Soft Computing

(The TQCC of Soft Computing is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An intelligent computational approach of signal control in urban rail transit for vehicular communication145
Evapotranspiration estimation using hybrid and intelligent methods120
Multi-step probabilistic forecasting model using deep learning parametrized distributions116
Editorial to the special issue on quantum intelligent systems and deep learning116
A distorted copula-based evolution model: risks’ aggregation in a Bonus–Malus migration system101
The role of machine learning in the development of intelligent manufacturing under the background of industry 4.0100
Stability and admissibility analysis of T–S descriptive systems and its applications100
Design and development of an adaptive-torque-based proportional-integral-derivative controller for a two-legged robot92
Adaptive neural control for nonlinear systems with sensor fault and input nonlinearities88
Research on building material design in circular economy based on improved neural network86
Research on text detection on building surfaces in smart cities based on deep learning85
Fuzzy membership function-dependent switched control for nonlinear systems with memory sampled-data information84
A Lagrange spectral collocation method for weakly singular fuzzy fractional Volterra integro-differential equations81
A new Jacobi Tau method for fuzzy fractional Fredholm nonlinear integro-differential equations76
Heterogeneous ant colony optimization based on adaptive interactive learning and non-zero-sum game75
An intelligent deep learning based capsule network model for human detection in indoor surveillance videos75
Deep learning-based key transmission (DLKT) protocol for secured group communication in cloud74
Zero-divisor graph of a ring with respect to an automorphism73
A ranking method based on Muirhead mean operator for group decision making with complex interval-valued q-rung orthopair fuzzy numbers71
Forecasting road traffic accident using deep artificial neural network approach in case of Oromia Special Zone69
A convolutional neural network-driven computer vision system toward identification of species and maturity stage of medicinal leaves: case studies with Neem, Tulsi and Kalmegh leaves68
Deep logarithmic neural network for Internet intrusion detection66
Graph autoencoder for directed weighted network65
Automatic lipreading based on optimized OLSDA and HMM65
Protection technique for performance improvement in GMPLS networks61
Cloud education chain and educational quality assessment based on hybrid quantum neural network algorithm60
Two deep learning approaches to forecasting disaggregated freight flows: convolutional and encoder–decoder recurrent60
Meta-heuristic algorithm-based human resource information management system design and development for industrial revolution 5.060
Bipolar fuzzy concepts reduction using granular-based weighted entropy59
A noise-aware feature selection approach for classification56
Radial basis function neural network with extreme learning machine algorithm for solving ordinary differential equations55
Enterprise financial risk model based on cloud computing in age of big data53
A novel probabilistic risk measure model for multi-period uncertain portfolio selection50
An augmented swarm optimization algorithm for k-clustering minimum biclique completion problems49
Elitist random swapped particle swarm optimization embedded with variable k-nearest neighbour classification: a new PSO variant applied to gene identification48
GAN-based one dimensional medical data augmentation47
A location-inventory-distribution model under gradual injection of pre-disaster budgets with application in disaster relief logistics: a case study47
A decision support system based on multi-sources information to predict piRNA–disease associations using stacked autoencoder47
Feature and instance selection through discriminant analysis criteria47
Automating fake news detection using PPCA and levy flight-based LSTM46
ILF-LSTM: enhanced loss function in LSTM to predict the sea surface temperature46
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Comparative analysis of improved FCM algorithms for the segmentation of retinal blood vessels45
Self-Attention Networks and Adaptive Support Vector Machine for aspect-level sentiment classification45
Research on dynamic time warping algorithm and intelligent financial management system based on heterogeneous cellular network44
Bayesian inference for data-driven training with application to seismic parameter prediction44
Graphs derived from multirings44
Generalized complex vague soft set and its applications42
Knowledge-based optimization algorithm for the inventory routing problem42
A resource allocation strategy for internet of vehicles using reinforcement learning in edge computing environment41
Assessing the role of new media in modern information society using the analytic network process41
Reaching sustainability through collection center selection considering risk: using the integration of Fuzzy ANP-TOPSIS and FMEA41
