
(The median citation count of Limnology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Determining an effective sampling method for eDNA metabarcoding: a case study for fish biodiversity monitoring in a small, natural river38
Aquatic macrophytes are important substrates for Libellulidae (Odonata) larvae and adults22
Impacts of a floating photovoltaic system on temperature and water quality in a shallow tropical reservoir16
Lake-wide assessment of microplastics in the surface waters of Lake Baikal, Siberia15
Dam promotes downriver functional homogenization of phytoplankton in a transitional river-reservoir system in Amazon14
First observation of incomplete vertical circulation in Lake Biwa13
Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages detect the consequences of a sewage spill: a case study of a South American environmental challenge12
Abundance estimation of riverine macrophyte Egeria densa using environmental DNA: effects of sampling season and location10
Litter decomposition of exotic and native plant species of agricultural importance in Amazonian streams10
Pre-centrifugation before DNA extraction mitigates extraction efficiency reduction of environmental DNA caused by the preservative solution (benzalkonium chloride) remaining in the filters10
Distribution patterns and niche segregation of three closely related Japanese ephemerid mayflies: a re-examination of each species’ habitat from “megadata” held in the “National Census on River Enviro10
Development of novel PCR primer sets for DNA barcoding of aquatic insects, and the discovery of some cryptic species9
Freshwater testate amoebae from waterbodies of North Vietnam with the finding of indicator species9
Geographical fine-scaled distributional differentiation caused by niche differentiation in three closely related mayflies8
The invasive macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata causes taxonomic and functional homogenization of associated Chironomidae community8
Water hyacinth infestation in Lake Tana, Ethiopia: a review of population dynamics8
Application of environmental DNA metabarcoding in a lake with extensive algal blooms8
Benthic macroinvertebrates of tropical streams: functional and trophic diversity of the Lacantún River, Mexico7
Assessing invertebrate response to an extreme flood event at a regional scale utilizing past survey data7
Influences of green macroalgae blooms on nutrients and sulfide dynamics in hypereutrophic intertidal ecosystems7
Interspecific variation in ephippial size between Daphnia galeata and D. pulicaria in Lake Biwa, Japan6
Vertical mixing and oxygen flux caused by daily sea breezes in a shallow stratified lake6
Biodiversity, distribution and production of macrozoobenthos communities in the saline Chernavka River (Lake Elton basin, South-West Russia)6
Spatial distribution and stable isotopic composition of invertebrates uncover differences between habitats on the glacier surface in the Alps5
Spatial pattern of freshwater habitats and their prioritization using additive partitions of beta diversity of inhabitant piscine assemblages in the Terai–Dooars ecoregion of Eastern Himalayas5
Stream water acidification in the Far East of Russia under changing atmospheric deposition and precipitation patterns5
Heavy metals in surface waters of Laguna de Bay, Philippines: current levels and trends5
Impact of throughfall deposition and its runoff through different land use surfaces on the chemistry of Ganga water, Varanasi5
Differential use of trophic resources between an exotic and a coexisting native snail4
Spatial–temporal heterogeneity in a small lake and its implication for paleoclimate reconstruction4
Seasonal variations of rotifer communities in three climatic zones: effects of environmental parameters on changes of functional groups4
Phylogenetic diversity of the picocyanobacterial community from a novel winter bloom in Lake Biwa4
Volcanic and environmental impacts on subfossil chironomids from Northern Patagonia (Argentina) over the last 700 years4
Cadmium uptake and oxidative-stress-induced DNA alterations in the freshwater cladoceran Moina macrocopa (Straus 1820) following consecutive short-term exposure assessments4
Biomonitoring of freshwater lentic habitats using desmids4
Temporal beta diversity increases with environmental variability in zooplankton floodplain communities3
Lipid and fatty acid composition of scavenging amphipods Ommatogammarus spp. from different depths of lake Baikal3
The relative importance of spatial and environmental processes in the assembly of larval Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) communities along a transition landscape in southern Brazilian streams3
Invasive pest spreads beyond the last frontier: Corbicula clam in the Chubut River, Patagonia3
Water temperature and some water quality in Lake Toba, a tropical volcanic lake3
