European Journal of Innovation Management

(The median citation count of European Journal of Innovation Management is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
On the use of AI-based tools like ChatGPT to support management research97
How servant leadership triggers innovative work behavior: exploring the sequential mediating role of psychological empowerment and job crafting74
Trust, knowledge sharing, and innovative work behavior: empirical evidence from Poland68
Green innovation: a multidomain systematic review62
Green market orientation, green innovation capability, green knowledge acquisition and green brand positioning as determinants of new product success57
Innovation performance in digital economy: does digital platform capability, improvisation capability and organizational readiness really matter?56
Can intellectual capital promote the competitive advantage? Service innovation and big data analytics capabilities in a moderated mediation model54
Entrepreneurial leadership and employee innovative behavior: an examination through multiple theoretical lenses52
Financial leverage and corporate innovation in Chinese public-listed firms51
Determinants of radical and incremental innovation: the influence of transformational leadership, knowledge sharing and knowledge-centered culture50
Knowledge management enablers and knowledge management processes: a direct and configurational approach to stimulate green innovation48
The impact of digitalisation vision and information technology on organisations' innovation46
Creative leadership, innovation climate and innovation behaviour: the moderating role of knowledge sharing in management45
The nexus between dynamic capabilities and competitive firm performance: the mediating role of open innovation45
Think human, act digital: activating data-driven orientation in innovative start-ups44
Big data analytics capabilities and organizational performance: the mediating effect of dual innovations44
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) facing an evolving technological era: a systematic literature review on the adoption of technologies in SMEs44
How can open innovation contribute to circular economy adoption? Insights from a literature review42
Distributed innovation, digital entrepreneurial opportunity, IT-enabled capabilities, and enterprises' digital innovation performance: a moderated mediating model41
How does entrepreneurial leadership affect innovation work behavior? The mediating role of individual and team creativity self-efficacy41
How does ambidextrous leadership promote innovation in project-based construction companies? Through mediating role of knowledge-sharing and moderating role of innovativeness41
Does venture capital help to promote open innovation practice? Evidence from China37
The effects of information technology capability and knowledge base on digital innovation: the moderating role of institutional environments37
Stimulating frugal innovation via information technology resources, knowledge sources and market turbulence: a mediation-moderation approach35
Landlords with no lands: a systematic literature review on hybrid multi-sided platforms and platform thinking35
The evolution of sustainable innovation: from the past to the future33
High-performance work practices do much, but H.E.R.O does more: an empirical investigation of employees' innovative behavior from the hospitality industry33
Innovation and human resource management: a systematic literature review33
An open innovation approach to co-produce scientific knowledge: an examination of citizen science in the healthcare ecosystem31
Big data analytics in innovation processes: which forms of dynamic capabilities should be developed and how to embrace digitization?31
Fostering product and process innovation through transformational leadership and knowledge management capability: the moderating role of innovation culture29
Adoption of green innovations by SMEs: an investigation about the influence of stakeholders29
Technological innovation research in the last six decades: a bibliometric analysis28
More capable, more innovative? An empirical inquiry into the effects of dynamic managerial capabilities on digital firms' innovativeness27
Investigating the role of Fintech in the banking industry: what do we know?27
The impact of board gender diversity and foreign institutional investors on firm innovation: evidence from China27
Entrepreneurial orientation, new product development and firm performance: the moderating role of legitimacy in Chinese high-tech SMEs26
Social capital and business model innovation in SMEs: do organizational learning capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation really matter?26
Innovation and internationalization in family SMEs: analyzing the role of family involvement26
Digital transformation in tourism: bibliometric literature review based on machine learning approach24
Linking ethical leadership to followers' innovative work behavior in Pakistan: the vital roles of psychological safety and proactive personality24
Innovation adoption in inter-organizational healthcare networks – the role of artificial intelligence23
Microfoundations of SME open innovation: the role of help, knowledge sharing and hiding23
The impact of innovation on agribusiness competitiveness: the mediating role of technology transfer and productivity23
Role of smart technology use behaviour in enhancing tourist revisit intention: the theory of planned behaviour perspective23
Can TMT vertical pay disparity promote firm innovation performance? The moderating role of CEO power and board characteristics23
Sustainable leadership and heterogeneous knowledge sharing: the model for frugal innovation23
