European Physical Journal A

(The TQCC of European Physical Journal A is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Discovery of a new low energy neutron resonance of $$^{89}$$Y54
Deep-inelastic scattering with positron beams53
Two photon exchange with nuclei from $$e^+/e^-$$ elastic cross section ratios52
Angular distribution of $$\gamma $$ rays emitted by oriented nuclei: the case of $$^{92}$$Mo formed in the reaction $$^6$$Li+$$^{89}$$Y51
Nonrelativistic effective field theory with a resonance field51
Experiments with A = 6–8 exotic beams in RIBRAS43
The muon pair production in the process $$e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}\mu ^{+}\mu ^{-}$$ through the two-photon mechanism at high energies: transverse momentum, rapidity and angular distributions42
Beyond the relaxation time approximation38
Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions (THOR)38
Nuclear level density and thermal properties of $$^{115}\hbox {Sn}$$ from neutron evaporation37
Alpha-induced inelastic scattering and alpha-transfer reactions in $$^{12}$$C and $$^{16}$$O within the Algebraic Cluster Model37
Monte Carlo simulations of $$\gamma $$-directional correlations and their application on FIFRELIN cascades36
Meson photo-production in GEANT4 for $$E_\gamma =0.225$$–3.0 GeV using the $$\gamma + p \rightarrow n + \pi ^+$$ reaction32
Charge exchange $$\varvec{{dp \rightarrow (pp)n}}$$ reaction study at 1.75 A GeV/c by the STRELA spectrometer31
Excitation of hyperon resonances in photoproduction30
Excitation of $$^{\mathrm{180}}{\hbox {Hf}}^{\mathrm{m}}$$ with ($$\gamma $$ ,p)-reaction30
Resolving the hyper-triton yield description puzzle in high energy nuclear collisions29
Low energy proton induced reactions with weakly bound nuclei for application purposes28
Neutron star crustal properties from relativistic mean-field models and bulk parameters effects28
Validation of an optical potential for incident and emitted low-energy $$\alpha $$-particles in the $$A\sim 60$$ mass range27
Centrality dependence of limiting fragmentation26
Investigation of low-lying resonances in breakup of halo nuclei within the time-dependent approach26
Examination of $$\alpha $$-induced fusion reactions relevant to the production of p-nuclei24
Investigating the proton-halo structure of $$^8$$B via the extended THSR wave function24
Detailed study of the decay of $$^{32}$$Ar23
Multiplicity characteristics of the produced shower particles in backward direction-target and projectile dependence23
Crust-core transition of a neutron star: effect of the temperature under strong magnetic fields23
The Hussein–McVoy formula for inclusive breakup revisited23
Quasiparticle structure of low-lying yrast energy levels and $$\gamma $$-bands in $$^{164{-}174}$$Hf nuclei23
Strong decays with the boost-corrected wave functions22
Proton and neutron form factors with quark orbital excitations21
The QCD strong coupling constant at low energies: a non-extensive treatment21
Mass yield distribution in the fission of $${}^{244}$$Cm induced by a spectrum of epi-cadmium to fast neutron20
PANDA Phase One20
The $$^3$$He+$$^5$$He$$\rightarrow $$ $$\alpha $$+$$\alpha $$ reaction below the Coulomb barrier via the Trojan Horse Method19
Accessing tens-to-hundreds femtoseconds nuclear state lifetimes with low-energy binary heavy-ion reactions19
Holographic QCD and magnetic fields19
Study of $$\Lambda _c$$ $$\Lambda _c$$ dibaryon and $$\Lambda _c$$ $${\bar{\Lambda }}_c$$ baryonium states via QCD sum rules18
Excited states in nucleon structure calculations18
In-medium $$\Delta (1232)$$ potential, pion production in heavy-ion collisions and the symmetry energy18
The identification of $${{\varvec{\alpha }}}$$-clustered doorway states in $$^{44,48,52}$$Ti using machine learning18
Recent progresses on QCD phases in a strong magnetic field: views from Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model18
Deconfinement and degrees of freedom in pp and $$A-A$$ collisions at LHC energies18
Strong magnetic fields: neutron stars with an extended inner crust17
An improved formula for the favored $$\alpha $$ decay half-lives17
Distribution amplitudes of light diquarks17
A measurement of two-photon exchange in Super-Rosenbluth separations with positron beams17
Calibration and response function of a compact silicon-detector set-up for charged-particle spectroscopy using GEANT417
The x-dependence of hadronic parton distributions: A review on the progress of lattice QCD16
An alternative scheme for effective range corrections in pionless EFT16
In-medium k-body reduction of n-body operators16
A review of quarkonia under strong magnetic fields16
ADG: automated generation and evaluation of many-body diagrams16
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: status of lattice QCD calculations16
Erratum to: Symmetry-projected variational calculations with the numerical suite TAURUS15
A description of the structure and electromagnetic breakup of $$^{11}$$Be with microscopic inputs15
Bottom mesons $$J^P$$ = $$0^-$$, $$1^-$$ and $$0^+$$, $$1^+$$ in heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory15
$$X(3872)$$transport in heavy-ion collisions15
Past, present, and future of precision determinations of the QCD coupling from lattice QCD14
