Demographic Research

(The median citation count of Demographic Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Subnational contribution to life expectancy and life span variation changes: Evidence from the United States71
How do environmental stressors influence migration? A meta-regression analysis of environmental migration literature62
The importance of correcting for health-related survey non-response when estimating health expectancies: Evidence from The HUNT Study52
Describing the Dutch Social Networks and Fertility Study and how to process it32
Geographic proximity to siblings in older adulthood31
Use of standard verbal autopsies to improve the mortality data capacity of civil registration and vital statistics systems in low- and middle-income countries: Analysis of key issues29
The role of sex and age in seasonal mortality – the case of Poland28
Marriage intentions, desires, and pathways to later and less marriage in Japan26
Childbearing intentions among Egyptian men and women: The role of gender-equitable attitudes and women’s empowerment23
A survey of baby booms and busts in 20th century Spain21
Age, period, and cohort effects contributing to the Great American Migration Slowdown20
Can status exchanges explain educational hypogamy in India?18
Family status and women’s career mobility during urban China’s economic transition17
When partners’ disagreement prevents childbearing: A couple-level analysis in Australia16
The role of reductions in old-age mortality in old-age population growth16
English fertility heads south: Understanding the recent decline15
An age–period–cohort approach to disentangling generational differences in family values and religious beliefs: Understanding the modern Australian family today15
The paradox of change: Religion and fertility decline in South Korea14
Singlehood in contemporary Japan: Rating, dating, and waiting for a good match13
The mixed blessing of living together or close by: Parent–child relationship quality and life satisfaction of older adults in China13
Socioeconomic development and young adults’ propensity of living in one-person households: Compositional and contextual effects13
Segmented assimilation and mobility among men in the early 20th century12
A decade of TFR declines suggests no relationship between development and sub-replacement fertility rebounds12
Now-casting Romanian migration into the United Kingdom by using Google Search engine data12
Late motherhood, late fatherhood, and permanent childlessness: Trends by educational level and cohorts (1950–1970) in France11
Attitudinal and behavioural indices of the second demographic transition: Evidence from the last three decades in Europe10
The centered ternary balance scheme: A technique to visualize surfaces of unbalanced three-part compositions10
Internal migration and the de-standardization of the life course: A sequence analysis of reasons for migrating10
Low perceived susceptibility to pregnancy as a reason for contraceptive nonuse among women with unintended births10
Intergenerational support during the rise of mobile telecommunication in Indonesia10
Variations in male height during the epidemiological transition in Italy: A cointegration approach10
Educational gradients in nonstandard work schedules among mothers and fathers in the United Kingdom10
The contribution of smoking-attributable mortality to differences in mortality and life expectancy among US African-American and white adults, 2000–201910
Housework time and task segregation: Revisiting gender inequality among parents in 15 European countries9
Mortality inequalities at retirement age between migrants and non-migrants in Denmark and Sweden9
A Bayesian model for the reconstruction of education- and age-specific fertility rates: An application to African and Latin American countries9
Measuring short-term mobility patterns in North America using Facebook advertising data, with an application to adjusting COVID-19 mortality rates9
Introduction to the Special Collection on The new roles of women and men and implications for families and societies9
Pathways and obstacles to parenthood among women in same-sex couples in Spain9
Multiple (il)legal pathways: The diversity of immigrants' legal trajectories in Belgium9
The vanishing advantage of longevity in Nicoya, Costa Rica: A cohort shift9
The ethnic wage penalty in Western European regions: Is the European integration model confirmed when differences within countries are considered?9
The optimal transition to a stationary population for concentrated vitality rates9
The changing socioeconomic composition of the Finnish prison population9
Socio-behavioral factors contributing to recent mortality trends in the United States9
Bayesian implementation of Rogers–Castro model migration schedules: An alternative technique for parameter estimation8
Is single parenthood increasingly an experience of less-educated mothers? A European comparison over five decades8
Trajectories of US parents’ divisions of domestic labor throughout the COVID-19 pandemic8
Improving old-age mortality estimation with parental survival histories in surveys8
Mortality modelling with arrival of additional year of mortality data: Calibration and forecasting8
International completeness of death registration8
Analyzing hyperstable population models7
Open science practices in demographic research: An appraisal7
