Journal of Psychology in Africa

(The median citation count of Journal of Psychology in Africa is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
College students’ well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploratory study18
Subjective knowledge and health consciousness influences on health tourism intention after the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective study17
Academic attitude and subjective norms effects on international doctoral students’ academic performance self-perceptions: A moderated-mediation analysis of the influences of knowledge- seeking intenti16
Mobile phone addiction and cognitive failures in Chinese adolescents: The role of rumination and mindfulness15
Brand loyalty and the Bangtan Sonyeondan (BTS) Korean dance: Global viewers’ perceptions15
Servant leadership, diversity climate, and organisational citizenship behaviour at a selection of South African companies13
Social anxiety, maladaptive cognition, mobile phone addiction, and perceived social support: A moderated mediation model13
Performing arts and sustainable consumption: Influences of consumer perceived value on ballet performance audience loyalty13
Job demands, job resources, and work engagement among South African nurses12
How and when does perceived supervisor support for strengths use influence employee strengths use? The roles of positive affect and self-efficacy11
Criminal psychology trend prediction based on deep learning algorithm and three-dimensional convolutional neural network10
Assessing the construct validity of the Career Agility Scale for measuring adult workers’ digital era adaptive readiness9
Talent management practices and work-related outcomes for South African academic staff9
Corporate sustainability and firm performance in small and medium enterprises in Ghana: Mediating role of green innovation8
Sustainable person-environment fit and subjective career success: The moderating role of resilience8
Climbing the illusive ladder: Examining female employees’ perceptions of advancement opportunities at a higher education institution7
Inclusive leadership and employee innovative work behaviours: Testing a psychological empowerment and leader-member exchange moderated-mediation model7
Social exchange influences on ethical leadership and employee commitment in a developing country setting7
The Teacher Well-Being Scale (TWBS): Construct validity, model comparisons and measurement invariance in an Ethiopian setting7
Public perception of risk and coping response to COVID-19 in China: The moderating role of negative emotion7
Experiential branded app engagement and brand loyalty: An empirical study in the context of a festival6
Children’s stress, negative emotions, emotional eating, and eating disorders: A moderated mediation model6
Job insecurity and psychological well-being: The moderating roles of self-perceived employability and core self-evaluations6
Interpersonal sensitivity and social avoidance and distress in female college students: Mediating role of self-inconsistency and moderating role of self-consciousness6
Supervisor support and work engagement: The mediating role of psychological safety in a post-restructuring business organisation6
Mental flexibility (set-shifting) deficits in children with ADHD: A replication and extension study6
The influence of self-identity on social support, loneliness, and internet addiction among Chinese college students6
The psychology of sustainability and sustainable development: Transdisciplinary perspectives6
Corporate sustainability and customer loyalty: The role of firm’s green image6
Prevalence and associated factors of child abuse and its effects on anxiety and depression among children in Sierra Leone: Results of the 2017 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey6
“I’m angry with my mother”: Lived psychosocial experiences of adolescents with peri-natal-acquired HIV in Limpopo, South Africa5
Prevalence and associated factors of loneliness among a national sample of in-school adolescents in Morocco5
Prevalence and associated factors of psychological distress among a national sample of in-school adolescents in Liberia5
Tourism graduate students’ employability skills: Results and implications of a Zimbabwean study5
Humble leadership and work fatigue: The roles of self-efficacy and perceived team autonomy-support5
Creative leadership and employee work wellness: Supervisor support as a mediator5
The dimensionality of the UWES-17 and UWES-9: Testing second-order and bifactor models5
Psychological empowerment and professional well-being of Chinese kindergarten teachers: The mediating effect of professional pressure4
A framework for digital talent assessment: Guidelines and applications4
Parenting style, social interaction anxiety, and problematic internet use among students4
Procedural justice, police legitimacy, and performance: Perspectives of South African students4
Factors associated with breakup distress following a romantic relationship dissolution among emerging adult students4
Self-esteem and interpersonal difficulties of college students: Influences of self-control and self-concept4
Life after training: Professional experiences of early career clinical and counselling psychologists in South Africa4
The influence of developmental feedback on voice: The mediating role of organisation-based self-esteem4
Organisational trust and commitment among South African public service employees: Influence of socio-demographics4
Structural validity and measurement invariance of the Psychological Career Resources Inventory Short Form as a predictor of career satisfaction4
