Australasian Journal on Ageing

(The H4-Index of Australasian Journal on Ageing is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The impact of COVID‐19 on the quality of life of older adults receiving community‐based aged care41
Prevalence of dementia in the Torres Strait28
Characteristics of nursing homes associated with COVID‐19 outbreaks and mortality among residents in Victoria, Australia25
Virtual visits: Reminiscence in residential aged care with digital mapping technologies20
Transforming routinely collected residential aged care provider data into timely information: Current and future directions19
Advocating the rights of people with dementia to contribute to research: Considerations for researchers and ethics committees16
Advancing Australian public health initiatives targeting dementia risk reduction14
Room for improvement: An online survey of allied health professionals’ dementia knowledge13
Loneliness in older age: What is it, why is it happening and what should we do about it in Australia?13
Using information and communication technology learnings to alleviate social isolation for older people during periods of mandated isolation: A review13
Patterns and preferences for accessing health and aged care services in older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians12
Factors associated with the increased risk of dementia found in the Torres Strait11
Providing fall prevention services in the emergency department: Is it effective? A systematic review and meta‐analysis11
Counting the costs of ageism: Discrimination and COVID‐1911