Nursing & Health Sciences

(The TQCC of Nursing & Health Sciences is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Self‐Reported Sarcopenia and Its Association With Multimorbidity in Community‐Dwelling Older Adults: A Cross‐Sectional Study80
Smartphone Application Intervention on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Overweight and Obese High‐Tech Employees: A Randomized Controlled Trial61
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Master Nursing Specialist Students Toward Catheter‐Related Thrombosis: A Cross‐Sectional Study49
A New Adaptation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire in Turkish: Evidence From Nursing31
Understanding the expectations of nursing students following the first clinical internship: A qualitative study31
Translations of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index: A systematic review29
Korean nurses' energy drink consumption and associated factors22
Experience of parents and carers in managing asthma in children20
Effects of pharmacist prescribing on patient outcomes in the hospital setting19
Patients and nursing‐related factors associated with switching from peritoneal dialysis to hemodialysis: A cross‐sectional survey19
Issue Information18
A structural equation modeling analysis of the effects of nurses' spirituality and spiritual care on professional quality of life17
I pretty much followed the law, and there weren't any decisions to make: A qualitative study of self‐advocacy experiences of men with cancer16
Nurse intervention process for the thoughts and concerns of people with cancer at the end of their life: A structural equation modeling approach15
Identifying the impact of audit and feedback on the professional role of the nurse and psychological well‐being: An integrative systematic review15
Effectiveness of HealthTracker for post‐caesarean section surgical site infection surveillance: An intervention study15
How do nursing home nurses conceptualize the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia? A phenomenographic study14
Innovative leadership characteristics of Generation X and Y nurses: A cross‐sectional study13
The measurement of fatigue in clinicians within hospital settings: A systematic review of measurement properties12
Operating room nurses' perceptions of the impact of surgical smoke and its countermeasures: A mixed‐methods study12
Pain intensity and self‐perceived burden mediate the relationship between family functioning and pain catastrophizing in patients with neuropathic pain12
Predictors of maximal postoperative pain at rest in adult patients undergoing elective surgery – A multicenter observational study11
Experiences of gynecological cancer patients receiving care from specialist nurses11
Nurses' experiences of providing transcultural nursing care to minority patients in Yunnan province: A descriptive qualitative study10
Getting caught unprepared”: A phenomenological study of Indonesian nurses dealing with difficulties when caring for patients with coronavirus disease (COVID‐19)9
Implementation lead nurses to lead EBP quality improvement project using the PEACE framework9
Resilience of frontline nurses during the COVID pandemic in China: A qualitative study9
Experiences of COVID‐19 survivors: A qualitative study based on Watson's Theory of Human Caring8
Association between screen time and depressive symptoms in a sample of Chinese medical students: Mediator role of empathy8
Indication‐based and patient‐based hand hygiene performance among nurses working at a university hospital8
The effects of post‐COVID‐19 fatigue in nurses on organizational outcomes8
Issue Information8
Effective communication between nursing professionals and patients after the implementation of mask‐wearing requirements in the clinical setting: A cross‐sectional study8
Experiences and perspectives of nurses infected with COVID‐19: A qualitative systematic review and meta‐synthesis8
Public cancer screening services and participation: What meanings in users' narratives to promote engagement?8
Health comparisons between active and inactive transport modes in urban adults with chronic conditions: A cross‐sectional study7
Understanding early experiences of Chinese frontline nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A text mining and thematic analysis of social media information7
Practices and experiences of European frontline nurses under the shadow of COVID‐197
Breast cancer screening practices and associated factors among Chinese‐Australian women living in Sydney: A cross‐sectional survey study7
Pregnant and postnatal women's experiences of interacting with health care providers about their tobacco smoking7
Qualitative inquiry of a community dance program for older adults in Singapore7
Older persons' perceptions and experiences of community palliative care7
Mapping the clinical care pathways for advanced stage non‐small cell lung cancer patients in Victoria: A retrospective cohort study of supportive and palliative care7
A call to action for an inclusive model of shared decision‐making in healthcare7
Addressing the global shortage of nurses: A call to arms7
Nursing students' motivational and self‐regulated learning during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional study6
The use of photovoice in nursing education: A scoping review6
Effectiveness of a nurse‐led personalized patient engagement program to promote type 2 diabetes self‐management: A randomized controlled trial6
Realities and ideals: Experiences and needs of pediatric oncology nurses in communication processes with children and their families at the end‐of‐life period: A photovoice qualitative study6
Psychological distress and its associations with psychosocial work environment factors in four professional groups: A cross‐sectional study6
Support nursing researchers' need from academic societies duringCOVID‐19: A cross‐sectional survey6
WhatsApp‐based intervention for people with type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial6
Cultural competence among nurses and its influencing factors: A cross‐sectional study6
Discussing around a virtual fire: Citizen engagement in a shared Decision‐Making conference6
Angiopoietin‐like protein 4 treated bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells alleviate myocardial injury of patients with myocardial infarction6
Stress, COVID‐19 related knowledge, attitude, and infection control performance of nurses at long‐term care hospitals6
Factors associated with nursing students' self‐regulated learning in clinical practicum: A descriptive cross‐sectional study6
Experiences of faculty and staff nurses working with nursing students during clinical placement in residential aged care facilities6