A South African exploration into outdoor adventure education and adolescent psychosocial development4
Mothering in socioeconomically marginalised communities in South Africa: A conceptual development4
Popular culture influences on national image and tourism behavioural intention: An exploratory study4
Perceived stress, coping and mental health of teachers: A latent profile analysis4
Adult attachment: Its mediation role on childhood trauma and mobile phone addiction4
Emotional intelligence and psychological skills application among female field-hockey players3
Proactive personality and academic procrastination in graduate students: Their chain-mediation by research self-efficacy and learning adaptability3
Resilience and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Promoting child and youth resilience and related mental health outcomes3
Organisational culture influences on corporate social responsibility and sustainable procurement in a service sector industry3
Exploring the relationship between core self-evaluation and employee innovative behaviour: The role of emotional factors3
Racial relations and life satisfaction among South Africans: Results from the 2017 South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS)3
Self-control mediation on the relationship between personal growth initiative and smartphone addiction among Chinese university students3
Perspectives of college students on the causes and prevention of suicide in Nigerian universities3
Could transformational leadership predict employee voice behaviour? Evidence from a meta-analysis3
A latent class analysis of adverse childhood life events in Ugandan adolescents3
Risk factors associated with youth gang involvement: An exploratory criminological case study analysis3
Gendered actual controlling shareholders and family business emotional attachment influences on business operational violations: A propensity score matching analysis3
Paradoxical leader behaviour effects on employee taking charge: A moderated – mediating model3
Fear of COVID-19, perceived academic stress, future anxiety, and psychological distress of Ghanaian university students: A serial mediation examination3
Graduate student challenge-hindrance scientific research stress and creativity: Mediating effect of creative self-efficacy3
Self-efficacy and career resilience: The mediating role of professional identity and work passion in kindergarten teachers3
Stimulating employee job crafting by providing developmental feedback3
Family influence and career calling: The mediating role of work passion and career exploration3
Measuring time perspective in Ethiopian young adults using the Adolescent and Adult Time Inventory (AATI)3
Does a paternalistic leader facilitate voice and creative performance? Evidence from Ghana3
Mobile phone addiction, self-control, physical exercise, and depression: A moderated mediation model3
Prevalence and associated factors of weapon carrying among university students from 25 countries3
The interplay between interpersonal relationships and organisational learning behaviour: Influences of psychological safety3
Detection of driver fatigue driving behaviour based on deep learning algorithm from the perspective of traffic psychology3
Role conflict experiences of South African shop stewards: An exploratory study2
Organisational citizenship behaviours: Their influences on mineworkers’ turnover intention2
Women offenders’ experiences of rehabilitation in a South African correctional centre2
College students’ loneliness and problematic mobile phone use: Mediation by fear of missing out2
Correctional rehabilitation programmes’ effectiveness: A phenomenological study of recidivists in a South African setting2
Indirect exposure to trauma: Does resilience explain the link between optimism and secondary traumatic stress among in-patient carers?2
Humble leadership and follower strengths use: Leader-member exchange as a mediator and role overload as a moderator2
Fear of COVID-19 and job insecurity among hospitality industry employees: The mediating role of happiness2
Prevalence of anxiety-induced sleep disturbance and associated factors among a national sample of in-school adolescents in Benin2
Alexithymia and mobile phone addiction among college students: Mediation by boredom proneness and anxiety2
Why students want to provide feedback to their peers: Drivers of feedback quantity and variation by type of course2
Intention to use High Speed Rail (HSR) in Ghana: A comparative study2
Correlates of suicidal behaviour among adults in Guyana2
Experiences of black African women entrepreneurs in the South African male-dominated entrepreneurial environments2
Understanding general pedagogical knowledge influences on sustainable teacher well-being: A qualitative exploratory study2
Perceived information communication and technology (ICT) demands and psychological well-being among Gabon civil servants: The moderating role of social support and organisational support2
Linking servant leadership to customer-oriented organisational citizenship behaviour: The moderating role of perceived interactional justice2
Mathematical calculation ability of primary school children: A comparative study between Ghana and China2
Structural equation modelling of risk indicators for suicidal thoughts and behaviours among Nigerian Yorùbá youth2
Loneliness and mobile phone addiction in Chinese college students: a moderated mediation model2
Factorial structure of the Community of Inquiry Survey in a South African open and distance e-learning environment2
Personality traits and occupational stress among special needs education teachers2
