European Journal of Innovation Management

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Innovation Management is 30. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
On the use of AI-based tools like ChatGPT to support management research97
How servant leadership triggers innovative work behavior: exploring the sequential mediating role of psychological empowerment and job crafting74
Trust, knowledge sharing, and innovative work behavior: empirical evidence from Poland68
Green innovation: a multidomain systematic review62
Green market orientation, green innovation capability, green knowledge acquisition and green brand positioning as determinants of new product success57
Innovation performance in digital economy: does digital platform capability, improvisation capability and organizational readiness really matter?56
Can intellectual capital promote the competitive advantage? Service innovation and big data analytics capabilities in a moderated mediation model54
Entrepreneurial leadership and employee innovative behavior: an examination through multiple theoretical lenses52
Financial leverage and corporate innovation in Chinese public-listed firms51
Determinants of radical and incremental innovation: the influence of transformational leadership, knowledge sharing and knowledge-centered culture50
Knowledge management enablers and knowledge management processes: a direct and configurational approach to stimulate green innovation48
The impact of digitalisation vision and information technology on organisations' innovation46
The nexus between dynamic capabilities and competitive firm performance: the mediating role of open innovation45
Creative leadership, innovation climate and innovation behaviour: the moderating role of knowledge sharing in management45
Big data analytics capabilities and organizational performance: the mediating effect of dual innovations44
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) facing an evolving technological era: a systematic literature review on the adoption of technologies in SMEs44
Think human, act digital: activating data-driven orientation in innovative start-ups44
How can open innovation contribute to circular economy adoption? Insights from a literature review42
Distributed innovation, digital entrepreneurial opportunity, IT-enabled capabilities, and enterprises' digital innovation performance: a moderated mediating model41
How does entrepreneurial leadership affect innovation work behavior? The mediating role of individual and team creativity self-efficacy41
How does ambidextrous leadership promote innovation in project-based construction companies? Through mediating role of knowledge-sharing and moderating role of innovativeness41
Does venture capital help to promote open innovation practice? Evidence from China37
The effects of information technology capability and knowledge base on digital innovation: the moderating role of institutional environments37
Stimulating frugal innovation via information technology resources, knowledge sources and market turbulence: a mediation-moderation approach35
Landlords with no lands: a systematic literature review on hybrid multi-sided platforms and platform thinking35
High-performance work practices do much, but H.E.R.O does more: an empirical investigation of employees' innovative behavior from the hospitality industry33
Innovation and human resource management: a systematic literature review33
The evolution of sustainable innovation: from the past to the future33
An open innovation approach to co-produce scientific knowledge: an examination of citizen science in the healthcare ecosystem31
Big data analytics in innovation processes: which forms of dynamic capabilities should be developed and how to embrace digitization?31