The pitfalls and benefits of using administrative data for internal migration research: An evaluation of Australia’s Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA)7
Measuring the educational gradient of period fertility in 28 European countries: A new approach based on parity-specific fertility estimates7
Increases in shared custody after divorce in the United States7
Attitudes toward work and parenthood following family-building transitions in Sweden: Identifying differences by gender and education7
Gender division of housework during the COVID-19 pandemic: Temporary shocks or durable change?7
The growth of education differentials in marital dissolution in the United States7
Between money and intimacy: Brideprice, marriage, and women’s position in contemporary China6
Variable-r in sex ratios: Formulas in honor of Jim Vaupel6
Partial fertility recuperation in Spain two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic6
Stability in children’s residential arrangements and distance to nonresident parents in the 10 years after parental separation6
How lifespan and life years lost equate to unity6
Calculating contraceptive prevalence and unmet need for family planning in low-fertility countries with the Generations and Gender Survey6
Ethnic and regional inequalities in Russian military fatalities in Ukraine: Preliminary findings from crowdsourced data6
Predictive utility of key family planning indicators on dynamic contraceptive outcomes: Results from longitudinal surveys in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Uganda, and Côte d'Ivoire6
Point estimation of certain measures in organizational demography using variable-r methods6
The contributions of stochastic demography and social inequality to lifespan variability6
Black–white intermarriage in global perspective6
Birth month and adult lifespan: A within-family, cohort, and spatial examination using FamiLinx data in the United States (1700–1899)5
The short- and long-term determinants of fertility in Uruguay5
Migration, daily commuting, or second residence? The role of location-specific capital and distance to workplace in regional mobility decisions5
Life expectancy loss among Native Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Race, class, and marriage: Components of race differences in men’s first marriage rates, United States, 1960–20195
Changes in birth seasonality in Spain: Data from 1863–1870 and 1900–20215
Introducing the Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey 20225
Do couples who use fertility treatments divorce more? Evidence from the US National Survey of Family Growth5
Nativity differentials in first births in the United States: Patterns by race and ethnicity5
Educational pairings and fertility decline in Brazil: An analysis using cohort fertility5
Exploring the mortality advantage of Jewish neighbourhoods in mid-19th century Amsterdam5
Which definition of migration better fits Facebook ‘expats’? A response using Mexican census data5
Lives saved, lives lost, and under-reported COVID-19 deaths: Excess and non-excess mortality in relation to cause-specific mortality during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden5
The division of housework and childcare from a dyadic perspective: Discrepancies between partners’ reports across the transition to parenthood5
The association between childlessness and voting turnout in 38 countries5
Couples' paid work, state-level unemployment, and first births in the United States5
The bootstrap approach to the multistate life table method using Stata: Does accounting for complex survey designs matter?4
The Own-Children Method of fertility estimation: The devil is in the detail4
Editorial to the Special Issue on Demographic Data Visualization: Getting the point across – Reaching the potential of demographic data visualization4
Culture portability from origin to destination country: The gender division of domestic work among migrants in Italy4
Does race response shift impact racial inequality?4
Family inequality: On the changing educational gradient of family patterns in Western Germany4
Where does public childcare boost female labor force participation? Exploring geographical heterogeneity across Germany 2007–20174
Women's economic empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from cross-national population data4
Do tenants suffer from status syndrome? Homeownership, norms, and suicide in Belgium4
Estimating mortality from census data: A record-linkage study of the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Burkina Faso4
Race and agriculture during the assimilation era: Evidence from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians4
Coping with ageing: An historical longitudinal study of internal return migrations later in life in the Netherlands4
Heterogeneity among the never married in a low-fertility context4
Stability and outcome of interracial cohabitation before and after transitions to marriage4
Accuracy of wives' proxy reports of husbands' fertility preferences in sub-Saharan Africa4
Delayed first births and completed fertility across the 1940–1969 birth cohorts4
Variation in the educational consequences of parental death and divorce: The role of family and country characteristics4
How does the demographic transition affect kinship networks?3
Lessons from the pandemic: Gender inequality in childcare and the emergence of a gender mental health gap among parents in Germany3