Route selection by fish during post-spate movement in a braided river: a potential effect on local assemblages3
Convection of waters in Lakes Maninjau and Singkarak, tropical oligomictic lakes3
Neonicotinoid occurrence and its potential toxicity level in tropical environmental waters of Indonesia3
Is the littoral zone taxonomically and functionally more diverse? Investigating the rotifer community of a tropical shallow lake3
Simplification and replacement of diatom functional traits from a subtropical floodplain lakes paleolimnological records2
Simple extraction and analysis of environmental DNA using glass fibers in suspension form2
Nematode fauna associated with freshwater microbialites in Bacalar Lake, Quintana Roo, Mexico2
Insect dispersal ability is crucial to overcome limitations in patch colonization of Eichhornia crassipes floating meadows2
Biological traits analysis of free-living nematodes as indicators of environmental quality at Lake Bacalar, Mexico2
The first report of the non-indigenous Chydorus brevilabris Frey, 1980 (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Asian freshwaters2
Hovenia dulcis Thunb. (Rhamnaceae) invasion in the riparian zone alters the dynamics and decomposition of organic matter in subtropical streams, but not of associated invertebrate assemblages2
Effects of exotic fruit plants on leaf decomposition in Amazon: a study in aquatic microcosm2
Biogeochemical characteristics of the Hövsgöl–Ustilimsk water system in Mongolia and Russia: the effect of environmental factors on dissolved chemical components2
Differential intraspecific genetic variations of the closely related, wide-ranged freshwater copepods Cyclops vicinus Uljanin, 1875 and C. kikuchii Smirnov, 19322
New data on morphology, distribution, and relationship of two Asian endemics Netzelia tuberspinifera and Netzelia mulanensis (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) co-existing in the largest natural freshwater lake1
Major ion compositions of springs and rivers in western Bhutan1
Impacts of land use and climate change on runoff in the Shaying River Basin based on SWAT model1
Understanding the effects of environmental heterogeneity on the morphofunctional structure of the phytoplankton community during the hydrological year in an Amazon floodplain lake, Brazil1
Do rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) invasions affect water clarity in north temperate lakes?1
Radiocesium transfer into freshwater planktonic Chlamydomonas spp. microalgae in a pond near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant1
Temporal patterns of alpha and beta diversities of microzooplankton in a eutrophic tidal river in the eastern Amazon1
Can botanic gardens serve as refuges for taxonomic and functional diversity of Odonata? The case of the botanic garden of Castilla–La Mancha (Spain)1
Ecological advantage of polarized light pollution: positive effect of a dark lake patch at a canal inflow on habitat of non-biting midges1
Assessment of the occurrence and abundance of an exotic zooplankton species (Kellicottia bostiniensis) across a neotropical wetland over 12 years1
Detection of polymeric silicate in the pore water of freshwater lakes1
Influence of climate seasonality on the effectiveness of the use of aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban impact evaluation in central Amazonia1
Environmental DNA monitoring method of the commercially important and endangered fish Gnathopogon caerulescens1
Rainfall and drainage basin shape strongly control temporal and spatial variation of dissolved organic matter in a tropical lake1
Closed-circuit hypolimnetic withdrawal and treatment: impact of effluent discharge on epilimnetic P and N concentrations1
Effect of increasing temperature on periphyton accrual under controlled environmental conditions1
Hydrography of Crater Lake of Isabel Island, Nayarit, México1
The effect of preservation on biomass and length estimates and its variation within and between two mayfly species1
Prediction of average score per taxon in Japan using mega data from the national census on river environments1
Discovery of the freshwater sponge genus Corvospongilla Annandale (Porifera: Spongillida) in Australia with the description of a new species and phylogeographic implications1
Sedimentary phosphorus burial in three contrasting boreal lakes in Finland1
Long-term changes in morphological traits of Daphnia pulex in Lake Fukami-ike, Japan1
First occurrence of Cylindrospermopsin in the Azores (Lake São Brás, S. Miguel Island)1
Trophic niche partitioning of Mekong giant catfish Pangasianodon gigas in a tropical reservoir: evidence from stable isotope and fatty acid analyses1
Temporal dynamics of Chironomid (Diptera) diversity under flood–drought pulses in a shallow tropical floodplain lake1