Economics of Governance

(The median citation count of Economics of Governance is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Tax evasion, technology, and inequality35
Country performance during the Covid-19 pandemic: externalities, coordination, and the role of institutions11
Tax evasion and inequality: some theoretical and empirical insights10
Does hosting a professional sports team benefit the local community? Evidence from property assessments7
Does economic freedom lighten the blow? Evidence from the great recession in the United States7
Does expenditure in public governance guarantee less corruption? Non-linearities and complementarities of the rule of law7
CEO political orientation, risk taking, and firm performance: evidence from the U.S. property-liability insurance industry6
The social costs of crime: the erosion of trust between citizens and public institutions5
Property rights, transaction costs, and the limits of the market5
Cabinet size, power-sharing and ethnic exclusion in Africa4
Sharing, gift-giving, and optimal resource use in hunter-gatherer society4
New evidence on the link between ethnic fractionalization and economic freedom3
Exposure to tax dilemmas deteriorate individuals' self-declared tax morale3
Oil bonanza and the composition of government expenditure3
New sports facilities do not drive migration between US cities3
The effect of California’s top-two primary system on voter turnout in US House Elections3
Organizing high-end restaurants2
Shocks to issue salience and electoral competition2
The Perils of Regulating COVID–19: Insights from Kirznerian Entrepreneurship and Ostromian Polycentricity2
Democratizing Tech Giants! A roadmap2
Political competition and economic performance: evidence from Indonesia2
Corruption risk and political dynasties: exploring the links using public procurement data in the Philippines2
Honor among thieves: how nineteenth century American pirate publishers simulated copyright protection2
Consolidated city–county governments and economic stability2
A theory of autocratic transition by government leaders: prerequisites to self-enforcing democracy2
Corruption and politicians’ horizon2
Tax compliance is not fundamentally influenced by incidental emotions: An experiment2
Third-party intervention in secessions2
Economic institutions and horizontal checks and balances in the Chinese bureaucratic system: evidence at the prefecture-city level1
The zecca mint: a self-enforcing monetary constitution in historic venice1
Association membership, election cycles, and political donation patterns1
Inside Buchanan's Samaritan's Dilemma: altruism, strategic courage and ethics of responsibility1
How does municipal governance structure affect innovation and knowledge diffusion? Evidence from U.S. metro areas1
When does government debt make people happier? Evidence from panel data of 125 countries1
Predicting satisfaction with democracy in Germany using local economic conditions, social capital, and individual characteristics1
The autocratic gamble: evidence from robust variance tests1
Alternative intervention mechanisms in rent-seeking contests1
The limit of law: factors influencing the decision to make harmful acts illegal1
The Politics of Sports: Introduction to the Special Issue1
The fragmentation of views in a democracy1
Correction to: Inside Buchanan’s Samaritan’s Dilemma: altruism, strategic courage and ethics of responsibility1
State politics and gender diversity in sport governance1
Incentives of a monopolist for innovation under regulatory threat1