Trinidad and Tobago65
Estimating the CAP greening effect by machine learning techniques: A big data ex post analysis62
Coal, power and coal-powered politics in Indonesia59
NAFTA and environment after 25 years: A retrospective analysis of the US-Mexico border58
From self-governance to shared governance: Institutional change and bricolage in Brazilian extractive reserves56
Seeking legitimacy in European biodiversity conservation policies: The case of French national parks56
Mainstreaming climate change mitigation actions in Nepal: Influencing factors and processes55
Can the Paris Agreement deliver ambitious climate cooperation? An experimental investigation of the effectiveness of pledge-and-review and targeting short-lived climate pollutants55
Embedded researchers as transdisciplinary boundary spanners strengthening urban climate resilience52
Imagining circular carbon: A mitigation (deterrence) strategy for the petrochemical industry52
Plastics in a circular economy: Mitigating the ambiguity of widely-used terms from stakeholders consultation51
Influence of methodological choices in farm sustainability assessments: A word of caution from a case study analysis of European dairy farms51
Public opinion on protecting iconic species depends on individual wellbeing: Perceptions about orangutan conservation in Indonesia and Malaysia51
Soil pollution in the European Union – An outlook50
Towards sustainable landscapes: Implementing participatory approaches in contract design for biodiversity preservation and ecosystem services in Europe50
Classed conservation: Socio-economic drivers of participation in marine resource management49
How do household crop and livestock production adapt to extreme climatic events? —Insights from a typical agro-pastoral ecotone on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau49
Governing the Murray-Darling Basin: Integrating social and biophysical indicators for better environmental outcomes48
Design experimentation for Nature‐based Solutions: Towards a definition and taxonomy47
A case study unpacking the collaborative research process: Eight essential components45
Does the scientific knowledge reflect the chemical diversity of environmental pollution? – A twenty-year perspective45
Cities facing the European green deal: Urban policy and locals’ perspective in the post-socialist area45
Integrating traditional and local knowledge into disaster risk reduction policies: Insights from Nepal, India and Bangladesh43
Risk perception and risk realities in forming legally binding agreements: The governance of plastics43
Localising and democratising goal-based governance for sustainability43
Actors mainstreaming nature-based solutions in cities: A case study of Melbourne’s change agents and pathways for urban sustainability transformations43
Lessons learnt from previous local sustainability efforts to inform local action for the Sustainable Development Goals41
Use of scientific evidence to inform environmental health policies and governance strategies at the local level39
A systematic review of emerging contaminants in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), China: Current baselines, knowledge gaps, and research and management priorities39
Social equity and pluralism in Nature-based Solutions: Practitioners' perspectives on implementation39
Evaluating the governance of a European program by identifying the types of overages based on the example of LEADER programs in France, Spain and Hungary: A problematic role for local institutional ar39
Participatory study of policy process for wildlife conservation and ecotourism in Eswatini: A multiple streams analysis38
Beyond a garden: Alignment of Sustainable Development Goals with botanic gardens38
Complementary ideas for the implementation of nature-based solutions38
Delineating expert mangrove stakeholder perceptions and attitudes towards mangrove management in Sri Lanka using Q methodology38
The pendulum movement: Unstable political settlements for artisanal and small-scale mining in Peru37
Editorial Board37
Knowledge brokers within the multiple streams framework: The science-policy interface for livestock and climate change discussions in Kenya37
Breaking the trust paradox: A community-inclusive conservation strategy consistent with the advantages of government protected areas: The case of Mount Huangshan, China37
Editorial Board37
Evaluation for the nexus of industrial water-energy-pollution: Performance indexes, scale effect, and policy implications37
Drivers and barriers to knowledge exchange through an envisioned online platform for transdisciplinary research projects37
Selective world-building: Collaboration and regional specificities in the marine biodiversity field36
Editorial Board36
Continuity and change in forest restoration. A comparison of US ecology and forestry in the 1940s and 1990s36
Comparing biogenic blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) reef definitions in Northern Europe: Implications for management and conservation35
Climate transformation through feminist ethics of care35
Interdisciplinary, but how? Anthropological Perspectives from Collaborative Research on Climate and Environmental Change35