Effects of open innovation breadth on industrial innovation input–output relationships22
Digitalizing business models in hospitality ecosystems: toward data-driven innovation22
Bricolage as capability for frugal innovation in emerging markets in times of crisis22
Investigating employee creativity through employee polychronicity and employee resilience: a glimpse of nurses working in the health-care sector22
Boosting innovative business ideas through hackathons. The “Hack for Travel” case study21
A review of the literature on innovation in the agrofood industry: sustainability, smartness and health21
Does green process innovation affect a firm's financial risk? The moderating role of slack resources and competitive intensity21
Research on the impact of digital finance on the innovation performance of enterprises21
Open innovation and organizational ambidexterity20
The influence of organisational justice and ethical leadership on employees’ innovation behaviour20
Knowledge sharing barriers and knowledge sharing facilitators in innovation19
Uncovering value creation in innovation ecosystems: paths towards shared value19
Impact of knowledge search on product and process innovation: mediating role of absorptive capacity and moderating role of IT capability19
Managing the complexity of green innovation19
Crowdfunding small businesses and startups: a systematic review, an appraisal of theoretical insights and future research directions19
Design thinking for innovation: context factors, process, and outcomes19
Attitude vs involvement: a systematic literature review at the intersection between engagement and innovation19
Servant and authentic leadership as drivers of innovative work behaviour: the moderating role of creative self-efficacy19
The mediating role of financial performance in the relationship between green innovation and firm value: evidence from ASEAN countries18
Decoding the data economy: a literature review of its impact on business, society and digital transformation18
Innovativeness and performance: the joint effect of relational trust and combinative capability18
How digital transformation helps enterprises achieve high-quality development? Empirical evidence from Chinese listed companies18
The role of innovation capability in the relationship between marketing capability and new product development: evidence from the telecommunication sector17
Industry 4.0 base technologies and business models: a bibliometric analysis17
Exploring how entrepreneurial orientation improve firm resilience in digital era: findings from sequential mediation and FsQCA17
Neuroscience approach for management and entrepreneurship: a bibliometric analysis17
Diversity, climate and innovative work behavior17
How do human relationships change in the digital environment after COVID-19 pandemic? The road towards agility16
The differential impact of user- and firm-generated content on online brand advocacy: customer engagement and brand familiarity matter16
How to unleash innovative work behavior of SMEs' workers through knowledge sharing? Accessing functional flexibility as a mediator15
Customer participation in new product development: an Industry 4.0 perspective15
Do different genders' knowledge sharing behaviors drive different innovative behavior? The moderating effect of social capital15
Promoting entrepreneurial intentions for academic scientists: combining the social cognition theory and theory of planned behaviour in broadly-defined academic entrepreneurship15
Managing open innovation within supply networks in mature industries15
The fine line between success and failure: an analysis of open innovation projects15
Customer cocreation experience in online communities: antecedents and outcomes15
Embedding entrepreneurship in doctoral students: the impact of a T-shaped educational approach15
At the crossroad of digital and tourism entrepreneurship: mediating effect of digitalization in hospitality industry15
Impact of ambidextrous human resource practices on employee innovation performance: the roles of inclusive leadership and psychological safety15
Adaptive marketing capability and product innovations: the role of market ambidexterity and transformational leadership (evidence from Pakistani manufacturing industry)15
She-E-Os and innovation: do female CEOs influence firm innovation?15
Effects of corporate reputation and social identity on innovative job performance14
Cooperation for innovation: more is not necessarily merrier14
Visiting museums via augmented reality: an experience fast-tracking the digital transformation of the tourism industry14
Promoting tourism business through digital marketing in the new normal era: a sustainable approach14
Entrepreneurial crowdfunding backer motivations: a latent Dirichlet allocation approach14
Institutional pressure, firm's green resources and green product innovation: evidence from Taiwan's electrical and electronics sector14
Independent directors and firm innovation: the moderating role of gender and nationality diversity14
Value capture in open innovation markets: the role of patent rights for innovation appropriation14
Innovative work behavior scale: development and validation of psychometric properties in higher education in the GCC countries14
Combined influence of exchange quality and organizational identity on the relationship between authoritarian leadership and employee innovation: evidence from China14
New emerging capabilities for managing data-driven innovation in healthcare: the role of digital platforms14
Robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities13