Alcohol misuse prevalence and correlates among school adolescents from national surveys in Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines2
Bed and Breakfast (B&B) social servicescape and customer satisfaction: Positive emotion mediation and sex moderation2
Factor structure in Raven’s Progressive Matrices Plus in sub-Saharan Africa – Benin and Djibouti2
Kindergarten teachers’ objective career success and subjective well-being: The mediating role of professional identity2
Polysubstance use among national samples of in-school adolescents in Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago2
Psychosocial variables of the interactive mobile interface for geriatric persons in a Kenyan setting: An exploratory study2
Consequences of consumer engagement on the performance of e-commerce firms in Ghana: Moderating effects of consumer-owned resources2
The prevalence and correlates of suicidal behaviour among adolescents in Trinidad and Tobago2
Corporate ethical values and ethical work climate influences on employees’ helping behaviour in a developing country’s banking sector setting2
Multi-trait, multi-method talent assessment through a digital platform: Relationship with job performance2
Influence of ego resilience on school adaptability among primary school lower-grade children2
Psychological distress among a cross-sectional national sample of adolescents in South Africa: Prevalence and associated factors2
Mindfulness and mental health in medical staff in the COVID-19 period: Mediating role of perceived social support and sense of security2
Emotion regulation mediates the relationship between college students’ perceived social support and social anxiety2
Anxiety and depression among Egyptians during COVID-19 pandemic: A cross sectional study2
Predictors of staff retention satisfaction: The role of the psychological contract and job satisfaction2
Young children’s conceptions of morality in a South African context2
Temporary academics in South African higher education institutions: Their lived precarity experiences2
Is happiness based on psychological harmony? Exploring the mediating role of psychological harmony in the relationship between personality characteristics and occupational well-being2
Parent caregiver perceptions of the behaviour of their children with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative exploratory study2
Organisational capital and graduate employability: A serial mediation analysis of human and personal-social capital2
Does perceived chess skills mediate the relationship between fluid intelligence and academic performance?2
Training and support relationship influences on volunteers’ public advocacy behaviours: Their mediation by psychological empowerment1
Auto insurance premiums in Ghana: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag model approach to risk exposure variables1
Parent-adolescent dyads’ experiences of gratitude activities in a South African context1
Interpersonal violence experienced by nurses caring for persons with intellectual disability: A phenomenological study1
Double-edged sword effect of servant leadership on employee creativity: Mediation–moderation analysis1
Wellness needs of academic employees: A case study of a South African university1
Embodiment in Psychotherapy: A Practitioner’s Guide1
Psychological well-being program efficacy on meaning-in-life in a sample of University of Jeddah students1
Sibling relationship qualities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A brief report of protective effect1
Father influences on child social adaptability: Mediation by peer communication ability1
Attention control mediates the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction in youth1
Problematic smartphone use among adults: Exploratory measure development and validation in Saudi Arabia1
Cumulative risk and school bullying experiences: Effects of moral disengagement and gender1
A psychological contract for the digital mindset: Factor analysis of the Psychological Contract Inputs-Outcomes Inventory (PCIOI)1
Parent and peer attachment in bullying experiences among pre-adolescents1
Sense of power and online trolling among college students: Mediating effects of self-esteem and moral disengagement1
Intergroup emotions and intergroup attitudes in post-apartheid South Africa1
Psychosocial well-being of child orphans: The influence of current living place1
Emotional intelligence and academic success among South African engineering students1
Suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts: Prevalence and associated factors in school-going adolescents in Sierra Leone in 20171
Work stressors and vicarious trauma among South African Police Service members1
Psychometric validation of the centrality of events scale in a Nigerian clinical sample1
Contextual relevance and decolonisation of South African Industrial Psychology training: An exploratory case study1
Parents’ environmental knowledge and perception of young children’s nature connectedness: The serial mediating role of parents’ environmental concern and parent–child engagement1
How abusive supervision affects unethical pro-organisational behaviour: A moderated mediation examination of exchange and proactive personality1
Self-consciousness and grit in rural adolescents: Moderation by self-esteem and mediation by achievement motivation1
Validation of the ADHD-Behaviour Rating Scale for early childhood teacher use in South African classrooms1
Parasitic infections and environmental influences on verbal memory and learning potential of isiZulu speaking pre-school children1
Work-place diversity climate: Its association with racial microaggressions and employee work-place well-being1