Planetary health values and their implications for sustainability governance: Case study in the City of Blue Mountains, Australia35
Defying the gloom: In search of the ‘golden’ practices of small-scale mining operations34
Usable, but unused: A critical story of co-producing the UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessments34
ICT-based environmental participation in China: Same, same but digital?33
Global relationships between time preference and environmental policy performance33
A comprehensive review on the application of socio-economic analyses in chemical management: Challenges and opportunities33
Legitimacy objects, agents, and evaluators: A framing to strengthen planning and performance of fisheries co-management33
Red wolf science and identity storylines in an online discursive community32
Analyzing changes to U.S. municipal heat response plans during the COVID-19 pandemic32
Problem framing for Australian coastal management32
NYenviroScreen: An open-source data driven method for identifying potential environmental justice communities in New York State32
Decolonizing wildfire risk management: indigenous responses to fire criminalization policies and increasingly flammable forest landscapes in Lomerío, Bolivia31
The governance configurations of green schoolyards31
Imagining urban transformation in Kenya31
The political context of change in transboundary freshwater agreements31
The politics and performativity of REDD+ reference levels: Examining the Guyana-Norway agreement and its implications for ‘offsetting’ towards ‘net zero’31
International human rights and climate change (policies): Challenging the concept of vulnerability30
An enhanced integrated approach to knowledgeable high-resolution environmental quality assessment30
Gender inequalities, water research and knowledge production in Ghana30
Harvesting “development minerals” for local needs in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Malawi30
Wildfire narratives: Identifying and characterizing multiple understandings of western wildfire challenges30
The impact of adopting a water-energy nexus approach in Jordan on transboundary management30
Mapping a Green Infrastructure Network: a framework for spatial connectivity applied in Northern Italy29
What do you mean by values? Integration of social with biophysical knowledge in the development of a landscape decision support system29
Developing resilience to climate change impacts in Antarctica: An evaluation of Antarctic Treaty System protected area policy29
Institutional barriers to actionable science: Perspectives from decision support tool creators29
Are subsidies for climate action effective? Two case studies in the Netherlands29
An integrated policy framework and plan of action to prevent and control plant invasions in India29
A governance perspective for climate change adaptation: Conceptualizing the policy-community interface in Bangladesh28
Exploring the opportunities and constraints to the development of locally applicable water management technology in three sub-Saharan African cities28
Insights into the ‘ecological economics’ of land degradation: A multi-scale analysis with implications for regional development policy and local mitigation measures28
A risk-based method to prioritize cumulative impacts assessment on marine biodiversity and research policy for offshore wind farms in France28
Participatory knowledge integration to promote safe pesticide use in Uganda28
Uncertain climate futures: Cultivating 3 A resilience in urban Ghana27
Raising standards for stakeholder engagement in Nature-based Solutions: Navigating the why, when, who and how27
Knowledge brokers at the interface of environmental science and policy: A review of knowledge and research needs27
The role of community leadership in building community adaptive capacity to coastal hazards – Insights from neighborhood networks in Semarang, Indonesia27
Are fee-and-dividend schemes the savior of environmental taxation? Analyses of how different revenue use alternatives affect public support for Sweden’s air passenger tax27
Achieving the paris agreement goals by transitioning to low-emissions food systems: A comprehensive review of countries’ actions27
Investigating the risky dilemma of regional flood planning: The case of the Wolastoq | Saint John River Basin, Canada27
Formulating a 100-year strategy for managing coastal hazard risk in a changing climate: Lessons learned from Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand26
Digital twinning as an act of governance in the wind energy sector26
Understanding attitudes towards the adoption of nature-based solutions and policy priorities shaped by stakeholders’ awareness of climate change25
Nature futures for the urban century: Integrating multiple values into urban management25
Cultures of transformation: An integrated framework for transformative action25
Are stakeholders ready to transform phosphorus use in food systems? A transdisciplinary study in a livestock intensive system25
Plastic consumption in urban municipalities: Characteristics and policy implications of Vietnamese consumers’ plastic bag use25
A framework for implementing evidence in policymaking: Perspectives and phases of evidence evaluation in the science-policy interaction25