How to benefit from digital platform capabilities? Examining the role of knowledge bases and organisational routines updating13
An integrative framework of innovative work behavior for employees in SMEs linking knowledge sharing, functional flexibility and psychological empowerment13
Digital transformation using industry 4.0 technology by food and beverage companies in post COVID-19 period: from DCV and IDT perspective13
Believe they can succeed, and they will: intrapreneurial behavior and leadership13
TMT leadership ambidexterity: balancing exploration and exploitation behaviors for innovation13
Understanding the relationship between organizational culture and inbound open innovation13
Wellness programs in times of COVID-19, perceived organizational support and affective commitment: effects on employee innovative behavior13
The moderating effects of entrepreneurial orientation on technological opportunism and innovation performance13
University business idea incubation and stakeholders' engagement: closing the gap between theory and practice13
Identifying institutional barriers when implementing new technologies in the healthcare industry13
Your network is your net worth: political ties and innovation performance13
The role of image expectations in linking organizational climate and innovative work behaviour13
Business model innovation canvas: a visual business model innovation model13
Employees' technology adoption in the context of smart tourism development: the role of technological acceptance and technological readiness13
The state of the art of innovation management: insights from a retrospective review of the European Journal of Innovation Management12
Frugal innovation and sustainability outcomes: findings from a systematic literature review12
Innovation in the supply chain and big data: a critical review of the literature12
Mediating effects of employees' eudaimonic and hedonic well-being between distributed leadership and ambidextrous innovation: does employees' age matter?12
Exploring the antecedents of frugal innovation and operational performance: the role of organizational learning capability and entrepreneurial orientation12
Exploring institutional pressure, the top management team's response, green innovation adoption, and firm performance: evidence from Taiwan's electrical and electronics industry12
Psychological empowerment and individual performance: the mediating effect of intrapreneurial behaviour12
Platforms' partner networks: the missing link in crowdfunding performance12
Environmental policy uncertainty and corporate green innovation: evidence from China12
Fostering technological innovation through management and marketing innovation. The human and non-technological linkage12
Identifying contradictions in an incumbent–startup ecosystem–an activity theory approach11
Board industry expertise and innovation input: evidence on the curvilinear relationship and the moderating effect of CEO11
Tackling organizational innovativeness through strategic orientation: strategic alignment and moderating role of strategic flexibility11
Fostering green innovation: the roles of big data analytics capabilities and green supply chain integration11
Crowdfunding and innovation: a bibliometric review and future research agenda11
Board diversity and firm innovation: a meta-analysis11
Modelling organizational resilience structure: insights to assess resilience integrating bounce-back and bounce-forward11
How do Chinese SMEs enhance technological innovation capability? From the perspective of innovation ecosystem11
How do large corporations manage disruption? The perspective of manufacturing executives in Finland11
The dimensional linkage between public service motivation and innovative behavior in public sector institutions; the mediating role of psychological empowerment11
What drives the growth of start-up firms? A tool for mapping the state-of-the-art of the empirical literature11
The impact of proactive personality and psychological capital on innovative work behavior: evidence from software houses of Pakistan11
Transnational knowledge transfer or indigenous knowledge transfer: which channel has more benefits for China's high-tech enterprises?10
The use of augmented reality technologies in tourism businesses from the perspective of UTAUT210
The functioning of dynamic capabilities: explaining the role of organizational innovativeness and culture10
The level matters: building capabilities for innovation and enterprise performance through customer involvement10
Implementing open innovation for radical innovation: three successful cases in the SAES group10
Perceived insider status and employees' innovative behavior: the role of knowledge sharing and organizational innovation climate10
Do autonomous and trusting hospital employees generate, promote and implement more ideas? The role of distributed leadership agency10
Social capital as the main driver of organizationally valuable innovation10
Too much of a good thing? The nonlinear influence of noncontrolling large shareholders on corporate innovation10
How the egocentric alliance network impacts firm ambidextrous innovation: a three-way interaction model10
A survey on incumbent digital transformation: a paradoxical perspective and research agenda9
Leadership for sustainability: fostering organizational learning to achieve radical innovations9
Survival of the fittest: the multiple paths of entrepreneurial leadership driving adaptive innovation in uncertain environment9
Data-driven innovation processes within federated networks9
Innovation capabilities for sustainability: a comparison between Green and Gray companies9
Measuring the impact of remote working adaptation on employees' well-being during COVID-19: insights for innovation management environments9