Tools for analysing fuzzy clusters of sequences data3
Losing the female survival advantage: Sex differentials in infant and child mortality in Pakistan3
Ultra-Orthodox fertility and marriage in the United States: Evidence from the American Community Survey3
Epilocal: A real-time tool for local epidemic monitoring3
Gone and forgotten? Predictors of birth history omissions in India3
Contraceptive use and fertility transitions: The distinctive experience of sub-Saharan Africa3
D-splines: Estimating rate schedules using high-dimensional splines with empirical demographic penalties3
Going "beyond the mean" in analysing immigrant health disparities3
A counterfactual choice approach to the study of partner selection3
Adult children’s union type and contact with mothers: A replication3
The formal demography of kinship V: Kin loss, bereavement, and causes of death3
Using Respondent-Driven Sampling to measure abortion safety in restrictive contexts: Results from Kaya (Burkina Faso) and Nairobi (Kenya)3
Women’s employment trajectories in a low-income setting: Stratification and change in Nepal3
Using household death questions from surveys to assess adult mortality in periods of health crisis: An application for Peru, 2018–20223
Japanese adolescents' time use: The role of household income and parental education3
Makeham mortality models as mixtures: Advancing mortality estimations through competing risks frameworks3
Analyzing regional patterns of mortality data quality and adult mortality for small areas in Brazil, 1980–20103
The formal demography of kinship VI: Demographic stochasticity and variance in the kinship network3
Gender differences in self-reported health and psychological distress among New Zealand adults3
Fertility among better-off women in sub-Saharan Africa: Nearing late transition levels across the region3
Short- to medium-run forecasting of mobility with dynamic linear models3
Age and COVID-19 mortality: A comparison of Gompertz doubling time across countries and causes of death3
The formal demography of kinship IV: Two-sex models and their approximations3
COVID-19 risk factors and mortality among Native Americans3
Joint physical custody of children in Europe: A growing phenomenon3
Marital plans and partnership transitions among German opposite-sex couples: Couple agreement and gender differences3
Uncovering disability-free grandparenthood in Italy between 1998 and 2016 using gender-specific decomposition3
Metropolitan racial residential segregation in the United States: A microlevel and cross-context analysis of Black, Latino, and Asian segregation3
Comparative evidence of years lived with reproductive-age morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa (2010‒2019)3
Migration’s contribution to the urban transition: Direct census estimates from Africa and Asia3
Cohort fertility of immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union3
Diverging gaps in childcare time by parental education in South Korea3
The COVID-19 pandemic’s unequal socioeconomic impacts on minority groups in the United States3
Has contraceptive use at pregnancy an effect on the odds of spontaneous termination and induced abortion? Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys3
A test of the predictive validity of relative versus absolute income for self-reported health and well-being in the United States3
Partner selection patterns in transition: The case of Turkish and Moroccan minorities in Belgium2
“One hand does not bring up a child:” Child fostering among single mothers in Nairobi slums2
A register-based account of period trends in union prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland2
Who took care of what? The gender division of unpaid work during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in France2
Exploring the concept of intensive parenting in a three-country study2
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s care work and employment in the Middle East and North Africa2
Measuring contraceptive use in India: Implications of recent fieldwork design and implementation of the National Family Health Survey2
Are parents and children coresiding less than before? An analysis of intergenerational coresidence in South Korea, 1980–20152
The role of premarital cohabitation in the timing of first birth in China2
The gender gap in schooling outcomes: A cohort study of young men and women in India2
Spatial heterogeneity in son preference across India’s 640 districts: An application of small-area estimation2
The contribution of assisted reproductive technology to fertility rates and parity transition: An analysis of Australian data2
Using online genealogical data for demographic research: An empirical examination of the FamiLinx database2
Using multiple cause of death information to eliminate garbage codes2
Educational assortative mating and the decline of hypergamy in 27 European countries: An examination of trends through cohorts2
The Average Uneven Mortality index: Building on the ‘e-dagger’ measure of lifespan inequality2
Do same-sex unions dissolve more often than different-sex unions? Methodological insights from Colombian data on sexual behavior2
To what extent were life expectancy gains in South Africa attributable to declines in HIV/AIDS mortality from 2006 to 2017? A life table analysis of age-specific mortality2