Flood risk management along German rivers – A review of multi-criteria analysis methods and decision-support systems25
A synthesis of the frameworks available to guide evaluations of research impact at the interface of environmental science, policy and practice25
Evaluating the impact of small-scale mining on the achievement of the sustainable development goals in Guyana25
Investigating the intention to participate in environmental governance during urban-rural integrated development process in the Yangtze River Delta Region24
Challenges in assessing and managing multi-hazard risks: A European stakeholders perspective24
Climatisation of agricultural issues in the international agenda through three competing epistemic communities: Climate-smart agriculture, agroecology, and nature-based solutions24
Valuing the contribution of blue carbon to small island developing states' climate change commitments and Covid-19 recovery24
Deficits in implementing integrated water resources management in South Africa: The role of institutional interplay24
Designing role-play simulations for climate change decision-making: A step-by-step approach to facilitate cooperation between science and policy24
Polycentricity in practice: Marine governance transitions in Southeast Asia24
How do local actors coordinate to implement a successful biogas project?24
Navigating the political: An analysis of political calibration of integrated assessment modelling in light of the 1.5 °C goal23
From causes to consequences, from chat to crisis. The different climate changes of science and Wikipedia23
Factual information on the environmental impacts of consumption abroad increases citizens' problem awareness, but not support for mitigating such impacts23
Rethinking blue economy governance – A blue economy equity model as an approach to operationalise equity23
Death by a thousand cuts: Small local dams can produce large regional impacts in the Brazilian Legal Amazon23
Exploring heat risk adaptation governance: A case study of the UK23
Joining forces to fight wildfires: Science and management in a protected area of Pantanal, Brazil23
Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals through development corridors in East Africa: A Q-Methodology approach to imagining development futures23
Experiences of inequality in international collaborative research – Perspectives from environmental and sustainability scholars from Ghana, West Africa23
ChatGPT and the future of impact assessment23
Conceptualising boundary work activities to enhance credible, salient and legitimate knowledge in sustainability transdisciplinary research projects23
Designing successful agri-environmental schemes: A mechanistic analysis of a collective scheme for eco-system services in the Netherlands22
Navigating diverse commercial fisher perspectives for effective knowledge exchange in fisheries research and management22
The climate of counterinsurgency and the future of security in the Sahel22
Priority knowledge needs for implementing nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean islands22
Challenges and opportunities for food systems in a changing climate: A systematic review of climate policy integration22
Traditional and emerging visions of European bison (Bison bonasus) conservation and management: Implication for the IUCN conservation planning22
Geoconservation strategies framework in Brazil: Current status from the analysis of representative case studies22
Adaptation pathways to inform policy and practice in the context of development22
Pathways towards improved water governance: The role of polycentric governance systems and vertical and horizontal coordination22
Adapting participatory processes in temporary rivers management22
Advancing green space equity via policy change: A scoping review and research agenda22
Marine and coastal places: Wellbeing in a blue economy21
Social capital and environmentally friendly behaviors21
The interrupting capacities of knowledge co-production experiments: A sociology of testing approach21
A policy content analysis for evaluating urban adaptation justice in İstanbul21
Can we talk? Disrupting science circles with narrative-led dialogs21
The influence of company sourcing patterns on the adoption and effectiveness of zero-deforestation commitments in Brazil’s soy supply chain20
Understanding the structure of stakeholders − projects network in endangered lakes restoration programs using social network analysis20
Opening the black box of water-energy-food nexus system in China: Prospects for sustainable consumption and security20
“Our burgers eat carbon”: Investigating the discourses of corporate net-zero commitments20
Situating ‘migration as adaptation’ discourse and appraising its relevance to Senegal’s development sector20
Equity in environmental governance: perceived fairness of distributional justice principles in marine co-management20
How can we promote the responsible innovation of nano-agrifood research?20
A new meta-coupling framework to diagnose the inequity hidden in China’s cultivated land use20
A framework for assessing freshwater vulnerability along China's Belt and Road Initiative: An exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity approach20