A response generator with response-aware encoder for generating specific and relevant responses41
A promising approach with confidence level aggregation operators based on single-valued neutrosophic rough sets41
Assessing the health ability based on health monitoring using fuzzy for monitoring geriatrics care and amputees40
Successful adoption of quantum technology in blockchain: a comprehensive framework39
A multilevel biomedical image thresholding approach using the chaotic modified cuckoo search39
Classification of the brain metastases based on a new 3D deep learning architecture39
A maintenance strategy selection method based on cloud DEMATEL-ANP38
Improved fuzzy-based MCDM–TOPSIS model to find and prevent the financial system vulnerability and hazards in real time38
Performance evaluation of meta-heuristic algorithms for designing multi-objective multi-product multi-echelon supply chain network38
Development of a new hesitant fuzzy ranking model for NTMP ranking problem37
An inertial-type method for solving image restoration problems34
A neural networks-based evaluation of ecological effectiveness and economic worth in forests34
Application of BP neural network algorithm in visualization system of sports training management34
Comprehensive evaluation of university competitiveness based on DD-TOPSIS method34
Research on innovation and development of university instructional administration informatization in IoT and big data environment34
On differential lattices34
On weak G-completeness for fuzzy metric spaces34
A new hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize distribution and operational plans for cross-docking satellites34
Functional DNA nanoprobe detection of tumor markers in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer patients with immune checkpoint inhibitors combined33
Revolutionizing interpretation education: a comprehensive automatic interpretation evaluation system based on composite genetic algorithm and backpropagation neural networks33
Neural-network-based interval grey prediction models with applications to forecasting the demand of printed circuit boards33
Occlusion-aware FERNet: an optimized patch-based adaptive residual network with attention mechanism for occlusion-aware facial expression recognition33
On the complete convergence for uncertain random variables33
Solutions of non-homogeneous system of fuzzy fractional differential equations: a novel approach33
Racing trees to query partial data32
IoT-inspired teaching for legal education: AI-based learning based on decision tree algorithm32
I-LDD: an interpretable leaf disease detector31
A non-entropy-based optimal multilevel threshold selection technique for COVID-19 X-ray images using chance-based birds’ intelligence31
Modified grasshopper optimization algorithm-based genetic algorithm for global optimization problems: the system of nonlinear equations case study31
Deep ensembling for perceptual image quality assessment30
Novel semi-supervised learning approach for descriptor generation using artificial neural networks30
Two different approaches for consistency of intuitionistic multiplicative preference relation using directed graph30
A manifold p-spectral clustering with sparrow search algorithm30
A probabilistic approach toward evaluation of Internet rumor on COVID30
A hybrid deep learning and ensemble learning mechanism for damaged power line detection in smart grids30
Analysis of industry convergence based on improved neural network30
A novel algorithm for computing interior eigenpairs of large non-symmetric matrices30
Decision-making models based on satisfaction degree with incomplete hesitant fuzzy preference relation30
Modified proximal point algorithms for variational inclusion problems on Hadamard manifolds29
Medical image enhancement using modified type II fuzzy membership function generated by Hamacher T-conorm29
Fuzzy pushdown automata based on complete residuated lattices: variants and computing powers29
Sheffer operation in relational systems29
Towards automatically generating meal plan based on genetic algorithm29
A case study on the identification of temporal changes in a residential district29
Finding local optima in quadratic optimization problems in RP29
A new evolutionary optimization based on multi-objective firefly algorithm for mining numerical association rules29
Dual-stream framework for image-based heart infarction detection using convolutional neural networks29
Wijsman asymptotic lacunary $$\mathcal {I}_2$$-invariant equivalence for double set sequences29
Drug-based recommendation system based on deep learning approach for data optimization29
The Golf Sport Inspired Search metaheuristic algorithm and the game theoretic analysis of its operators’ effectiveness28
A novel method of data and feature enhancement for few-shot image classification28
Forecasting foreign exchange markets: further evidence using machine learning models28
Safety-integrated single-row machine layout problem optimization using GA and TS with a novel heuristic rule support28