Slow-downs of fertility decline: When should we call it a 'fertility stall'?2
Healthy longevity from incidence-based models: More kinds of health than stars in the sky2
Diverse pathways in young Italians’ entrance into sexual life: The association with gender and birth cohort2
Unpacking intentions to leave the parental home in Europe using the Generations and Gender Survey2
LAT relationships: A new living arrangement among the oldest old population in Germany?1
Geographical distance between child and parent after a union dissolution in Sweden, 1974–20111
Incorporating subjective survival information in mortality and change in health status predictions: A Bayesian approach1
Female sterilization in the life course: Understanding trends and differentials in early sterilization1
The Demographic Echo of War and educational attainment in Soviet Russia1
Programmatic access to open statistical data for population studies: The SDMX standard1
Mind the gap: Exploring urban–rural differences in US inter-county migration decisions1
Simulating family life courses: An application for Italy, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden1
Does the fulfillment of contraceptive method preferences affect contraceptive continuation? Evidence from urban Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal1
On the relationship between life expectancy, modal age at death, and the threshold age of the life table entropy1
Cash transfers and fertility: Evidence from Poland’s Family 500+ Policy1
Advanced or postponed motherhood? Migrants’ and natives’ gap between ideal and actual age at first birth in Spain1
The social context of retrospective-prospective changes in pregnancy desire during the transition to adulthood: The role of fathers and intimate relationships1
Age patterns of under-5 mortality in sub-Saharan Africa during 1990‒2018: A comparison of estimates from demographic surveillance with full birth histories and the historic record1
Solo living in the process of transitioning to adulthood in Europe: The role of socioeconomic background1
Educational trends in cohort fertility by birth order: A comparison of England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland1
A potential new pattern of pathway to adulthood is emerging in China1
World population aging as a function of period demographic conditions1
National estimates of kinship size and composition among adults with activity limitations in the United States1
Lowest low fertility in Spain: Insights from the 2018 Spanish Fertility Survey1
Divergent trends in lifespan variation during mortality crises1
The quality of fertility data in the web-based Generations and Gender Survey1
Recent trends in the Chinese family: National estimates from 1990 to 20101
Transitions to adulthood in men and women in rural Malawi in the 21st century using sequence analysis: Some evidence of delay1
Proximity to mother over the life course in the United States: Overall patterns and racial differences1
Union formation under conditions of uncertainty: The objective and subjective sides of employment uncertainty1
The Human Multiple Births Database (HMBD)1
Sample selection bias in adult mortality estimates from mobile phone surveys: Evidence from 25 low- and middle-income countries1
Stepfather families and children's schooling in sub-Saharan Africa: A cross-national study1
Educational selectivity of native and foreign-born internal migrants in Europe1
Migration and demographic disparities in macro-regions of the European Union, a view to 20601
Socioeconomic preconditions to union formation: Exploring variation by migrant background1
A world apart: Levels and determinants of excess mortality due to COVID-19 in care homes: The case of the Belgian region of Wallonia during the spring 2020 wave1
Data errors in mortality estimation: Formal demographic analysis of under-registration, under-enumeration, and age misreporting1
Preparing local area population forecasts using a bi-regional cohort-component model without the need for local migration data1
How much time is left? International trends in parenthood expectancy1
Interracial couples and intergenerational coresidence: Interracial couples who provide housing assistance to their aging parents1
A dyadic approach to the study of perceived subfecundity and contraceptive use1
Two-dimensional contour decomposition: Decomposing mortality differences into initial difference and trend components by age and cause of death1
Interpreting changes in life expectancy during temporary mortality shocks1
Leaving and returning to the parental home during COVID times in France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom1
Projection of US adult obesity trends based on individual BMI trajectories1
Women's employment transitions: The influence of her, his, and joint gender ideologies1
An investigation of Jordan’s fertility stall and resumed decline: The role of proximate determinants1
Introduction to the special collection on family changes and inequality in East Asia1
Socioeconomic differentials in fertility in South Korea1
Global bilateral migration projections accounting for diasporas, transit and return flows, and poverty constraints1
Outsurvival as a measure of the inequality of lifespans between two populations1
Coronavirus and care: How the coronavirus crisis affected fathers' involvement in Germany1