Loneliness and psychological well-being among the elderly in Buffalo City, South Africa1
Father–child relationship and children’s peer competence: Mediated by children’s emotional regulation and environmental adaptation1
The role of career wellness in living and studying for South African first-year university students1
Servant leadership and clinical nurses’ work engagement: The mediating role of emotional support and frustration1
Cultural identity, cultural confidence, and folk activities: An empirical study of the folk culture of Moon-cake Gambling at the Mid-Autumn Festival in Xiamen, China1
Purpose in life and academic performance: Grit mediation among Chinese college students1
Daily hassles and depressive symptoms among COVID-19 home quarantined Chinese university students: The moderating effects of negative cognitive styles1
Product-harm crisis and perceived betrayal: The moderating effect of cognitive bias1
Grit and its relation to well-being among first-year South African university students1
Flourishing versus languishing amongst female academics during the national lockdown in South Africa: “Sink or swim” lived work lives1
Organisational compassion and employee voice behaviour: The mediating role of perceived insider status and felt responsibility1
Trait anger and aggression among male violent offenders: The mediating effect of sadistic impulse and the moderating effect of emotion regulation1
Are fathers involved in diabetes management? A rapid review1
A psychobiographical study of Temujin’s (Genghis Khan) personality1
Exploring educators’ and support staffs’ experiences regarding crises containment management in South African schools1
Social support and self-concept clarity as mediators between college students’ passive social network site use and loneliness1
Teacher-humour types and college students’ academic performance in online teaching: The mediating role of academic interest1
Recruitment managers’ emotional intelligence and employment discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS: The mediating role of stigma1
Hope and its relation to grit and subjective well-being among first-year South African university students1
Mediating roles of social anxiety and interpersonal distress in the relationship between mobile phone addiction and loneliness1
Obstacle course soldiers’ reaction and perception time: Combat equipment load effects1
Social exclusion and social anxiety among Chinese undergraduate students: Fear of negative evaluation and resilience as mediators1
A psychobiography of Oliver Reginald Tambo from an African psychology perspective1
Top management team cognition and strategic decision performance: The mediating role of team conflict1
Primary health care nurses’ perceptions of the socio-ecology of mental illness among patients: An exploratory study1
Behavioural and psychological control during adolescence: An ecological systems perspective1
Child learners of parents in employment sojourn: Their lived experiences in separation1
Parenting style effects on the mental health of college students: Their mediation by proactive personality and self-identity1
Defender self-efficacy and defender behaviour in school bullying of primary school pupils: The role of perceived responsibility and sex1
Evaluation of a masculinity and gender equality intervention for primary school boys1
South African female sex workers’ interactions with law enforcement: An exploratory study1
Correctional officers’ perceptions of resilience of at-risk youth in a correctional centre in Eswatini1
Exploring the process of harsh parenting on online aggressive behaviour: The mediating role of trait anger1
Subjective socioeconomic status and envy in Chinese collectivist culture: The role of sense of control1
Burnout and ill-wellbeing of talented professional nurses: The moderating role of dispositional employability1
Health locus of control, personality and social support in treatment adherence among diabetic patients1
Low self-esteem and cyberbullying perpetration among Chinese adolescents: Mediation by catharsis and moderation by sex1
Beauty and materiality: Subjective social class mediation of self-perceived physical attractiveness and materialism in Chinese college students1
Crises containment management in South African schools: A critical review1
Learning and studying during the pandemic: A comparison between students' learning and study strategy orientations before and during the COVID-19 period1
Strengths use and deficit improvement of first-year university students: A structural model for social support and student outcomes1
Sustainable early literacy outcomes for young children of poverty: Influences of attendance, social competence, and problem behaviour1
Call centre support staff job crafting and employee engagement: Controlling the effects of sociodemographic characteristics1
Core self-evaluations and job embeddedness: Influences on career adaptability and work engagement in Nigerian public sector employees1
Online incentives and customer voice: The mediating role of community identification1
Work method control of Nigerian armed forces personnel: Roles of psychological detachment and conscientiousness1
The future we want: Sustainability, psychology, and the global agenda for a better world1
Grade 12 performance and academic performance in first-year psychology students: Influences of generational status and academic self-concept1
Business organisation performance behaviour indicators in Ghana and Kenya: A comparative analysis1
Organisational justice and workplace deviance behaviour among bank workers in Nigeria: the role of perceived organisational support as a moderator1