Power Muirhead mean operators of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values in the framework of Dempster–Shafer theory for multiple criteria decision-making28
An efficient chaotic salp swarm optimization approach based on ensemble algorithm for class imbalance problems28
Some new approaches to neighborhoods via graphs28
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Model-free supervised learning-based gait authentication scheme based on optimized gabor features28
Workflow scheduling for intelligent modern medical system with privacy protection constraints for IaaS cloud using modified grasshopper algorithm27
Fake opinion detection in an e-commerce business based on a long-short memory algorithm27
An image encryption scheme based on particle swarm optimization algorithm and hyperchaotic system27
Study on e-commerce logistics cost control methods in the context of COVID-19 prevention and control27
IoT and cloud-based COVID-19 risk of infection prediction using hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy set27
Can LSH (locality-sensitive hashing) be replaced by neural network?27
Dropout prediction model in MOOC based on clickstream data and student sample weight27
Combining grey clustering and fuzzy grey cognitive maps: an approach to group decision-making on cause-and-effect relationships26
Effect of fuzziness in fuzzy rule-based classifiers defined by strong fuzzy partitions and winner-takes-all inference26
Failure modes determination and load-bearing capacity evaluation of concrete columns under seismic loads by ANNs26
Machine learning techniques for prediction of multiple sclerosis progression26
Heterogeneous selective ensemble learning model for mill load parameters forecasting by using multiscale mechanical frequency spectrum26
Effect of KIF15 as a promoter role in the progression of osteosarcoma based on TCGA database26
Secure and efficient data storage scheme for unstructured data in hybrid cloud environment26
Influencing factors and innovative paths for the transmission of rural pictures in the protection of ecological and environmental heritage26
Intelligent emotion recognition application in university students’ psychological intervention by using mobile voice terminal26
Segmentation-free composite character recognition (CR) in bilingual handwritten text for Gurumukhi–English scripts25
A high-accuracy computational technique based on $$L2-1_{\sigma }$$ and B-spline schemes for solving the nonlinear time-fractional Burgers’ equation25
An efficient tracking of MPP in PV systems using hybrid HCS-PS algorithm based ANFIS under partially shaded conditions25
A matching method for second-hand goods exchange considering loss aversion of buyer and seller in e-brokerage25
Secure federated learning architecture for fuzzy classifier in healthcare environment25
User interest modeling and collaborative filtering algorithms application in English personalized learning resource recommendation25
An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system to monitor and manage the soil quality to improve sustainable farming in agriculture25
DenseNet-II: an improved deep convolutional neural network for melanoma cancer detection25
Multi-focus image fusion using anisotropic diffusion filter25
An improved QPSO algorithm and its application in fuzzy portfolio model with constraints24
Technological innovation in the recognition process of Yaozhou Kiln ware patterns based on image classification24
Extracting built-up areas from spectro-textural information using machine learning24
Data sanitization against label flipping attacks using AdaBoost-based semi-supervised learning technology24
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Cognitive linear discriminant regression computing technique for HTTP video services in SDN networks24
Type-2 fuzzy wavelet neural network for estimation energy performance of residential buildings24
A novel face recognition model for fighting against human trafficking in surveillance videos and rescuing victims24
Fine-Kinney method based on fuzzy logic for natural gas pipeline project risk assessment24
A framework for accessing the equilibrium point of a multi-objective decision-making (MODM): a case study24
EmoPercept: EEG-based emotion classification through perceiver24
Elite-based feedback boosted artificial rabbits-inspired optimizer with mutation and adaptive group: a case study of degree reduction for ball NURBS curves24
A non-linear generalization of optimization problems subjected to continuous max-t-norm fuzzy relational inequalities23
Portfolio design for home healthcare devices production using a new data-driven optimization methodology23
When to stop testing software: economic approach23
An effective approach for predicting daily stock trading decisions using fuzzy inference systems23
A comprehensive evaluation model for university classroom teaching quality based on machine vision and Fermatean fuzzy sets23
An integrated firefly algorithm for the optimization of constrained engineering design problems23
Application of deep learning-based speech system in online music learning system23