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Opportunities and challenges on the path towards biodiversity recovery20
The impact of adaptive management on community resilience in arid rural areas facing environmental change: An integrated analytical framework20
Energy transition in Africa: The role of human capital, financial development, economic development, and carbon emissions20
Determination of conservation priority areas in Qinghai Tibet Plateau based on ecosystem services20
Analyzing efficiency and built environment factors for achieving convenient access to public transport: A Europe-wide DEA application19
Towards a classification of vulnerability of small-scale fisheries19
Urban flood risks and emerging challenges in a Chinese delta: The case of the Pearl River Delta19
Corrigendum to “Effectiveness and appropriateness of core areas in an integrated protected area: A case study of Ecological Protected Areas in Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan” [Environ. Sci. Policy19
Strengthening citizen science partnerships with frontline sanitation personnel to study and tackle plastic pollution19
Dam the river: Ontological exclusion in global and Brazilian Integrated Water Resources Management19
The interaction between cultural heritage and community resilience in disaster-affected volcanic regions19
Sustainable innovation policy: Examining the discourse of UK innovation policy19
Implementation of a structured decision-making framework to evaluate and advance understanding of airborne microplastics19
Social housing as focus area for Nature-based Solutions to strengthen urban resilience and justice: Lessons from practice in the Netherlands19
Climate risk maps as boundary objects for future forests18
Embedding co-production of nature-based solutions in urban governance: Emerging co-production capacities in three European cities18
Gender-based climate (in)justice: An overview18
Sámi trust in hydropower governance: A survey study18
Choosing modelling approaches for participatory food governance in city-regions. Comprehensive guidelines for a system-perspective selection18
Analyzing knowledge integration in convergence research18
Indigenous peoples in carbon pricing policymaking18
Leverage points for improving urban biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene: A novel ecosystem lens for social-ecological transformation18
Local content policies: Knowledge stock and future directions for research and policy making in view of the sustainability agenda18
Enhancing meaningful Indigenous leadership and collaboration in international environmental governance forums17
Water security in native American communities of Nevada17
Beyond Academia: A case for reviews of gray literature for science-policy processes and applied research17
Who shapes the environmental policy in the global south? Unpacking the reality of Nepal17
Policy delivery gaps in the land-based flood risk management in China: A wider partnership is needed17
Safety and sustainability by design: An explorative survey on concepts’ knowledge and application17
Identifying priorities for reform to integrate coastal wetland ecosystem services into law and policy17
Capturing flood community perceptions for social vulnerability reduction and risk management planning17
Analysis of participation in collective action initiatives for addressing unilateral agri-environmental externalities17
Towards realization of nexus-doing at the grassroots level: Water-energy-food governance assessment in the Songwe River Basin (Tanzania and Malawi)17
Policy mixes for mainstreaming urban nature-based solutions: An analysis of six European countries and the European Union17
AI and the governance of sustainable development. An idea analysis of the European Union, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum17
Making nature-based solutions climate-ready for the 50 °C world17
Desalination and hydrodiplomacy: Refreshening transboundary water negotiations or adding salt to the wounds?17
Measuring and managing for environmental sustainability. An application of the Environmental Sustainability Gap (ESGAP) framework in New Caledonia16
Editorial to the special issue “Advancing urban ecosystem service implementation and assessment considering different dimensions of environmental justice”16
Palm oil expansion in Malaysia and its countermeasures through policy window and biorefinery approach16
Artisanal and small-scale mining methods and the Sustainable Development Goal 6: Perceived implications for clean water supply16
A comparative analysis of policies and strategies supporting district heating expansion and decarbonisation in Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom – Lessons for slow adopters of di16
Participatory approaches for planning nature-based solutions in flood vulnerable landscapes16
Collaborative valuation of ecosystem services to inform lake remediation16
When does place attachment lead to climate change adaptation and when does it not? A quantitative review and thematic analysis16
Developing a sustainable development goals index for OECD countries: An effectiveness-based hierarchical data envelopment analysis16
“It's dry, it has fewer charms!”: Do perceptions and values of intermittent rivers interact with their management?16
