International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer

(The median citation count of International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The probabilistic model checker Storm82
A taxonomy for classifying runtime verification tools48
Static analysis for discovering IoT vulnerabilities36
First three years of the international verification of neural networks competition (VNN-COMP)22
OC-PM: analyzing object-centric event logs and process models15
Neural predictive monitoring and a comparison of frequentist and Bayesian approaches13
CPSDebug: Automatic failure explanation in CPS models13
Algebraic aggregation of random forests: towards explainability and rapid evaluation13
Programming dynamic reconfigurable systems13
Stream runtime verification of real-time event streams with the Striver language12
DisCoveR: accurate and efficient discovery of declarative process models11
Exploring the ERTMS/ETCS full moving block specification: an experience with formal methods11
DFT modeling approach for operational risk assessment of railway infrastructure10
VerifyThis 2019: a program verification competition10
Software test results exploration and visualization with continuous integration and nightly testing10
SaBRe: load-time selective binary rewriting9
Graph-based technique for survivability assessment and optimization of IoT applications9
Formal testing of timed graph transformation systems using metric temporal graph logic9
The RERS challenge: towards controllable and scalable benchmark synthesis8
Formal methods and tools for industrial critical systems8
Verifiable strategy synthesis for multiple autonomous agents: a scalable approach8
Correct program parallelisations8
SMT solving for the validation of B and Event-B models7
Modeling and formal analysis of virtually synchronous cyber-physical systems in AADL7
Compositional learning of mutually recursive procedural systems6
Decision-making under uncertainty: beyond probabilities6
Model-based optimization of ARINC-653 partition scheduling6
Scalable online first-order monitoring6
Efficient and expressive bytecode-level instrumentation for Java programs5
Towards rigorous understanding of neural networks via semantics-preserving transformations5
Verified Propagation Redundancy and Compositional UNSAT Checking in CakeML5
CoCo 2019: report on the eighth confluence competition5
Scenario-based verification of uncertain parametric MDPs5
What can we monitor over unreliable channels?5
The Log Skeleton Visualizer in ProM 6.95
Improving AMulet2 for verifying multiplier circuits using SAT solving and computer algebra5
Cooperative verifier-based testing with CoVeriTest5
Forest GUMP: a tool for verification and explanation5
Study of the efficiency of model checking techniques using results of the MCC from 2015 To 20194
First international competition on software testing4
Towards language-to-language transformation4
ADTLang: a programming language approach to attack defense trees4
SyReNN: A tool for analyzing deep neural networks4
Algorithm selection for SMT4
Verifying OpenJDK’s LinkedList using KeY (extended paper)4
Temporal-logic query checking over finite data streams4
An extension of first-order LTL with rules with application to runtime verification4
The power of typed affine decision structures: a case study4
An overview of structural coverage metrics for testing neural networks4
Leveraging polyhedral reductions for solving Petri net reachability problems4
A logic-based incremental approach to graph repair featuring delta preservation4
Analysis of recurrent neural networks via property-directed verification of surrogate models3
Diagnosing timed automata using timed markings3
On the road with RTLola3
Extending a brainiac prover to lambda-free higher-order logic3
DivSIM , an interactive simulator for LLVM bitcode3
Comparing controlled system synthesis and suppression enforcement3
Formal modeling and verification for amplification timing anomalies in the superscalar TriCore architecture3
A calculus for modular loop acceleration and non-termination proofs3
Programming event monitors3
TOOLympics I: Competition on software testing3
Verification and synthesis of co-simulation algorithms subject to algebraic loops and adaptive steps3
Formal verification of OIL component specifications using mCRL23
Analyzing neural network behavior through deep statistical model checking3
Supporting safe metamodel evolution with edelta3
Verifying safety of synchronous fault-tolerant algorithms by bounded model checking3
Specifying and detecting temporal patterns with shape expressions3
Algebraically explainable controllers: decision trees and support vector machines join forces3
Modelling flocks of birds and colonies of ants from the bottom up3
Machine-learning abstractions for component-based self-optimizing systems2
Verification of randomized consensus algorithms under round-rigid adversaries2
From linear temporal logic and limit-deterministic Büchi automata to deterministic parity automata2
CESRBDDs: binary decision diagrams with complemented edges and edge-specified reductions2
Full-program induction: verifying array programs sans loop invariants2
A domain-specific language to design false data injection tests for air traffic control systems2
Into the unknown: active monitoring of neural networks (extended version)2
Bounded DBM-based clock state construction for timed automata in Uppaal2
Extended abstract dependency graphs2
Predicate monitoring in distributed cyber-physical systems2
Generating test as a web service (TaaWS) through a method-based attribute grammar2
Correct by design coordination of autonomous driving systems2
Monitoring with verified guarantees2
Automated formal analysis of temporal properties of Ladder programs2
A compositional framework for algebraic quantitative online monitoring over continuous-time signals2
Analysis of non-Markovian repairable fault trees through rare event simulation2
Causal analysis of positive Reaction Systems2
A toolchain for strategy synthesis with spatial properties2
GSDetector: a tool for automatic detection of bad smells in GRL goal models2
Energy characterization of IoT systems through design aspect monitoring2
SL-COMP: competition of solvers for separation logic2