3D head-talk: speech synthesis 3D head movement face animation23
Visualization system of Hlai ethnic village landscape design based on machine learning22
Lens law based optimization algorithm: a novel approach22
Fuzzy rough sets based on modular hemimetrics22
Application of optoelectronic coupling technology in intelligent charging control of shared vehicles22
Soft subalgebras and ideals of BCK/BCI-algebras based on $${{\mathcal {N}}}$$-structures22
Application of VR recognition based on image object detection algorithm in urban street landscape art design22
An approach for joint optimization of probabilistic group test based on cost and time value: taking nucleic acid detection of COVID-19 as an example22
Online video course design of elliptic partial differential equation based on image high-resolution processing22
Convolutional neural networks ensembles through single-iteration optimization22
Optimization of financial market risk prediction system based on computer data simulation and Markov chain Monte Carlo22
Carbon reduction assessment of public buildings based on Apriori algorithm and intelligent big data analysis22
Construction waste resource utilization and energy consumption calculation based on Internet of things22
Simulation of English part-of-speech classification based on artificial intelligence and additive logistic regression22
Parallel dual-channel multi-label feature selection22
An adjusted iterative algorithmic approach for maximum likelihood estimation of the pseudo-copula regression: P-MBP22
Unbalanced budget distribution for automatic algorithm configuration22
Sampling-based fuzzy speech clustering systems for faster communication with virtual robotics toward social applications22
Assignment of probabilities to the production rules of a conjunctive grammar21
Secure multiparty access and authentication based on advanced fuzzy extractor in smart home21
Decision-making method based on set pair analysis and VIKOR under heterogeneous information environment and application to typhoon disaster assessment21
Dynamic distributed constraint optimization using multi-agent reinforcement learning21
Application of medical intelligence based on Apriori algorithm in the management of rehabilitation nursing personnel21
Web accessibility evaluation of private and government websites for people with disabilities through fuzzy classifier in the USA21
Design of acceptance sampling plans based on interval valued neutrosophic sets21
Attribute reduction based on interval-set rough sets21
Global stability and sensitivity analysis of parameters of Omicron variant epidemic in diverse susceptible classes incorporating vaccination stages21
Design of cloud computing database and tourism intelligent platform based on machine learning21
Fuzzy transfer learning in time series forecasting for stock market prices21
TDNN speed estimator applied to stator oriented IM sensorless drivers21
Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms on continuous space multiobjective problems21
Classification of Gurumukhi month’s name images using various convolutional neural network optimizers20
Analyzing the interactions among factors affecting cloud adoption for software testing: a two-stage ISM-ANN approach20
Designing robust capability-based distributed machine layouts with random machine availability and fuzzy demand/process flow information20
Neural dynamics: unraveling the impact of digital economy on regional growth20
Evaluation model and algorithm of intelligent manufacturing system based on pattern recognition and big data20
Implication in finite posets with pseudocomplemented sections20
Visual design elements based on digital visualization20
Machine learning and deep learning methods for intrusion detection systems: recent developments and challenges20
Navigational strategy of a biped robot using regression-adaptive PSO approach20
A sustainable uncertain integrated supply chain network design and assembly line balancing problem with U-shaped assembly lines and multi-mode demand20
Evaluating the innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges using BP neural network20
European barrier option pricing formulas of uncertain currency model20
Interval-based non-dimensionalization method (IBNM) and its application20
OKC classifier: an efficient approach for classification of imbalanced dataset using hybrid methodology20
Providing a genetic algorithm-based method to optimize the fuzzy logic controller for the inverted pendulum20
Design of sliding mode controller for sensor/actuator fault with unknown input observer for satellite control system20
Football training evaluation using machine learning and decision support system20
A hybrid of six soft models based on ANFIS for pipe failure rate forecasting and uncertainty analysis: a case study of Gorgan city water distribution network20
A data-driven multi-channel supply chain multi-factory collaborative production planning problem20
A multi-objective cost-loss optimization framework for optimal feeder routing problem of radial distribution networks20