The coupling and coordination relationship of the digital economy and tourism industry from the perspective of industrial integration9
The relationship between stressors and Chinese employees' innovative work behavior: the role of task crafting and psychological detachment9
The innovation potential of Islamic crowdfunding platforms in contributing to sustainable development9
Innovation conviction, innovation mindset and innovation creed as precursors for the need for achievement and women's entrepreneurial success in South Africa: entrepreneurial education as a moderator9
The evolution of the disruptive ecosystem: a framework integrating disruption, ecosystems, and business models9
The role of social media marketing activities in driving self–brand connection and user engagement behavior on Instagram: a moderation–mediation approach9
How abusive supervision climate affects team creativity: the contingent role of task interdependence9
Industry and country effects on innovation effort9
Green entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge creation process as enablers of green innovation performance: the moderating role of resource orchestration capability9
How does disruptive innovation influence firm performance? A moderated mediation model9
High-performance work systems, learning orientation and innovativeness: the antecedent role of environmental turbulence8
The symbolic costs of advice: how social situations explain the occurrence of unplanned knowledge sharing interactions8
A new era of the music industry? Blockchain and value co-creation: the Bitsong case study8
Exaptive innovation in constraint-based environments: lessons from COVID-19 crisis8
The role of crowdfunding in endorsing responsible open innovation for shared value co-creation: a systematic literature review8
Understanding healthcare sector organizations from a dynamic capabilities perspective8
The adoption of inbound open innovation practices in developing countries: empirical evidence from the manufacturing sector8
Food start-ups: leveraging digital marketing and disruptive information systems innovations to survive in the post-COVID environment8
The evolution of meanings: an empirical analysis of the social media industry8
Do financial constraints moderate the relationship between innovation subsidies and firms' R&D investment?8
Understanding social innovation leadership in universities: empirical insights from a group concept mapping study8
Differences between end user innovators and embedded user innovators in diffusion channel selection: the moderating role of technological advances8
Innovator or collaborator? A cognitive network perspective to vision formation8
Do knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge management capabilities help firms to stimulate ambidextrous innovation: moderating role of technological turbulence8
Effect of knowledge resources on innovation and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities: case of medical tourism sector in Iran7
The impact of social and organisational capital on service innovation capability during COVID-19: the mediating role of strategic environmental scanning7
Governing FinTech for performance: the monitoring role of female independent directors7
The mediation effects of team information processing on new product development success: revising the role of innovation orientation and team unlearning7
Adoption of cryptocurrencies for remittances in the UAE: the mediation effect of consumer innovation7
The role of equity crowdfunding campaigns in shaping firm innovativeness: evidence from Italy7
Knowledge base, technology gap and technology development speed in technological catch-up: innovation choice for China's knowledge-intensive enterprises (KIEs)7
Leveraging on intra- and inter-organizational collaboration in Industry 4.0 adoption for knowledge creation and innovation7
The role of founder reign in explaining family firms' R&D investment: evidence from China7
Mapping the field of crowdfunding and new ventures: a systematic literature review7
Knowledge search strategies and corporate entrepreneurship: evidence from China's high-tech firms7
How designed work environment and enacted work interactions impact creativity and work–life balance7
Change in factor endowment, technological innovation and export: evidence from China’s manufacturing sector7
Enhancing innovation through gender diversity: a two-country study of top management teams7
Internal organizational networks and green innovation performance in Chinese new ventures: the roles of corporate proactive environmental strategy and the regulatory quality7
Navigating the crowdfunding landscape: a study of knowledge trajectories based on main path analysis7
Can market knowledge lead to radical product innovation performance? The double-edged sword effect of absorptive capacity7
Keeping pace with the times: research on the impact of digital leadership on radical green innovation of manufacturing enterprises7
Market uncertainty, innovation of firms in alliance and alliance partner characteristics7
Sharing knowledge processes for promoting innovation in small businesses7
Smart tourism: antecedents to Indian traveller's decision7
Exploring the effects of director network on open innovation: the moderating role of CEO short-sightedness7
Knowledge recombination, environmental turbulence and firms' innovation quality: the evidence from Chinese pharmaceutical industry7
Unleashing family firms' potential to do more with less: product innovation efficiency, family involvement in TMTs and technological collaborations6