Phenomenological investigation of the parton distribution functions (PDFs) and the partonic luminosities in high energy LHC physics14
The application of the unfolding technique for determination of photo-nuclear reaction cross-section with an example on the $$^{115}$$In($$\gamma $$,$$\gamma ^{\prime }$$)$$^{115m}$$In reaction14
Isoentropic equations of state of $$\beta $$-stable hadronic matter with a quark phase transition14
Precision branching-ratio measurements in $$^{18}$$O14
New evaluated data on $$^{206,207,208}$$Pb photodisintegration14
Green–Kubo formula for Boltzmann and Fermi–Dirac statistics14
Study of the threshold anomaly effect in the reaction $$^{7}$$Li+$$^{208}$$Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier14
Protonium annihilation densities in a unitary coupled channel model14
Finite-temperature mean-field approximations for shell model Hamiltonians: the code HF-SHELL14
Conservative covariance for general-purpose nuclear data evaluation14
A simple alternative to the relativistic Breit–Wigner distribution13
An impact of Jacques Raynal on nuclear data evaluation13
Thermal Field Theory in real-time formalism: concepts and applications for particle decays13
Analysis of the $$ \varvec{e^+ e^- \rightarrow J/\psi D{\bar{D}}}$$ reaction close to the threshold concerning claims of a $$\chi _{c0}(2P)$$ state13
Higgs modulation of emergent mass as revealed in kaon and pion parton distributions13
Post-neutron mass yield distribution in the epi-cadmium neutron induced fission of $${}^{{\mathbf {240}}}$$Pu13
Unified description of the coupled-channels and statistical Hauser-Feshbach nuclear reaction theories for low energy neutron incident reactions13
Radiative corrections to the lepton current in unpolarized elastic lp-interaction for fixed $$Q^2$$ and scattering angle12
Hybrid model with viscous relativistic hydrodynamics: a role of constraints on the shear-stress tensor12
Transport coefficients of magnetized neutron star cores12
Cross-sections for the $${^{27}\!\mathrm{Al}}(\gamma ,x)^{24}\mathrm{Na}$$ multiparticle reaction at $$E_{{\gamma \mathrm{max}}}$$ = 35–95 MeV12
The half-life of $$^{212}$$Po12
Probing nuclear forces beyond the nuclear drip line: the cases of $$^{16}$$F and $$^{15}$$F11
Quarkonium interactions with (hot) hadronic matter11
Semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of the axial-vector tetraquark $$T_{bb;\overline{u} \overline{d}}^{-}$$11
Position uncertainties of AGATA pulse-shape analysis estimated via the bootstrapping method11
Isoscalar transitions and $$\alpha $$ cluster structures in heavy nuclei11
Breakup reactions and their ambiguities11
Elastic scattering angular distributions of neutron halo nucleus $$^{11}$$Be studied via dynamic polarization potentials11
Normalizing the enhanced generalized superfluid model of nuclear level density11
Single $$\pi ^0$$ production off neutrons bound in deuteron with linearly polarized photons11
Structure of the quartetting ground state of $$N=Z$$ nuclei11
Production cross sections of tetraquark states in elementary hadronic collisions11
Strong $$ B _{QQ'}^* B_{QQ'} V $$ vertices and the radiative decays of $$ B _{QQ}^* \rightarrow B_{QQ} \gamma $$ in the light-cone sum rules10
Microscopic shell-model counterpart of the Bohr–Mottelson model10
Deeply virtual Compton scattering using a positron beam in Hall-C at Jefferson Lab10
Jacques Raynal10
Charge radii of the nucleon from its flavor dependent Dirac form factors10
Particle production at a finite potential step: transition from Euler–Heisenberg to Klein paradox10
Scattering of $$\alpha $$-particles and $$^{3}$$He by $$^{24}$$Mg nuclei at energies about 50–60 MeV10
Fission resonances observed in the $$^{237}$$Np(d,pf) reaction and the fission barrier topology of $$^{238}$$Np10
Experimental consolidation and absolute measurement of the $$^\text {nat}$$C(p,x)$$^{11}$$C nuclear activation cross section at 100 MeV for particle therapy physics9
The spin-parities of the 13.35 MeV state and high-lying excited states around 20 MeV in $$^{12}$$C nucleus9
Systematics of alpha decay half-lives within the position-dependent mass formalism9
Photoproduction of relativistic QED bound states in hadronic collisions9
Production and electromagnetic decay of hyperons: a feasibility study with HADES as a phase-0 experiment at FAIR9
On the photoproduction reactions $$\varvec{\gamma d\rightarrow \pi NN}$$9
Multinucleon transfer as a method for production of new heavy neutron-enriched isotopes of transuranium elements9
Systematic study on proton radioactivity of spherical proton emitters within two-potential approach9
Target-normal single spin asymmetries measured with positrons9
Benchmark of a multi-physics Monte Carlo simulation of an ion guide for neutron-induced fission products9
Commissioning of the 4$$\pi \,\gamma $$-summing array HECTOR at CASPAR: measurements of $$^{27}\text {Al}$$$$(p,\gamma )$$ $$^{28}\text {Si}$$ resonances 4850 feet underground9
Alpha decay half-lives of even-even nuclei using alpha-folding interaction9
High-precision Q-value measurement and nuclear matrix element calculations for the double-$$\beta $$ decay of $$^{98}$$Mo9
The quest for light multineutron systems9