A new uncertain enhanced index tracking model with higher-order moment of the downside19
Adult stem cell donor supply chain network design: a robust optimization approach19
A study on the normality of Wijsman topology of a fuzzy metric space19
Design and analysis of a computational procedure for a class of time fractional multi-term diffusion problem19
q-Rung orthopair fuzzy inequality derived from equality and operation19
Quasi-MV* algebras: a generalization of MV*-algebras19
An incremental algorithm for concept lattice based on structural similarity index19
A novel weight-optimized LSTM for dynamic pricing solutions in e-commerce platforms based on customer buying behaviour19
Software fault prediction using evolving populations with mathematical diversification19
Exploring invariance of concept stability for attribute reduction in three-way concept lattice19
On Gelfand residuated lattices19
The actuation and control of a bioinspired origami manipulator19
Analysis and implementation of computer network graph based on iterative control algorithm theory19
Uncertainty estimation-based adversarial attacks: a viable approach for graph neural networks19
Mining fuzzy high average-utility itemsets using fuzzy utility lists and efficient pruning approach19
Existence and uniqueness of solution for fuzzy integral equations of product type19
Linkage structure of China’s housing market and its risk-defusing capability19
Artificial bee colony algorithm using permutation encoding for the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem19
Context-aware ranking refinement with attentive semi-supervised autoencoders19
Ziwi: indoor and outdoor planning network—framework to collection, modeling and network structure based on computational optimization and measurements19
Editorial on decision support system for development of intelligent applications19
Review: a generalized belief interval-valued soft set with applications in decision making19
Application of computer-aided CAD in urban planning heritage protection19
A note on “Dealer using a new trapezoidal cubic hesitant fuzzy TOPSIS method and application to group decision-making program”19
Conceptual model construction of building information management system based on BIM architecture19
A novel weighted complex evidence combination with its application in multisource information fusion19
Intelligent recognition of English fuzzy text and teaching based on parallel projection and region expansion19
Improved quality of service with fuzzy-based optimised resource allocation with energy consumption-based IoT network application19
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Analytic hierarchy process-based automatic feature weight assignment method for content-based satellite image retrieval system18
Retraction Note: A heuristic method for initial dominant point detection for polygonal approximations18
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Feeder segment switch-based relay protection for a multilayer differential defense-oriented distribution network18
Retraction Note: Analysis of MRI brain tumor images using deep learning techniques18
Retraction Note: Efficient Alzheimer’s disease detection using deep learning technique18
Retraction Note: An efficient soft computing approach for securing information over GAMEOVER Zeus botnets with modified CPA algorithm18
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Efficient crowd counting model using feature pyramid network and ResNeXt18
Retraction Note: Dynamic multi-variant relational scheme-based intelligent ETL framework for healthcare management18
Retraction Note: Automatic segmentation and classification of liver tumor from CT image using feature difference and SVM based classifier-soft computing technique18
Retraction Note: Mathematical analysis of COVID-19 pandemic by using the concept of SIR model18
Retraction Note: Hybrid evolutionary algorithm (NNACOR) for energy minimization in a wireless mesh topology towards green computing18
Nonlinear prediction of fuzzy regression model based on quantile loss function18
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Sentiment analysis using treebank filtered preprocess with relevant vector boost classifier18
Retraction Note: Intelligent fuzzy rule-based approach with outlier detection for secured routing in WSN18
Retraction Note: Soft computing-based semi-automated test case selection using gradient-based techniques18
Retraction Note: Composite fault diagnosis of traction motor of high-speed train based on support vector machine and sensor18
Retraction Note: Single-channel fetal ECG extraction method based on extended Kalman filtering with singular value decomposition algorithm17
Retraction Note: An ANN-based harmonic mitigation and power injection technique for solar-fed distributed generation system17
Retraction Note: Biserial targeted feature projection based radial kernel regressive deep belief neural learning for covid-19 prediction17
Retraction Note: A novel multi-layer multi-spiking neural network for EEG signal classification using Mini Batch SGD17