External technology acquisition, exploitation and process innovation performance in emerging market small and medium sized enterprises: the moderating role of organizational slack6
Role of managerial perception of competitive pressures in firms' product innovation success6
Post-pandemic opportunities for F&B green supply chains and supply chain viability: the moderate effect of blockchains and big data analytics6
Alone but together: flow experience and its impact on creative output in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®6
Executive compensation incentives, innovation openness and green innovation: evidence from China's heavily polluting enterprises6
Factors that influence service innovation: a systematic approach and a categorization proposal6
Opening up to innovation: emotional intelligence as an intrapersonal resource6
Front-end of innovation: a systematic review and lifecycle analysis6
Corporate tensions and drivers of sustainable innovation: a qualitative study in the food industry6
Geographic search, potential absorptive capacity and radical innovation performance: the moderating role of collaborative network6
Relationship between subjective well-being, perceived organisational culture and individual propension to innovation6
Revealing the importance of international and domestic cooperation by using artificial neural networks: case of European radical and incremental innovators6
Digital transformation in family-owned winery SMEs: an exploratory analysis in the South-Italian context6
Impact of digital inclusive finance on household tourism consumption: evidence from China6
Rethinking innovation through industry and society 5.0 paradigms: a multileveled approach for management and policy-making6
Investigating the factors affecting green innovation of service sector: a moderated mediation model6
Open innovation strategy: a systematic literature review6
Customers' annual report tone and suppliers' innovation decisions: evidence from China6
Supplier change, market competition and enterprise innovation6
Past for Future – museums as a digitalized “interaction platform” for value co-creation in tourism destinations6
Exchange of knowledge in protected environments. The case of university business incubators6
Exploring the factors for open innovation in post-COVID-19 conditions by fuzzy Delphi-ISM-MICMAC approach6
Unlocking e-commerce potential: micro and small enterprises strike back in the food and beverage industry6
How specific investments influence NPD performance: exploring the roles of supplier involvement and IT implementation6
The theoretical framework of enterprise digital innovation: insights from a qualitative meta-analysis6
Not all innovation is prioritized: economic policy uncertainty, industry environmental, and firms' relative exploitative innovation emphasis6
Innovating the supply chain in health-related crises: some evidence from ISINNOVA case6
Managing the product innovations paradox: the individual and synergistic role of the firm inside-out and outside-in marketing capability6
Is green customer integration always a facilitator for green product innovation?: A conflict-based view6
Soft quality management practices and product innovation ambidexterity: the mediating role of market orientation ambidexterity6
Investigating the association between universities' corporate governance structure and the knowledge transfer performance outcomes5
The impact of innovation orientation and knowledge management on business services performance moderated by technological readiness5
Understanding how social responsibility drives social innovation: characteristics of radically innovative projects5
A framework for sustainable technological innovation capability: a research and policy direction5
Does generation matter to innovation development? A new look at entrepreneurial businesses from the perspective of resource-based view (RBV)5
The affective side of innovation ambidexterity: the influence of TMT entrepreneurial passion diversity5
Executive shareholding, institutional investor shareholding and enterprise innovation5
Boundary-spanning search and business model innovation: the joint moderating effects of innovative cognitive imprinting and environmental dynamics5
Supply chain network structure and firm's R&D investments: empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms5
The impact of FDI technology spillover on the innovation quality of Chinese enterprises: a microperspective based on geographic proximity5
The influence of the pillars of digital academic entrepreneurship on university students’ entrepreneurial intention5
Theory of planned behavior and GEM framework – How can cognitive traits for entrepreneurship be used by incubators and accelerators?5
How do formal and informal institutional distance affect the reverse knowledge spillover of Chinese MNCs?5
AMO-enhancing practices, open innovation and organizations’ innovation in the European context: testing a mediation model5
Disentangling the relationship between business model, absorptive capacity, differentiation strategy and performance. Evidence from a transition economy5
Contacts on LinkedIn: equity crowdfunding platforms' networks and creators' innovation performance5
Decoding Asian consumers' willingness to pay for organic food product: a configurational-based approach5
Win the next war vs innovate or die: framing the digital transformation across the Taiwanese sectors5
The double-edged sword effect of social media usage on new product development performance: evidence from Chinese firms5
Unraveling the transformation: the three-wave time-lagged study on big data analytics, green innovation and their impact on economic and environmental performance in manufacturing SMEs5