Association of depression, pain, resilience, social support with post‐traumatic stress in sexual abuse: A quantile regression approach6
Impact of workplace bullying and resilience on new nurses' turnover intention in tertiary hospitals6
Suffering experiences of people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy: A meta‐ethnographic study6
Moral courage in nursing – An integrative literature review5
The COVID‐19 pandemic: Narratives of front‐line nurses from Wuhan, China5
Issue Information5
Exploring the Caregiver Experiences of Symptom Management in Children With Cancer: A Qualitative Systematic Review5
Prisoners' perceptions of the healthcare service: A qualitative study5
Three learning modalities' impact on clinical judgment and perceptions in newly graduated registered nurses: A quasi‐experimental study5
Proactive Personality and Caring Behavior of Clinical Nurses: A Moderated Mediation Model of Emotional Intelligence and Disgust Sensitivity5
Celebrating 25 Years of Nursing & Health Sciences: Interview With Founders and Editors5
Nursing and Midwifery Students' COVID‐19 Vaccine Regrets and Future Vaccination Intentions: A Mixed Methods Study5
Triage practice in emergency departments in tertiary hospitals across China: A multicenter national descriptive survey5
The opinions and experiences of nursing students, nurses, and patients regarding clinical practices: A mixed‐methods study5
Feasibility of Using Rebound Exercise in Community‐Dwelling Adults With Neurological Disorders5
Disparities in Health Screening Completion Status for Adults with Severe Disabilities Compared to Adults With No Disabilities in Korea: A Retrospective Study of Electronic Health Records5
Determinants of transcultural self‐efficacy among nurses in China: A cross‐sectional study4
Coping with chronic cardiovascular disease in Iran: A qualitative study4
Post accidental injury: Mediating roles of emotional expressivity, rumination, and posttraumatic growth4
Effect of the personal protective equipment donning and doffing program for nurses in military hospitals4
Issue Information4
Experiences of nurses caring for involuntary migrant maternal womenEvidence4
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce emergency department staff occupational stress and/or burnout4
Adaptations in vascular access procedures as an initiative to protect healthcare workers throughout the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Self‐management intervention for patients following hospitalization for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD): A pilot randomized controlled trial4
Health science knowledge translation: Critical appraisal of online physical activity promotion material4
Effectiveness of vibratory stimulation on needle‐related procedural pain in children4
The effect of decontamination using quaternary ammonium chloride on the bacterial burden of hospital privacy curtains4
Empathy of dental students and educators in French hospitals: A cross‐sectional study4
Exploring resilience and workplace adversity in registered nurses: A qualitative analysis4
Nurses' conceptualizations of managing emergencies in nursing homes4
Experiences and perceptions of family members of emergency first responders with post‐traumatic stress disorder4
Effectiveness of stress management interventions for nursing students: A systematic review and meta‐analysis4
Adult women's experiences of urinary incontinence4
Issue Information4
Perspectives of nurse preceptors on a web‐based clinical pedagogy program and clinical teaching: A descriptive qualitative study4
Exploring Health Sciences Students' Perspectives on Using Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Qualitative Study4
Metabolic control and quality of life in type 1 diabetes: Do adherence, family support, and school support matter?4
Experiences of patients with lysosomal storage disorders receiving enzyme replacement therapy4
The moderating role of age and seniority on nurses' emotional dissonance and perceived health4
Nutritional status associated with clinical outcomes among patients hospitalized with COVID‐19: A multicenter prospective study in Egypt4
Coping Styles Mediated the Association Between Perceived Organizational Support and Resilience in Emergency Nurses Exposed to Workplace Violence: A Cross‐Sectional Study3
Effectiveness of physical rehabilitation for physical functioning and quality of life in long‐term care residents with dementia3
International Benchmarks for the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index: A Meta‐Analysis3
Objective Structured Clinical Examination Perception Scale (OSCEPS) for Health Sciences Students: A Psychometric Evaluation Study3
Barriers to communication with people with developmental disabilities: A reflexive thematic analysis3
Factors influencing health‐related quality of life in women with endometriosis: A cross‐sectional study3
Gender differences in unplanned hospital admission: A population‐based approach3
Impact of role conflicts and self‐efficacy on academic performance of graduate‐entry healthcare students: A lagged study3
Spiritual care in Australian general practice nursing: An interpretive descriptive study3
Design and Validation of a Health Inequalities Questionnaire for Occupational Health Nurses and Occupational Health Nursing Students in Spain3
Clinical Research Practitioner: Transformation to a Competent Professional Through Reflective Practice3
Online health information searching and health literacy among middle‐aged and older adults: A cross‐sectional study3
Establishing the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a health belief model based educational training program on health belief perceptions and dementia‐preventive behaviors in people with type 2 d3
Home care providers' perceptions of shared decision‐making with older clients (and their caregivers): A cross‐sectional study3
Conducting qualitative research in the new norms: Are we ready?3
Intensive care unit nurses' conflict of conscience: Walking the Razor's edge3
Hope experiences in pregnant women after artificial reproduction technology: Becoming a mother3
Chain Mediating Effect of Social Support and Trust in Physician on Stroke Caregivers' Decision Self‐Efficacy and Decision Conflict3
Patients' experiences of the decision‐making process for clinical trial participation3
Factors Associated With Medical Expenses Among Long‐Term Care Insurance Recipients Aged 65 Years or Older in Korea3
Perceptions of caring behaviors: Experiences of nurses in Ethiopia3
The impact of an undergraduate students' culture on their learning about mental health: A scoping review3
Toward an adequate understanding of phenomenological and hermeneutic‐phenomenological nursing research3