International Journal of Management Reviews

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Management Reviews is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Advancing literature review methodology through rigour, generativity, scope and transparency111
The COVID‐19 Pandemic: What can we learn from past research in organizations and management?108
Mapping women's involvement in family firms: A review based on bibliographic coupling analysis95
Utilization and development of systematic reviews in management research: What do we know and where do we go from here?91
Creating shared value: A systematic review, synthesis and integrative perspective73
Generativity: A systematic review and conceptual framework68
Temporary Competitive Advantage: A State‐of‐the‐Art Literature Review and Research Directions60
Institutional theory‐based research on corporate social responsibility: Bringing values back in55
Corporate sustainability management accounting and multi‐level links for sustainability – A systematic review52
Social media and luxury: A systematic literature review51
The attention‐based view: Review and conceptual extension towards situated attention46
Elite philanthropy in the United States and United Kingdom in the new age of inequalities45
A century of labour turnover research: A systematic literature review45
Making connections: Harnessing the diversity of strategy‐as‐practice research42
Strategic Leadership of Innovation: A Framework for Future Research42
How can research contribute to the implementation of sustainable development goals? An interpretive review of SDG literature in management41
The future of grand challenges research: Retiring a hopeful concept and endorsing research principles40
A (Re)view of the Philosophical Foundations of Strategic Management38
Unpacking the circular economy: A problematizing review38
Resilience, robustness, and antifragility: Towards an appreciation of distinct organizational responses to adversity37
The Identity of Entrepreneurs: Providing Conceptual Clarity and Future Directions37
The evolution of employee engagement: Towards a social and contextual construct for balancing individual performance and wellbeing dynamically34
Examining the Ability, Motivation and Opportunity (AMO) framework in HRM research: Conceptualization, measurement and interactions30
Linking individuals’ resources with (perceived) sustainable employability: Perspectives from conservation of resources and social information processing theory28
Making sense of sensory brand experience: Constructing an integrative framework for future research28
Employee green behaviour: A review and recommendations for future research27
‘You've Been Framed’: A critical review of academic discourse on philanthrocapitalism26