Resource nexus perspectives in the Blue Economy of India: The case of sand mining in Kerala16
A knowledge exchange framework to connect research, policy, and practice, developed through the example of the Chinese island of Hainan16
Assessment of water security in the large watersheds of Iran16
Regional forest green infrastructure planning and collaborative governance: A case study from southern Sweden16
“An island on the edge of Europe”: A study on academic air travel in Finland through a combined model of practice16
Bringing citizen science to life: Evaluation of a national citizen science program for public benefit16
Digitalising governance processes and water resources management to foster sustainability strategies in the Mediterranean agriculture16
Navigating community engagement in participatory modeling of food systems16
Local multilevel governance arrangements for climate change planning and management in Kumasi, Ghana16
Standardisation in the context of science and regulation: An analysis of the Bioeconomy16
Operationalizing the biocultural perspective in conservation practice: A systematic review of the literature16
Systems-thinking for environmental policy coherence: Stakeholder knowledge, fuzzy logic, and causal reasoning16
A conceptual framework for the assessment of and the transition to liveable, sustainable and equitable cities16
Disconnected: Unpacking policy framing processes of energy exclusion in Spain16
Changing policy paradigms: How are the climate change mitigation-oriented policies evolving in Nepal and Bangladesh?16
Pathways to transformative adaptation in southern African cities: A criteria-based assessment in Harare and Durban16
Fiji’s policy response to COVID-19 and the integration of Indigenous voices16
Poverty: A central barrier to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals16
Weaving scientific and local knowledge on climate change impacts in coastal Kenya, Western Indian Ocean15
Experimental co-production of knowledge to adapt to environmental change in northern India15
Applying a new protocol to avoid maladaptation shows that Degrowth is the most suitable strategy of European mountains15
Localizing the indigenous environmental steward norm: The making of conservation and territorial rights in Peru15
Handling a complex agenda: A review and assessment of methods to analyse SDG entity interactions15
Examining local institutional networks for sustainable disaster management: Empirical evidence from the South-West coastal areas in Bangladesh15
Trends in sustainability assessment supported by geographic information systems: A bibliometric approach15
Advancing socio-ecological considerations in impact assessment of extractive industries: A realist interview study in the Canadian context15
The holobiome of marine harmful algal blooms (HABs): A novel ecosystem-based approach for implementing predictive capabilities and managing decisions15
Environmental vulnerability assessment of Brazilian Amazon Indigenous Lands15
Building a knowledge infrastructure for Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP). An analytical approach based on the experimental TIP conference 202215
Transmission of indigenous knowledge systems under changing landscapes within the vhavenda community, South Africa15
A digital approach to quantifying political vulnerability of protected areas15
Land for flood risk management—Instruments and strategies of land management for polders and dike relocations in Germany15
IPBES: Three ways forward with frameworks of values15
Covid-19 Crisis Communications: The Challenge for Environmental Organizations15
Effects of national affiliations and international collaboration on scientific findings: The case of transboundary air pollution in Northeast Asia15
The role of citizen science in addressing plastic pollution: Challenges and opportunities15
Health and landscape approaches: A comparative review of integrated approaches to health and landscape management15
“It’s important to know about this” - risk communication and the impacts of chronic wasting disease on indigenous food systems in Western Canada15
Promoting climate-resilient cities: Developing an attitudinal analytical framework for understanding the relationship between humans and blue-green infrastructure15
Envisioning “new forests” on abandoned farmland in Russia: A discourse analysis of a controversy15
Problematizing post-normal science in the Global South15
It is possible to conciliate policy-driven forestry expansion and “malezales” wetlands conservation in Argentina?15
Comparing normative and descriptive methods for multi-criteria decision analysis: A case study evaluating wetland restoration opportunities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA15
Advancing the potential impact of future scenarios by integrating psychological principles15
The role of iconic places, collective efficacy, and negative emotions in climate change communication15
Effects of policy and functional (in)coherence on coordination – A comparative analysis of cross-sectoral water management problems15
Assessing the effectiveness of the engagement of local people in restoring degraded forest landscapes in leyte and Biliran Provinces, the Philippines15